Lux's Farewell

Chapter 904 [0899] The legacy of the Noxian Empire

Although he had already guessed that the Noxians had an unknown base in Drunne, he was still quite surprised when Kalya followed his magic mark and found the entrance to the base.

He speculated that this might be a legacy from the Noxian Empire era.

It's not that he also has an amazing sense of time, but he really can't think of any reason for Noxus to have such a secret underground base - on the contrary, the Noxian Empire seems to be very willing to do so. These are secret, unknown projects.

In fact, Kalya's guess was absolutely correct.

This underground fortress named [The Door of Rebirth] is indeed an ancient product of the Noxian Empire era.

However, Kalya thought that this underground fortress was related to the Well of Darkness, but he was wrong.

The Well of Darkness even predates the Noxian Empire. It was originally, like the Shadow Island, the intersection of Runeterra and the Land of the Dead. Later, it went through generations of reinforcement and construction, and collected a large number of secret treasures. The magic items finally became the current immortal fortress.

But the door to rebirth is different.

This underground fortress is actually a product of the Rune War period.

When the Noxian Empire and the Kingdom of Kamavia fought, the World Runes were used in the war.

At the beginning, both sides just extracted the power from the world's runes to launch devastating magic attacks.

But as the situation escalated, both sides discovered that extracting the power of the world runes could no longer meet the needs of the war, and those who extracted the power of the world runes would be affected by the world runes and gradually become crazy - you know, A caster who can directly extract the power of the world's runes is a treasure to any party. It is really heartbreaking to lose him like this.

As a result, the intensity of the rune war soon escalated again, and both sides, with their eyes wide open, simply chose to directly detonate the power of the world's runes.

The result of the direct detonation of the world runes was that the Watch Peninsula on the Kamavian continent completely disappeared, and the ocean currents in the Rune Land were changed; similarly, east of the Immortal Fortress of Noxus, the entire continental shelf seemed to have been destroyed by people. After taking a bite, an obvious semicircular gap appeared.

Faced with such an astonishing intensity of war, even the red-eyed war parties had to start looking for a way out for themselves.

The Kamavians set their sights on other planes. They formed a secret organization of hermits and hid themselves in the planes they could find. To this day, in Kamavian , the Abyss Hermit is still a secret and powerful force.

They have inherited and developed this land from the Shurima Empire and combined it with the knowledge of the Baru civilization. However, because of past lessons, they chose to remain silent and hide themselves behind the curtain with a silent attitude and secretive whereabouts. .

In contrast, the Noxians also have their own shelter plan.

Some Noxians also adopted similar methods as the Kamavians, wanting to create a plane as their own refuge.

But the level of these people is not enough. Although they did build a shelter, the shelter eventually became a paradise for demons. Yes, the Shadow Realm where Nocturne is located is the shelter arranged by the Noxians for themselves. The first batch of Nokhi people who took the initiative to enter it planned to turn this place into Nokhi's spiritual world.

Noxian gave this plan a rather impressive name.

[Shadow Asylum Plan].

They chose the Forsbarrow area, which was still barren and had nothing at the time, as a fixed entrance to the Shadow Realm. After strengthening and stabilizing it, they took the initiative to enter it and began to build a backup base for themselves.

It is difficult to imagine the mental state of the Nokhi people at that time.

How arrogant is it to regard such a world that is closely connected with Runeterra and has its own unique plane laws as the place where you can rise again!

As a result, as the panic and avoidance of the Rune War spread, a brand new demon was born in the shadows with the help of the Noxian's uncontrolled magic experiments. Those who hoped that the shadows would protect them ended up with Devoured by demons born from the shadows.

With the failure of the Shadow Asylum plan, the embarrassed Noxians had no choice but to settle for the next best thing and build a shelter honestly.

The best way to build a shelter is underground.

Therefore, this time the down-to-earth Noxians chose to use the Well of Darkness as a model and built several secret shelters deep underground in the empire as the empire's "rebirth plan."

The Gate of Rebirth, located near today's Drunje, is a very important place.

It’s interesting to say that when the Rebirth Project was being built, except for the Well of Darkness located in the Immortal Fortress, the other refuges were all located in desolate places in the Noxian Empire—either in hidden mountains, or in the mountains. Under the uneven plains, to avoid being attacked by the Kamavians as much as possible.

In the Noxian Empire, these places were remote areas.

However, after the Rune Wars ended, these once untouched lands became the main cities of the new Noxian Empire.

Because of the war, the first-generation Noxians, who were filled with insecurities, chose to build their homes on the ground near the shelter, preparing to hide back if the situation went bad.

Therefore, these cities located near the refuge became the first cities of the new Noxus.

And because of the first-mover advantage given by sufficient manpower and organization, this group of cities quickly developed on the ruins after the war, and a considerable number of them even made it step by step to become the current Noxa. important city in Sri Lanka.

With the passage of time, many histories and records have been artificially erased or forgotten, but the traces will never disappear. If you are careful, you will find that many Noxans with different locations and customs have The names of these cities contain some of the same bytes or syllables, and some of them come from these former refuges.

In order to commemorate those ancient sanctuaries, the first generation of Noxians often added the modal particle "dr" in the Noxian language when naming their first city, expressing that people finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Among the important cities in Noxus today, Drunne, Drakan, Longmen, and Lokrond and Hedolam in the south all have similar naming traces.


Of course, Kalya didn't know anything about the history. But this did not prevent him from admiring the scale and level of this underground base.

