Lux's Farewell

Chapter 857【0854】Gu Shuangkou

The closer we get to Gushuangkou, the more the north wind howls.

This is the passage connecting the Rakstak Plains and the Northern Freljord. The cold wind that cannot cross the Crampon Mountains penetrates into the Ancient Frost Mouth and heads south along the narrow pass.

In the old road of Gushuangkou, the wind was surging, even roaring and piercing like muffled thunder. When Lux finally arrived at the mountain pass, she even suspected that there was something wrong with her ears.

"This is the old story of Gu Shuang!" Ashe looked at Lux's surprise and explained with a smile, "Anivia's Breath here becomes Anivia's roar. If you want to pass through this Therefore, you must be careful of the ice particles mixed in the storm."

Lux nodded slightly.

She still understands this very well - many of Ino's spells have similar effects, and their lethality is indeed very powerful!

However, when Lux carefully prepared herself to face the oncoming ice and snow, Ashe's expression suddenly became serious.

The closer it got to Gushuangkou, the more resistant Jukar was pulling the sled. When the sled came to the outskirts of Gushuangkou and could enter the entrance of Gushuangkou just by turning a corner, Jukar simply stopped and let it go. No matter how hard Ai Xi drove it away, all four hooves remained motionless as if they had taken root.

At first, Ai Xi thought it was Jukar who was afraid of the sound of the roaring storm. After all, big animals like Jukar were timid, and Erniuk, who was not afraid of anything, was at the opposite end of the spectrum. It’s normal to be scared.

However, as Jukar began to tremble and even became incontinent, Ashe finally put away all her smiles.

"Something seems to be wrong." She jumped off the sled and took out a rope. After hesitating for a moment, she put down the rope and took out a whistle from her waist. "I haven't heard of Gu Shuangkou before. There is some dispute here, but now it seems... we may be in trouble."

"Then let me go to the top of the mountain and have a look." Lux opened her light wings directly, "Does there usually be any battles here?"

"No, you can't go." Ai Xi grabbed her and shook her head gently, "Gushuangkou can be regarded as the edge of the lost people's activities. If those out-of-control guys come to Gushuangkou, you The taste will be discovered by them quickly.”


"The nose of the lost is more sensitive than that of all beasts. Even if you are at the top, they can still find you." Ashe's expression was extremely serious, "It doesn't matter, I have a way."

As she spoke, she put the flute into her mouth, took a deep breath, and blew it suddenly.

The next moment, a faint but high-pitched and harsh sound sounded, and a similar response soon came from above the heads of Lux and Ashe.

Ashe changed the tone, and the flute sound became louder and louder; in the sky, the voice responding to her became clearer and clearer. Lux picked up the Hex telescope, and after searching carefully for a while, she finally saw it high in the sky. The birds of prey that answered Ashe's call.

The polar snow eagle is a special raptor domesticated by the Avarosan people.

It turns out that there are polar snow sculptures always on standby around Ashe!
"I thought I didn't need their help." Looking at the polar snow sculpture that first hovered in the air, then slowly landed, until it landed on his shoulders, Ashe skillfully used a knife to cut out the raw meat loaded on the sled. A few were fed to the polar snow eagle, "Let me introduce her. Her name is Bai Xue, and she is my partner."

Lux looked at the polar snow sculpture in front of her with some surprise.

I thought that I was the only one who had prepared the reserve force to escort (Iva) in the sky, but I never expected that Ashe also had a hand on his side!
Yes, the Avarosans are good at domesticating raptors to assist in combat and reconnaissance. As a war mother, Ashe should indeed have such a combat partner.

"I haven't introduced her to you before, mainly because the polar snow eagles can only move around Laxtaq. If you continue northward and pass through Gushuangkou and Ornkar, they will no longer follow." While Lux was in a daze, Ashe misunderstood her idea, "This road is generally not dangerous, so we don't need their help."

"Ah, I'm just a little surprised by how smart she is." Lux waved her hand, "I've heard that the Avarosa tribe is good at domesticating raptors a long time ago, but what I didn't expect is that you don't even need to Normally with her, all I have to do is call her with a whistle...This is so surprising.”

