Lux's Farewell

Chapter 913【0908】 Swain’s choice

The exchange between Kalya and the Mother of Masks was brief, but the amount of information behind it was huge - both parties thought they had made money, but they just didn't know who would lose in the end.

The outcome of this wrestling may take a long time to come out. For the Mother of Masks, this is a casual move, but for Kalya, it is a long move.

Everything will come to an end, but not now.

The most important thing for Kalya now is to attract the undead from the Land of the Undead and give the Noxians a little sense of security to see what kind of path they will take under his stimulation. .

Whether to make a desperate gamble to the end, or to pull back from the brink at the last moment.


Passing through the veil of life and death, Kalya successfully entered the land of the undead.

Even if he was mentally prepared, the price of passing through the veil of life and death was still far beyond Kalya's expectation.

The elemental body he created for himself dissipated like quicksand under the erosion of death, and his small world could not be accommodated and accepted by death. When Kalya stepped forward and passed through this curtain, he rarely Be yourself for once.

For Kalya, this was an ancient experience that had not been experienced for a long, long time.

On Mount Targon, he voluntarily gave up immortality, so in the Land of the Undead, he did not regain the body of an ascended person, but walked on this desolate and silent land like an ordinary mortal. .

The curtain between life and death seemed like a waterfall, washing away the erosion of the void on Kalya, and also the heavy protection Kalya had put in to fight against this erosion. After entering the land of the undead, Kalya felt a wonderful feeling of peace.

This wonderful sense of tranquility made Kalya couldn't help but slow down, and subconsciously began to look at everything around him - but unfortunately, there is really no scenery worth admiring in the Land of the Undead, and all he can see is endless. The desolation, although occasionally there are things that look like ghosts drifting slowly by, but their faces are blurred, and they are quickly dissolving and becoming part of this world.

This is a little different from what Kalya thought.

Doesn't Aatrox claim to be the master of the Land of the Undead? Why does it seem like he has absolutely no control over this place?

Kalya has a heavy responsibility, and he has no time to wander around in the land of the undead!

However, just when he had this idea, on the far side of the desolate horizon, a seemingly large-scale team finally appeared in Kalya's field of vision.

Although there was some ethereal black mist in the Land of the Undead that Kalya could not see the specific appearance of those people, he was certain that it was not the same ghost that he had seen before and was merging with death.

That's enough.

Kalya quickened her pace.

When he finally approached the team, he was very surprised to see an acquaintance in the team.

Er, okay, not too familiar actually - Jericho Swain.

It seemed like... he was training a group of undead.

It can be seen that these undead were all great people when they were alive, and they were often quite capable in their movements.

From Karya's perspective, the only thing missing from these undead beings as an army is discipline.

And this is what Swain is training for.

He is trying to bring this loose group closer together so that they can understand collaboration and coordination, but judging from the current situation, this training does not seem to be very successful.

So Kalja interrupted him without any hesitation and asked him where Aatrox had gone.

Swain, whose name was suddenly called, immediately fell into a daze when he turned around and saw Kalya who didn't know when he appeared in front of him.

"Who are you?" Swain was a little confused, "I haven't registered you."

"So, will you register every undead who has obtained the qualifications of the Black Mist Legion?" Kalya, who has recovered himself, is somewhat familiar with it. "Aatrox has pushed everything to you?"

"Answer my question first." Swain frowned, "Who are you? Why do you appear in the Land of the Undead?"

"I am Kalja." Seeing that Swain seemed to be ready to ask these undead to beat him together, Kalja could only helplessly shake his head, "Aatrox should have mentioned me—— When I come here this time, I want to find him."

"So, you are finally dead?" Swain's tone was as calm as if he was asking if someone had finished eating. "Aatrox said that you will eventually join us..."

"I'm sorry that I'm not dead yet." Kalya interrupted Swain, "So, let's save a little time and take me to see Aatrox."

Swain hesitated for a moment, and finally chose to call someone out from the team and ask him to take Kalya to find Aatrox.

However, Kalya waved his hand.

"Take me there," he emphasized. "This matter is related to Noxus, and you should be interested."

If he hadn't become an immortal, Swain's heart might have stopped beating when he heard these words.

Death means stagnation, and everything about the deceased will be stagnant at the moment of his death - and even in the last moments of his life, after experiencing multiple betrayals, Swain was still full of love for Noxus in his heart.

Even after realizing that he had been deceived, he even felt guilty for his motherland.

Therefore, when Kalya said that this matter was related to Noxus, Swain, who had heard Aatrox say a lot about Kalya, immediately felt something was wrong.

Under this situation, he finally stopped caring about training these undead. He just said "Follow me" and walked in front of him.

Following Swain's footsteps, Kalya discovered that in addition to deathly silence, another characteristic of the Land of the Undead is the inertia of the laws.

Here, everything seems to be stretched a lot, and if this feature can be used well, you may be able to do a lot of magical things.

Then, while Kalja was silently thinking about the difference between the land of the undead and the real world, Swain finally brought him to Aatrox.

"Aha, my dear teacher!" Aatrox's eyes seemed to light up when he saw Kalya, "The masked one didn't lie, you did know how to embrace death-" "Oh, what a pity, I Not dead yet." Kalya snorted, rejected Aatrox's overly enthusiastic embrace, and looked at the other person with a rather subtle look, "It sounds like someone made a deal with the Mother of Masks, and even betrayed him for it. Did you kill your own teacher?"


Aatrox looked at Kalya with some disbelief. He lowered his head and circled around Kalya, looking at him carefully. While looking at him, he was amazed and shook his head frequently.

