Lux's Farewell

Chapter 866 【0863】 The Fantasy Life of Laxana, who is no longer a teenager

Even though Lux could use magic and Ashe was very skilled at work, it still took the two of them almost half a month to build a raft large enough to cross the ice sea.

During this time, Lux cut down more than 20 birches and oak trees. The bark of the birch trees was completely peeled off and then cut into pieces by Lux, while the oak trees were first cut around the tree body. Make circles of guide rings, collect enough gum and then divide it.

On the other side, after Ashe had processed the ice worm skins, he hunted a total of 21 blue sheep. These blue sheep were skinned and deboned and put to perfect use.

The sheepskin was peeled off and simply allowed to dry before being joined with birch bark and gum to form the middle cladding of the hull.

The lamb legs were tied up and then marinated in seawater. Although the low-temperature and high-salt seawater would make the surface of the lamb inedible, after being immersed in the ice sea for ten days, the interior of the lamb would appear similar to Due to the reaction of ham, you can eat it directly as long as you remove the surface layer.

Even the picked sheep bones were frozen by Ashe and smashed into powder. They were used as supplements and mixed with the grass and lichens found locally to serve as Yukar's feed for the next period of time.

After completing the preliminary preparation work and all the materials were ready, the two of them built a wooden boat using boards of various lengths like building blocks - connected with a mortise and tenon structure, and then put it together. Pour oak glue into the gaps.

After the main part of the boat was ready, Ashe began to skin it.

First, the sheepskin is wrapped around the hull, and then connected to each other with birch bark and oak glue, wrapping the entire outside of the boat like a puzzle.

Then came the seaworm skin - stuff the entire boat into the hollowed seaworm skin, make holes for the sails, then evacuate the air in the middle, and cover all the openings with birch bark and oak Glue sealed.

In this way, a leather-wrapped wooden boat was ready. The specifications of the entire boat were almost exactly the same as Ashe's original estimate.

When Ashe and Lux ​​sent the boat into the sea water together, as the bonding parts came into contact with the extremely low-temperature sea water, the birch bark and oak glue that originally seemed not very strong quickly seemed to be coated with Wood wax oil generally has an oily luster.

Lux tapped the connection tentatively, and found that it was indeed as strong and reliable as if it had been coated with waterproof paint.

At this time, the time has come to early summer.

Although the Sea of ​​Ice is located in the far north of Runeterra, it is still very cold even in summer, but at this time, the breath of Ionia that blows all year round will gradually stop and be replaced by the North Freljord Along the coast there are only brief southerly winds that occur in summer.

Ashe and Lux ​​will ride on this wind, sit in a kayak, carry food and water, and carry Yukal across the ice sea and arrive under the large glacier.


"Everything is ready." After checking the ropes and simple anchor again, Ashe took a deep breath, "The weather is good today, it's a good time to set off!"

"Food and drinking water are no problem." After counting the pickled lamb legs, drinking water and Jukal feed in the simple cargo hold, Lux also gave a thumbs up, "These are all ready!"

"Then let's set off!" Ashe first led the reluctant Jukar onto the boat, then jumped on board himself and waved to Lacus, "While the wind blows, get on the boat and set off!"

Lux nodded, jumped onto the boat lightly, and then untied the cable.

As the hard leather sail was lowered, the boat quickly left the coast and drifted towards the north.

Lux sat on the boat, watching the boat gradually move away from the land, covering her chest with one hand.

"What's wrong with you?" Looking at her action, Ai Xi, who was adjusting the sail, was a little surprised. "Not feeling well?"

"No, I don't feel any discomfort." Lux shook her head, "To be honest, this surprised me."

"I'm not uncomfortable. Isn't this normal?" Ashe was a little confused. "This is the most beautiful time in North Freljord. The days are long and the weather is neither cold nor hot..."

Lux smiled and didn't say much, but looking at her, she didn't seem to agree very much with Ashe's statement.

As a bloodline of ice, Ashe's judgment of "neither cold nor hot" is somewhat biased. The temperature on the Sea of ​​Ice is now almost the same as in the winter in Xiongdu, which is considered cold for most Demacians. .

