Lux's Farewell

Chapter 878 【0875】 Request for help from thousands of miles away

Overwatch League emissaries who are worried about their situation talk nonsense.

Although the Overwatch League had received news that Noxus was gathering troops to the north and had prepared a lot of cold-proof supplies, in order to prove the seriousness of the situation, after the envoy came to the capital of Demacia, he chose Concealing most of the facts.

They only said that the Noxians were gathering an army, but they never mentioned that they were preparing cold-proof supplies, let alone that the direction of their gathering of battle groups was north.

Although this may lead to strategic misjudgments... the Overwatch League, which is full of worries, can't care so much.

The news from the Overwatch League surprised Lux.

Since the Overwatch League is too far away from Demacia, even though the intelligence team has developed many workstations, she still has no way to verify the authenticity of the news. In this case, Ino, who is in charge of intelligence work, can only go through Xinfukang Businessmen conduct preliminary verification of the Overwatch League's intelligence by investigating and counting market price fluctuations of strategic materials.

According to information from Xinfugang shipping merchants, the prices of many bulk strategic commodities have indeed increased significantly in recent times.

Due to northern trade and Ionia trade, the scale of international trade in Runeland has increased considerably in the past twenty years, and the prices of bulk commodities have also reached a relatively stable level.

In this case, the sudden rise in commodity prices can obviously explain some problems.

Of course, these can only be regarded as circumstantial evidence and are necessary conditions, but not sufficient.

But the problem is, facing the Overwatch League's envoy, Ino can't get very precise information - so, if it can't be falsified, the Big Three still need to hold an internal meeting about the Noxians' actions.

The core content of this internal meeting was not to worry about the expansion of Noxus, but to deduce the impact of Noxus' expansion on Demacia's follow-up actions.

Demacia's current overall strategy is to exert economic influence on the east, while seizing time to digest the new territory of the western Freljord subcontinent.

In addition, military forces must be concentrated to join forces with Avarosa to fight against the void under the Howling Abyss. Coupled with the ongoing internal magic industrialization reform and the split of the magic industry, the entire national machine has once again There was a rumble.

According to Karya, “Finding something to do for yourself is also a very important part of a country.”

However, although Demacia's administrative efficiency is more than a little higher than in the past thanks to a more efficient clerk system, as of now, the entire Demacia is almost fully activated. If you continue to find more things If we do it, the result may be that the entire country will fall into exhaustion and chaos.

Therefore, the three giants in the north know very well that Demacia currently does not have any more power to interfere in more things - if Noxus really wants to "recover lost territory", then let him do it. However, Demacia is not worried about competition from Noxus.

The news brought by the Overwatch League envoy this time is more like a reference, giving the three giants in the north an opportunity to further deduce and think.

Can Demacia solve the problem in the north before Noxus is unified?

If not, with the character and habits of the Noxians, will they take advantage of Demacia's lack of time to provoke or even start a war again?

If they really do this, does Demacia have any effective ways and means to deal with it? Does it require any preparation?

These are questions that the three giants in the north need to think about.

In contrast, it doesn't matter to Demacia whether Noxus is using force for blackmail or is really preparing to annex the Overwatch League.

After all... until Noxus truly returns to its full form, it is unlikely that they will move westward - with the establishment of the Second Silver Republic, the two sides no longer have any borders, and Noxus Human sea power is not enough for him to affect Demacia's northern trade. Things have to be prioritized. Noxus does not pose much of a threat now.

It is very difficult to deduce this kind of political situation. In the fog of war, the three giants in the north cannot make too many definite judgments even if they pool their wisdom.

However, judging from the pace of Noxus' restoration of the empire, it would be impossible for the divided Noxus to unify without spending more than five years - and this is without any support from Demacia. Down.

If material assistance is provided to the Second Silver Republic, Noxus may not be able to fully restore its former imperial posture in ten, twenty, or even thirty to fifty years.

In other words, Demacia's time pressure is not too great.

