Lux's Farewell

Chapter 861【0858】 Promise and Oath

"You look wrong. Is there any danger on the mountain?" After Ashe came back, Lux stared at her with some confusion, "The fuel you are talking about...are these coals?"

"Oh, in the Demacian language, is it called coal?" Ashe deliberately avoided Lux's question and changed the subject a little stiffly, "We usually call it burning because of the strange pronunciation. Ice—dark burning ice.”

Ashe's unusual behavior made Lux narrow her eyes, but she did not continue to ask.

Everyone has their own secrets, and now that Ashe is her companion, now is not the time to pry into the secrets of her companions.

And to be honest, after careful observation, Lux felt that Ashe's state seemed familiar to her!

Every time Kalya thinks about the past but is unwilling to talk about it, it seems to be like this - combined with Ashe saying that she has walked this road in the past and her hometown is not far from here, I am afraid she is thinking of her childhood. Bar?

In this case, Lux did not intend to disturb Ashe who was immersed in memories. She took Ashe's suede bag, built a simple stove with a few stones, lit the coals, and started Start cutting meat and cooking.

Lux's cooking skills are average, and the ingredients used for cooking are the hind legs of Enuk that she just hunted yesterday.

Since Ashe didn't bring much coal, she couldn't afford the luxury of roasting, so Lux simply cut an extra layer of suet and wrapped the Erniuk leg meat.

When Ai Xi came back to her senses, Lacus had already handed the barbecue to her. After taking the roast, Ai Xi thanked her and lowered her head to eat. She and Lux ​​just started eating. Like two ruthless rice-drying machines, they tore into the barbecue that looked very average in appearance and dripping with grease.

Well, after being coated in fat, the meat is not so dry, but because the muscle fibers of wild Elniuk are too thick, it still tastes quite toothsome. In addition, uncastrated Elniuk naturally has a smell of mutton. , this meal has nothing to do with gourmet food.

However, considering that after eating a large piece of barbecue, a warmth gradually filled up from the abdomen to the limbs, this barbecue meal was quite in line with the needs of the ice traveler.

High energy management.

This is also the stereotype of the Freljordian diet in general.

After finishing the meal, Ai Xi's spirits were obviously much better. After going out to grab a handful of snow and touching her face, she looked at Lux very seriously.

"I might be being targeted."

"Ah?" Suddenly hearing that Ashe said that she was being targeted, Lux obviously couldn't react, "By whom?"

"The lost one." Ash's throat moved, "Or... Sejuani."

Lux was very calm when she heard the Lost One. Although Ashe didn't say why she made this judgment, it was very normal for the Lost One to target her.

But when Ashe said Sejuani's name, Lux finally raised her eyebrows.

"You mean... the former War Mother of Winter's Claw, Sejuani?"

"That's right." Ai Xi nodded, "I felt her coming."

Ashe's choice of words made Lux even wonder if she hadn't learned Freljord well. After all, the description of "feeling her arrival" was a bit too abstract.

"Sejuani and I once made a blood oath." Ashe continued, "Our blood blended together, and we became each other's robes, protecting each other like sisters, and following each other like family members."

After two alliance ceremonies, Lux has realized the significance of oaths—especially oaths evidenced by blood—to the Freljord people.

Since Ashe and Sejuani made such a blood oath together, they should be as close as sisters and share life and death together.

But... the relationship between Winter's Claw and Avarosa is not harmonious, and Ashe and Sejuani were once sworn enemies, which is completely inconsistent with the content of the blood oath.

Sensing Lux's undisguised doubts, Ashe's expression became complicated.

Nostalgia and regret flashed across her face, and sadness made her frown, but in the end her face became very calm, filled with calmness and determination.

"I broke my oath."

Breaking a blood oath is an extremely shameful thing in the Freljord. Lux believes that not every Freljord can strictly abide by all their promises and oaths, but there is no doubt that Ashe is the best person she has ever seen. He was the only person who remained extremely candid even when he revealed that he had betrayed his blood oath.

It seems that this is not a shame to her.

However, based on their interactions during this time, Lux is very sure that Ashe is a rare Freljordian who is very moral and idealistic, so that such a person can face broken oaths calmly... Could it be that Se Zhuang Ni is no longer involved in human affairs?
"I was alone at that time, and Sejuani was willing to accept me into her tribe, and was willing to make a blood oath to become a robe with me." Ashe picked up her longbow, "If it were someone else, it might be In order to win over a member of the Ice bloodline, but I am still convinced that Sejuani at that time did want to give me a family after losing my tribe, and she did want to become my family."


Lux didn't speak, just listened to Ashe's story quietly.

"But life was not easy for Winter's Claw at that time. At that time, the war mother of Winter's Claw was still Kojia. She had no intention of running the tribe. Many people in the tribe were starving, and there was no spare capacity to accept an outsider. Or." Ash recalled the situation at the time, "Korgia didn't welcome me, and Sejuani wanted to prove herself and seize power from Korgia, so she took a rough approach to let her Winter's Claw accepts me."

Hearing this, Lux became a little curious.

"Sejuani is going to kill an allied tribe designated by the Frostguard Priest to clear space for me and the starving tribesmen." Ashe's expression became complicated again, "This is something I never dreamed of. According to Sejuani's plan, the hunting ground is limited. If I join in, the alliance sharing the hunting ground will have to get out. In addition, she hopes to challenge the order of Korgia and reduce the influence of the Frostguard priests. Finally she came up with such a plan.”

Lux was quite surprised to hear what Ashe said - but after thinking about it carefully, she had to admit that this seemed to be the way of thinking of Winter's Claw and Sejuani.