And don't forget, Lux is a seasick person - when she was on a boat before, she was often laughed at by Kalya for this reason.

But this time sitting on the boat, she didn't feel dizzy as before. This was what surprised her the most.

I don’t know if it’s because the sea of ​​ice is so calm that it doesn’t look like an ocean, or because the boat is different from the big ship.

Although she didn't know the reason why she didn't get seasick, Lux obviously didn't intend to expose her seasickness, nor was she interested in challenging her own limit of not getting seasick, so seeing that Ashe could easily control the sails by herself, she simply lay down In the cabin, he looked up at the sky.

The days in Freljord in summer are very long, the sun hangs in the sky all day long, and there are even situations where the sun and moon are in the sky. Lying on the boat and looking at the sky, Lux does not feel the glare of the sun at all, but is nervous. When I looked at the sun, I felt a bit warm.

This may be a manifestation of the elements transforming the body, right?
There was only a breeze blowing from the southern land on the ice sea, and the swaying of the boat was almost negligible. Half a day later, when the wind weakened slightly, Lux even felt that time stopped at this moment.

Ashe had already tied the rope of the sail. When Lux climbed up, everything between heaven and earth seemed to turn into a picture scroll. Only the stupid Yukar stood on the bow of the ship to break this harmony - it He was chewing the cud happily, chewing until the corners of his mouth were covered with foam. After noticing Lux's gaze, he snorted in a flattering manner.

Just like that, a fantastic rafting journey began.

When there was wind during the day, Lux and Ashe would take turns controlling the sails to ensure that the boat kept heading north; and at night, they would furl the sails and take out the oars for paddling.

In this summer when the days are long and the nights are short, the total number of nights on the ice sea is not very long.

But compared with the calmness of the day, the night on the ice sea can only be described as magnificent.

When night falls and the stars emerge, under the shining starlight, the sea water seems to turn into a deep ink-colored crystal. When you look at the sea surface, you often cannot tell what the light spots you see are. The stars reflected in the sky, or some kind of luminous animal in the sea.

At this time, Lux and Ashe, who were paddling in the water, would share stories while waving their oars - Lux, who traveled under the stars last time, listened to Kalya telling herself under the night sky of Shurima. The distribution of stars, and this time Lux, who was on the journey, introduced Ashe to the stars in the sky under the night sky of the Sea of ​​Ice.

When talking about "familiar people" such as the constellation of war and the constellation of fertility, Lux's tone often becomes subtle, and when Ashe asks her why she has such a tone, she will always wave her hands in a very bad way and say nothing. In retaliation, when Ashe told the legends of Freljord that she had heard since childhood, she would often stop at critical moments, leaving Lux hanging - after experiencing the long journey before, the two It seems that the politeness caused by unfamiliarity between people has completely disappeared, replaced by a kind of intimate mutual teasing.

Due to the further widening gap between day and night and the monotony of the scenery they usually see, when neither of them speaks, they will have a subtle feeling, as if they are in a dream.

Under the sky, above the ice sea.

The boat is full of clear dreams and crushes the galaxy.


When the legs of lamb turned into bone sticks one after another and were thrown into the sea water; when the frequency of Jukar's rumination became less and less; when one after another wooden barrels gradually bottomed out, the shadowy figure of the large glacier Finally appeared in the north.

After seven days, and no one knew whether they took a straight line or a detour, Lux and Ashe arrived in the far north of Runeterra, north of Freljord, in the small boat they built themselves.

Big glacier.

Only when you actually come to the Great Glacier can you understand why in the Freljordian language, the "big" of the Great Glacier uses the affix "great".

After approaching the high bulging back of Rune Land, Lux and Ashe saw with their own eyes an ice block the size of a mountain cracked off the glacier, and then turned into an iceberg, slowly floating on the sea of ​​ice.

It is no exaggeration to say that the size of this iceberg is enough to be used as a tourist attraction on the Demacia Plains - but in the Great Glacier, it is just a piece of seawater penetrated by the endless large glacier that stretches across the far north. Just a corner.

