Lux's Farewell

Chapter 903 Extra Chapter Fucheng Past Events New Year Performance

In recent years, as the maritime trade in Runeland has become more and more prosperous, a saying has gradually spread among cargo ship captains.

"Fosbairo never sleeps."

This was once a small town on the northwest border of Demacia, and now it has grown into an important commercial city that plays an important role in the entire Runeterra.

Countless commodities of all kinds from all over the world are collected, weighed, wholesaled and sold here. Some are sent from the land through the dock to the cabin, and some are sold from the cabin through the port to the inland. The three towns of Fucheng are like a star. The strong and powerful heart, with every beat, will suck in and pump out blood composed of gold coins, nourishing countless people related to it.

The flow of money does not sleep.

So Fosbairo never sleeps.

However, this statement is actually a bit biased, because after continuous expansion, Forsbarrow has now become the three towns of Fucheng - and among the three towns of Fucheng, only Xinfugang never sleeps.

Even to this day, the city of Fosbarrow still maintains many of Forsbarrow's northern traditions, one of which is very important, namely Cat Winter.

Cat winter, as the name suggests, means hiding in winter.

Before Laxana came to Forsbarrow, in the winter, when the aftermath of Breath of Anivia arrived in this small border town, the people of Forsbarrow would stop most of their production work and return. Go inside the settlement and spend the long, cold winter in a home with thick walls.

This tradition arose, on the one hand, because the production level of Fosbairo was low at that time, and it was difficult to carry out hunting or gathering in winter; on the other hand, because of the cold climate, it was not easy to go out, and Fosbairo There is also a shortage of fuel in Luo. You can reduce consumption as much as possible by staying at home in winter.

Although with the development of the economy, Fosbairo has more industries, and there is also work to be done in winter such as cultivating hazelnuts, but whenever the first heavy snow falls, Laxana ends her winter speech, After the school is completely closed, Fosbello City and Xinfu City will enter a "low energy consumption" mode.

However, what is different from the past is that the people of Forsbyro in Cat Winter mode no longer focus all their energy on gambling, alcoholism and having children - as early as the fourth year of Forsbyre's calendar, Laxane In her spring speech, Na proposed the goal of "taking advantage of the long winter to develop unique cultural industries in the north."

In order to achieve this goal, Fosbairo invited many unsuccessful artists from the Art Support Association to come to the north; built the first Fosbairo Professional Art Center, Fosbairo Grand Theater; Art has been added to compulsory education as a professional course.

It was also from that year that Forsbarrow officially owned the first public theater.

Different from the specially built grand theater, this public theater was modified on the site of the military camp of the Third Northern Army at that time. It is not gorgeous, and even looks a bit rustic on the outside. Even the seats inside are It's a simple little bench.

But in fact, this humble-looking public theater was the facility that had the greatest influence on the atmosphere of Forsbarrow at that time. In order to do this, Lux even gritted her teeth and borrowed a lot of private money from her mother.

In order to drag the residents out of the abyss of gambling and alcoholism, Lux, under the guidance of Kalya, took a two-pronged approach. On the one hand, he vigorously banned gambling and imposed heavy fines as long as the standards were met; on the other hand, he opened the public theater for free. , and used the fines to purchase sufficient fuel, so that the heating could be turned on 24 hours a day, and a rule was established that drunkards were not allowed to enter.

This approach cannot completely solve the problem.

But it can change the trend and guide the people of Fosbarrow to bid farewell to the bad habits of the past. Although the initial plays of the public theater can only be described as vulgar, it did lay a solid foundation for the public entertainment of the people of Fosbarrow. .

Today, although most Fosbarrow people no longer need to go to the public theater to heat up, it is still the place where people in low-energy consumption mode like to go after winter. place.

Of course, times are progressing, and today’s public theaters no longer have those repertoires that make people blush. Although there are occasional age-restricted performances in late-night shows, most of the repertoires have been separated from the most primitive impulses.

