Lux's Farewell

Chapter 91 [0088] Historical Story

Chapter 91 [0088] Historical Story

A conspiracy against Lux's digging team is brewing.

But Lux, who was working with the miners, knew almost nothing about it.

Although Lux now has Janna as her "eyes and ears", it is a pity that because Janna's faith is too declining, her divine power has almost been lost.

In the past, Janna was the goddess of storms who could summon storms on the endless ocean. The Nokshi and Shurima people who traveled to and from the sea all prepared a piece of bird food on board to wait for the blue birds that might arrive.

But as the Shurima Empire "cleaned up the false idols" at the request of the giant god, Janna lost her authority, even if Kalya helped her leave the most important priesthood, even if she was still the legitimate "Runeterra" God of Storms", but Janna, who is in Zaun now, can only listen to the sound of the wind and set off a gust of wind to dispel the smog.

Legend has it that when Janna was at her most powerful, she could hear the calls of every sailor, and she was the existence of "opening the full map" at sea.

But now, even if it's just a corner of Zaan, she can only pay attention to a part of Fengzhong's news.

In this case, the information she can provide is really limited.

All Lux knew was that the Noxians were watching her, but that was all.

While the explorers in Piltover were gearing up and rushing into Zaun, Lux was still competing with Vi.

Bobo prepared a simple "exoskeleton frame" for Wei, but unfortunately this thing was not effective at all times, not only did not allow Wei to overtake in one fell swoop, but wasted more time on the road.

Even this "exoskeleton" was bound to part of Wei's clothes. When it went on strike, a large piece of the back of Wei's coat was torn off.

Seeing this situation, even if he was as calm as Lacus, he couldn't help laughing. As for Mellow and Craig, they immediately ran away with buckets, afraid of seeing something bad.

"Put this on." After laughing enough, Lux finally took off her coat and handed it to Wei, "It's not intentional... Hahahaha, it's still very funny!"

Facing the coat handed over by Lacus, Wei subconsciously wanted to refuse, but just a gust of wind blew and got into the damaged place behind Wei's clothes. The cool wind made her shiver violently. Swallowed the second half.

"I don't—thanks."

"Haha, you're welcome, you're welcome." Lacus waved her hand, "It looks like my clothes are a bit small for you... What do you usually eat to look so strong?"

"I remember you asked this question." Wei reluctantly used Lux's coat as a shawl to cover her back, "I like to eat demon marsh frogs."

"Is that thing really edible?" Lux couldn't help grinning, "I went to the black market to take a look last night. With all due respect, it looks really scary."

"Ha, I think it's more scary to be hungry." Wei moved her body a bit, and after feeling okay, she reached out and rubbed her explosive head, kneading her short blue hair into a chicken coop, and then picked herself up. By the way, he put the broken exoskeleton under his ribs, "It's better to have something to eat than to have nothing to eat—and the taste of the magic marsh frog is really good."

"Fandre will still let you starve?" Lux was a little incredulous, "Isn't it..."

"Before then." Wei shook her head, "I lived in Fulgan's Tavern when I was ten years old."

"Fandre is not your father?" Lux's eyes widened, "I thought—"

"No, but it's about the same." Wei curled her lips, and said in a tone that seemed not worth mentioning, "My father and he rushed to the gate of the sun, Van der came back, he didn't come back, after that , I will follow Van der."

"I've heard of this conflict." Lux nodded, "Fulgan's Tavern opened after that?"

"Fulgan's Tavern has existed for a long time." Wei Huang was carrying a bucket danglingly, "But at that time, it wasn't Van der who was the owner, it was my father and the others who took turns watching the shop... It happened a long time ago."

"I don't know any of this!" After rearranging his hair and putting on the clips, Baobo finally caught up with his keg, "Fandre never told me these things."

"If it wasn't for Lacus, who would talk about this?" Wei tilted her head, and glanced at Baobao who was following her, "Only this kind of lady would be interested in the past—"

"Because the past is like footprints, it marks the direction we came from, and it also reminds us that there is still a long way ahead." Lacus used a sentence Kalya said to herself, "Also, even if it is a story, it is very good .”

"Story?" Bakugo showed an interested expression, "Like a slug monster and a spiked crab monster that can secrete venom?"

"No, it's a historical story." Lux smiled and raised her brows at Bobo, "About the origin of the gods and Zaun."

"God? Do you still believe in that thing?" Hearing what Lacus said, Wei grinned disdainfully, "Or do you mages like this kind of...mysterious things?"

"Gods are real." Lux was now accustomed to Vi's way of speaking. "She has always been there, and she has always been watching Zaun."

"Looking at this place being eroded by poisonous gas, watching the people here can't even eat enough, watching the Picheng guys come here to show off their power, or watching one after another unlucky ones die on the dam of the Sun Gate "Wei snorted, "Zuan doesn't have any gods, that thing can't even fool Bobo."

"No, Zaun does." Lux shook her head, "The wind of change has always favored this city, even though she has become a part of folklore, she is still protecting the future of this city in her own way."

"That's great, but unfortunately I don't see any future." Wei still shook her head, "Winds of change... sounds like the words of the Picheng people."

"You see, no one pays attention to history, so no one will remember the choice of Wind of Change." Lacus remembered a story Janna told her, "No one even remembers that when Piltover Grand was excavated When the canal was opened, it was the winds of change that held back the worst subsidence, and suppressed the poisonous gas of the subsurface to a corner of Lower Zaun."

"Ah? What are you talking about?" Wei blinked and looked at Lacus strangely, "Didn't you say that the wind of change is sheltering Zaun? Then how could she have anything to do with the Piltover Canal?" ?”

"Because Piltover was originally a part of Zaun." Lux put down the bucket, "Zuan and Piltover are originally one."

 Carya's Little Classroom: The Separation of Piltover:
  Although Piltover is now more famous than Zaun, in fact Piltover was originally a part of Zaun-so from this perspective, Piltover and Zaun are not so much twin cities as they are Two blocks of a city.

(End of this chapter)

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