Lux's Farewell

Chapter 859【0856】 Volibear hiding

If an ordinary person heard Volibear's soul-shaking roar, his will defenses would be instantly defeated and he would completely lose the ability to think.

But Lux is obviously not an ordinary person. After facing the brilliant sky, Volibear's roar will indeed stir up her heart, but it only scares her - after being frightened, she even has the ability to carefully speculate and study this. A roar that seems to directly affect the soul.

Then Lux was "surprised" to discover that Volibear's roar did not seem to directly affect the soul like the first impression.

On the contrary, it only gives people the first impression that it directly affects the soul. But if you can think and feel carefully after being yelled, you will soon find that the source of this sound is actually a "soul-like" person. plane".

This is very interesting.

What exactly is this "plane that looks very much like the soul"?

Although the teacher Kalya has a rare talent in plane space magic, Lux's own talents are concentrated in light magic and elemental magic. However, she has had more contact with Kalya and often trains in Kalya's small world. , so that Lux gradually gained some understanding of things like plane rules.

In Runeterra, in addition to the main plane, there are also many secondary planes. Some of these planes are specialized elemental fields, some are soul planes, and there are spiritual spaces, etc., which can be regarded as relying on Runeterra. , reflections in different directions.

Without exception, these planes have a very close connection with Runeterra and influence each other with Runeterra.

Lux has personally been to the Shadow Realm. This shadow world was once the plane where Nocturne occupied. This is the shadow plane of Runeterra. There is a thick and indestructible shadow element in the plane.

There are two main ways to enter the Shadow Realm. One is to take the main entrance, which is to travel through the space connection between the Shadow Realm and Runeterra. For example, Forsbarrow's Shadow Realm exit is such a "main entrance". Fosbello has a dedicated mage who goes to the Shadow Realm to make use of the negative energy in it to compost, and they also have to maintain the exits of the Shadow Realm to prevent negative energy from leaking.

Another way to enter the Shadow Realm is to make use of the Shadow Realm's tolerance and absorption of shadow elements. By shadowing yourself, you can travel between planes within a short distance, using the space between planes. The unequal space shuttle is realized by simply shadowing and then escaping into the shadow plane, relying on the difference in unit length ratio between the Shadow Realm and Runeterra to achieve an effect similar to flash.

The elemental planes are generally like this, but the spatial distance between different elemental planes and Runeterra is different.

The biggest difference from the elemental plane is the soul plane and the spiritual space - the former also has a name, called the spirit world; and the latter also has a more well-known name, Bandle City.

The connection point between the spirit world and Runeterra is in Ionia, and unlike the Shadow Realm, the energy flowing out of the spirit world is relatively pure magic, so Ionia is called the Land of the First. The place where magic is most abundant.

As for Bandle City, the connection between the hometown of the Yodles and Runeterra is even closer. The exits of Bandle City are all over Runeterra, but they are not opened at the same time, but according to a certain pattern. Open, some closed.

But whether it is the spirit world or Bandle City, the plane relationship is "closer" to Runeterra than the Shadow Realm and any elemental plane, and the creatures living in the spirit world and Bandle City are also relatively close. Those twisted shadows in the Shadow Realm are closer to humans in the real world.

The yordles in Bandle City are a group of furry little cuties.

The native creatures in the spirit world are called Vastaya Xari - now it is almost impossible to see Vastaya Xari, because a long time ago, when even Kalya did not come to Runeterra, they They chose to combine with humans, and their descendants are now called... vastayas.

The above is the main content of the brief history of the plane of Runeterra that Kalya told Lux. This part of the content was verified by many Shurima scholars at a large cost, and some even went deep into the spirit world and Bandle City. Among them, those who went to the spirit world experienced very confusing experiences that they could not remember, but they finally returned successfully; but those who entered Bandle City, even if they hired a Yodel guide in advance, were completely lost in the end. Didn't come back either.

According to Kalya, "The main reason that prevents the mages of the Shurima Empire from exploring the mysteries of the plane is that it is difficult to find the entrance to the plane and the people are lost after entering the plane. There are only a few ascended people with extremely high space attainments. , can we carry out plane travel through means such as space anchors."

At that time, Lux was curious and asked Kalya what plane he had been to.

Kalya's answer is "The elemental plane of fire is just a lackluster short trip."

In addition to these basic plane knowledge, Kalya also taught Lux how to try to identify plane visitors and discern plane magic.

According to Kalya, plane magic often does not comply with the magic rules of Runeterra. If you treat it with general ideas, problems will often occur. Considering that planes are difficult to enter and study directly, Shurima When the empire studied plane magic, it used a research method called the "phase difference method."

This plane theory based on the introduction of advanced elements abstracts the magic laws, and then uses the magic laws of Runeterra as the benchmark value to add a set of "phase differences" specifically for plane magic. By modifying the phase difference rules and Numerical method is used to study the laws of planes.

Theoretically speaking, as long as it is a plane attached to Runeterra, there will always be a stable phase difference determined by the distance between the planes. By adding the phase difference to the spell model, you can use general magic research methods. Come study these plane magics.

To be honest, this theory is a bit biased, and the content is quite boring. Apart from letting Lux learn to feel the situation in the Shadow Realm near the entrance of the Shadow Realm without entering the Shadow Realm, there is nothing so far. What application space.

Even with the application of the entire set of phase difference methods, the biggest result so far is that through phase difference calculations, it has been confirmed that the Void is not a sub-plane of Runeterra, but a dangerous other plane - for such a set of laws, Lark In the end, Si just memorized the phase difference parameters of some common planes.

But what she never expected was that this extremely unpopular theory would find room for application today.

After recovering from Volibear's roar, Lux quickly countered the roar.

