Lux's Farewell

Chapter 880 Extra Chapter: The Colorful Past of Fucheng

Brenda Hakalal wakes up early.

After briefly washing up, she came to her desk, found a blank page from a thick stack of design drawings, and used the tracing pen in the pen holder to elegantly write a line in cursive style [ Closed today].

Blinking her eyes, she was a little worried that not everyone could understand her flamboyant squiggles. After thinking for a moment, she simply changed the color, repeated it with a standard pen style below, and also drew a simple Stroke of smiley face.

As a "ten-year-old shop" in Fosbello City, Hakalal Tailor Shop seldom rests, but today is different. Brenda has a reason to suspend business.

After she finished writing, she found a few tacks and nailed them to the wooden notice board hanging on the door of her shop.

After carefully confirming that the door was locked and that anyone who knocked on the door could immediately see the notice she had written, Brenda left quickly.

The weather in Forsbarrow in March is not to mention spring-warming and the flowers are blooming. Even describing it as warm and then cold is a bit too mild. Once the wind picks up, people will be transported back to the cold winter season when the breath of Anivia is flying.

But even so, Brenda, who was only wearing a thin coat, was still in high spirits, looking as if she was beautiful and freezing.

She is going to a party that will determine her focus for a long time to come.

"I hope there will be something eye-catching at the exchange meeting." Secretly looking forward to it, Brenda quickened her pace, "It's not easy to get a ticket."

Yes, what Brenda will attend next is not a ball or a salon, but a rather formal industry exchange meeting - to be precise, an internal exchange meeting before the fifth Forsbarrow Fashion Expo.

As the largest textile processing center and finished clothing manufacturing center in Runeterra today, Forsbarrow's Clothing Expo has a long history.

Although the fifth edition may not sound like much, considering that the Vosbello Fashion Fair is held every four years, in other words, this fair has a history of seventeen years.

For Forsbarrow, a city that only rose to prominence after the arrival of Her Majesty Laxana, seventeen years have already allowed us to fully trace its progress.

The first Forsbarrow Clothing Expo was personally organized by Her Majesty Laxana. Its goal was to showcase and promote Forsbarrow's specialty fur clothing to other regions of Demacia.

After the expo in which the three northern giants personally brought the goods, the fur products from Forsbarrow appeared as luxury goods for the first time at the banquets of various nobles in Demacia.

In the second session, the core was still the promotion of fur products, but the target of promotion has expanded from Demacia nobles to northern trading caravans, as well as Ionians from afar - after that, Io Nia began to import furs from the north. These specially cut and designed fur products brought astonishing profits to Forsbarrow.

In the subsequent third session, the official promotion was obviously much lighter. At that time, the three towns of Fucheng were accepting immigrants on a large scale, so the third Forsbello Clothing Expo had an internal exchange session for the first time.

Many practitioners in the clothing industry got inspiration from internal exchange meetings. After that, with the further development of Forsbarrow's economy, the lack of local clothing styles gradually eased. A "fall into the mortal world".

At that time, Brenda was still a novice seamstress who had just left the textile factory. When she heard the news, she could only secretly envy her and secretly vowed that she would also participate in it.

Unfortunately, during the fourth Forsbarrow Fashion Fair, although Brenda was already a well-known independent fashion designer and independent tailor, the export textile industry was in the ascendant at that time, and the entire clothing trade fair was somewhat off-topic. .

People participating in the expo focused more on new fabrics that are easier to produce and industrial design of the textile processing industry, and did not attach much importance to clothing design itself.

So although Brenda was able to get an invitation through operations, she ultimately chose to give up.

It wasn't until this year that the focus of the fifth Forsbarrow Fashion Fair finally returned to clothing design, and Brenda's store also became a "ten-year-old store". Only then did she win a place for internal exchanges and start early Set off and head straight to the Fosbello Coliseum.

Today, Fosbairo's theater has been booked by the Fosbairo Garment Industry Association, which organizes the expo. After presenting her invitation letter and having it verified, Brenda quickly entered the theater.

