Lux's Farewell

Chapter 858【0855】 Pull with all your strength

Lux is always smiling, and even Freljordians with little cultural understanding can feel an affinity from her smile.

Although Ashe also knows about Lux's victory over Sejuani, this "knowledge" is actually very separate, and it is simply not the same person as the Lux she usually sees.

And now, when Lux saw the bodies in the pool of blood, she showed another side of herself to Ashe for the first time.

Extremely violent side.

After telling Ashe to help cover and keep an eye on the fish that slipped through the net, Lux directly opened her light-cast wings. After leaping into the air, the gauntlet on her left wrist suddenly lit up.

The next moment, several bolts of lightning fell from the sky and Lux ​​teleported dozens of yards away.

The light-cast wings formed a brilliant stream of light behind her. At the same time, the broken blade in her hand also lit up with strong light. The two lights complemented each other, like a tango in mid-air.

Graceful and deadly.

After revealing her weapon, Lux gently snapped her fingers, and a beam of light fell from the sky like a spotlight, shining directly on her head. Without any words, all the losers raised their heads and turned to her. On par.

Then, under the gaze of hundreds of losers, Lux took out his trophy from the bag on his waist, held the broken blade upside down in his right hand, and made a sudden stroke.

After the stream of light flashed, the two pieces fell from mid-air and fell into a pool of blood.

In front of all the lost people, Lux used the broken blade to cut off the totems she had previously obtained as trophies from the lost people. The whole process was extremely easy, as if what she chopped up was not the totem that represented the lost people's beliefs, but a totem that represented the lost people's beliefs. Ordinary radishes meant for stew.

Her expression was so calm and calm.

To her, this was just a normal thing. She was not provoking hundreds of losers, but was carrying out a task step by step.

A mission called "He Who Loses Must Die."

The Lost have never been so provoked.

In Freljord, the lost are the leaders of disasters. They are shamans who have embraced the power of wildness, travelers who have lost their way, and believers who have surrendered to the old gods. No matter which tribe they belong to, after becoming the Lost, violent and primitive power will be mixed with the gifts of the old gods and poured into their bodies.

No one dares to provoke the loser, because the loser is not even afraid of death.

But now, Lux in mid-air chopped up their totems, which is tolerable, but what is unbearable!
The remaining sanity was completely annihilated as the totem was cut in two, and the violent animality instantly took control of the loser's body. At this moment, all the losers entered a bloodthirsty state.

And as they completely lost their minds, the electric arc that originally hit Lux disappeared instantly - when furious, the losers tended to use their own fangs, claws and horns rather than using the power of the old gods.

Although Lux was in mid-air, she deliberately lowered her flying height, giving the losers a relatively ambiguous attack distance. It seemed that they could catch this annoying glowing flea just by taking off.

The roar began to echo in the old path of Gu Shuangkou.

While the lost ones were venting their anger, they got down on all fours and ran towards Lux. The running lost people were rubbing shoulders with each other, their hairs were rubbing against each other, causing bursts of electric sparks. In Breath of Anivia, In addition to a little popping sound, there was also a faint smell of ozone in the air.

Without any communication or communication, these violent ferocious beasts naturally formed a front array, and there were many losers on both sides trying to climb on the cliffs of the ancient Shuangkou trail - the losers could not fly, but they They can also hunt prey in the air!
Although there were only more than a hundred heads lost, when they really started running wildly, they had a faint but earth-shattering momentum.

Enuk will migrate with their cubs in early autumn. Ashe has seen them galloping many times. Thousands of Enuk rumbled across the plains. Wherever they went, there was almost no grass. Everything seemed to have been turned over.

But even the largest migration of the Enuk tribe did not shock Ai Xi as much as the shock of the lost people now.

Although the number of Enuks is large and the group is huge, they run blindly and fearfully.

But when these losers got down on all fours and attacked Lux, they had already locked onto the target they identified.