Moreover, unlike the noisy big venues at the beginning, today's public theaters have also added a lot of their own businesses by category - from hosting collective weddings to graduation parties and guild gatherings.

For many activities that require a venue and are not easy to go to a big theater or a big hotel, a side hall will be rented in a public theater.

However, with the passage of time, this place, which was once regarded as a fashionable place by the people of Forsbarrow, finally inevitably became lonely.

The performance hall is no longer open 24 hours a day.

The frequency of plays has also been significantly reduced.

The public theater is becoming more and more like an elderly activity center.


To this day, Burz Byrne still remembers the New Year's party that took place four years ago.

It was the first year that the public theater was built, and Her Majesty Laxana said that she would invite everyone to have a party together.

At that time, Burtz, like all the people in Forsbarrow, did not know what a gala was, but out of trust in His Majesty, everyone still provided a list of programs that could be performed in their own way.

The handwritten list was placed in the Forsbarrow City Museum last year.

Although from today's perspective, the performance that year was extremely vulgar, with slang and color jokes even accounting for one-third of the share. The most outrageous thing was that there was a sumo wrestling session, with more than a dozen wrestlers. The big man smeared lard on his body and rolled it into a ball, but every time he thought about that past, the corners of Bultz's mouth couldn't help but turn up.

However, the Fosbello Public Theater is becoming more and more deserted now. Even with the New Year approaching, the hall of the Public Theater is not full of audiences.

Even the audience who stayed here seemed to be at least middle-aged or above.

This situation should have started in the fourteenth year, right?

At that time, trade in the north was in full swing, and money flowed into Forsbyro like water. The entire city was filled with surprising vitality. Among the three towns of Fucheng, Xinfucheng and Xinfugang became the capitals of the entire Runeterra. As a well-known big city, many graduates have left Forsbarrow and gone to Xinfu City.

For many people in Forsbarrow, New Fook City and New Fook Port are a broader world, while the old town of Forsbarrow is just the place where they set sail.

Many of his colleagues at that time also left the Public Theater, and many even persuaded Boolean to leave together, but Boolean rejected them with a smile.

Boertz preferred to stay in public theaters.

Although his colleagues would lament his choice and his talents wasted on such a sleazy occasion as the public theater, Boertz would always smile and shake his head.

From the bottom of his heart, he didn't think there was anything wrong with the public theater's plays.

Direct language, simple plot, and clear distinction between good and evil. These factors may make the work boring in the eyes of many colleagues who have artistic pursuits. However, in the eyes of Boertz, these factors are the key to making it easier for more people to appreciate it.

Thinking about the repertoire for this year's gala, Bultz took out the spare key and the Hex Core, activated the theater's facilities, and opened the theater door.

He came a little early. But it doesn’t matter. As the Hex core activated the theater’s integrated peripherals, the heating center was the first to start working. Just when Boltz was not very skilled in controlling the opening of the automatic curtain, the theater hall was already heating up. .


After letting out a long breath, Boltz took off his coat, squeezed himself into a corner, and began to revise his play for the last time in response to the situation on the stage.

Modifications accurate to stride distance.

Boltz, who has been working as a screenwriter for a long time and has worked in this theater for fifteen years, has an eye that is even more accurate than a ruler. He only needs to sit in his familiar corner position, squint his eyes and take a look at the stage, and he will be able to accurately understand the situation. I have a clear judgment on the plot I write.

So, in this silent hall, Burtz sometimes raised his head and stared at the stage with narrowed eyes, and sometimes lowered his head to write and draw in his notebook. At this time, in the huge performance hall, there was only the rustling sound of pen tip and paper.

However, not long after, the door of the performance hall was pushed open.

Boltz raised his head, as if he wanted to say hello to the visitor - but what he didn't expect was that the people who came here were not the familiar old guys carrying the King's Assertion chessboard, but a group of people. young people.

This is strange.

Although the public theater has always cooperated with schools, in recent years, students have come to this ancient theater less and less. With the improvement of living conditions, the once unattainable grand theaters and hotels have become more and more important to young people. It is no longer an existence that can only be looked up to.

