Lux's Farewell

Chapter 879 【0876】 Deja Vu Decision

Mobilizing the power of the people is not a simple matter.

Although Demacia has a relatively efficient administrative system, if all the tasks of coordinating the construction of the city are handed over to the clerks, Demacia's other internal policies will have to be put on hold in a short period of time.

Even though the expansion of Fosbarrow into Fucheng Three Towns seemed very smooth at the beginning, that was because Fucheng Three Towns were right next to Fosbarrow, and it only needed to be expanded.

But now to build Yiming City, in addition to the most basic earth and stone, most of the related materials need to be transported from afar. In addition, we need to study the subsequent settlement of shops and personnel. In this case, the best The way is undoubtedly to accept the participation of private forces from the beginning of city construction.

In order to clearly plan the extent of private participation in the construction of the city, the three northern giants not only conducted internal discussions, but also consulted many famous architects and referred to the tax details of the three towns in Fucheng in recent years to ensure that the public Actively participate, and at the same time, the Demacia government must have absolute control.

The sense of proportion was not easy to grasp, so in addition to the pre-prepared plan, Sona also organized experts in urban planning to negotiate and form a construction planning team.

On the one hand, this team is responsible for reviewing whether the design plan of the building is qualified. On the other hand, it is also responsible for checking and confirming the specific construction direction of Yiming City on the front line.

If something goes wrong, this group will be the ones to apply the brakes.

However, although investigations and preparations had been made long ago, when Yiming City began to accept the construction plan, the enthusiasm of businessmen from various places far exceeded initial expectations.

No, it should be said that it is not just businessmen from all over the country who are so enthusiastic.

In Forsbarrow, with the exception of shipping merchants and the mining industry, which is extremely dependent on close-range raw materials, almost all the industry associations in other industries immediately took notice of the news. It seemed that they all planned to set up shop in Yiming City as soon as possible. Establish your own foothold and acquire some land along the way.

For this reason, some people and some organizations have even taken out special loans. Even if they owe money for construction, they have to put up the scaffolding first.

Everyone seems to be worried about falling behind.

Why do they want to invest so actively in the construction of Yiming City?

This is very interesting, but in the final analysis, it is still for profit.

Although the profits of Yiming City are not yet certain, on the one hand, the government represented by Her Majesty Laxana is quite credible. On the other hand, they are worried about insufficient profits from continuing to transfer industries to the south. Therefore, after the construction of Yiming City started, , many smart-minded guys have focused their attention here.

It is a foregone conclusion that some industries will be split up and packaged to be sent south.

But most industry practitioners are unwilling to go south to open up markets and start over. It’s just that they can’t resist the government’s split and reorganization, and they can’t even directly protest.

Under such circumstances, the construction plan of Yiming City was officially proposed. Many people who were worried that their industries would be forcibly relocated to the south simply took up the idea of ​​Yiming City.

From their point of view, the development potential of the Demacia Plains in the south and along the Tobitsia River is probably not as good as that of Yiming City. Even though Yiming City is located at the southern foot of Green Teeth Peak, the surrounding areas are completely comparable. The land is vast and sparsely populated, and there are few residents, but as long as you open the map, it is not difficult to find that the area where Yiming City is located is the east gate of Demaiyi.

Without any national defense pressure, Yiming City will be a natural and eastern trade export port with huge advantages.

Therefore, when the construction plan of Yiming City was formally proposed, many industry practitioners immediately thought of the possibility of subsequent development of Yiming City, and then made preparations for large-scale development.

This can be regarded as an unexpected surprise. After all, beforehand, Lux really did not connect the industrial transfer with the construction of Yiming City.


As a large number of private forces poured into the construction of Yiming City, when one detailed construction plan after another received a positive answer, and the construction of Yiming City reached the stage of actual construction, it was originally due to the split of the industry. Forsbarrow, who had become a little depressed, became active again.

Many people saw the opportunity.

The experience of Forsbarrow over the past ten years has proved that in many cases, all people need is an opportunity.

Amid the excitement among the people of Demacia, thousands of miles away in Noxus, Darius finally completed the assembly and training of the army.

Darius, who has rich combat experience in the Northern Chapter, even personally participated in and intervened in related work. With the arrival of a large number of cold-weather clothing, the assembled Noxian Chapter was finally ready to go to Forre. The preparation mission for the Zodiac battle.

These war groups are a very important force within the New Noxus Empire. Darius relied on such a force to put down the internal rebellion in the Immortal Fortress.

Now, as a projection of Noxus' will, they are about to go to Freljord to participate in a war for the sake of the Dredge Fort and the miners.

Even though many people in these five chapters are directly or indirectly Noxian patriots, the thought of leaving Noxus land and marching in the icy desert makes the morale of this team more or less weak. So disappointed.

And that's what training is all about.

During the training, in addition to emphasizing the significance of this operation to Noxus, Darius also needed to specifically emphasize the fairness of this operation. At first, the soldiers did not know what this was going on, but as the training progressed, As the process progressed, their every move became more stylish.

For this operation, Darius initially planned to direct it himself.

But since he is now the commander-in-chief of Noxus, and the traitors in the south are now showing their intention to expand their armies and prepare for war, and there are still many hidden corners in the Immortal Fortress that have not been cleaned, so in the end he There is still no way to go out in person.

In this case, Draven eventually became the commander-in-chief of this army.

To be honest, no matter how you look at it, Draven is not an excellent commander.

Compared with Darius, who is strict, resolute and courageous, Draven's head is not ordinary.

He prefers straight-forward action, straight-forward attacks.

Therefore, it is very important to equip Draven with adjutants and staff. The adjutant must be attentive enough, and the staff must be able to attract the hot-blooded Draven - after listing these two requirements, Darius directly had his own candidate.