Looking at the entire glacier, cracking such an iceberg seems to be as painless and itchy as losing a few fingernails.

"Can you fly up?" While being amazed by the majesty of the glacier, Ashe also felt a little worried. "Perhaps we need to give up on Jukal?"

Not going to Bearman Island means starting from the sea and climbing an ice cliff that is thousands of feet high. Even if Lux can fly at this height, Ashe doesn't dare to say whether she can bring Jukal and the sled.

"Don't worry, it's not a big problem." Although Lux had been worried that she would get seasick while drifting on the ice sea, but now that she was under the ice cliff of the large glacier, she quickly became confident again It fills up with, “I’ve climbed mountains ten times higher than this, trust me, I can handle this.”

Ash raised his eyebrows.

Although Lux briefly told her about climbing Mount Targon, the distance between Freljord and Mount Targon is really too far. Although the Dragonspine Mountains and the Crampon Mountains are also towering mountains, they The bigger feature is that the mountains are continuous, which is completely different from the single pillar of Mount Targon that holds up the sky. Ashe, who has never seen Mount Targon with her own eyes, obviously can't understand that mountain from Lux's words. of towering.

In Ashe's opinion, what Lux said was a bit of a boast.

However, bragging is a very common phenomenon in Freljord. In a sense, it can even be regarded as a cultural phenomenon - Freljord people like to brag. This is their way of recording the past. It is also a goal to set a challenge for yourself. On the Freljord wine table, cowhide is often divided into two types: those that have been achieved and those that are about to be achieved.

So Ashe thinks that this should be Lux cheering herself up.

But in fact, Lux really thinks that the ice cliff at this height... is actually not bad.

Although it is very cold here, there is no energy field such as celestial radiance that can directly interfere with her. Lux can spread her light-cast wings and fly slowly - she can also flash for a short distance by relying on Horok's gauntlet. It's really not a big problem.

Even compared to manned flight, Lux cares more about the glaciers themselves.

"These glaciers won't break into icebergs again, right?" When the kayak almost reached the bottom of the glacier, Lux flapped her light-cast wings and prepared to take off. "If we get to the glacier, and then the glacier breaks into icebergs...then... That’s troublesome.”

"The ones that can break into icebergs are the kind of promontory glaciers that extend into the sea water." Hearing what Lux said, Ashe smiled and pointed at a peninsula glacier not far away that extended into the sea water. , "As for the neat one in front of us, it will not break easily."

"That's good." After hearing what Ashe said, Lux finally nodded, "Give me two empty buckets, and I'll go up and take a look first!"

After Ashe handed over the two empty buckets, Lux finally opened her light-cast wings and began to take off upwards.

The materialized light-cast wings just flapped a few times, and Lux ​​soared upwards, quickly flying over the glacier.

The empty bucket was put down here, and Lux ​​looked around while leaning on the bucket to catch her breath.

It's bare, there's nothing there.

Looking around, there seems to be no living thing on the large glacier.

Blinking, Lux took off the Hex telescope hanging around her neck and looked further north.

And even within the field of view of the Hex telescope, all she saw was an endless expanse of white snow.

There's really nothing here.

After finding some floating snow and filling the barrel to make sure it would not be blown away, Lux returned to the edge of the ice cliff and suddenly jumped down. When she was close to the sea, she suddenly opened her light-cast wings to stop herself. .

"There is nothing up there." Under Ash's astonished gaze, Lux shrugged, "I looked at it for a long time. There are no animals or plants, just an endless ice field."

Ash nodded dully.

"So, hurry up." Lux grabbed Ashe's waist and grabbed an empty bucket with her other hand, "Let's go!"

Kalya’s Little Class·The Elementalization of the Body:
After completing the introduction to advanced elements, Lux has unknowingly completed part of the elemental transformation - she is more proficient in using elemental magic, and has many characteristics of elemental creatures.

It's just that she is used to getting along with Kalya and seeing elemental characteristics, so she doesn't seem to realize this.

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