Lux's Farewell

Chapter 860【0857】Revisiting the old place

Passing through the south entrance of Gushuangkou, which is like a pass, you will reach the long Gushuangkou Old Road.

This old road completely passes through the Crampon Mountains. The straight-line distance between the south entrance and the north entrance is close to [-] miles. However, in actual walking, the entire distance is more than [-] miles. This means that even if Lux and Ashe drive with all their strength, the distance between them is almost [-] miles. Karl, if you run to destroy this Jukal, you will have to run for at least three days to break out of the old road.

This long and narrow old road is not only winding, but also has a rising trend in altitude from south to north. It is not so much an old road as it is a winding passage composed of a series of valleys and saddles in the middle of the Longji Mountains.

And walking on this winding old road, everything you see on both sides are steep slopes and cliffs covered with thick snow. Coupled with the rolling thunder and howling wind that echo in the old road, people can't help but Worry about snow collapse and avalanches.

Of course, there will be no blood avalanche on Gushuangkou Old Road - because the snow here has been completely compacted over the long years. Let alone the shaking of shouting, even an earthquake may not be able to It collapses.

But even though Ashe said this, when Lux looked to the left and right, she couldn't help but recall the avalanche she saw in the West Freljord subcontinent, and couldn't help but sigh again, Frel Zhuode's style is unique.

Just like this, they meandered along the old road. When Jukar's breath became thicker and his movements gradually became slower, and it was obvious that they needed a rest, Lux and Ashe finally arrived at the first rest point.

This is an old road ramp.

When Ai Xi drove Yukar away, turned around and went down the old road, and followed this ramp into a mountain col, Lacus felt very surprised.

Are there any ramps here?
The first time she saw this kind of ramp leading from the main road to a resting point was in the large tunnel project in Shurima!

But now, she saw an ancient ramp design with obvious traces of artificial excavation on the ancient road in Freljord. This was completely beyond Lux's expectations.

However, what Lux didn't expect was that there were actually a series of stone houses in the resting point in the mountain col. Although most of them were built against the mountains and most likely used local materials, it was very obvious that This is a place specially designed for resting - the supporting facilities at Gushuangkou are quite complete!

"Who built this road and these houses?" After finding an empty house and settling in Yukar, Lux asked Ashe curiously, "It's unbelievable, there is no one here. live!"

"It's the three sisters." Ai Xi took out the suede water bag, drank some water, and wiped the corners of her mouth. "Actually, the beginning of the Gushuangkou Old Road was the road the three sisters took to go to Laxtak."

"Three sisters?" Lux blinked, "In other words, this road has been open for thousands of years?"

"Yes, thousands of years." Ai Xi nodded, with a hint of subtle pride in his tone, "Many things in the Crampon Mountains have existed for thousands of years - the path traveled by the three sisters , there is never a shortage of people who follow in his footsteps.”

Lux smacked her lips.

In her opinion, this ancient path was far less sophisticated than the large tunnel that crossed the southern vein of Mount Targon in South Shurima, but it was even more astonishing to her.

After all, Shurima's large tunnel was designed and built by Kalya himself, and many Ascended people were mobilized to use the power of the sun disk. After the failure, the entrance and exit were buried, so the interior was mostly kept in good condition.

But this Gushuangkou Old Road is a continuous winding road located in the valley and saddle. Although it is generally built along the mountains, it has experienced a longer history and erosion by wind, snow and thunder. It's still functioning perfectly to this day...

At this moment, Lacus finally understood Karya's loneliness when talking about the big tunnel - no matter how grand the project is, after it loses its use value and lacks maintenance, the final result is destined to be reduced to ruins. of ruins.

Only those that have been used and maintained can resist the erosion of time. Even if thousands of years have passed, they will still be as bright as new.

"There is a path from the side to go up the mountain. I'm going to find some fuel now!" Ashe obviously didn't know what Lax was thinking, so she just waved her hand, "There shouldn't be any other tribes coming today. You feed them with oats first." Feed Jukar, he is very tired today..."

