Lux's Farewell

Chapter 86 [0083] Start

Chapter 86 [0083] Start

In the end, Lux and Ino waited for a whole day in Fulgan's Tavern, but they didn't wait for Jess and Victor.

The two missed appointments surprised Lux, and she wanted to find out what happened, but considering that there are already explorers in Piltover who are interested in Calikan's laboratory, and a scientist with a promising future In comparison, the laboratory that preserves Carya's research results is more important.

So, after going to the ruins of Jace's laboratory but getting nothing, Lux had no choice but to give up this clue, retrieved all her luggage from the Zodiac Vault, and returned to Zaun.

In this case, the only thing she can do is to find Vander, and ask him to find out about Jess and Victor—especially Victor, who was originally from Zaun, although he has now become a member of Piltover. However, all the interpersonal relationships in Zaun have not been broken, and Vander should have some way to find him after all.

If it wasn't for not paying any deposit, Lacus would even have reason to suspect that the two of them ran away with money.

For Lax's request, Van der readily agreed, and was even unwilling to accept money at first, until Lax insisted, he said helplessly, "You can order two more glasses of goat's milk."

"Then order six cups." Lux thought for a while, and simply handed a handful of gold hex to Fandre, "The extra money will be treated as an advance payment for the room."

Van der didn't speculate this time, but simply accepted the money.

In fact, each of these coins looked familiar to Fandre, because they were originally handed over to Grayson by Fandre in order to calm the situation, and now Lux just returned them to the original owner.

Then, while the two were talking, Ike came to the tavern with the four children.

"Yo, Van der, we can move around freely at last?" Although Wei looked a little unnatural when he saw Lacus, Wei still walked briskly, and he seemed to be in a good mood, "The previous it settled? "

"It's almost the same." Fandre didn't say much on this issue, but pointed to Lacus, "In order to prevent you four bastards from causing such trouble again, in the next half month, you will follow Miss Lacus, learn to do some serious work..."

"Follow her?" Wei's eyes widened in disbelief. "Are you okay, Vander? I understand that you don't want us to cause trouble, but why should I follow her?"

"Take it as a supervisor." Fandre pulled Wei to his side and lowered his voice, "She hired you, Uncle Benso, and the others to dig some things, and you help look at it, and by the way, go to Xiazu Stay out of the limelight."

"Is the Picheng guy still not letting go?" Wei frowned with some dissatisfaction, "Isn't there no accident—"

"So watch carefully, Wei." Fandel stretched out his hand and patted Wei's shoulder, "You're a big boy too, you can't just hang out on the street every day, right? I don't want you to go to some alchemy baron when you grow up Use your subordinates as thugs."

"How could I hang out with those watchdogs?" Wei couldn't help raising her voice, "I'm not the same as them—Vander, I've decided, when I'm an adult, I'll open a restaurant opposite your tavern. A tavern that competes with you for an introducer's job, its name is..."

On a whim, Wei wanted to give her tavern a famous name, but after much deliberation, she couldn't find a good choice. Just when she was a little embarrassed, Lux gave an answer with her hand on the hilt of her sword.

"Dream of Violet, what about the name?"

"Good name!" Wei nodded subconsciously, "Dream of Violet..."

"It's up to you." Van der shook his head, and didn't continue to entangle with Wei, "In short, do it well!"

"Look at it!"


With sufficient manpower and a reliable "supervisor", Lux's excavation work has finally officially started.

Under Janna's guidance, she led a group of workers over ditches one after another, over mine pits one after another, and finally came to an inconspicuous cave.

"That's it." Lux pointed to the half-collapsed cave, "Our job is to clear out the passages of the cave, and remove all the gravel and the like."

"It's like when the Picheng guys were prospecting?" Benso looked at the cave and touched his chin. "With all due respect, Miss Lacus, this place looks like an abandoned mine."

"It is indeed here." Lux shrugged, "The things I want to dig are underground, and it is easier to dig through this mine - if a new passage is made straight up and down, it will not be possible for the few of us to dig. It's dealt with."

"That's it..." Ben Suo nodded, without dwelling on this issue, "At least for now, we only need to clean up the mine, right?"

"That's right!" Lux nodded, "The first stage is like this."

"Then, I think we need some explosives." After discussing with other miners, Benso made a suggestion from a professional point of view, "This mine has been around for some years, and the layers of gravel have been filled. You can’t dig with a pickaxe alone.”

"You can leave it to Ino to attack the tough ones." Lux pointed to Ino, who was always quiet behind her, "She will create epiphytic ice crystals and push the rocks apart—compared with explosives, it is more controllable." Magic is much more convenient."

"Is this also possible?" Hearing what Lacus said, Ben Suo's eyes widened in astonishment, "Using mine?"

"Why not?" Lux asked rhetorically, "Using magic makes digging easier, so why not?"

Ben Suo blinked, but didn't say much.

From Benso's point of view, Lacus's view is undoubtedly very strange-the noble lady mage actually personally participates in the dirty work of mining... Under normal circumstances, it should not be to gain more benefits through magic, Is it right to hire more people to mine?

Although Ino looks like Lux's maid, it's not like Benso hasn't seen the stewards and servants of the Piltovers, and even many of those people are from Zaun, even if they are in Piltover His status is not worth mentioning, but in Zaun, these people still have their nostrils turned upside down.

Those servants who are just pretending to be powerful are already so arrogant, but Ino, a real mage, can participate in the mining work and use magic to improve the progress of mining...

This is too incredible, right?

However, even though he was puzzled, Ben Suo didn't ask any more questions - for him, the most important meaning of this job is to make money, to understand Lacus, and to take care of these four brats, so he usually likes to joke , This time I made up my mind to listen more and talk less.

Since Lux has said that Ino will help and doesn't need explosives, then there is no need for it.

You are the employer, you have the final say!

 Carya's Small Classroom · Mining:

  Kalya is very good at some agricultural work, but only dabbles in mining—Shurima is rich in mineral resources, but most of them are concentrated on the edge of the continent. When Shurima expands here, Kalya It is no longer necessary to go down the mine in person.

(End of this chapter)

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