Lux's Farewell

Chapter 867 【0864】 Above the Glacier

She said it was easy, but after Lux successfully dragged the sled and Jukar to the large glacier, she still lay on the sled for a long time before she recovered.

This is too laborious.

Lux rested here, while Ashe continued to work - putting the saddle on Yukal again, confirming the direction to the north, and Ashe cracked her whip.

The sled drew two long traces on the floating snow, and Jukar shook his head and dragged the sled forward.

On the large glacier in the far north, there is almost no night.

Moreover, the trajectory of the sun is also quite abnormal. Lux and Ashe are even gradually having problems with their judgment of time. In a place like this, even the mechanical pocket watch in Lux's arms can no longer operate normally. Coupled with the almost disappearance of the rotation of the sun and the moon, the two of them seemed to be in chaos.

What's even more troublesome is that compared to the Freljord continent, there are no animals or plants on the large glaciers. Although they still have some supplies on their sleds and drinking water can be obtained by melting ice and snow, Jukar's forage But they ate them all quickly. If they continued, sooner or later they would not be able to hold on.

Fortunately for Lux, she had the experience of climbing Mount Targon, so she could go on a hunger strike for a long, long time.

But Ashe's body became obviously weak three days after boarding the glacier.

"So, how are we going to find Anivia?" Seeing Ashe's condition getting worse and worse, Lux was quite helpless, "You always said that we can find Anivia on the big glacier, now let's do it Yes, where is Anivia?"

"Go north." Ai Xi didn't seem to be in very good spirits, but when faced with Lux's question, her attitude was unexpectedly firm, "The wind is still blowing, and Anivia knows where there is cold wind. "

Ashe's words made Lux couldn't help but frown. She wanted to say that this was pure superstition, but in this case, she could only treat the dead horse as a living horse doctor. After identifying the north, she continued to drive away He continued to move forward with Jukar, who was almost out of walking and seriously losing weight.

On the fourth day after boarding the Great Glacier, with the sun and moon in the sky, Lux, who was driving Jukar forward, finally saw some shadowy figures on this endless plain.

From a distance, it seemed like... a large group of Ernuk?
Are there any wild Erniuk on the Great Glacier?

Although she was a little confused, Lux quickly changed her direction and headed towards the Enuk.

However, when she got closer to the Ernuk and picked up the Hex telescope, the scene that appeared in the anti-freeze lenses made her breath stop.

That is indeed a group of giant beasts.

But after getting a little closer and having a reference, Lux realized that these giant beasts were much larger than Enuk!
Unlike Enuk, which has a big head and a thick neck, these huge beasts have necks as long and slender as giraffes. When they walk, these necks seem to be moving pillars supporting the heaven and earth, which makes people look confused at a glance. I couldn't help but feel amazed.

Of course, the above parity is based on the physical appearance of these behemoths.

If you look closely at their body surfaces, your breathtaking look will turn into breathtaking.

Their bodies seem to be twisted by some kind of strange material, which is different from any species known to people. In addition to this strange material, it is covered with thick layers of ice, layers upon layers of solid ice. It was like a layer of armor and a layer of seal, tightly wrapping every inch of these behemoths' bodies, even the elephant-like hooves were not spared.

Lux adjusted the focus of the Hex telescope and carefully confirmed this - there was also a thick layer of ice under their feet, and it even looked no different from Zhenbing.

When Lux put down the Hex telescope, an indescribable heart palpitation made her feel very uncomfortable. It seemed that just looking at these behemoths was enough to make her heart beat with fear.

Even when facing a giant, Lux has never felt this way.

Not right, very wrong.

I have never heard of any wandering creatures on the large glacier...

Could it be that these behemoths are actually descendants of Anivia - just like the Ursine to Volibear?
But if Anivia has dependents, they should be a group of phoenixes, right?

Even if it's not a phoenix, it must be at least a group of birds!
Is such a guy who seems to have almost nothing to do with Anivia apart from the fact that he has ice on his body really a descendant of Anivia?

Lux, who was a little confused about the situation, turned to look at Ashe.

"There are some strange creatures ahead." She handed the Hex telescope in her hand to Ai Xi, "Come and take a look, what are they?"

After hearing this, Ashe stood up from the sled, took the Hex telescope, and looked in the direction where Lux discovered the abnormality.

Then, she frowned immediately.

"I've never seen them before." Ai Xi shook his head with a serious expression, "But I always feel that they might not be a good thing."

"I feel relieved if you think so too." Lux took back the Hex telescope and couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief, "I was afraid before that they were Anivia's descendants."

"No, rather than saying that they are descendants of Anivia, in my opinion, they are probably closer to our trial goals."

"Trial... target?" Hearing what Ashe said, Lux was stunned for a moment, "You mean, what we have to do next is to defeat them, and only after defeating them can we see Anivia? "


"Shouldn't this be a test of wisdom?"

“Fighting wisdom is also wisdom.”

Regarding the explanation given by Ashe, Lux could only shrug and had nothing to say. Along the way, she had finally figured out that in the Freljord, wisdom was a rather broad term.

Here, existence is wisdom, development is wisdom, and even combat skills are also a kind of wisdom.

If it weren't for the fact that everyone in the Freljord seemed to think so, Lux couldn't help but wonder if Anivia had mastered some kind of deception skill that allowed the Freljordians to put everything together. to wisdom.

In this case, "combat wisdom is also wisdom" sounds quite refreshing.

And almost at this moment, these big guys finally turned around and took the initiative to face the direction of Lux and Ashe.