Lux nodded, and the two separated. Ashe went to the mountain behind to find fuel, while Lux took the bag of oats from the sled and poured more than a dozen pounds of oats into the stone food outside the stone house. in the trough.

Then, before she could tie the pockets of the bag, Jukar could not wait and snorted and pushed his head into the food trough - in this case, Lux had to push its head aside, While grabbing a handful of salt, he threw it into the oats and mixed it with a wooden stick. Then he let go of Jukar and let him shake his head and eat happily.

While Jukar was feasting, Lux found another trough, filled it with snow, and moved it next to Yukar as its drinking trough. Then she returned to the stone house and leaned against it. He stood beside the simple stone bed and let out a long breath.

Just like that, Lux hugged her knees and unconsciously looked through the small door of the stone house to the exit of the mountain col not far away.

The sunset is perfect there.

The setting sun slowly set between the two peaks whose names Lux didn't know. The warm orange-red sunlight passed through the exit of the mountain col, stretching all the shadows very long.

Lux looked at the light of the setting sun, and her blue eyes were dyed with an orange-red shimmer.

She was used to hearing the sound of wind and thunder and Volibear's roar along the way. It was only when she calmed down completely that Lux realized that Volibear's roar had completely disappeared.

Moreover, although there is wind blowing in the mountain col, unlike the strong wind on the old road, the wind here only stirs up a little floating snow.

In a daze, the world suddenly became quiet.

A subtle thought appeared in Lux's mind: this is a good time to write a diary.

As this thought appeared, Lux couldn't help but shake her head - compared to the diary, she seemed to be more accustomed to sharing her feelings and gains with Kalya anytime and anywhere.

Unfortunately, now she has no diary and no Kalya.

An indescribable feeling of loneliness made her unable to sit still any longer, so she stood up and wandered around the row of stone houses.

And the stupid Jukar obviously didn't understand Lux's feelings. When it saw Lux, it had just finished more than ten pounds of oats in one go. Add a meal to it.

Unfortunately, Lux was not a beast spirit walker and could not understand Jukar's desire. After walking around the house twice, Lux had only one thought at this time.

Where has Ashe gone?
Why don't you come back?


Where has Ashe gone?
The answer is that Ashe went to dig coal.This is not a metaphor, but actually digging coal - in fact, what she mentioned was going to the mountains to find some dye, specifically, going to the open-air primitive mines on the mountains to find some coal.

Yes, like most mountain ranges, the Crampon Mountains are also surrounded by very rich mineral resources.

But unlike mineral resources in other places, the minerals here are very difficult to develop.

After all... in such a bad natural environment, even building an old mountain road would require uniting the efforts of the entire Freljord, let alone developing a mine.

Therefore, there are open-air primitive mineral veins in many places within the Crampon Mountains.

Within the entire Gushuangkou Old Trail, almost all the ramps and the mountains behind the rest areas are open-pit mining sites for this primitive mineral vein - the tribes resting here can relatively easily obtain the fuel they need for heating.

So, here comes the question. The last place the three sisters jointly built was called Rakstak City, which became the center of Freljord’s struggle for hegemony. Now that Gushuangkou also has pretty good supporting facilities, why is there no one here? What about "Occupy the Mountain and Become the King"?

The answer is also simple:
Although there are mines and mountain rest spots here, there is almost no food.

Even if it is a small tribe with a few hundred people, the result of staying in the old road for a long time can only be to sit back and wait for death.

Therefore, although there are stone houses in the old road, no matter whether they are going south or north, the tribes passing here only take a short rest. There is no one who is not clear-headed and stays in place permanently, which means starving to death.

This was not the first time that Ai Xi had walked the ancient ancient road. When she was a child, she had followed her mother and led the old Avarosa tribe through this ancient road.

That time, her mother's goal was to find the relics of Avarosa, prove the legitimacy of the Avarosa tribe, and prepare for the competition for more pastures and territories.

