Lux's Farewell

Chapter 89 [0086] The big move of the Explorers Association

Chapter 89 [0086] The big move of the Explorers Association
Excavations at Carrikan's lab are on track.

The miner's excavation was extremely smooth, Ino's control over the epiphytic ice crystals became more and more proficient, and Lacus gradually became acquainted with the four children.

Everything is really as what Kalya said, it is obviously a heavy excavation work, but the members of this mining team are just tired and not in pain.

And on the third day after the excavation began, this abnormal excavation finally attracted the attention of the Piltover Explorers Association.

Just last year, a generous lady donated a large amount of money to the association, hoping that the association could help "discover the family's lost treasures in Zaun"-the Explorers Association accepted the money and sent a group of Explorer.

Unfortunately, because the clues given by the other party were too vague, they could only say that "it is a very ancient relic with a history of thousands of years", and this expedition yielded very little.

The criss-crossing Zaun mines and ditches are extremely troublesome even for explorers, and the Zaun people who are hostile to them will bring them "unexpected surprises" in various ways.

In the end, apart from two stunned greens who plunged headlong into Zaun's underground river to feed the fish, and a noble-born boy who played tickets angrily quit the Explorers' Association because he fell into a sewer No real progress has been made.

This quest became a resident daily quest.

However, it was through the exploration of finding the ruins of Zaun that the young Miss Patron successfully joined the Explorers' Association.

Considering that she is not yet 20 years old, many bright-minded people in the League of Explorers believe that this is an excuse for the sponsor to hope to join the association-what could be more suitable as a "relic in Zaun" What about the goal of the novice action?

It was during the expeditions with the team again and again that Miss Opia used her wisdom to win the approval of the Explorers Association and finally became a member of the Explorers.

Compared with those children of the parliamentary family who paid money to join the club and expand their contacts, this Miss Opia is undoubtedly a more likable character. Not only is she willing to personally participate in the adventure, but she is always slick in all aspects, and she does things like a spring breeze, Although she either wore a filter or a veil every time she acted, so that people could not see her true face clearly, but this did not prevent her from fascinating all the boys in the association.

In their eyes, this is simply a perfect girl, she won't open her mouth and shut up like gold hex, and she won't haggle over every detail when paying bills—even when facing cash-strapped colleagues, she will Generously take the initiative to pay the bill, without making a show.

Not only is she reliable, but she also understands explorers very well, she is simply the perfect soul mate for explorers!
The only hobby of this Ms. Opeia is listening to stories and listening to all kinds of adventure stories. How many people who are willing to be explorers are not willing to show off their adventure stories?

Moreover, because she has personally participated in many expeditions, those guys who like to brag and have no real talents are always embarrassed in front of her. On the contrary, there are many people who have real adventure experience, but are unable to write best-selling works due to lack of writing skills. An explorer always wins her favor.

A beautiful rich woman who knows adventure, likes adventure stories, and has sparkling eyes when listening to stories!
Which explorer would not like this kind of person?

Opieya lives in Lanxun Manor, and no one knows the specific building - but this does not prevent her from being piled up with black roses on her workplace every Valentine's Day.

This is her favorite flower that she has revealed.

Explorers' Association, all unmarried men hope to be able to pick this delicate rose.

Now, the opportunity to belong to the male friends of the League of Explorers has finally come.

According to the latest news, about Ms. Opeia's ancestral relics, there are good news and bad news from Zaun.

The good news is that the ruins have new clues.

The bad news is that a group of Zaunites are digging nearby, possibly digging up ruins as well.

The entire Piltover Explorers' Society seemed to go mad after hearing these two news.

Everyone is sorting out their equipment, all the men are gearing up and preparing for a big fight, and the entire Explorers' Association is in a frenzy.

In this subtle fanatical atmosphere, 15-year-old Mr. Ezreal ended his first expedition in his life and returned to the Explorers' Association in Piltover with his spoils.

"I'll go through the membership process!" Ezreal proudly took out a necklace and showed it to the members at the registration office. "I found this in an ancient tomb in Kumanggra!"

Then, just when he was ready to show the magical necklace's ability to absorb sunlight and promote plant growth, and accept the worship of the entire association, reality mercilessly poured cold water on him.

"Sorry, we don't have the time and manpower to apply for membership right now." The clerk in charge of the membership application shrugged, "No one is free to appraise your necklace, or you can find a jewelry craftsman yourself or something - everyone has gone Zaun."

"Are you going to Zaun to have a party?" Ezreal curled his lips, showing a confused expression, "Everyone, go to Zaun? The fossil of the elemental dragon was unearthed in the mine?"

"No, it's the new discovery of Miss Opia's ancestral relics." Glancing at the application form handed over by Ezreal, the clerk impatiently threw it into the trash can, "And, the explorer's last The registration age is sixteen, you do not meet the requirements."


At this time, Ezreal realized embarrassingly that he forgot to fill in the date of birth one year earlier because he was too excited just now.

Then, just as he was about to plead a few words to see if he could fill out a new one, the clerk turned over the "office" sign in front of him and changed it to "end of office".

Under Ezreal's astonished gaze, he stood up, tidied up his collar and cuffs, and patted Ezreal on the shoulder: "Now, excuse me, I'm going to visit the ancestors. install."

Just like that, Ezreal watched helplessly as the civil servant responsible for the registration of the Explorers Association brought an unopened "Explorer N-in-One" bag bought from a store, just like that He closed the door of the association point with ease, hummed a little song and boarded the elevator to Zaun.

Holding in his arms the necklace that he had worked so hard to find from Kumanggra, Ezreal stood sluggishly on the busy street, silently doubting life.

what's going on?
Looking at this posture, Zaan did not unearth the fossils of an elemental dragon, but an elemental dragon!
 Carya's Small Classroom Explorers' Association:
  It's a gang of thieves, crooks, brokers, and thieves, with a few lost archaeologists in it, well, that's it.

(End of this chapter)

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