Lux's Farewell

Chapter 869 【0866】 Anivia’s Cute Contrast

Lux's impression of Anivia mainly comes from the various legends of Freljord.

In those ancient legends, Anivia is the embodiment of Freljord wisdom, a sage who sees everything.

However, with the experience of getting along with Kalya, Lux has already developed her own way of interpreting myths and legends - perhaps they record some vague history that belongs to group memory, but these stories are often lost because of the pursuit of storytelling. But it is inaccurate in different dimensions.

In addition, Lux is not from the Freljord. When listening to these myths and legends, she always has the mentality of listening to stories. Therefore, when she saw Anivia, she was far less excited than Ashe.

Even at the beginning, I was still very vigilant.

It wasn't until Anivia set off a polar storm and temporarily sealed the disaster that Lux believed that he was not the summoner of these void monsters.

The reason why Lux made this judgment was not that Anivia sealed Fulin in front of her, but that Fulin could be sealed with ice - just imagine, if Anivia was the summoner of Fulin, Based on the characteristics of these monsters, they should be completely unafraid of frost at this time.

Therefore, when Anivia's curious eyes fell on herself, Lux decided to reveal a little bit about the void to him.

Well, let’s talk about this part of the Battle of Icathia.

There is no need to go into details about the narration process. Lux simply started from the battle of Icathia, talked about the coming of the void, the establishment of the monolithic fortress and the bridging of the cracks in the earth, and about what and how the monolithic fortress was. She completely skipped the use of advanced elemental laws to construct elements that are difficult to corrode in the void.

Ai Xi, who hurried back from the side, tried to interrupt several times, but had no chance.

After Lux finished speaking, a smile unexpectedly appeared on Anivia's ice face - well, although it is difficult to describe, Lux dared to say that she was definitely on the ice bird's face, Saw a smile.

"Exquisite idea." Anivia leaned down and stared at Lux with a pair of eyes as clear as sapphires. "I have to say that the development of the mortals in the south has indeed exceeded my expectations."

Lux saw herself in Anivia's eyes. At this moment, she could hardly help but want to reach out and touch her reflection. Fortunately, her reason awakened her and she put down her arm forcefully.

"You are a very determined mortal." Just when Lux put down his hand, Anivia finally raised her head again, "Although there are not many traces of time on your body, you must also hide many secrets, right? "

Hearing what Anivia said, Lux suddenly realized that his behavior just now could not be a temptation, right?

If I just stretched out my hand, does that mean my will is not strong enough?
I have to say, this is somewhat insidious.

"Everyone has their own secrets." A slightly displeased Lux ​​frowned slightly, "And to test your willpower, you don't necessarily need to pry into privacy."

"Ah ha, that seems to be causing a little bit of distress."

Anivia giggled. When she heard this laughter, Lux had a very rude question: "Why is Anivia now more like a free-range chicken than an ice phoenix?" idea.

However, before Lux could extinguish this thought, Anivia's next words shocked her.

"Actually, I have no interest in your secrets." Anivia, who raised her head and suppressed her laughter, finally regained the demeanor and attitude that people recognized as a god should have, "Mortal's The secrets are not difficult for me to explore, and there is no need to pry through boring means - I know far more than you think."

Lux blinked.

"Traveler from the south." Sensing Lux's disbelief, Anivia spoke again, "For example, even if you don't tell me, I know that the monolith you are talking about is actually mixed with Together, they form a special balance of complex elements, right?”

Hearing what Anivia said, Lacus remained calm on her face, but there was a turmoil in her heart.

Is Anivia right?

Yes, that's right, it's almost exactly the same as the beginning of the Introduction to Advanced Elements - Advanced elements are special elements that are manifested after a variety of basic elements are combined in a variety of ways to form a dynamic balance.

You know, the course Introduction to Advanced Elements, according to Karya, is considered a high-end course at Shurima University. Except for those who are really interested in this aspect, it is also a required course for ascenders (although many ascenders This course is just about listening to a story, and qualifications for promotion have nothing to do with grades). Although such a course is not top secret, it is not spread to the outside world.