Five years ago - or six years ago, the students' graduation party was moved to the Grand Theater.

Fewer and fewer young people are willing to come to the public theater. They don't like the plays here, and they don't like the hall here. For those energetic little guys, this place is too uncool.

Suddenly seeing such a group of little guys coming to the performance hall of the Public Theater, Boltz was quite surprised, so he temporarily capped his pen and turned to observe these young people.

This is a lively group of young people.

From the moment they entered the performance hall, they started chattering, like a group of noisy little larks, huddled together to express their opinions.

Boltz tried hard to distinguish the content of their conversation, and then discovered that these little guys seemed to be preparing for a big show?

During this period, someone noticed Bultz and asked him if he would disturb him. Bultz immediately put away his notebook and waved his hand towards the other person with a smile.

"Don't disturb, don't disturb, it's still very lively."

After hearing what Boltz said, the students became more lively.

In this chattering, Burtz finally realized that they seemed to be preparing a performance project for the graduation party - not their performance party, but that of their previous seniors.

These little guys seemed to want to make a splash during the performance, so even though the New Year was approaching, they still got together and came to rehearse in the morning when there was no one at the public theater.

So Boertz squinted his eyes and became an audience member of this play.

Well, this is a fairly simple play that seems to be about the story of Sentu Lightshield, the second emperor of Demacia, defeating the demons at Forsbarrow.

From the students’ descriptions, it seemed like this was extended reading in their history classes, a “secret that no one else knew.”

With some curiosity, Boertz tried to reconstruct the script based on the students' performances.

Well, if you remove some of the obviously processed adaptation parts that have a strong Chuuni flavor, the original book of this drama should be the most popular book "Demon War" last year.

The author of that book is a little-known writer from Biangou Town. Burtz once read that book, and his evaluation was "very interesting."

From the perspective of a child in Biangou Town, this book tells the stories of demons that are circulated in fairy tales, myths and legends, and describes a past battle between humans and demons. The literary level of the book itself is not that outstanding. But Bultz admired the author's narrative point of view very much.

The children who grew up listening to the legend of the devil finally chose to unite to fight against the devil, and even chose self-sacrifice in the end.

But it is a pity that this book was criticized by many people at the Forsbarrow Art Support Association - Burz couldn't tell whether this criticism came from the smooth but lack of connotation of "Devil War", or whether it was for the sake of the story. An adaptation that has been manipulated due to sex, or just because of the identity of the writer.

All criticism seems to focus on the first two points, but in Boltz's eyes, the target reflected behind these criticisms is always the third.

Literary criticism is not just about venting. The direction of criticism will affect the attribution of various awards.

No one who is qualified to participate in the meeting wants the guy from Biangou Town to win the award.

As one of the judges with voting rights, Burtz will vote for "Demon War", but he is not optimistic that the book will win.

I’m afraid you may not even get the Best Newcomer Award, right?

Shaking his head, Brütz tried not to think about those stupid things, but focused on the students' performances. As the performance progressed, Brütz was surprised to find that although these students' performances were immature, they were still It expresses part of the core of that book very well.

Seeing the students on the stage bursting into tears after entering the play, while still reciting those slightly mediocre lines in a vague way, Boertz thought that he should do something.

On the New Year's Eve of the 18th year of Fosbarrow's calendar, the gala of the Fosbarrow Public Theater had an additional program performed by students.

This play, adapted from the best-selling book "The Devil's War," became a hit once it was released.

Many people say that the best-selling work award that year was awarded to "Demon War" and it had a lot to do with this play. Even the author of that book once publicly expressed his gratitude to Burtz.

Of course, some people say that this was Burtz's "inadvertent effort to save the Forsbarrow Public Theater." The guy in Biangou Town was just lucky.

But Burtz always believed that "Devil War" was worth it.

It can make children who have not graduated yet be immersed in the story and be willing to perform for it... Isn't this the meaning of the best-selling book?

happy New Year!

A new chapter of the extra chapter is ready for the New Year's Day update.

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