Lux's Farewell

Chapter 870 【0867】 The Age of Chaos

After working so hard on a large glacier and spending several months on a trial of Anivia, the result is "just" a story. This is completely unacceptable to some people.

However, Lux and Ashe did not object to this result - for them, the reward prepared by Anivia was probably not the story itself, but the valuable information contained behind the story.

Therefore, the two of them stared at Egg Nevia quietly, waiting for His story.

"The story begins a long time ago." The ice crystal phoenix egg twisted and twisted, seeming to enjoy the feeling of telling a story. "At that time, I was an egg. Orn said that I was born in a gust of snow. Just like he was born in flames and Volibear was born in thunderstorms."

"At that time, it was an era full of elements..."


Before the emergence of human civilization, Runeterra experienced an era of chaos.

At that time, many secondary planes or demiplanes attached to Runeterra had not yet been separated from Runeterra. The full magic power and agitated elements formed a reciprocating oscillating tide under the attraction and repulsion of the celestial energy, washing away the Runeterra.

Most of the land in Runeterra today was formed during that era - Freljord, Valoran, Shurima and Kamavia were all born at that time.

In that era of chaos, due to the abundance of magic power and the fact that the spiritual and soul planes were not separated from Runeterra, it was much less difficult to use magic to change reality than it is now.

Just like Ixtal has an elemental gradient enchantment, so the Ixtal people can more easily formulate the use of elements to cast spells. In that era when elemental energy was active and magic was abundant, newborn life could easily guide various energies. to change reality.

Therefore, it was an era of chaos and disorder. As ancient beings woke up one after another, they began to transform the world as they pleased, turning it into something they preferred.

Ornn, who was born in flames and lava, liked fire and hammering, so he transformed the ancient mountains into huge furnaces and used the primordial fire to create all kinds of gadgets he liked.

Anivia has an amazing curiosity, so she will happily observe everything, letting the falling snow serve as her eyes and ears to observe everything in the world, and summarize and summarize it.

Volibear, on the other hand, advocates freedom and wildness. According to Anivia's description, whenever thunder blooms in the sky, he will run wildly on all fours, "like an overfed sled dog."

The first-born beings, including the three gods of the Freljord, are not only material beings, but also have elemental, soul-like, and spiritual aspects. They are very similar to elemental beings at first. Most of them rely on instinct to act, and they also interact with each other. There were fights, and even fights to the death, until their long lives and complex experiences allowed them to learn to summarize and possess their own ancient wisdom.

Therefore, when wisdom was born, the prototype of order was also born.

Anivia couldn't tell when human beings emerged from ignorance - in her impression, it seemed that she had just slept, and these little people seemed to have awakened their own wisdom, and they began to follow their own rules. Likes to divide camps and follow different newborn lives.

At the beginning, the following of these people was still very instinctive, yearning and desire for power, but as time went by, this following began to take on more meaning.

While he originally didn't care much about the new lives of these followers, he gradually developed some complicated emotions towards the little people who followed him.

Volibear would lead those who followed him to run wildly into the wilderness when thunder and lightning struck, leading them to embrace the wind and thunder. Under such "sifting" from generation to generation, the number of people who followed Volibear appeared in large numbers. The trend of elementalization has a body that can absorb thunder.

Those who are willing to stay in Ornn's Furnace Village learned forging while observing Ornn's work, and learned brewing and prospecting in order to please Ornn. During the long period of forging work, these people have He has a stronger body than other followers of Newborn Life.

As for Anivia's own followers, most of them are travelers who are restless and curious like her. In order to communicate more effectively and satisfy their curiosity, they have organized the Frelzo It is the most primitive text of Germany, and it can also communicate more directly through dreams.

Of course, not all relationships between newborns and followers are such a clear one of leading and being led.

Like the Lund Python, it uses fear to control its followers. Like his followers, the Lund Python likes killing and sacrifice. Together, they are more like a gang. commit a crime.

In Anivia's eyes, what is even more outrageous is Vasta Yashari. As a new born life, he actually chose to reproduce with his followers - the new born life lost his immortality, and other than human beings , a new race of vastayas was also born.

"Of course, those were things that only worked in the era of chaos, but everything was different after that!"

What happened next?

Then came the war, the war between the newborn beings.

Perhaps because of friction between followers, perhaps because of the insatiable greed of some newborns, the war broke out. What happened to the war in other places? Anivia had no time to pay attention at the time, but in Freljord, she Pretty sure it was the Lund Python that caused everything.

The ravenous snake wants to eat other newborns so that it can turn the entire Freljord into a swamp of flesh.

Naturally, the other newborns would not sit still and wait for death. Although two unlucky ones became the python's food due to being attacked by surprise, the other newborns quickly joined forces to defeat and kill the Lunde Python. .

The one who completed the final blow was Volibear. The blow he tore the body of the Lund Python led the thunder to tear the earth, and the place he tore apart is now known as the Five Fjords. .

"Only in that era could Volibear move mountains and reclaim seas so easily." However, the death of the Londo Python did not mean long-term peace. Not long after, many of Ionia's new borns The Fates united together and made a big move - they called themselves All Souls, and believed that such chaos would only lead to the complete destruction of Rune Land, so they decided to join forces to completely separate the Soul Plane from Rune Land.

Separating a plane is not a simple matter. The reason why they did this was that the earliest Shenlong discovered that the Soul Plane was slowly separating from Runeterra, so their choice was to adapt to the situation.

