Lux's Farewell

Chapter 862 【0859】Grudges

This isn't the first time Ashe has fought Sejuani.

The two are old childhood friends, and they used to get along day and night as partners. In Freljord, partners not only mean friends, but also often mean objects of mutual discussion - and even if this kind of discussion is not included, in Ai When Nozomi chose to take Furado away, she also had a battle with Sejuani.

Later, the Winter's Claw besieged Frostport, and the two had a head-on conflict, so Ashe was no stranger to Sejuani's moves and habits.

This isn't the first time Ashe has fought the Lost either.

Although this morning's battle was concluded by Lux, Ashe, as the War Mother of Avarosa, had actually had many conflicts with the Lost. Even though those beasts had their own fixed hunting grounds, as long as they had the slightest chance, they would They will expand their territory, and the surrounding war mothers must take strong measures to prevent them from advancing further.

And Ai Xi once moved nearly ten thousand miles with the furnace door, from Ornkar to Ningshuang Port. Along the way, she used her bow and arrows to scare the losers more than once. She has rich experience in this regard.

However, facing Sejuani in the lost state, this was undoubtedly the first time for Ashe.

When Ashe followed her previous habit and tried to suppress the shooting fire, trying to close the distance between herself and Sejuani, Sejuani, who had accepted the power of Volibear and transformed into the Lost One, did not do so. He usually dodged before, but he didn't hit it stupidly like a loser. Instead, he turned around and faced Ashe's arrow with half of his body made of ice.

"Tuk Tuk Tuk-"

After a short and dull sound, the ice arrow shot by Ashe nailed Sejuani's body.

These arrows, which are enough to cause partial frostbite on the target and sluggish movement, are meaningless in front of Sejuani. Half of her body made of ice, shoulders and upper arms are full of ice arrows, but there is no movement at all. lag, not even a little deformation.

When Ashe jumped back, trying to distance herself, Sejuani strode forward and suddenly raised her other flesh hand holding the flail.

Then, with a roar of storm and thunder, the storm flail extended a large length and hit Ashe directly.

Perhaps because of the characteristics of elemental weapons, or perhaps inspired by Lux, the suddenly extended storm flail was quite deceptive in the process of swinging and extending. It was not until the flail was almost close that Ashe realized that she seemed to be wrong. The length of the flail when extended was estimated.

As a result, the flail flashed with dangerous arcs, forcing Ashe to duck and dodge. Her backward movement was forced to stop, and she suddenly lowered her center of gravity, thus avoiding the fatal flail sweep.

Fortunately, Sejuani is not a spellcaster. Although the storm flail she uses is an elemental weapon, it cannot be used as freely as Lux uses the light-forged sword. The elemental deformation of the elemental flail seems to be a big inertia for her. Burden, after missing a hit, when she pulled the flail back and retracted the flail door, her movements were somewhat sluggish.

So while Sejuani retracted her flail and swung it again, Ashe stood up from the ground and took the opportunity to draw the bowstring again.

The last shooting had proved that the ordinary multiple arrows had no effect on Sejuani's slowdown, so this time Ashe did not let go of the arrows immediately, but opened her bow like a full moon, trying to gather enough force to The magical crystal arrow that damages Sejuani.

However, it is not known whether it was due to the intuition of the lost person or Sejuani's own understanding of Ashe. Before the magic crystal arrow could take shape, the storm flail struck again, forcing Ashe to He had to release the bowstring earlier and continue to retreat and dodge.

This time Sejuani acted more aggressively. When retracting the flail, she used herself as part of the rotation axis. While retracting the elemental flail and shortening it, she also threw herself towards Ashe, testing After ordinary ice arrows were ineffective against her, she used half of her ice body as a shield and hit Ai Xi without any scruples.

Ashe reluctantly raised the Perfect Ice Longbow and blocked Sejuani's ice fist attack.

The fist made of ice hit the back of the bow hard. Although it only made a very dull sound, Ai Xi could clearly feel the tremor of the entire bow.

Then, an irresistible force was transmitted to Ai Xi's body, making Ai Xi unable to stand any longer, her feet left the ground, her whole body flew into the air, and she fell backwards - this A powerful and heavy blow forcefully knocked Ai Xi's whole body away.