However, the counterattack had no effect. Lux could not trace the source of the roar, nor could she stop the roar. The thunderous roar seemed like divine punishment. No matter how hard Lux ​​tried, it still kept rolling and exploding in her ears. The sound seemed to drive her crazy.

Something seems a little off?
Lux, who was confused, couldn't help but think of the "extraordinary magic" that Kalya had told her. After a simple try, she was surprised to find that these roars seemed to be quite consistent with what Kalya had said. Plane magic!

Since the theoretical research on the phase method is not in-depth, Lux directly chose to substitute the existing phase difference, trying to locate and counter the roar - the fire element phase difference is invalid, the thunder element phase difference is invalid, and the Bandle City phase difference is invalid Invalid, the phase difference in the spiritual world...has taken effect!

As Lux added phase difference spell countermeasures, the roaring Volibear roar in her ears gradually disappeared, gradually changing from deafening to weak as a mosquito.

Although Volibear did not receive any actual counterattack and his roar did not stop completely, the decrease in the sound also revealed many problems, that is, the sound did not come directly from the soul plane and acted on the soul itself, but Coming from a sub-plane very close to the soul plane.In other words, Volibear's body is currently in a place that is similar to the spiritual world, but not the spiritual world.

This is very interesting!

Many old gods like Volibear in Ionia gave up their physical bodies in Runeterra and simply entered the spirit world to live permanently - the more famous one is the dragon spirit, the one on Li Sin.

But as far as Lux knows, the old god Volibear is not a guy who is willing to give up his body. Although he does not appear much in the legend of Freljord, and many times he plays the role of Ornn or Ai Nivia's background, but at least it is certain that this immortal mad thunder is not the kind of guy who would give up his body.

Even on the contrary, Volibear's followers - those lost ones and bearmen - still admire strong flesh and blood. As the belief of these lost ones, Volibear may not completely abandon it like the spirit of the dragon. physical body.

Moreover, if he really gave up his physical body completely... then why didn't he enter the spiritual world directly, but went to a sub-plane that was similar to the spiritual world but not the spiritual world?
Why, are you afraid of being ostracized by the Ionian gods?
Although Lux didn't know Volibear's situation for a while, she was at least certain that the old god's condition was probably not very good.

Otherwise, he would not have to hide in the sub-plane, not daring to be in the physical world, and would not enter the spiritual world.

Thinking of this, Lux, who was not very worried at first, became extremely calm. She even smiled at Ashe and helped her lower the "volume" of Volibear's roar.

"It's not possible to completely isolate the roar of this bear." Lux explained with a smile, "But this way, at least it won't be too noisy."

Everyone in Aixi is already a little numb.

Along the way, she originally thought that Lux was another me in the world, but today's events were completely beyond her understanding.

Yes, she knew that Lux had defeated Sejuani in the battle of Mithril City, but she did not expect that Lux could easily face hundreds of losers and could deal with them all with just one ordinary sword.

Then, when she thought that easily defeating hundreds of losers was Lux's limit, Lux "waved her hand" and gave Volibear a silent package - not completely silent, but not too far off. .

This level of power is no longer something ordinary mortals can describe. Even when her ears quieted down, Ashe couldn't help but think of the legendary Lissandra.

Even Lissandra did not win the battle after challenging Volibear. She only proved that the old god was not invincible.

Judging from Lux's current performance...she seems to be very close to the legendary Lissandra!

Thinking of this, Ai Xi couldn't help but shake her head.

No, not possible.

This idea is completely unreasonable!

Ai Xi couldn't accept this result for a moment. She looked at Lux blankly. It wasn't until Lux stretched out his hand and waved it in front of her eyes that she came back to her senses.

"What's wrong with you?" Lux had no idea what Ashe was thinking, "Are you still a little dizzy?"

"It was too loud before." Naturally, Ai Xi would not express her thoughts. "Now it feels like my ears are still vibrating... Is this the power of the old gods?"

"Part of the power." Lux, who didn't know that Ash had thought so much, smiled and shook her head. There was a bit of gloating in her tone that Ash couldn't understand at the moment. "Of course, this is a good thing. It means that this The bastard giant bear is having a hard time right now.”

Hearing what Lux said, Ashe was a little confused again.

She had never been in contact with Kalya, so she naturally couldn't understand where Lacus's sincere gloating came from - Lacus also didn't tell her about his judgment based on the phase method, because it was really hard to explain clearly. There are too many things involved.

So to Ashe, it seemed that what Lux meant was that she was able to lower Volibear's voice mainly because the old god was not in a good state?
Well, in this case, everything makes sense!

Although Lux is still very powerful, she shouldn't be as powerful as the three sisters. Otherwise, why doesn't she cultivate her own ice bloodline?

Ashe, who felt a little more relaxed, had a smile on her face again. After the annoying thunder stopped, she and Lux ​​turned and left Gushuangkou and got on the sled again.

During this period, Lux wanted to bury all the bodies in Gu Shuang's mouth, but Ashe stopped her.

"This is their destination." Ashe said with a serious expression, "They come from the wilderness and return to the wilderness."

As she spoke, she raised her hand and pointed at the ice vultures gathered under the dark clouds - these scavengers would make proper use of the flesh and blood, and the cycle of life and death was part of the cruel natural laws of Freljord.

Although Lux felt a little awkward after hearing what Ashe said, she still nodded and did not bury these corpses after all.

In this way, the two took turns driving, and finally passed Gushuangkou and entered the old road.

Kalya’s Little Classroom·Plane Knowledge:
The Shurima Empire also tried to expand its living space through plane knowledge, but unfortunately, the space talent in Runeterra is too rare, and people without this talent can only study plane knowledge through the phase difference method. Simple application, in the end this path failed to work.

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