"These guys have very good eyesight. They can spot us from such a distance." Lux, who took back the Hex telescope and started observing again, began to prepare to warm up and try to make herself active. At the same time, she reminded Ashe in a low voice, "Help. I'll keep an eye on it." Lux can spot them from farther away, that's because of the huge size of these giant beasts - but on the other hand, they can easily spot Lux and Ashe, which only shows that they are sharp.

Seeing that Lux wanted her to play support again, Ashe actually wanted to say that I would join her.

But having seen Lux take action before, she had a relatively clear understanding of the gap between herself and Lux.

Now Lux is showing extreme caution, which speaks volumes.

So she nodded.

"I'll go around to the flank to look for opportunities."

"You look weak. If this is really a trial, maybe you can eat something first..." Looking at Ashe who was packing her bow and arrows, Lacus frowned slightly, "Although it seems to have discovered us, it's a little bit... It’s probably not too late to put a cushion on your stomach.”

"No, this is exactly the trial I was looking forward to." Although her face was a little pale, Ai Xi's expression looked quite excited, even with a hint of expectation, "I can feel that my bow is cheering !”


A mile away from these giant beasts, Jukar stopped in his tracks. No matter how urged Lux ​​and Ashe were, his four feet still seemed to be rooted in the glacier, not taking a step forward.

Even when those behemoths turned and took the initiative to move towards Lux and Ashe, this Jukar even wailed and retreated, almost overturning the sled.

This is obviously a very abnormal thing, because Jukar has already fully recognized Lux's identity as the "head sheep". At this time, even if he ordered it to die, it would not hesitate at all.

But now, it has become hesitant and even retreated continuously, which simply goes against its biological instinct!

Lux, who was originally very cautious, had no choice but to give up the sled after seeing this situation. She also added a series of defensive magic to herself and Ashe - on the big glacier, she encountered such a strange creature. , it’s better to be cautious!

As it turns out, these defensive spells can be said to have saved her and Ashe's lives.

When the two of them got close to these giant objects, and when Ai Xi opened the Zhenbing Longbow to be on guard, these behemoths also discovered them, and then an invisible wave spread from the mid-air. Lux and Ai Xi didn't even notice After reacting, his body lit up with a burst of colorful light.

All the defensive spells arranged by Lux in advance are invalid!

You must know that these defensive spells arranged by Lux are not ordinary goods. Under the guidance of Kalya, her defense system can be said to be very complete and can handle almost any complex situation.

But now, Lux didn't even have time to feel the destructive way of the spells she arranged. These spells became invalid in an instant!
Lux had never seen anything like this before. The pressure this giant creature brought to her was even greater than that of the Titan.

So, while Lux was replenishing defensive spells for herself and Ashe, she slowed down her pace a little.

Ashe, on the other hand, followed the previous plan, separated from Lux, and began to take a detour from the side, seemingly to find a more reliable cover and shooting point there.

Well, considering the vast expanse of ice and snow on the large glacier and the keen vision of these giant beasts, this shooting point may not be easy to find.

Shaking her head, Lux no longer thought about Ashe, but turned to look at the behemoth.

After getting really close, she could finally see many details of this behemoth.

Through the ice covering their bodies, Lux saw the muscles and tendons in their bodies twisted together like a crouching dragon. They seemed to be preserved in a showcase made of ice, and they reflected in the sunlight. A heart-stopping arc.

Hmm, no, that doesn't seem to be twisted muscles and tendons!
After getting closer to these giant beasts, Lux finally realized clearly that the part of its body covered by ice looked quite bright, not because of the ice coating, but because there was a layer of light on its surface. It looks like a waxy structure that reflects sunlight like an ant's shell!

Wait, an ant's shell?

Chitinous shell?
At this moment, Lux's heart suddenly sank.

Among the descriptions of void creatures, a very important feature is "chitinous shells and body structures similar to insects and beasts."

The big guy in front of him happened to have a chitin shell and a beast-like body structure.

If that's all it is, it doesn't mean much.

The key is that the sense of oppression it gives to Lux is too strong. Lux can't imagine what kind of talent it is to make herself, who is fearless in the face of Volibear's roar, feel a kind of helplessness from the bottom of her heart. Breathing pressure.

There is only void.

Only a world that is always hungry and never satisfied can make Lux, who once faced the glory of heaven, tremble and tremble from the inside out, making her feel the silent oppression before she even fights. !
So... this is a void creature?
However, according to Kalya, void creatures rarely have such a huge size, because void creatures change their physical form when they come to Runeterra. If a void creature wants to have a physical form in Runeterra, the premise is that it must be familiar with the runes. You must understand the laws of the earth's world, otherwise your body will not take shape at all.

Therefore, generally speaking, the larger the void creature is, the more it adapts to the world laws of Runeterra and the greater the threat it poses.

How could a giant void object of this size remain nameless?

Although her heart was full of doubts, Lux did not hesitate in her movements. A light-forged sword was directly held in her hand. The light-forged sword grew in the wind and instantly turned into a hundred-meter sword. The [-]-foot giant sword slashed horizontally at the giant beast.

Facing Lux's chop, the giant beast did not roar, nor did it make any other movements that could reveal its emotions. It just walked steadily and faced Lux's attack as if it was unaware of it. Blade.

As a result, Lux successfully slashed at its neck, which was as slender as Optimus Prime.

The blade was added to the body, the ice shattered, and Optimus Prime broke directly.

However, even though its neck had been completely severed, the giant beast's progress did not lag at all. It was still moving unhurriedly in the direction of Lux.

On the contrary, Lux, who succeeded with one blow, seemed to realize something and gave up the light-forged giant sword.

Something is wrong!
There are no small classes today.

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