So, in Anivia's shock, they really did a great job to separate the spiritual world from the real world, and this separation was also recognized by Runeterra. Since then, Runeterra has Direct transformation by the power of the soul is no longer possible.

After being shocked, Anivia was also curious about whether she could take away the power of frost and create a perfect little world for herself, so she quietly came to the uninhabited extreme north and tried to create one for herself, but The ice element - or the elemental realm - has no tendency to break away from Runeterra. Anivia spent a lot of effort, but the result was only a large glacier.

It was also when Anivia created the Great Glacier that Ornn and Volibear, who were originally close brothers, also had a fierce battle. The aftermath of the battle between the two sides led to the eruption of the volcano. Ornn's furnace family suffered heavy losses.

After this battle, Ornn, who was already taciturn, became even more autistic.

After learning his lesson, Volibear came up with an interesting idea: Since the spiritual world can be separated from the real world, does that mean that the spiritual realm is also possible?
Therefore, after Anivia failed to revive and created a large glacier, Volibear found her and expressed his desire to try to create a spiritual realm - then followers would be able to communicate directly with her through the spiritual realm. Communicated myself.

Anivia, who had just experienced a failure, was a little uninterested, so Volibear left Freljord, contacted some newborns, and completed this big job.

However, unlike the spirit world, when the spiritual realm was born, the newborns found out awkwardly that their authority seemed to be shrinking - as the spirit world and the spiritual realm successively separated from Runeterra, their authority to transform the world at will also gradually shrunk. , this transformation seems to have shot itself in the foot.

But in the new life where power was tightened, Volibear became more and more powerful uncharacteristically. Anivia was very curious about why this was the case, so she pestered Volibear in the hope of getting answers from him.

Volibear kept it quiet at first, but then he really couldn't stand Anivia, and he couldn't do anything about Anivia. In desperation, he had to tell his sisters that it was because he was going to follow his bear. The spiritual power of the human race is used as its own power to guide. This power is so powerful that it can even break through the limitations of the spiritual realm and directly act on reality.

Later, this relationship was called faith, and the newborn life also had a new name: god.

With the emergence of faith, the eyes of the beings in the heavens also fell on Rune Land. In the south (actually Shurima), there were star spirits coming down from Mount Targon, using different methods and with the help of the spiritual realm, they gave Mortals to enlightenment.

Different from the newborn life, their way of manipulating energy is more direct. Titans who are not native to Rune Land cannot naturally guide the elements and other energies of Rune Land, but they can use arcane means to analyze the rules of this world. Cast a spell.

Different from the relationship between newborn life and followers, the goals of these giant gods are also clearer and colder. They seem to have determined that there is some potential in this world, and want to control everything in this world through the hands of those mortals.

Well, Anivia knows so much about Shurima. She hates heat and dryness. Although she likes traveling and gossip, she rarely goes south.

"The first creation of Shurima - you call it Shurima, right - I remember there was a nasty turtle, and communicating with it would drive you crazy. Trust me, this is not an exaggeration."

"Besides that nasty turtle, there seems to be a very big giant kun there, but I've only seen the body, and I don't know how it ended up."

Well, farther away.

In short, as the spiritual world and the spiritual realm are separated from Runeterra, the past where the world can be transformed directly by will is gone forever. After that, even the first-born life known as the original god, If you want to move mountains and reclaim seas, you either need to dig the soil bit by bit yourself, or you can rely on the power of faith.

It was also during this time that the influence of the spiritual and spiritual realms ceased, and the forms of the followers of the different original gods became fixed.

Anivia's followers became Yetis, Volibear's followers became Ursines, Ornn had no followers, and the heartbroken Flame of the Hidden Mountain shared its technology with everyone who likes flames and furnaces. , so they had the name Furado.

Outside of the Freljord, according to Anivia, many descendants of the original gods have become shapechangers with multiple forms, such as a despicable and low-key giant spider.

There are also some followers of primitive gods who directly choose the human form, just like the foul-mouthed dragon turtle.

In this way, after the spiritual world and the real world were separated and the spiritual realm became a special channel, life in Runeterra gradually lost its soul form and spiritual form and acquired a stable material form. Since then, life in Runeterra has only elements. life and flesh-and-blood life in general.

The stable life form gradually stabilized the human social form. In Ionia, people began to use the spiritual energy flowing out of the spirit world to learn magic, and professionalized the work of communicating with all spirits, giving birth to the earliest priests. .

In Freljord, the three sisters also became the leaders of mankind at this time. They represented the ambitions of mortals who were not satisfied with the past. At this time, when the upright stars turned their sights to the north, a battle between the three sisters began. The story is officially staged in Freljord.

"The choice of mortals surprised me. Before this, I never thought that those little people who followed our footsteps in the past could actually burst out with such energy after learning to be independent." Even today, Anivia said When talking to the three sisters, there was still a lot of surprise in their tone, "But it's a pity that due to the disadvantages caused by short life, you always fail to remember any lessons."

"Just like Lissandra, she always thinks she can control everything and take charge of the overall situation - although she has to admit that she used the spiritual realm to counterattack Volibear's army and kept him quiet for thousands of years. It is indeed beautiful, but some things are not so easy to determine.”

"For example, summon the power of the void and use it to break down the barriers of matter and energy again and transform humans."

The background of this chapter is all second creation, limited to the limited edition of this book - I always eat books anyway, so I might as well make some supplements myself.

Even if it conflicts with Riot's background later, there's no telling when he'll start eating books again.

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