Lux's Farewell

Chapter 87 [0084] The glory of labor

Chapter 87 [0084] The glory of labor
Cleaning up an abandoned, gravel-filled mine is no simple task.

But if there is an amazing magician to help, and a senior gray man who has participated in the construction of Shurima city is secretly pointing out, then the work will undoubtedly be much easier.

After a simple run-in, the "mining team" composed of 20 people quickly completed the internal division of labor extremely smoothly.

Needless to say, the gravel cleaning problem, the miners here are all professional.

As for the stones piled up in the blockage of the mine, a group of miners first negotiated how many stones should be squeezed out with ice cubes in a large area, and then discussed the magic effect with Ino, and Karya helped build the spell model, and then The epibiotic magic directly causes the ice to grow and expand in the gaps in the stones, forcefully squeezing the piled up stones to clear a path.

The whole process was communicated and planned by Benso and Kalya, and the overall progress was extremely smooth——With the help of Kalya, Ino used various forms of magic to always squeeze the most important stone away smoothly , which attracted a lot of miners to look at this little girl with admiration.

They never expected that this seemingly quiet little girl is unambiguous in her work. As long as she has enough magic power, no blockage can stop her. As long as she can make a request from her side, she can solve it. question!
On the other side, Lux and the four children are not idle - although they will not directly participate in the mining work, they still have things to do within their ability.

In order to ensure that Yinuo can always produce enough ice, and to help Yinuo save mana as much as possible, the five of them need to carry buckets to a relatively clean water collection point several miles away, and return with full water.

At the beginning, Vi was not very willing to listen to Lux's command, but fortunately, Lux had figured out Vi's character.

Facing the awkward Wei, Lacus simply chose to be aggressive: "You don't want to be ashamed because you are afraid that you can't carry water like me?"

"Huh? What are you talking about?" Wei raised her brows when she heard Lux ​​say this, "I'm afraid you were still breastfeeding when I helped Vandel carry water and catch the magic swamp frog!"

And as Wei picked up the bucket angrily, Melo and Clegg could only shrug their shoulders, and then each picked up the bucket—even Baobo picked up a small bucket that Lacus bought specially, and followed suit. Wei followed behind.

"Wait for me!"

"Bang Bang, don't fall, it would be bad to delay Wei."

"...Don't laugh, Melo, look at Craig, he can pick four barrels at a time!"



When the first day's work was over, the "mining team" who had been busy all day was surprised to find that they had cleared a distance of more than 200 meters in this abandoned mine—even if this Just cleaning the mine, not digging the mine, this data can also be said to be quite amazing.

"Did you guys really do this?" Wei walked out of the mine with a bucket in hand. Wei turned her head and looked at the dark mine in disbelief. "It only took a day?"

"We did it." Lux patted her on the shoulder, "You also contributed... But unfortunately, I carried two more buckets of water than you did today."

"...That's because your water-carrying tool is different from mine!" Wei hesitated for a moment, blinked his eyes, and forcefully gave a reason, "If you don't accept it, let's compare it tomorrow!"

"You're the one who doesn't agree?" Lux shook her head with a smile when she heard the words, "Okay, let's go, go back and rest early, I hope you won't wake up tomorrow morning with sore back—"

"Who do you look down on?" Wei pursed her lips, and then stretched out her hand to hold Baobao, "Boom, hurry up, help me design a more useful thing tonight, and show her something powerful tomorrow!"

"Yeah!" Baobao, who had transported a lot of water in a small bucket today, wiped his face, and made a face at Lacus, "It's no problem——Wei will definitely win tomorrow!"


Back at Forgan's Tavern, Lacus lay quietly on the bed after taking a shower.

Beside her, Ino, who had consumed too much mana, had fallen asleep in a daze—although she used the magic circuits designed by Kalya today, it still consumed a lot of her energy to precisely control these spells. After returning to Fulgan's Tavern, she simply washed up and then fell headfirst on the pillow.

However, Lux, who picked up water all day, couldn't fall asleep no matter what.

On the one hand, this level of exercise is not a problem for Lux, on the other hand, she always feels that there are some things she can't figure out.

Lux always felt that she seemed to see some very strange things, but after thinking about it, she didn't understand where the strange things were.

In this case, she simply grabbed her own sword and asked Karya.

"Strange thing?" Facing this question, Kalya also froze for a moment, "What strange thing?"

"It just feels... different." Lux couldn't describe her feelings very well, "Do you still remember that factory in Finn? They all worked for a day, but I always feel that today's miners, and a factory The workers here are different."

"Naturally different." Hearing what Lacus said, Kalya said with relief, "The attributes, intensity, rewards, and sense of accomplishment of the work are different."

"You mean, today's miners are so happy because of the gold hex I gave them?" Lux was still a little puzzled, "However, when they paid their wages today, they were all surprised. I can It can be seen that they didn't know how much I would be paid before, but they still had a lot of energy when they worked."

"So it's not just about remuneration." Kalya's tone became a little inexplicable, mixed with some emotions that Lux couldn't understand, "Actually, labor can make people tired, but it doesn't necessarily make people painful."


"Remember when I taught you magic?" Kalya continued, "At the beginning, even if you tried to concentrate, you still couldn't help slipping away, and even flipped through the "Encyclopedia of Etiquette", but when After I demonstrated the magic to you, your learning attitude improved a lot—after getting to know Sona, you worked harder than before."

"Well... that's probably because I've grown up." Speaking of this kind of topic, Lux felt somewhat embarrassed, "People have to grow up."

"That's just one aspect." Carya didn't continue to say more on this issue, "The main thing is that you see the results—the sense of accomplishment is a very important part of labor."

"Is that so..."

"In addition to the sense of accomplishment, the purpose of labor is also very important..."

"The purpose of the labor?"

"That's why you work..."

"I'm here to dig up Calikan's lab and change this hell on earth—but the workers?"

"To provide for the family, but also to return Van der's help."

"But, aren't those people in the Finn factory the same?"

"No, it's totally different, they're overworked, and they're not paid enough to support their families..."

"is that so……"


 Karya's Little Classroom: Karya the Ashes:

  During the construction of Shurima City, Kalya not only carried out the main city planning, but also worked on it himself for a period of time with great interest. He said it was dusting, and he seemed to miss it—others didn’t know why.

(End of this chapter)

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