The auditorium on the main stage has been temporarily removed and replaced by classified clothing display areas. Since Brenda arrived a little early, not all the exhibits were displayed at this time, and the booth layout was somewhat messy.

But after a brief glance, Brenda was still full of envy for these exhibits.

Although she has obtained a quota for the internal exchange meeting, she can only stand there like a slave, only listening, and has no chance to show her works.

The products that can be exhibited at the main venue are either works with extremely avant-garde designs that may lead the trend in the future; or they are clothing with different regional styles and cultural exchange significance; or they promote certain new designs, new materials and make them Popular clothing.

It is no exaggeration to say that the clothing that can be displayed here, even if it is just an ordinary-looking piece, often has a very important meaning behind it.

Just like one of the canvas suits that is light blue and seems to be slightly faded, it represents the canvas workwear style that has been popular in Fosbairo in recent years.

Brenda is not very good at tailoring canvas clothing, but she knows very well why this material and this style of clothing are so popular in Forsbarrow and even throughout the North.

With four distinct seasons and relatively low temperatures except in summer, the people of Fosbello have always had the habit of wearing coats. Normal people cannot accept rough canvas clothing when worn directly next to the skin, but it has a wear-resistant effect when used as a coat. Advantages, so canvas clothing became popular in Forsbarrow during the Great Migration Era.

At that time, when you walked into various factories of Fossbarrow, almost all workers were wearing canvas jackets with uniform specifications. These canvas clothes, which put reliability as the first requirement, became almost the standard of all new Fossbarrows. An immigrant’s first new piece of clothing.

Then, with the development of the economy, canvas jackets gradually became disliked because they represented hard work and the pain of those who had just left their homes.

However, with the establishment of New Demacia, with the further development of Forsbarrow's economy, and as those immigrants gradually started families and started businesses, these canvas coats gradually took on more meaning.

Rough materials and rough tailoring styles no longer represent low-end and backwardness, but have become the epitome and imprint of an era.

However, because of the huge scale of Forsbarrow's northern trade, the locals soon discovered that canvas clothing seemed to be very common in many areas with a large amount of canvas output, and there was a very lack of personal style and fundamentalist canvas. The clothes seem a little tasteless.

How can we make it more representative of Fosbairo and more Fosbairo style?

Tailors began to try to update the style of canvas jackets, changing them from the wide main body and locking hands and feet that were convenient for work in the past to a close-fitting and slim-fitting design.

At the same time, canvas materials have also been further subdivided. After someone used expensive blue ocher for printing and dyeing, various blue canvases began to appear. This kind of canvas represents Demacia and also represents Fox. Byro's blue canvas was instantly popular upon its launch.

On this basis, some tailors tried to add fur lapels and cuffs to the blue canvas coat. This was a bit superfluous and did not gain popularity. However, this attempt made people discover that the canvas was not completely skimmed when it came into contact with it. After the fur is removed, it becomes harder, more defined, and has a special fine texture.

Thus, a new clothing material was born.

Coupled with the low-end silk products that have entered the homes of ordinary people in recent years, Fosbairo's blue canvas jacket has now formed a unique style of fat sail fabric + slim tailoring + silk lining. Behind a simple canvas jacket are the innovations and historical changes of Forsbarrow clothing fabrics, and as a tailor, Brenda feels this very deeply.


If a quick walk around the venue only made Brenda feel the progress of Forsbarrow's clothing industry, then the internal exchange meeting that officially started in the afternoon was a bit eye-opening for her.

Large-scale textile factories, printing and dyeing factories are actively collecting different new dyes from various places in Runeland through northern trade, and trying to create different types of new fabrics and new colors.

During the internal exchange meeting, they presented a lot of materials that Brenda had never seen before. From Brenda's perspective, many of them were quite promising.

Representatives from these manufacturers will then enthusiastically encourage clothing designers participating in internal exchanges to use their new materials to try out new styles.

To this end, they are more than willing to provide fabrics at low prices or even for free.