Originally, Sejuani's physical strength was outstanding among the Ice Bloodline. Now after receiving the blessing from Volibear, she is even more unruly. With just one punch, she completely defeated Ashe and her. Thoughts on close combat.

A shitty melee fight, completely crushed by strength!

Ashe's balance was simply good. Even if she was knocked out by a punch, she still adjusted her posture when she landed and did not fall to the ground in a panic and be chased at will.

On the contrary, with the help of this astonishing force, Ai Xi managed to pull away some distance and took the opportunity to run towards the exit of the mountain col.

Of course, Sejuani would not allow her to escape.

With a roar that didn't sound like a human voice, the Storm Flail suddenly stretched out and flew towards Ashe like a lasso, as if it was going to shoot her head off on the spot.

Fortunately, Ai Xi had already opened the Zhenbing Longbow at this time and fired several consecutive arrows, and was able to stop the storm flail.

Taking advantage of Ashe's opportunity to stand still and shoot, Sejuani had already thrown herself over again, and vaguely blocked Ashe's direction of escaping from the col.

In the blink of an eye, Ashe caught a glimpse of Lux cleaning up the lost people with her peripheral vision. Seeing the lost people on the back mountain retreating in front of Lux, Ashe suddenly changed direction and ran towards the stone house. .

Although Sejuani immediately swung the storm flail again, they still passed by each other while moving sideways. When Sejuani retracted the flail again, Ashe had already arrived at the stone house. Next to him, he used the stone house as a shooting barrier and drew the Zhenbing Longbow again.

Seeing that the magic crystal arrow was gradually taking shape, Sejuani roared like a beast again and threw the storm flail in her hand.

Ashe had seen how powerful Sejuani's flail was. Any target hit by her flail would be instantly frozen, then destroyed by brute force and reduced to rubbish on the ground.

Fortunately, Ashe is leaning against the outer wall of the stone house now... Something is wrong! Seeing that the flail was flying at an unusual speed after being thrown, Ashe didn't dare to condense the magic crystal arrow anymore, but suddenly fell to the side.

This caution saved her life, because the flail thrown by Sejuani was like a bolt of lightning, instantly hitting the stone house where Ashe was, and caused a bolt of thunder, which exploded the stone house into pieces. The stones of the ground!
Whenever Ai Xi hesitated even a little bit, she would be struck by thunder.

Not right, very wrong!
The Sejuani in front of her is completely different from the Sejuani Ashe knew in the past. She is no longer the brave descendant of Serelda who uses the flail of the north wind, but has become a person who uses the power of wind and thunder. A terrifying half-ice, half-animal monster!

The greater the pressure of the battle, the calmer Ashe became. When Sejuani threw her over again, she no longer rushed to draw her bow and arrow, but focused all her attention on Sejuani's completely Half of the body is made of ice.

Under the illumination of Lux's "flare", this half of the body even looked a bit crystal clear, as if it was not half of Sejuani's body, but half of an ice statue.

In contrast, the other half of Sejuani's body was twisted and terrifying. Due to being directly hit by Lux's light-forged sword during the battle of Mithril City, the wounds that almost penetrated the entire body were obviously scorched and scorched. The phenomenon of necrosis is just a lot of twisted flesh and blood that resists this necrosis with terrifying vitality, "fighting" this half of the body with the other half.

After seeing this body, no one would be willing to take a closer look, because just one glance would make one's scalp numb.

However, after Ashe carefully observed Sejuani's body, she was somewhat surprised to find that through half of the transparent body, she could see the wounds on the other half of the body, the flesh and blood that were growing and dying, and the growing, but... Rapidly shrinking blood vessels.

And what was flowing in Sejuani's veins at this time didn't seem to be blood, but a liquid that looked like flowing lightning.

Even when looking carefully, Ashe even discovered that half of Sejuani's ice body was actually "grabbed" by the other half of twisted flesh and blood - the two sides were not the same system at all!
This suddenly reminded Ashe of the enemies she had faced who used shields.