The designers and construction workers who built this base definitely spent a lot of effort to carve out such a large and stable space from the stony underground.

Moreover, unlike the "rough spellcasting" used by the Noxians using the mages, some of the small designs in this base are very promising even from Kalja's perspective.

The internal structure of the base and the outermost magic circuit not only ensure that the magic power will not leak out or form a magic vortex, but also allow the magic power that escapes in the entire base to act as a slow-release agent, making the environment here more stable. at constant.

In a sense, some aspects of this underground base have something in common with Kalya's secret laboratory for cultivating rune trees. However, in terms of size, it is more than a hundred times larger than Kalja's laboratory. .

While sighing, Kalya felt a little pity.

This underground base must have many, many expanded functions, but judging from the behavior of the Noxians, they obviously have not activated these functions. If it is handed over to Kalya, then Kalya may be able to turn it into a large-scale Maybe a larger underground city with more functions?

But even if the Noxians weren't using their full capabilities, it would be difficult for Kal'a to penetrate them.

Because when this underground base was designed, prevention of infiltration seemed to be the top priority. Although Kalya could pass through the outermost barrier silently, if he wanted to enter its core area, he had to pass through a space with space. Interference, magic disruption, energy detection, elemental chaos, etc. mess up the entrance to many defensive barriers.

It is no exaggeration to say that the defenses in Lux's office are not as tight as here.

Even for Kalya, although it was easy to get in, it was very difficult to get in without attracting anyone's attention.

However, the nature of Kalja's mission meant that he had to act in secret - if the Noxians were alerted and they gave up their greed for the Diver Fort, it would be the Northern Expedition that would be in trouble.

In this case, there seems to be only one stupid solution left in front of Kalya: sit back and wait.

Although the core area of ​​the base is heavily guarded and difficult to enter, the area where the soldiers move is not that difficult to enter. He can keep an eye on the Noxian soldiers here and take them wherever they go. Wait until the Noxians When he wants to enter the Diver Fort through a secret passage, Kalya will also know where the passage is and how to enter it.

But the trouble with this is that the Noxians will mobilize their soldiers and Kal'ya will get the news only when the arrow is ready.

Although Kalja is very enthusiastic about scheming against the Noxians, this does not mean that Darius is a fool. Even if he decides to make a desperate move, he is destined to be a master who can only wait for the Northern Expedition and the Frost Guards. The tribe was in a bitter fight, and only then would he come forward to reap the benefits.

If we continue to wait here, the timeliness of the news received by Kalya is too poor, and there is really not enough time for subsequent adjustments and arrangements for the Northern Expeditionary Army.

After all, the goal of using that secret passage is to descend through the passage at the critical moment, reach the core of the Diver Fort, and defeat the Frostguard tribe's defenders inside and outside. To do this, the Northern Expedition needs to prepare a The elites use their freedom of movement in Noxus to evacuate the battlefield first. It is best to go around in a circle and come to Drunne in Noxus, and then advance through the long secret passage for who knows how long before they can achieve their goal. .

The amount of time this takes can be staggering.

In order to prevent Lissandra from becoming suspicious and causing accidents in her plan, the Northern Expedition must put enough pressure on her on the frontal battlefield during this period.

Pressure on the frontal battlefield comes at the cost of human lives.

If time drags on for too long, the losses on the frontal battlefield will become unacceptable.

So if possible, Kalya hopes that he can find the hidden passage that few people know about as soon as possible.

For a moment, Kalya was a little helpless - although he could sense emotions to a certain extent, he didn't really have the ability to read minds. He wanted to pry open Noxus's head and figure out the passage. He still needs more information about where it is.

Most of the senior officers are in the core area of ​​the base, and it is not easy for Kalya to risk contact with them.

And the soldiers in non-core areas didn't even know the specifics of their subsequent missions. Even if Kalya could contact them, he wouldn't be able to get any useful information.

In this embarrassing situation, Kalya was suddenly surprised to find that some of the craftsmen working in this base had an irony in their accents.

What does the Iron Thorn Mountain accent mean?

This means that this person is probably from Diver Fort.

And if a group of people have the same accent, then there is a high probability that they are the people of Fort Diver - those who are responsible for reforging the black iron armor are likely to be the survivors of Fort Diver!

Although Kalya didn't know what kind of deal the Noxians made with Lissandra in exchange for these people from the Frostguard tribe, he dared to say that some of these people must be interested in the slave. Learn about the secret passage from Dvorburg to Druigne.

It may not be very clear, but even if it is just a fragment of information, Kalya is confident that he will find clues to the end!

What surprised Kalya even more was that although the Noxians valued these black iron craftsmen and provided them with good treatment, their management and monitoring were not strict!

In fact, the reason why the Noxians are so "relaxed" is that the families of these craftsmen are under the strict control of the empire at this time, and besides these craftsmen and a few support staff in the base, the remaining They are all soldiers, so no stricter management methods are adopted for them.

In addition to stipulating the work progress, these craftsmen only have their own number and simple certificate. For Kalya, forging it is a piece of cake!

What's even better is that it seems that because of the heavy armament tasks, new craftsmen have come here to start work for several days in a row. Even due to the lack of manpower, some of the new arrivals are even lame and disfigured. This gives Kalya A perfect opportunity to blend in.

Soon, an inconspicuous blacksmith with a strong Fort Diver accent blended into these craftsmen with a forged certificate.

He and other craftsmen worked and chatted about blacksmithing.

Although among the many craftsmen, he seems to be a bit too nosy... But, so what? (End of chapter)

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