Lux's Farewell

Chapter 90 [0087] Ready

Chapter 90 [0087] Ready

After hesitating for a moment, Ezreal decided to visit Zaun.

It's not that he is also interested in "Miss Opia's ancestral relics" or Miss Opia herself, Ezreal just purely hopes to prove himself to the Explorers' Association.

Since the Explorers' Association doesn't have manpower to handle your own membership, then go to the association to prove it yourself. If the mountain doesn't come, I will go to the mountain!
However, the trip to Kumanggra has almost exhausted his supplies, and he needs to prepare some tools necessary for Zaun.


Pickaxes, a new pair of boots and a new jacket, and a pocket strong enough, preferably with auto-opening, and a filter and scuba...

Just turning two street corners, Ezreal thought of a lot of things he needed, took out the notebook he carried with him, and recorded them one by one.

Well, let's go to Zari's house to buy it, and put it in uncle's account.

Soon, Ezreal completed his equipment preparations.

After tidying up his luggage, he straightened his fluffy little yellow hair, took the elevator, put on a filter, and officially entered Zaun.

Relying on his well-developed height and goggles that cover his face, Ezreal blended smoothly among a group of explorers, chatted casually with them, and officially joined the "Searching for Opia's Ancestral Relics" project. Work.

Through these excited guys, Ezreal finally learned the main direction of the trip - to stare at some Zaunites who were mining.

"What a crazy party." After learning about this, Ezreal was stunned, "The premise of the expedition is to stare at a few miners... okay, in order to officially join the association, I'll just work hard! "


In fact, apart from Ezreal and a large group of explorers eager to win Miss Opia's heart, there is another group of people who are eyeing Lacus and her party.

With the help of Mr. Shadow, Silko also found the traces of Lacus and his party.

When he learned that Lacus had personally cleaned up the mine with Benso and the others, Silko was ecstatic.

Godsend opportunity!

God helps me too!

He didn't delay for a moment, and the night after he got the news, he passed Finn's introduction, and Silko successfully hooked up with Marcos.

In Finn's alchemy factory, Silko met Max.

"You must really want to catch those brats, right?" Shirko said straight to the point, "Coincidentally, I also really want to cause some trouble for Fandre. Maybe we can cooperate?"

"Which one are you?" Marcos looked at the one-eyed man in front of him, the corners of his mouth under the filter twitched undetectably twice, "Finn introduced you?"

"Look at me, I forgot to introduce myself." Silko blinked, showing an unfriendly smile, "My name is Silko, and as you can see, I am a Zaunian... and Van der was a little conflicted."

Small conflict?
Marcos slightly raised the corners of his mouth for Silko's evasive statement.

In Marcos' view, people at the bottom are not fun, and the existence of Finn has deepened his inherent impression.

Look, even a guy like Finn who "loves Leather City" will still make people feel a kind of sincere disgust. Needless to say, what kind of scum are the people in the lower city?
According to Marcos' cognition, Zaun is a huge garbage dump, and everyone in it is garbage. They do everything by cheating, abducting and stealing, and bring endless troubles to Piltover.

When facing the Zaun people, Marcos has always been condescending, so when Silko said that he and Vandel had conflicts, Finn didn't think much about it at all, just nodded and waited for Silko to continue. .

"I saw the arrest warrant for Piltover." Silko pretended to be a philistine, lowered his head slightly, and his tone was full of undisguised greed, "About the arrest warrant for the four little devils, that is A lot of money."

"Oh?" Marcos raised his brows in surprise, "Do you know where they are? As far as I know, Vander hid them very well."

"No matter how deep the mouse's hole is, it will always come out to breathe." Silko did not answer directly, but made a metaphor that made Marcos feel very good, "They took a mining job and are now working in a In the abandoned mine, clean up the mine!"

"Haha, this is really good news." Marcos was overjoyed, "This...Mr. Shirko, is your news accurate—those brats are not very old, and they will really go to Mining?"

"Absolutely accurate." Silko nodded, "The youngest one is still drawing water from the underground river, and my subordinates can see it clearly."

"Very good, you will be rewarded with clues." Marcos straightened the law enforcement officer's hat, "This time, they can't escape."

"Are you going to lead the team yourself?" Shirko rubbed his hands, showing an impatient look, "If possible, I hope to join this operation—"

"Fandre is not a suspect." Marcos stopped Shirko's words, "To deal with a few brats, it is enough to send a guide. It is the law enforcement officer's business to arrest people."

"Understood, Mr. Marcos, fully understand." Silko lowered his head so that no one could see his expression, "I just hope to make Vandel realize the reality..."

"Hahaha, I like your argument, let Vander recognize the reality!" Marcos finally couldn't help laughing when he heard this, "Well said - I will let Vander see all this , I also very much hope that he can recognize the reality and stay rational."

"Fandre has a lot of people under him." Silko reminded in a low voice, "Many of them are reckless guys—reckless lunatics are the most troublesome."

"Well, there's no need for law enforcement officers to exchange lives with a group of lunatics..." Marcos finally smacked his lips when he said this question, "You can also bring some people over to catch those mice, but remember , follow my orders!"

"No problem." Silko agreed cleanly, "Everything will be the will of Piltover, the will of the council."

"Well said, Sirko." Marcos patted him on the shoulder, "You have a good brain, even in a bad place like Zaun, you still have a promising future."

In the end, Marcos, who got the "good news", returned to Piltover proudly, intending to capture the four little ghosts who caused the explosion tomorrow with reliable personnel.

And after he left, Shirko, who had been lowering his head, finally raised his face.

"Idiot." He pulled out a smile with stiff facial muscles, "I hope he can always laugh."

 Karya's Little Classroom Finn's talents:
  The guy was generally easy to get along with Piltovers—mainly because he always had the kind of humility that Piltovers wanted most.

(End of this chapter)

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