But unfortunately, this behavior offended the Frost Witch.

Ashe didn't know why Lissandra prohibited this. She only knew that the Frostguard priests in the tribe betrayed the tribe and entangled the surrounding tribes to launch a siege on Avarosa. When the tribe's large army finally passed through the ancient frost, When they arrived, they were attacked by a terrible ambush before they could find the legendary relics of Avarosa.

In that battle, Ashe's mother and sworn father both died in battle. Ashe himself inherited his mother's will and fought desperately to go to Ornkar.

There, she found the longbow now carried on her back, and eventually became Ashe and rebuilt Avarosa.

Because time is too long, many parts of that battle and experience have been blurred in Ashe's memory, and even the hatred for the betrayer is not as unforgettable as before. Now he is revisiting his old place and returning to Gushuangkou. All she could remember was that before the tribe was attacked, she, the young people and the furnace owners in the tribe went to the back mountains to look for fuel.

At that time, she had no worries. She fully believed in her invincible mother and was fully convinced that Avarosa would become the greatest tribe in Freljord.

Therefore, while Lux was enjoying the rare solitude in the stone house, Ashe, who was looking for fuel, was immersed in her own memories, and was unable to extricate herself for a while.

Memories seemed to be ancient bonds, making her movements slow down. Every time Ashe found a piece of coal hidden under the snow, she would be reminded of a memory.

Some of those memories were sweet, some were sour, and some were so bitter that it was heart-stopping. These memories seemed like a heavy burden, making Ai Xi's movements slower and slower. Even after the sun completely set, she could barely find three pounds. Coal left and right.

This isn't even enough to keep you warm tonight.

It wasn't until this moment that Ai Xi finally came to her senses. She hurriedly stood up and started to return along the original path with the coal she found. As she took steps forward, a vague wolf howl began to sound on the mountain. appear in between.

Direwolves are the terrifying killers of the Freljord. Countless unlucky tribes were targeted by these beasts and suffered heavy bleeding, and then became the losers in the pastureland competition the following year.

But fortunately, Ai Xi was not afraid of these livestock. She held a leather bag filled with coal in one hand and supported her longbow with one hand. Although the howls of wolves kept coming and going in her ears, her heartbeat was steady and not intense. The mind is calm and calm.

Then, just as she was steadily going down the mountain along the old road, Ash's hairs suddenly started to stand up subconsciously. At this moment, she seemed to have a faint feeling in her heart. There seemed to be some special existence in the darkness. Staring at himself.

So, she suddenly turned around and looked in the direction that made her heart beat.

There was nothing there, just the sound of wolves howling one after another.

Perhaps, that is the direction of this group of direwolf kings?
Ai Xi shook his head, no longer thinking about it, but quickened his pace.

Soon after, she saw a gentle light not far away - that was Lux's magic, guiding her in the direction.

So, she calmed down and followed the direction of the light towards the resting hut.


What Ai Xi didn't know was that after she quickened her pace and ran towards the direction of the light, in the shadow of the direction she had felt before, a single eye had actually been staring at her leaving back.

This is a terrifying one-eye. There seems to be endless animality in the eyes. The wild power seems to be filled with substance in this one-eye, making anyone who dares to face it directly tremble with fear.

However, the strange thing is that when this one eye looks at Ashe, it seems to be looking at prey and a familiar target - Ashe seems to be aware of its gaze, and it When looking at Ai Xi, he was also full of doubts and hesitation.

It was precisely because of this doubt and hesitation that it did not act rashly in the end, but silently watched Ai Xi leave the back mountain and return to the place where the light shines.

However, this hesitation and doubt did not last long - as the howl of the direwolf sounded again, there was no longer any humanity in the one eye, and pure animality occupied the entire eye.

Under the snowy moon, the one eye was bright red.

I have to refresh it repeatedly. I pasted it wrong when I updated it. Sorry.

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