"If you weren't dead, why did you return to your original appearance?" Aatrox seemed unwilling to give up, "There is no shame in embracing death..."

"The curtain between life and death will isolate everything." Kalya sneered and looked at his traitor, "Don't change the subject, Aatrox, what kind of agreement did you make with the Mother of Masks?"

"You can't say it, you can't say it." Aatrox shook his head. "You will understand when you truly become a part of death."

"It seems that the Mother of Masks takes me seriously." Aatrox's appearance reminded Kalya of Maokai, so he simply did not continue to ask any more questions, but took the initiative to change the topic, "Since I still If you’re not dead, let’s talk about living things—you should know the well of darkness that leads to the Immortal Fortress from the Land of the Undead, right?”

"I know." Aatrox nodded, "In the depths of the Land of the Undead, the guy who calls himself Mordekaiser holds it very closely, as if anyone can take it away from him."

"Very good, I came to the Land of the Undead this time to snatch it away." Kalya nodded with satisfaction, "I hope to set out from the Land of the Undead, raid the Immortal Fortress, and give Noxus a little The little immortal is shocked.”

"The dead should not interfere with the living." Aatrox refused without hesitation. "I remember you reminded me this when we last met."

"This is not to interfere with the fate of the living." Kalya waved his hand, "If it was just to cause trouble for Noxus, I wouldn't need to go to all this trouble to find you - this matter is related to the void."

Aatrox finally frowned upon hearing the void.

If there is any reason that can make him take the initiative to cross the boundary between life and death, reach out his hand behind the curtain of death and interfere with Runeterra, then Void is one of them.

And it's the most justifiable one.

Taking action for this reason does not violate the promise of the Mother of Masks at all.

"So, the Noxians have converted to the void?" Aatrox's first reaction after hearing what Kalya said was extremely real, "That's too bad, I'm afraid Jericho will destroy his dearest motherland with his own hands. …”

"We haven't reached that point yet." Kalya interrupted Aatrox, "This is a test for Noxus, a test that will determine the future destiny of Noxus."

With that said, Kalya briefly told Aatrox the ins and outs of the whole thing - nothing was hidden, whether it was the Freljord part or the Noxus part.

"So, this is a trial, a test on whether Noxus is an enemy or a friend." Kalya concluded, "All the questions have been given, and there is only one person left to distribute the test papers."

"What you said seems to be the case, but for the Black Mist Legion, it is still too reluctant after all." Aatrox did not agree immediately, "The dead cannot easily interfere with the living, and the curtain of death has also been I can’t afford to open it again and again.”

"I don't need direct intervention." Kalya stretched out two fingers, "Besides, this is also the acquiescence of the Mother of Masks."

"Huh?" Aatrox obviously couldn't react, "Didn't you tell me?"

"If not, why am I here?" Kalya spread his hands with a smile, "I think this is enough to explain the problem."

Aatrox blinked, seeming confused.

What Kalya said seemed to make sense - if his purpose hadn't been approved by the Mother of Masks, how could he have appeared alive and kicking in the Land of the Undead?

And since the Mother of Masks has approved it, and this matter can draw more people to fight against the Void, then I, Aatrox, must help!

With this thought, Aatrox immediately slapped his chest.

Then, belatedly, he discovered that there was Swain beside him who was loyal to Noxus. Although Swain's combat effectiveness was not worth mentioning in the Black Mist Legion, since his arrival, The entire Black Mist Legion gradually became more orderly. Under this situation, Aatrox regarded Swain as his right-hand man.

Right now, your right-hand man may not be in a good mood.

However, when Swain listened to Kalya's plan, he didn't look depressed at all.

Not only was he not depressed, but he looked very happy.

"This is a good choice." Swain nodded, seeming very satisfied with this, "The great power of Noxus has been used in the wrong place. If it can be corrected, that would be great."

"Ah?" Looking at Swain's frequent nodding, Aatrox had already suspected that Swain was about to become a part of death, and now his consciousness was blurred, "This is a test of life and death!"

"No, it's an excellent transformation." Swain obviously had his own opinion. "There is nothing wrong with the Noxian spirit. What was wrong was that I and most of the Noxians misjudged the form, which ultimately led to the The empire declined step by step."


"Innovation is the only way to reverse this situation." Swain continued, "Noxus's problem is not internal or external, but its vision. This test will open the eyes of Noxians!"

Although he is already undead, Swain's tone is quite sonorous and powerful, as if he has returned to the time when he was the general and led Noxus forward.

"And if it fails, then Noxus will be completely destroyed. Am I understanding it correctly?" Aatrox scratched his head in wonder, "This doesn't look like a good thing, does it?"

"Noxus will not fail." Swain was very firm. "I know Riel. She has been persecuted by the Black Rose since she was a child. I believe she will lead Noxus and completely draw a clear line with the past!"

Swain agreed with Kalja's plan.

Shabeka and Shabek, who came after hearing the news, were chattering and hoped to participate in it to a greater extent, but their backhand was ruthlessly suppressed by Kalya.

Then Xin Zhao also got the news, and the German general manager who stood completely from the perspective of Demacia was also very satisfied with the plan - contrary to Swain, he believed that Noxus would definitely fail the test.

Kalya’s Little Class·The Stubborn Dead:

People kissed by death will be fixed at the time of death - the specific manifestation is that they are extremely stubborn. Even if they are exposed to a lot of information as undead, most of their ideas will still remain at the time of death.

Swain is full of confidence in Noxus, for this reason.

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