The Noxians' accelerated pace of regaining their homeland cannot be a key factor affecting Demacia's overall strategy.

With this conclusion drawn, Demacia's attitude towards the Watch League's request for help became clear - Demacia did not have the spare capacity to launch another expedition.

Of course, Lux doesn't give any support at all.

The next day, the anxious Overwatch League envoy received a positive official response: Because Demacia and the Overwatch League are too far away, a lot of information cannot be verified, and direct intervention is impossible, so Demacia is willing to act as an intermediary and provide The Overwatch League is a platform for communication with Bilgewater.

If the pressure from the Overwatch League is too great, maybe you can hire Bilgewater's navy in the form of mercenaries to provide various forms of support from the sea.

With insufficient information and beyond their reach, Demacia has done this step to the limit of its benevolence.

Naturally, the Overwatch League envoy would not be satisfied with this result - everyone knew that the guys in Bilgewater were all pirates, and each one was greedier than the last. If they hired them to provide them with maritime support, who knows what would happen. What a heavy price to pay.

When the Watch League envoy came to Demacia for help, didn't he just hope that the Demacians would bring their own rations to help out of their "sense of justice" and the need to fight against Noxus?

Now it seems that Demacians are also very naughty!

But dissatisfaction was dissatisfaction, and the envoy himself was a little uneasy. After all, he deliberately concealed part of the information when he asked for help. If the stalking continues and this part of the information is known to Demacia, the relationship between the two parties may be affected. problem appear.

Therefore, seeing Demacia make his attitude clear, he could only adopt the attitude of "Demacia is not willing to provide any practical benefits at all, it is really stingy" and left angrily.

It's a pity that the three giants in the north are not at all worried about his departure - the Overwatch League thinks that this is a confrontation between Demacia and Noxus, so they hope to make profits from their own position.

But in fact, New Demacia never regarded Noxus as its opponent from the beginning.

For Lux, Noxus is just a part of the future plan that will be solved, nothing more.

With the Overwatch League issues resolved, Lux's attention returned to the construction of the new city. In order to select the location of the new city, Lux even went to several alternate locations to conduct personal surveys and inspections of the local environment.

In the end, Demacia decided to build a new city in a three-forked river bend south of Green Teeth Peak and one hundred and twenty miles from the border.

The mountain spring water on Green Teeth Peak converges into streams, and the streams converge into small rivers, where they merge into the Yiming River.

This was once the former site of the Greentooth Peak Legion, and there are still vague remains of the former Greentooth Peak Legion camp site. Later, because the terrain here was too flat and open, it was not conducive to defense. In addition, there were sufficient water sources and the topography of the Greentooth Peak. Due to the danger, the Green Teeth Peak Legion moved its headquarters to the mountain, and this area was gradually abandoned.

It is precisely for this reason that the land in this area has been leveled early. If a city is built here, there will be no need to level the land additionally, and the amount of work can be reduced a lot.

Moreover, since the site is located on the bank of the Yiming River, many building materials can be transported by water.

As the second largest river in Valoran in terms of runoff, the Yiming River originating from Nokmoch also has excellent water conservancy resources that are not inferior to those of Tobitsia. Although the channel of the Yiming River is not as wide as Tobitsia, it is The river is deeper and the current is not as fast as the Tobitsia River, so it is still very suitable for water transportation.

Building a city here can make full use of the water transportation advantages of the Yiming River. After the construction of the new city is completed, as long as Demacia gives certain tax advantages, a large number of magical industrial products will continue to gather in the new city, and then expand eastward along the Yiming River. The Principality of Valoran conquered the city.

In addition to the northern maritime trade, Demacia will have another vast international market.

With the address of the new city determined, the issue of the new city's name was also placed on Lux's desk.

As a typical name-breaker, Lux really couldn't come up with any good ideas at the moment. She wanted to listen to the people's opinions, but the survey results showed that the locals liked to call the new city site the Shuangcha River Estuary.

Shuangchahekou City?

This name is just too bad.