They are predators, the most violent beasts, believers of the old gods, and the wild and primitive incarnation of the Freljord. Nothing can stop the army of the Lost from wandering in the Freljord, even the super The tribe will not easily step into the hunting ground of the lost!

Even if the target of the loser is not him, even if the distance between the two sides is still far away, when Ai Xi sees hundreds of pairs of scarlet eyes lighting up with blood, when Ai Xi feels the trembling of the soil and snow under her feet, when Ai Xi Xi heard the roar like thunder in the old path, and her breathing almost stopped.

But...Ai Xi is no longer that little girl.

The panic only appeared for a moment and then suddenly disappeared, and she opened her long bow almost subconsciously.

The bow was like a full moon. She moved forward steadily while feeling the coldness of Zhenbing's long bow. This place was too far away from the battlefield and ordinary arrows had insufficient range. She needed to mobilize the power of the long bow to shoot magic arrows!

Taking a deep breath, letting the coldness of Zhen Bing merge with the long bow, Ai Xi loosened the non-existent bow string.

And with a pleasant trembling, a crystal clear magic arrow shot out and headed straight for Lux's feet.

Raise the flight altitude, Lux!
The magic crystal arrow is ready!
Support is here!


However, Lux did not suddenly increase her flying height when the Lost jumped up to attack, as Ashe thought.

On the contrary, she just flapped her light-forged wings leisurely, suspended in mid-air, stood with her sword, waiting for the arrival of the lost ones.

When the furious Lost One came to Lux's feet, suddenly exerted force, jumped up high, and stretched out his sharp claws to grab Lux, Lux suddenly touched the blade of the sword.

The light-forged broken blade suddenly expanded.

The broken blade, which was originally a one-handed sword, has expanded in size by more than a hundred times!
As the blade expanded, Lux holding the hilt looked a little funny - but the loser who jumped into the air couldn't laugh at all.

Because just as they were rising into the air, this giant sword struck them head-on.

An enraged loser will not dodge.So they rushed forward and bumped into this giant light-forged sword that was slowly cutting down. They were like moths flying into the fire, turning into a series of light spots on the blade of this giant light-forged sword.

Every flicker of the blade's light and every bright spot of light represents the complete annihilation of a lost person.

In front of Lux, the high magic resistance skin owned by the lost person is meaningless.

In front of pure elements, flesh and blood are not even qualified to be fuel!

Ashe, who was still running forward, stopped her second action of opening her bow and setting an arrow, because her bow was only halfway drawn, and the second magic crystal arrow had not yet been formed, and the loser who was running towards Lux was almost completely shot. Empty.

Even the first magic crystal arrow shot by Ashe brushed past Lux's feet, rolled and disappeared into the horizon - in a daze, Ashe couldn't even tell whether it was the lost people who were seeking their own death. On Lux's light-forged giant sword, it was still this terrifying lightsaber that actively attracted the lost, leading them to complete annihilation.

The old path of Gu Shuangkou has not quieted down, and the roaring breath of Anivia is still rolling like thunder in the old path.

But as the smell of ozone in the air gradually dissipated, the unique fishy smell belonging to the lost also gradually dissipated. When Lux fell back to the ground, there were only corpses scattered on the ground in the old path. , as well as vehicle frames and various supplies scattered around.

At this moment, Lux finally let out a long breath. She turned around and waved to Ai Xi. After coming to Ai Xi, she took the initiative to ask:
"Did anyone run away?"

Ai Xi had a lump in her throat, and after being stunned for a moment, she shook her head subconsciously.

"That's great." Lux nodded with satisfaction, "That saves a lot of trouble."

"You chopped up the totem of the lost one." Ashe put away the long bow with a complicated expression. "The death of the lost one is not a problem, the problem is... the totem represents the gaze of the old gods."

"Old Gods." Lux snorted, obviously not having any respect for the old gods that Ashe was worried about. "They are just some more powerful beasts."

Ashe was dumbfounded.