Judging from Kalya's statement that "I don't know much about the Freljord" and Anivia's interested expression when she just described the Battle of Icathia, it is speculated that the Freljord and Shuri There shouldn’t be much communication in the Mar Empire.

Therefore, Anivia should not know the course content of Introduction to Advanced Elements.

In this case, He directly said that the monolithic element was an advanced element, and also clearly pointed out the nature of the advanced element, which was really shocking.

So is this the wisdom of the God of Wisdom?
However, in shock, Lux also narrowed her eyes and began to think.

Why would Anivia know this?
Lux, who had fought against the giant gods, did not have any special respect for the gods. She also did not think that Anivia could be born knowing it. She could guess that the properties of the monolithic element were indeed a bit powerful, but it definitely should not be incompetent. There are no traces of speculation out of thin air.

While Lux was thinking, the frost seal on Fulin's body gradually began to melt. Lux glanced at it and saw that after the ice and snow melted, the golden light on its surface was fading, and finally only pure white light elements.

This scene made Lux couldn't help but feel a move in her heart.

"So, the same goes for Freljord." When looking at Anivia, Lux's face was once again full of confidence, "Your choice is... Zhenbing."

"Hahahaha, smart little guy!" Hearing Lux say this, Anivia flapped her wings happily, "You are so sharp. It seems that you have been exposed to Zhenbing a lot, right?"

"You may not believe it." Lux shrugged, "Zhenbing is now an indispensable material for ice gold coins."

The... material of gold coins?
Even Anivia, the God of Wisdom, couldn't help but smack his lips after hearing what Lux said - this pure element that was used to seal the monitor at the beginning of creation was In addition to being used as weapons by mortals, it can also be used as gold coins! However, after just thinking for a moment, Anivia figured out the joints and quickly summarized the advantages of many ice gold coins in his mind. So when he looked at Ashe again, his eyes were finally full of dissatisfaction. Disguised interest.

"It's really interesting, mortal. You made me interested in a place outside the Freljord for the first time." He leaned down again, and a pair of sapphire eyes came close to Lux again. Being on duty on the big glacier, I’m afraid I won’t be able to help but leave here and go to the south to have a look.”

Lux couldn't help but glance at herself in Anivia's eyes again. This time, it was only slightly distorted and did not exude that weird temptation.

"It seems that you passed my test and should be trustworthy." Nodding slightly, Anivia finally looked at the confused Ashe next to her. "As for you, the descendant of Avarosa, you Are you following the footsteps of your ancestors, are you eager to achieve your own greatness, or are you harboring some kind of grand dream?"

When saying this, Anivia raised her chest and raised her head, as if she were a proud hen.

"I hope to unify the Freljord." Although Ashe was not very able to understand the dialogue between Lux and Anivia the Riddler, which usually contained a lot of information, she still spoke loudly in the face of Anivia's inquiry. And firmly stated his dream, "End this dispute in a peaceful way!"

"Very good, very good!" Anivia nodded, "This is Avarosa's last wish and the Freljord's greatest ambition. Those who truly realize it will eventually pass on their great names to future generations - —Very good, Ai Xi, I hope you can always stick to your heart and not be wavered in any way!"

Then, just when Ai Xi was confused and wanted to ask, Fu Lin, who had been briefly sealed by Anivia, finally broke free from the shackles of ice and snow and began to move again.

And Anivia let out a long roar, spread her wings and flew to the sky, and then swooped down towards Fu Lin carrying endless wind, snow and ice.

Under the gazes of Lux and Ashe, the body of this ice phoenix turned into a storm of ice and snow that was like the winding of a galaxy, completely covering the two evil phoenixes, one large and one small.

When the ice and snow storm subsided, the two evil beasts had been completely wrapped in the thick ice, and they no longer had any ability to move.