After thinking about it, Lux simply decided to name it Yiming City - the important hub of the Tobisia River is called Tobisia City, so there should also be a Yiming City on the Yiming River!

Moreover, as soon as you hear this name, you can understand its characteristics and positioning, and it is also catchy to read. The name Yiming City is really good!

In this way, with the location selected and the name confirmed, the investment and construction work of Yiming City finally officially started.

According to Kalya's previous ideas, Lux positioned this city as a "commodity distribution center and post-processing city."

Unlike cities such as the Three Towns of Fucheng and the Capital of Demacia, which accommodate huge industries, Yiminghe is unlikely to be a key magic industrial city in one or two generations.

Therefore, its current main tasks should be the collection and distribution of goods, as well as the final simple processing and assembly of some goods.

Lux is very familiar with cities with this kind of positioning. Xinfugang, which is called a port but is actually a city, exists like this.

Xinfukang is prospering little by little as Lacus sees it. Many of the experiences gained in building Xinfugang can be applied to Yiming City.

The first is the urban management framework of Yiming City. It goes without saying that it must be dominated by clerks, and it should be dominated by young people who are unmarried and have no children and have the most fighting spirit.

It can be said that the original construction of Xinfu Port was thanks to the immigrants absorbed by Fosbairo, and Yiming City can also emulate this.

Not only can you recruit residents from within Demacia, but you can also try to recruit people from the east, from the Principality of Valoran.

Anyway, there is plenty of land here, and there are plenty of job opportunities in the future.

In the past, many places where Yiming City was located were military restricted areas, and some places were even designated as military fields. However, in the military reform of Demacia that just started not long ago, a big task is to abolish the military. Tian, ​​​​cancel the small treasury of the army in various places.

A large amount of military land was cleared to serve as the foundation for the construction of Yiming City.

The Engineer Corps of the Green Teeth Peak Corps happily filled in the farmland they had opened under the foothills with their own hands - not because they didn't feel bad about selling their fields, but because Demacia's military reform, while canceling the small treasury, also The treatment of the military has been greatly improved.

Military fields also need to be planted by the local army. Considering that there are very few residents here in Green Teeth Peak, I am afraid that the people responsible for farming here in the past were these unlucky engineers.

In Demacia, joining the army and then being responsible for farming is a very sad story.

With the completion of the land leveling work, two construction teams from Forsbarrow finally arrived in Yiming City. Their main work was to build simple construction rooms in Yiming City first and equip them for the subsequent construction teams who came here to work. The most basic living facilities.

Digging wells, building houses, leveling roads, building docks...

It can only be said that the level of Fosbarrow's construction team is amazing. In addition, both construction teams are led by mages. It only took them less than half a month to complete a temporary construction project that can accommodate 100,000 people. District construction.

After the basic construction area was established, one construction team after another arrived by boat on the Yiming River and began construction.

Some of these construction teams were hired by the newly formed Yiming City Government, while others were hired by wealthy businessmen from the north - unlike Xinfugang, which was small in scale at first and then expanded slowly, Yiming The city has been built to a high standard from the beginning. Such an astonishing amount of construction cannot be completed by the Yiming City Government, which is still just a grassroots team.

The construction of Yiming City also requires the participation of private forces.

To this end, the newly established Yiming City Government set up a construction planning team and hired experienced architects with high salaries to be responsible for the planning of the internal areas of Yiming City and the approval of each building.

At this stage, groups and individuals who are willing to come to Yiming City to assist in urban construction, as long as they come up with a building plan that meets the standards of Yiming City, pass subsequent approval, and are willing to assume some public facilities, then after the construction is completed, they will You will automatically obtain the property rights of the building and receive a series of tax incentives in the early stages of Yiming City.

Suddenly, all kinds of businessmen and groups flocked to Yiming City like crucian carp crossing the river, and the dense construction plans almost overwhelmed the newly established construction planning team.

I originally wanted to write an extra chapter, but the extra chapter stuttered, which was weird.

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