Maybe there was something wrong with my thinking before. I shouldn't treat Sejuani as a whole, but as half of her body holding an ice shield!
Realizing this, after Ashe once again avoided Sejuani's sweep, she simply gave up the idea of ​​​​fire suppression and instead used continuous arrows to shoot accurately. Each arrow was aimed at Sejuani's atrium. On the front line, there was no chance for Sejuani to use her ice body to resist her shooting.

At the same time, she also took the initiative to circle around the stone house, scurrying back and forth, and walking around the house. She could not only avoid direct attacks, but also make Sejuani become more and more irritable.

In this situation, although Sejuani still waved her flail and turned her body sideways, because Ashe nimbly walked around the stone houses, not only was she restrained in her offensive, but she was also accidentally hit by several arrows. Hitting half of the flesh and blood body.

When these arrows hit the target, Sejuani finally had a reaction similar to that of an ordinary loser - the pain made her eyes become red and terrifying, and her movement frequency increased significantly, but under Ashe's In her eyes, she completely lost the pressure she felt at the beginning.

The physical fitness and spell-casting ability of the lost ones are terrible, and their biggest weakness is that they will lose their minds due to pain, anger, and various reasons, and become completely violent warriors - the lost ones in this state are more agile , stronger, but completely dependent on muscle memory and beastly instincts when fighting.

In the Freljord, there are many creatures that are stronger and more agile than the Lost, but none of them are as threatening as the Lost. This is of course because the Lost has spell-like abilities derived from Volibear. , but it is also because the more rational loser has a considerable degree of combat wisdom and can assess the situation and face the enemy in a targeted manner.

Sejuani didn't have much sense in the first place, but now that she was stimulated by Ashe, she almost turned into a crazy beast. She even gave up using the flail as a weapon, and instead bit fiercely at Ashe. , scratched.

In this case, although Ai Xi could not temporarily close the distance between the two sides and had no chance to draw her bow, in her opinion, the balance of victory had already tilted towards her.

However, before Ashe could find a chance to kill with one strike, Sejuani, who pounced on her again, failed to hit the target, and her body suddenly swelled.

Without warning, half of her body made of ice suddenly exploded, turning into a rain of ice blades like a whirlwind of blades.

Caught off guard, Ashe could only raise her arms and barely defend herself. However, when the ice blades slanted towards her like a rainstorm, her defense seemed meaningless - many ice blades were stained with bright red. color.

When Ashe raised her arms to defend, Sejuani controlled half of her body, picked up the storm flail, and slammed it again at Ashe who was still under the threat of the ice blade rain.

The storm flail suddenly stretched out and hit Ai Xi in the rain of ice blades. With no way to escape, it seemed that Ai Xi was doomed!
However, when the flail was stretched to its maximum and passed through the rain of ice blades, it failed to hit the target.

Not only did it miss, even when Sejuani tried to retract the flail, the storm flail seemed to be frozen. It seemed to weigh a thousand kilograms. No matter how hard Sejuani tried, she could not shorten or retract it as before.

At the same time, Ai Xi's cold voice finally sounded after the ice blade fell to the ground. In the ice mist, the Zhenbing longbow in her hand that had been opened at some point was shining with dangerous light.

"Do you think you can control Sejuani like this?" Ashe bowed like a full moon, seeming to be talking to Sejuani, but her eyes seemed to have passed through Sejuani and looked at Volibear behind her, "Do you think Will the Ice Bloodline really willingly become the lackeys of the old gods?"

"The Sejuani I know will never admit defeat. Even if she encounters the irresistible power of the old gods when she is at her weakest, she will not be willing to become the carrier of the beast!"

As if to verify Ai Xi's words, the ice shards that had previously been in the form of ice blades and scratched Ai Xi's body black and blue, seemed to have received an order at this moment, gathered on the bowstring of Zhenbing's long bow, and turned into ice in the panicked one eye. For a magic crystal arrow as thick as a giant tree.

The next moment, the bowstring sounded.

A stream of light flashed, and the twisted flesh and blood was hit by the magic crystal arrow and froze in place.

Ai Xi picked up the flail from the side, rounded it completely, and then hit it hard on the ice sculpture.

"Sejuani said she was not convinced."

Sejuani's relief.

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