As for Anivia, she turned into a crystal clear egg and stood quietly in place.

"So, this is Nirvana?" Ai Xi looked at everything in front of him blankly, his whole brain completely shut down, "He...he completely achieved Nirvana in order to seal those two monsters?"

"It's not just to seal them." Just when Ai Xi was surprised, Danyvia made a slightly childish, but obviously lighter tone, "Anivia has carried too much, Danyvia Ya doesn’t have so many constraints. Since you are trustworthy, I feel more comfortable communicating with you in this form.”

Looking at each other, Lux and Ashe both remembered what Nunu had said before about the bet between Anivia and Lissandra.

So, Anivia’s vest probably has more than just such a bet, right?

Make a contract as Anivia, and then flexibly circumvent the contract by turning into an egg Nivia... According to legend, the ice crystal phoenix can avoid death through nirvana, but in reality, his wrist seems to be more flexible ah!
And when dealing with such a "flexible" Anivia - oh no, it's Egganivia - I'm afraid I have to be a little more cautious!

"So, what is the goal of this trial?" Although she is regarded as a trial assistant, Lux has completely turned her back on herself now. "You don't want to see Ashe, do you?"

"It was the little guy Nunu who asked you to come, right?" Anivia did not answer directly, but took the initiative to talk about Nunu, "There is also a snowman beside him, the one with four arms, very cute. "

Lux blinked.

She had an impression of Willump next to Nunu, and judging from his face alone, Willump was indeed rather cute - but she also knew very well that this cute snowman actually contained something amazing. Power, that is the power of dreams and Zhenbing.

"I still like Willump's current appearance better." After turning into Egg Nevia, the God of Wisdom became more lively and began to talk in random directions. "Back when there were many snowmen, they were actually more like Here comes the furry Poro..."

"Snowi and you have a lot to do with each other, right?" As Anivia rambled on, Lux quickly discovered the key to the problem, "Are you familiar with them?"

"Of course, I saw them born with my own eyes - it's hard to imagine that ice and snow can also have their own souls and dreams..."

Does ice and snow also have its own soul?
It is not strange for elemental creatures to have souls, but this sentence is somewhat funny when Dan Nevia said it - after all, his current form is almost an elemental creature. Don't you know whether he has a soul?
"Ah, you must be thinking, I am obviously an elemental creature, but why do I sigh like this, right?" The moment this idea was born in Lux's mind, Dannevia had insight into her. Thinking, "Believe me, if you have also experienced that interesting change, you will also be very emotional when you recall it after many years."

Lacus doesn't know whether she is feeling emotional or not. She only knows now that this kind of ability that is close to reading minds has only been seen in Kalya in the past - and Kalya can easily guess her own thoughts, to a large extent. Or because they know and trust each other enough.

"This matter is very complicated, very complicated." Nivia seemed not to care about Lux's expression at all, and even prolonged her tone in a playful manner, "But, I think patient travelers won't mind. A cute egg has to be sold for a little while, right?"


Lux and Ashe looked at each other, and they both saw a bit of absurdity in each other's eyes.

Is this the god of wisdom?

"Okay, okay, I won't tease you anymore. Since you have passed the trial, you will be rewarded. Therefore, I have an ancient story that few people know to share with you." Ice Phoenix The egg squirmed from side to side, both in tone and movement, full of anticipation, "And the beginning of this story begins with the Elemental Civilization Era of Runeterra."

"It starts from the era when the spiritual world has not been separated from the real world, Bandle City has not yet left the real world, and elemental beings were active in the Freljord."

 Kalya's Little Classroom: Everything in Freljord is Three:

  In the Freljord, three seems to be a magical number, just like the birth of the three sisters inspired ancient human civilization. In earlier times, the three Freljord sisters served as the three original The Old Gods of the Wilderness represent that bygone era.

  And these three...yes, they are the eldest brother Ornn the goat, the second sister Anivia the ice bird, and the most irritable third brother the giant bear Volibear.

  (End of this chapter)

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