The former stonemason lady who grew up with Draven could not only hold the impulsive Draven back and calm him down temporarily, but she was also attentive enough to mediate the relationship between Draven and the other Chapter Masters.

Therefore, with Draven as the commander, Tamara in charge of coordination, and equipped with specialized staff analysis, this is the headquarters prepared by Darius for this northern expeditionary force.

In Darius's opinion, there should be no problem with this configuration.

Although Draven only has experience in small-scale battles and has no experience in commanding large corps, Noxus has experienced many internal purges and civil strife. Who else has this experience except himself?

After picking and choosing, I am afraid that only Darius himself is qualified to crush Draven in these aspects. Others - even more professional officers - are at most half as good as Draven.

Considering that the burned-out Diver Fort will be much less protective than in the past, if Noxus wants to have a stable back garden, it is very important to ease the relationship with the Freljord barbarians. In this case Instead of sending a guy whose position is not stable enough, it is better to send Draven, at least he is completely trustworthy.

Moreover, according to the military system of Noxus, although Draven is the well-deserved commander-in-chief and commander-in-chief of the expeditionary force, he will not personally command other teams except for the escort team directly under the headquarters, which is the core of the chapter system. , it is the Chapter Leader who is the first person in charge of the Chapter.

Therefore, Draven, who does not hold any position as Chapter Master, was destined from the beginning to be a seal representing Darius's will. In a sense, he was Darius's tool for controlling the Legion.

Draven should also have command tasks.

But not much.

The most important thing is that in Darius's view, the target of this trip is not Demacia - they are going to attack the "Raxtak Plain". Although Darius has not seen this ice field with his own eyes, , but he is very aware of the characteristics of the Freljordians.

These northern barbarians are useless in building cities. Their defenses are either constant harassment and delay by large-scale cavalry, or simple passes based on difficult terrain. In terms of attacking fortifications, Freljord has no room for attack.

For this relatively simple "low-end round", it is enough for Delevingne to be in charge.

Even compared to the command issue, Darius is more concerned about the will of Noxus represented by this operation - although in essence, this operation is to ease relations with Freljord and to take back The purpose of digging fort is to exchange for the miners, but in fact, no matter what, this dispatch of troops feels a bit forced.

In this case, Darius naturally hopes that in addition to victory, he can also find some ground to make this military operation northward have more meaning besides helping the Freljord barbarians. .

Following this line of thought, Darius and Lux ​​thought together when determining the action plan.


There are two ways to enter the Freljord from Noxus.

The first one is to take the Iron Thorn Mountains, go directly north, enter the East Freljord Wasteland, and then turn west here to go to that Rakstaq.

The second one is interesting. The Noxian army can go directly to the west, pass through the Dalmo Great Plains, and then enter the Black Forest area, and then turn north from here, and directly enter Frey from Turkgol. Erdjord.

Considering the marching distance alone, the former is undoubtedly closer.

But marching is never a simple distance measurement. Now that the most critical Digging Fort in the Iron Thorn Mountains has been reduced to ruins, although the first route is relatively short, most of the supply lines are in Freljord. within the territory.

Although according to the agreement, the Frostguard tribe of Freljord will provide "as much material support and supplies as possible" to the Noxian reinforcements, as long as there is a brain, the Noxians cannot completely hand over all the supplies. The Freljordians were in charge.

Even if the army can usually rely on the supplies of the Frostguard tribe, behind the army, Noxus must have a stable and unique supply channel of its own.

The biggest problem with the first route is that this backup supply line is completely located within the Freljord. When the Dredge Fort cannot be used as a distribution center for supplies, the Noxian army taking this route is relatively close to Freyrjord. There are no material supply distribution centers in Erdhord.

In contrast, there is the second road that seems to be a little longer.

This road is interesting. Although its end goal is the same as the former, the army marches within the territory until it goes north to Tukgul and exits the Tukgul Gorge.

The advantage of marching within the territory is that the army will not be exhausted and the material passage is relatively stable, but the disadvantage is that the Freljordians may not provide material help during the march within the territory.

If that's all, then the two routes can be considered to have their own advantages and disadvantages.

But soon, when Darius tried to "think like Swain," the balance in his heart finally began to tilt towards the latter.

The army passed through the Dalmo Plain, walked through the Black Forest, and came north through the Kurgul Gap. Perhaps this can be considered as a military display?

Just think about it, when the Black Forest Federation had just surrendered and the Iron Thorn Kingdom of Diver Castle was completely destroyed, the Noxian army of the five main battle groups passed through Dalmo. What kind of situation was this? Shock?

Darius is quite confident in the five chapters he has trained. He believes that with the military appearance of these five chapters, after going all the way, they will definitely make the people of Noxus feel confident and make those who are divided The person is frightened in his heart.

This not only helps to improve the internal stability of Noxus, but also serves as a deterrent to those who are treasonous and separatist.

As for the extra food and grass consumed...

Although Darius had worked hard to learn from Swain, he was still not sensitive enough to internal affairs figures. After confirming that taxes could support such an expedition, his heart finally began to stir.

In addition, the scouts who went to Fort Diver to investigate brought back news that the city was destroyed and that many fortresses in the Iron Thorn Mountains were damaged to varying degrees. At this time, Darius had already determined that Fort Diver now only had a defensive function. It can no longer be used as a bridgehead for attack and suppression.

Therefore, in this case, if the army can go north to Tukgul after passing through the Black Forest, and leave a semi-permanent military fortress in the Tukgul area, then this can be regarded as a good thing that kills two birds with one stone!

With this idea in mind, Darius decided on the marching route of the army - just as Lux planned, Kurgul was unearthed.

I haven’t finished writing the extra chapter, so I don’t understand anything about the field of fashion design...

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