Lux's Farewell

Chapter 863 【0860】 Beginning and Ending

Anyone who sees Sejuani in the half-iceman state for the first time will think that the flesh and blood side is the real body.

Ashe had also heard about the battle of Mithril City, and knew that Lux had defeated Sejuani head-on, so she was not immune when she saw Sejuani in this state.

However, when Sejuani's ice body exploded and turned into a sky full of ice blades, cutting Ashe, and when Ashe's blood flowed out and stained the ice blades, she found that things seemed completely different from what she had thought.

Although these ice blades are not perfect ice, they give Ai Xi a feeling like a blood connection. Even if he is covered with wounds from being cut by the ice blades, Ai Xi does not even feel any pain.

The blood droplets on the wound that were taken away by the ice blade did not solidify, but merged with the ice blade. After realizing this, Ash, shrouded in ice mist, finally widened his eyes.

This kind of connection between bloodlines, this kind of vague power of contract, Ai Xi has only experienced it with two people.

One is her only blood ally, loyal companion and consort, Tryndamere.

The other is Sejuani, who was once a robe and became a sister but eventually parted ways.

Then, the result is obvious - these broken, sharp-edged ice blades are Sejuani's flesh and blood.

So the twisted flesh and blood that Ashe saw clinging to the other half of the ice body should be Volibear's power of the old god.

To be honest, after realizing this, Ashe's movements slowed down for a moment. If it weren't for the fact that the flight paths of these ice blades were too scattered when they exploded, she might have been seriously injured on the spot.

And when Ashe understood Sejuani's state, many of her previous doubts were completely clarified at this time.

Why did Sejuani, who was more proud and stubborn than anyone else, end up losing her faith in Volibear?
Perhaps the old gods did not subjugate her will, but simply distorted her body shape and turned her ice blood into a embodied body made of ice.

Why did Ashe sense Sejuani's arrival in the back mountain, but didn't feel that kind of intimacy when she actually faced Sejuani?
Because Ashe didn't realize that the ice body was Sejuani's true form, she regarded her affinity for Sejuani's half of the ice body as the closeness and connection between herself as an ice bloodline and ice and snow.

Why was Sejuani's moves completely different from those in the past, even forcing Ashe to be caught off guard for a moment?

Because the person fighting Ashe was not the Sejuani, but a flesh-tortured Loser controlled by Volibear. It was not using Sejuani's North Wind Flail, but the Storm Flail. Fundamentally, It's not the same way.

Suddenly, Ai Xi tried to call out the power of the contract.

If Sejuani didn't really give in, then maybe she could be of some help!

In this way, in the ice mist, Ai Xi tried to open the Zhenbing Longbow and took the initiative to call on the power of the robe.

Almost at the moment Ash drew the bow string, the ice blades flying around quickly responded to her.

This is Sejuani's last will. Although she once cooperated with the Lost, it was just a group robbery relationship. There are many shamans and spirit walkers in Winter's Claw, but this never meant that she would Be a lackey of the old gods!

Volibear just took advantage of Sejuani's most helpless moment, used the power of the old gods to "grab" her into a piece of ice, and then manipulated her with his own flesh and blood!

Ashe didn't know why Volibear went to such trouble - maybe it was Sejuani's ice blood that stimulated him, maybe he thought Sejuani had some potential. In short, through this method, the former Sejuani has become the monster she is now.

There is no doubt that Sejuani was dead long before that time.

But even if she died, Sejuani did not really give in - even if she had become a lump of ice and a weapon of the old gods, when Ashe activated the power of the robe after many years and called her, she He still used his last strength to mount a final resistance against Volibear!

In the previous battle, Ashe was interrupted every time she tried to condense the magic crystal arrow.

But this time, under the influence of the Robe Blood Alliance, the ice blade formed by Sejuani's body condensed into the unprecedented giant arrow on Ashe's bowstring!
Since Ashe didn't need to condense the arrow from scratch this time, the arrow had already taken shape almost when the bow string was fully stretched.

In this case, it's too late to stop it.