When things got to this point, Brenda finally had a clear understanding of the purpose of this internal exchange meeting - no wonder the scale of this internal exchange meeting was much larger. It turned out that various textile mills and printing and dyeing factories hoped to use This attracts more fashion designers to try their new materials.


New materials and new models have always complemented each other.

Especially in this era where everything is moving forward at a rapid pace.

If a hit model can really come out, the designer will be famous far and wide, and the manufacturers who have mastered the exclusive materials will make a lot of money. Internal exchange meetings are an opportunity for them to cooperate with each other.

Unfortunately, Brenda’s own design level is still relatively limited.

As an immigrant from Mithral City to Forsbarrow, Brenda did not receive a good education, and because she was already an adult when she immigrated to Forsbarrow, she only participated in it while working in a textile factory. I have learned simple literacy and have no experience of studying in school.

Although she was praised by many people for her dexterity, after looking around, she found that just relying on dexterity was not enough here.

Dexterity and experience are important.

But it is equally important to have a clear idea and creative genius. Unfortunately, this is too luxury for Brenda who comes from a poor background.

However, the fact that textile factories and printing and dyeing factories took the initiative to seek cooperation with fashion designers gave Brenda some inspiration - although she herself is not very good at thinking of ideas, if she is faced with specific tailoring needs, then Maybe there's still a chance?

In this case, Brenda quickly had a new idea.

Maybe I can try to find out if there is a strong king designer and have some win-win cooperation with them?

Thinking of this, Brenda felt that her mind was opened, so she actively participated in the subsequent free exchanges and began to look for a possible partner for herself.

She is lucky.

It didn't take long for her to discover a very interesting guy.

An old aristocrat.

He was wearing a slightly outdated robe. The robe looked unremarkable at first glance, but if you look closely at the overall wiring, it is not difficult to find that both the collar and the cuffs are embroidered with very delicate patterns.

The embroidery material is dark gold thread, which is low-key and somewhat ostentatious. It is a very obvious old aristocratic style.

Judging from the condition of this robe, its owner is probably not living a good life now. As far as Brenda knows, this should be a regular uniform. If it were an old noble of Demacia, the robe would be like this. The situation should have been lost long ago.

But the other party was still wearing clothes, so it was not difficult to see the embarrassment of this old aristocratic gentleman.

Well, it fits Brenda's stereotype of most old aristocrats - poor and elegant.

However, although the other party's dress was a bit shabby, he showed an aesthetic level that was beyond ordinary people when it came to giving advice. Judging from Brenda's level, his comments on many clothing items were spot-on.

Moreover, because of his unique and condescending emphasis, a designer who had been critically criticized immediately chose to retort, hoping that he would also come up with some "works that can at least be worthy of criticism."

Then the old aristocratic gentleman fell silent - judging from his trembling lips, he seemed to be a thoroughly strong-mouthed king. The old aristocratic background and education gave him a pretty good aesthetic level, but he really When it came time to start cutting, he couldn't come up with a single piece of work.

In the end, the old aristocratic gentleman who could not produce any works left the center of everyone's attention with trembling lips. When he sat in a corner and almost fell into autistic state, Brenda took the initiative to find him.

She took out a piece of ready-made clothing she had prepared, showed it to the other party, and asked for advice.

"Why, are you here to see a joke too?" The other party's eyes were a little red, "That's not necessary, I have no interest in playing the clown."

"No, I sincerely need some evaluation." Brenda said with a smile, "with a learning attitude."

As a result, Brenda received some condescending comments, and her blood pressure rose.

Fortunately, Brenda, who had ulterior motives, was not really angry because of this. Instead, she praised the other person's taste and approved most of the other person's critical comments.

This made the old aristocratic gentleman feel much better. Taking advantage of this opportunity, Brenda began to try to invite him to act with her.

"With your guidance, I will definitely be able to produce a flawless work!"

The other party did not speak.

But judging from the other person's slightly narrowed eyes, he was deeply moved.

Extra story about difficult childbirth.

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