At this point, Lux was even a little humble. Not only had she heard about the Avarosan people's methods of domesticating raptors, but she also knew that the Northern Air Force's giant snowy owl scouts relied on the intelligence team's breeding technology. Stolen from Avarosa - the main reason why Lux was stunned was as she explained, because she didn't expect that Ashe could get air support with just a whistle.

This is completely different from the situation in the Northern Air Force. Those snowy owls are quite expensive to raise and very troublesome to mobilize. They are far less convenient than just blowing the whistle like Ashe.

"Because we have the same mind." Ai Xi's expression was somewhat serious when he mentioned this topic. "It is not easy to be recognized by the snow sculpture. The relationship between Bai Xue and I only went through a series of mutual exchanges and trials. , and finally we have the tacit understanding we have today.”

"Yes, that's what Quinn said." Lux narrowed her eyes, remembering an old friend, "Her partner is a blue rock falcon - a very big one that can catch her and fly."

"...The Freljord doesn't have such a big raptor." Hearing what Lux said, Ashe subconsciously complained at first, and then seemed to feel that what she said was not accurate enough, so she changed her statement, "It's very If anything, only the snowy owls can grow so big, right?"

Lux blinked-did she know that the intelligence team had been secretly stealing troops?
"But what's the use of those big snow owls? Those guys are simply dung-making machines." Ashe had no idea how guilty Lux was at this time. While continuing to cut meat with a knife to feed the snow owls, she complained, "Before, the tribe also I tried to tame the more common and familiar ones, but unfortunately, I couldn’t raise them at all..."

Hearing what Ashe said, Lux's expression became more complicated in an instant.

So, the Freljordians could tame snow owls more easily, but because snow owls are so edible and not as smart as snow eagles, they finally chose the more difficult snow eagles?

If you want to put it this way, taming snow owls is really the most correct choice for the Northern Air Force!
Just when Lux was laughing, Ashe finally almost finished feeding the snow eagle. After swallowing a piece of meat, the pure white raptor stretched out its wings with satisfaction, and finally couldn't help but use its curved beak. Lifted up Ash's long hair.

"Okay, Bai Xue, don't make trouble." Ai Xi put down the knife and used a special small bone comb to comb her feathers. The technique is quite similar to the dragon bird knight's usual care of dragon bird hair, " When you're full, go take a look for me and see what's in Gu Shuang's mouth."

As she spoke, she smacked her mouth in the direction of Gu Shuang's mouth.

However, after Ai Xi finally gave her order, the newly fed snow sculpture showed a coquettish resistance - she pretended not to hear it at first and continued to grab Ai Xi's hair until Ai Xi stretched out her fingers to flick it. After flicking her head, the snow sculpture reluctantly spread its wings, circled and took off, heading towards Gu Shuangkou.

"Bai Xue is still a little girl." Ai Xi looked at Bai Xue's figure blending into the clouds, "When I first saw her, she had just broken out of her shell and was all wet... The year before last, she The mother of the storm disappeared in the storm, and Bai Xue learned to start working, and she is still so playful until now." "I heard that snow sculptures can live more than 60 years old." Lux's eyes also fell on the clouds, " How old is she?"

"Sixteen." The corners of Ashe's mouth raised slightly, "Almost seventeen - lend me your Hex telescope."

Under Ai Xi's gaze, Bai Xue hovered in the high altitude for a while, and seemed to be about to dive downward several times, but in the end he still held back.

Soon after, she landed back on Ash's shoulder and let out a low cry.

It was the first time Lux heard such an eagle cry.

Ai Xi, on the other hand, seemed to understand Bai Xue's voice. She nodded while listening, and continued to cut meat with a knife to feed her. After completely confirming Bai Xue's meaning, she opened the animal skin covering the raw meat on the sled. , let Baixue go and feast on her own.