The magic crystal arrow hit the target, and the twisted flesh was instantly frozen.

Then, without any hesitation, Ai Xi grabbed the flail next to him and used all his strength to hit the ice sculpture hard.

The moment the flail hit the ice sculpture, the sound of the ice sculpture tearing and the roar of thunder mixed into one, echoing in this small mountain col. The frozen flesh and blood were like an ordinary piece of coarse porcelain. It was smashed to pieces.

At the same time as the ice sculpture shattered, a burst of ice mist also exploded, shining with colorful arcs under the strong light of Lux Lighting.

The palm of Ai Xi's right hand holding the storm flail was burned by the thunder, but she didn't seem to notice it. She just looked at the flying ice mist, watching it drift away and disappear little by little, watching the colorful arc light disappear completely, and then finally Reluctantly, he let go of the flail.

In the arc of ice mist, Ashe seemed to see Sejuani again.

"My name is Sejuani, the future conqueror of the Freljord!"

"Sometimes I really envy you. If only Glenna were my mother..."

"Ha, if you ask me to say, Avarosa takes it too much for granted. Only Serelda's path is the right one!"

"Ai Xi, Ai Xi, look, this lock of my hair has turned silver-white. The ice blood in my body has awakened!"

"Is this kind of light weapon really useful on the battlefield? In the future, I will definitely get the heaviest flail that no one else can pick up as my own weapon!"

"The Winter's Claws are migrating again. It's such a shame. We have to share the hunting grounds with those garbage - when I become a War Mother, I swear no one will dare to touch the Winter's Claws' hunting grounds!"

"See you next summer, Ai Xi. I hope you won't be frozen to tears by an ordinary Zhenbing dagger. Woo hoo hoo, I can't pick it up——"

"You haven't seen the Lost One, have you? Hahaha, Ashe, look carefully. I'm Sejuani - ever since your tribe never came to Ornkar in the summer, I thought I'd never see you again. …”

"Five summers, I thought... Quick, help me cut the meat. We have to leave here with as much meat as possible before the bears find out. Damn it, it's all because of that loser Kojiya!"

"The moon in the Ice Sea is so round. It looks like the butt of Ernuk in heat - a spring? Are you kidding? There are a lot of young men in the tribe, but they are all too weak and none of them are likable. I broke the strongest guy’s jaw with just three punches.”

"Sejuani of Winter's Claw, I swear with my blood that I will treat you as family, I will protect your children, share your pain, and I will protect you like a sister!"

"My tribe is starving, Ai Xi, you are my robe, and this is my order. Only when they die can my tribe survive, and only then can you become one of us openly!" "Bring these with you! Trash, go away and never come back - if fate lets us meet again, I will regard you as a traitor and my enemy!"

"See, Ashe, this is my tribe, my coalition. Only strength can unify Freljord! And thank you for your reminder. Sometimes those things that look like garbage can also have their own uses. —Look at this warm-blooded man, he helped me cross the Nueskara Pass!"



Complex emotions filled Ashe's heart. For her, Sejuani was her childhood playmate and young best friend. They made a vow to each other and broke up because of different ideas.

Sometimes, Ashe even felt that Sejuani was a mirror to herself, reflecting a completely different choice, leading to a completely different path.

When the news came that Sejuani was defeated in Mithril City and her life or death was unknown, Ashe was once very calm. This calmness she considered to be "letting go of the past with Sejuani."

However, when the news came that "there is a lost person with half a body wandering in Ornkar", Ashe realized that the previous calm came entirely from her trust in Sejuani - she trusted Sejuani but not Would die so easily, after all, she had sworn to be the conqueror of Freljord since she was a child.

And now, Ashe finally witnessed Sejuani's complete death. In the trance-inducing ice mist, she seemed to have returned to the glorious late spring on the slopes of Ornkar.

"Hey, I'm Sejuani, Sejuani of Winter's Claws!"

The ice mist dissipates.

A heartbreaking pain came from the palm of her hand, piercing into Ashe's brain like a burst of electricity. Her right hand couldn't help but twitch, and finally she could no longer hold the storm flail.