In her impression, Lux is a person who respects the Freljord culture, but when it comes to talking about the old gods, her attitude can no longer be described as "unruly".

This is close to contempt!
"The old gods are not these lost ones." Ai Xi couldn't help but say, "He is very powerful. The lost ones are just guys who actively pursue him. You can't get a glimpse of the old gods from the lost ones..."

Apparently, Ashe was worried that after easily defeating the Lost One, Lux would have some misunderstandings about the existence of the old gods.

"The old god is very powerful, but if he is really that terrifying, then he will not become the old god." Lux chuckled, "In the final analysis, he is just a guy whose specific name has been forgotten."

Lux had heard a lot of Freljord legends, including the part about Lissandra and the Old Gods - the Old Gods used brute force to blind Lissandra's eyes, but her own injury also broke the Old Gods The myth of invincibility. In the following years, the old gods lost their names and became footnotes in the legend. Only a few old gods close to humans are believed in to this day.

From this perspective, these old gods of Freljord are more than 01:30 points behind the giant gods. To say that they are beasts with only strength is not an insult at all!

Lux's attitude made Ai Xi instinctively worried, and then, just when she was about to say something, the sky over Gu Shuangguo suddenly became gloomy.

Dark clouds began to roll in. One moment the sky was blue, and the next moment it was covered with thick clouds.

In the dark clouds, lightning appeared and disappeared, and the smell of ozone that had originally dissipated began to permeate the air again, and together with it, there was a stronger, almost breathless smell of blood.

Ai Xi's eyes suddenly widened - at this moment, she suddenly turned to an ancient legend.

"Hurry up!" She grabbed Lux, turned around and ran towards the south exit of the Gushuangkou Old Road, "It's Volibear!"

"Yes, it's Volibear." Lux nodded slightly, but she didn't show any intention of leaving. Instead, she looked up at the rolling dark clouds, with a hint of judgment in her tone, "Don't Anxious, I just want to see Him."

Ai Xi was already a little confused.

Face Volibear?
It is said that Ornn, Volibear and Anivia are brothers and sisters. Although Volibear has been in a bad situation, no one seems to know his real name now, and the identity of the old god is far less than that of Ornn and Anivia. Vea is generally respected, but that was Volibear!

Looking at the giant bear looming in the clouds, Ai Xi felt at a loss.

Things were completely out of her control, and at this moment she could do almost nothing except pray to Anivia.

After all...even if the magic crystal arrow shot by Avarosa's longbow is powerful enough, can it still break the rolling dark clouds?

Unlike Ashe, although Lux squinted her eyes and stared at the dark clouds that looked like giant bears, she didn't feel any nervousness in her heart.

This is not because Lux is under less pressure than Ashe - on the contrary, unlike Ashe who is just worried, at this moment, Lux is facing the pressure from Volibear, the pressure of the old god. .

A voice like thunder echoed in her ears. This voice sounded like the Freljord language, but it also sounded like the roar and roar of a beast. When people listened patiently, it would cause trembling in the soul.

However, for Lux, who had climbed to the top of the Titan Peak and faced the bright sky, although this sound could make her heart beat faster, it was not enough to make her feel panic and fear.

On the contrary, when Volibear began to threaten her with repeated words, Lux even had a smile on her lips.

It's not that Volibear's threats are funny.

It was because Volibear was trying to intimidate Lux, but accidentally exposed his own trap.

At the beginning, Lux meant that this roar directly communicated with his soul - many demons had similar tricks, and whether they could resist it all depended on personal will.

However, as Volibear's threats gradually wore off, Lux discovered that the source of the voice seemed a bit subtle.

It's not so much a tremor coming from the depths of the soul, but rather... coming from a plane that feels like the depths of the soul.

Kalya’s Little Classroom·Singularity:
Ashe's feeling is correct. Many lost people were indeed "sucked" to Lux's great sword - this is Lux's unique pure element, the light of singularity, and the gravitational light element.

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