"We're in trouble." Ai Xi put down the knife, and her expression finally turned serious. "Bai Xue told me that there are many losers in Gu Shuang's mouth."

"a lot of?"

"Exceeding her cognitive limit, at least more than a hundred." Ai Xi nodded, "With this number of losers, no wonder Yukal is so scared."

"You said you wanted to set up a sled before." Lux was not frightened by this number, and was even in the mood to joke, "Now it seems that even if my driving skills are fine, I will still have to overturn if I do what you said."

"No, that's different." Ashe shook her head slightly, "If it's to escape for one's life, Jukar can still run, but the problem now is that we have to take the initiative to get there, so it is so scared."

"So, as long as we clean up those lost ones, Jukal will calm down, right?" Lux looked relaxed, "They know they are afraid, so they should be able to distinguish between living lost ones and dead lost ones, right? "

"Ah?" Lux's words made Ash's eyes widen, and she could hardly believe her ears, "That's more than a hundred losers - not ten!"

"Yes, one hundred lost ones." Lux said with a relaxed expression, "On the east side of the Valar Mountains, I captured the totem of a lost person - one hundred and eighty lost ones, that's it."

Ai Xi opened her mouth wide, and the howling wind poured into her mouth, almost making her choke and cough.

The totem of the lost, this thing is the most valued thing among the lost people - if Lux really captured the totem of the lost, then she might have killed more than a hundred messengers!

"This really shocks me. You never told me this." After coming back to his senses, Ai Xi cleared his dry throat and couldn't help shaking his head. "If that's the case, then we can indeed Be more direct...but before that, I need to remind you that there are differences among the lost. The closer the messengers are to Bearman Island, the more violent they become, and they will even use some of the power of the old gods."

"Don't worry, a hundred losers is far from my limit." Lux waved her hand lightly, "Besides, isn't it about you?"


When Lux and Ashe tried to drive Yukal away in the opposite direction, the big animal that seemed to be nailed to the ground suddenly became extremely docile - Lux even saw it in its pace. There was a bit of excitement.

After shaking their heads helplessly, they found a relatively leeward place and placed Jukar and the sled here.

Bai Xue, who was still tearing the raw meat, stayed here as a guard, helping to control Yukar and the sled.

After nailing Yukal's reins to the rock wall, fully armed Lux ​​and Ashe finally cautiously approached the entrance to the Gushuangkou Old Trail.

Then, before they could turn around the mountain pass and enter Gushuangkou, a pungent smell of blood hit their faces, making Lux and Ashe's breath stagnant.

"You seem to be worrying too much about me going to investigate and be discovered." Lux couldn't help but rub the tip of her nose, "No matter how sensitive the nose of the lost person is, I'm afraid I won't be able to smell anything."

"It seems that the lost one is enjoying his prey." Ai Xi's entire face darkened visibly, "There has never been a herd of beasts in Gushuangkou."

No herd?

Then the source of these bloody smells is...people?

Lux's eyes suddenly widened when she realized this - and then, when she quickened her pace, walked around the foot of the mountain and came to the entrance of the Gushuangkou Old Trail, and looked up, everything was just as Ashe said.

The source of the pungent smell of blood was the corpses strewn all over the ground.

The murderer who caused all this was the one who was currently gnawing on the corpse...the lost one.

Lux clearly saw that the horns on the heads of these lost people, which were made up of twisted bones and decorations, were smashing the abdominal cavities of one corpse after another. One after another, the lost people were lying on the corpses, not so much eating, but It is better to say that he is simply enjoying the spoils of killing and destruction.

Anger rose from Lux's heart at this moment, almost swallowing her whole body. Although she had long known that the Lost One was no different from a beast, time and time again, the Lost One still refreshed what Lux knew. the lower limit.

Even if they are irrational beasts, they kill people just for food, but these losers are killing them just to show their tyranny!
"Ashe, cover me." Lux's voice seemed to come from the Nine Netherlands, even making Ashe, a comrade-in-arms, shiver, "By the way, keep an eye on me... to see if there are any fish that have slipped through the net. "(End of chapter)

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