And as the Storm Flail landed, it instantly turned into a bolt of lightning, rushing out of the mountain col, into the sky, and finally turned into a burst of rolling thunder, as if to tell the story of Volibear's anger.

Ai Xi did not look at his right hand, which had been burnt black by electricity. Instead, he opened his arms and raised his head as if embracing the sky.

Under the strong light, thick clouds rolled over Gushuangkou Old Road, thunder bursts, and freezing rain dropped, hitting Ai Xi on the cheek.

Perhaps because of Volibear's anger, this sudden freezing rain seemed a bit warm.


When Ashe sent Sejuani away gracefully, Lux had almost completed her mission.

Although these lost ones obviously have the goal of "recovering the field", and there are many lost priests who can summon arcs and even lightning, they are completely worthless in front of Lux.

Even compared to being besieged, for Lux, protecting Ashe's battle from being disturbed by the outside world was more troublesome.

Of course, it's just a little troublesome.

Finally, when Volibear's unwilling but helpless roar sounded, the few who were still able to move ran towards the back mountain as if they were granted amnesty.

Freezing rain poured down, hiding their traces within a few breaths.

In this case, Lux did not continue to pursue, but turned around and looked at Ashe, who was still a little dazed.

She didn't see the entire battle clearly.

But judging from the result, Ashe seemed to have killed one of her good friends with her own hands - although in Lux's view, Sejuani was more than worthy of her death, but even if she died, she could only shake her head slightly at this time. , put away the light-cast wings, and began to study how to repair these stone houses that were damaged in the battle.

First, they built a simple shed for Jukar, who was still in a state of panic. While Lux tried to repair a stone house, she looked at Ashe, who was still hugging the sky like a statue.

"I hope the Ice Bloodline won't catch a cold." She finally shook her head, "I don't know what tricks that bear will have in the future... He won't continue to send these lost people to deliver food, right?"

"Laxana." After a long time, when Lax simply cleaned up a damaged stone house and began to study whether there were any materials that could be used to make a fire, Ashe finally came to her senses, "The one in Demacia What does death mean in culture?”

"In the tradition of Demacia?" This question made Lux stunned for a moment, "Death... probably means the beginning of remembering and judging - after a person dies, everything he experiences will become part of history. Either they are remembered, or they are gradually forgotten, and eventually disappear completely.”

"In Freljord, many people regard death as a kind of glory." Ashe seemed to have completely recovered. "What is more glorious than living to be praised is to be remembered by the world after death."

"Many people think so." Lux nodded, "This is true in the West Freljord subcontinent and in Luxtak."

"Yes." Ai Xi also nodded, and then very skillfully emptied the corpses of several lost people, found out the things that could be used as fuel, threw them into the simple stove, and lit the flame again, " I really hope that one day I can wait for it with glory.”

Hearing what Ashe said, Lux finally raised her eyebrows.

Various talismans, totems and animal bones were stuffed into the stove. After being ignited, it made a beeping sound, mixed with the sound of freezing rain dripping outside, like a white noise to help you sleep.

However, neither Ashe nor Lux, who were sitting on either side of the fire, could fall asleep - it seemed that today was a bit exciting. The two started with death, and chatted until the sky was getting brighter, until the day outside. Jukar let out a cry of hunger and then stood up at the same time.

Walking out of the door of the stone house, Ai Xi saw a touch of green. While she went to get food for Yukar, she looked at the sprouts carefully.

That is the sprouting of flowers.

I feel like a fool.

The computer suddenly wouldn't turn on. I checked the hardware one by one and found that everything from the power supply to the CPU to the graphics card was normal on the old computer. After removing the motherboard button battery and discharging it to no avail, I concluded that the motherboard might be broken.

Then after I applied for after-sales service and made an appointment to pick up the product, I discovered that the cause of all this was actually that the wire at the end of the power strip was loose. I checked the power cord on the computer side, but not on that side. .

Although it is a good thing that the computer is not broken, I am not happy at all. I just feel like a fool.

A fool like me must be at great risk of Alzheimer's disease...

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