In their view, Freljord's resources are limited. If they take more, others will take less. Therefore, conquering and destroying by force can improve the living standards and cohesion of the tribe.

A group of guys who have plunder engraved in their bones.

"I don't agree with Sejuani's idea."

"I believe that there should always be a better way out, other than killing and plundering."

"So I hoped to convince Sejuani to stop killing - but neither of us could convince each other."

"She decided that killing and looting were part of the Freljord, and that my kindness was a meaningless struggle; while I insisted on the opposite opinion. In the end, we each took a step back, and I took away those things that were the same as those in Winter. The furnace owner who shared the hunting ground with his claws." At this point, Ashe stopped telling, and Lux ​​quickly understood the second half of the story - these people taken away by Ashe should be the later New Avalor The original member of Sa.

Ashe did not talk about her process of establishing New Avarosa, but after hearing this, Lux was clearly aware of the difficulties involved. A young, inexperienced War Mother, wandering with a weak tribe, From Ornkar, which is close to the Sea of ​​Ice, to Frostport, which is on the verge of the Sea of ​​Conquest in the West Freljord subcontinent, I am afraid that only Ashe herself can understand the hardships involved.

It should be a great journey, just like it was when Demacia's ancestors founded Demacia.

Even without describing it in detail, Lux could still feel the difficulties and majesty involved.

Perhaps it is because of this long migration that the Avarosa tribe has a unity that most Freljord tribes do not have, and that Ashe has a reputation that is enough to break the old traditions of Freljord.

The stone house became quiet.

After a long time, Ai Xi seemed to realize why he wanted to tell this past incident, and continued to speak.

"And on the mountain, I felt Sejuani's breath. The connection with the blood oath was not severed. I felt her arrival, just like in the past."

The power of blood and oaths?

Lux nodded subconsciously. Both powers were quite magical, especially in Freljord. It was not surprising that the blood oath was induced.

"Actually, I have told you before." Ai Xi stirred the coal, "A friend of mine is lost. I am not a shaman and cannot save her, but I can at least end her pain."

"You mean, Sejuani has become one of the Lost?" Lux obviously understood the meaning of Ashe's words, "She became a bear?"

"I have heard some not-so-good legends a long time ago, about a bear-man who lost half of his body." Ashe's voice gradually became lower. "One only has half of her body, and the other half is completely made of ice and snow. She wanders in In the hunting grounds of the Ursines near the Sea of ​​Ice, flails of thunder and storm are wielded.”

Ashe's description reminded Lux ​​of the figure during the battle in Mithril City.

Flail, this is not a common weapon in Freljord - Freljor people do not have the habit of wearing armor, and most of the time armor-breaking weapons like flail are not as effective as a spear.

"Is it Sejuani?"

"I felt her coming."

"No wonder Volibear has calmed down." A smile appeared on Lux's lips, "So, you want to give her relief with your own hands?"

Ash was silent for a moment, then nodded.

Yes, she hoped that she could personally give Sejuani relief, even if it would cause her to suffer backlash - this was what she owed her.

The topic was heavy, but Lux's response was very quick.

"Then, it's my turn to help you cover - I promise that nothing will slip through and interfere with your duel."


The wind is still howling.

And when the howling wind hit this mountain col, there was a faint smell of blood in the wind.

The direwolf's howl sounded again, but the howl was a bit more sad and panicked, as if the wolves were suffering from great pain.

When the howling of wolves finally stopped, many shadowy figures appeared on the back mountain. In a loose formation, they gradually approached the mountain col and the row of twisted stone houses.

Jukal shivered outside the stone house and collapsed on the spot. He didn't even make a move to break free from the reins, as if he was waiting to die.

At this moment, a bright light suddenly lit up, and it was like daylight as if a flare was lit in the sky.

"Hey, you stinky bear!" Lux, who held the lightsaber in her hand, had already arrived outside the house and spread her light-cast wings. "Is your master looking for me?"

Under the strong light, countless tall figures slowly stood up on the mountain behind.

They are all lost, and their forms have completely entered the appearance of bear-men.

Compared with the lost ones killed by Lux at Gushuang Mouth, these lost ones were not only larger in size, but most of them had dangerous arcs flashing around them.

If the losers killed by Lux before would summon lightning attacks and have static electricity in their hair when they were furious, then many of these losers had obvious characteristics of casters, and many of the losers even wore "equipment".

Although Lux couldn't understand the use of these things that looked like totems, talismans and necklaces, she still increased her vigilance - fighting against spellcasters was far more dangerous than fighting against a group of useless people. Sane beast!

And when it comes to danger, among these losers, the most dangerous one is the leader.

It only has half of its body, and the other side of its body is twisted and shaped by dim-colored ice and snow. In its hand, a flail made of pure thunder is crackling and flashing with dangerous arcs in the dark night.

Obviously, it is the one Ashe mentioned, and it is most likely Sejuani's lost one.

The lost man's eyes were red. After seeing Lux and sizing him up, as if he had received some order, he suddenly roared, waved his flail and jumped up high, intending to smash Lux's head directly.

But before it hit the ground, the gauntlet on Lux's left arm rippled with a wave of space. Her whole body moved diagonally for dozens of yards, and the flail only shattered her afterimage.

"Your opponent is not me." Avoiding this furious blow, Lux flew towards the back mountain without looking back, "Ashe, I'll leave her to you. I promise that no one will disturb you. !”

Then, just when this special lost person turned around and wanted to catch up with Lux, Ashe opened her Perfect Ice Longbow.

"Sejuani, my robe." A crystal clear magic crystal arrow formed on her bow string, "I will give you the relief that suits your status." (End of this chapter)

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