Lux's Farewell

Chapter 914【0909】Surprise

The undead in the Land of the Undead come from all over Runeterra.

But what's interesting is that no matter where they come from, when they learned that they were going to give Noxus a little color, they were all very excited and quite eager to try.

The Ionian War had only ended a few years ago, and Ionia's undead were happy to see the Noxians doomed.

Needless to say, the undead in Demacia are old enemies. Demacia is also professional in dealing with the Noxians.

Although the people of Bilgewater have no conflict with Noxus, these pirates are all afraid of chaos in the world. They are very happy to deal with whoever they want. They are a bunch of chaotic and funny people.

Kamavia has nothing to do with Noxus, but it is a real mortal enemy of the Noxian Empire, the predecessor of Noxus. The relationship between the two sides has reached the point where they use world runes as weapons to fight each other.

The undead of Shurima have more complicated emotions towards Noxus. On the one hand, they look down on Noxus, and on the other hand, they have to face the fact that the declining Shurima is not as good as Noxus. In fact, seeing Noxus in trouble now makes him secretly happy.

Looking around, the undead from all over the world were all gearing up to send troops to the Immortal Fortress.

As for the undead in Noxus... some of them have similar ideas to Swain, viewing this battle as a rebirth of Noxus. Others think that "Noxus is too much now." Weak, it’s time to show them real strength.”

In this way, the undead inside the Land of the Undead were very excited and planned to go to the Immortal Fortress to do something great.

Following Aatrox's order, the Black Mist Legion set off in a mighty manner, and then rushed straight... deeper into the Land of the Undead.

Yes, the passage to the Immortal Fortress. Deeper in the Land of the Undead, on Mordekaiser's territory, the Iron Armor Wraith still retains a passage back to the Immortal Fortress and back to the Well of Darkness.

Although this passage was unilaterally cut off by the Noxians, this cutoff was actually not stable - in the past, LeBlanc, who was worried about Mordekaiser's return, had been maintaining the seal that cut off the passage, but recently Over the years, the power of the Black Rose has been completely driven away, and the Well of Darkness has entered a state of "disrepair."

Mordekaiser has not been able to restart this channel to this day. The main reason is that his level is not good enough.

In this state, with the help of Aatrox and the Black Mist Legion, it is not difficult to restart this ancient passage.

When the Black Mist Army entered deeper into the Land of the Undead, Mordekaiser immediately came forward with his army of the dead.

This wariness is quite understandable, considering that Aatrox did not behave as a beggar-thy-neighbor when he entered the Land of the Undead.

However, when they realized that the destination of the Black Mist Legion was the Immortal Fortress, their alertness instantly turned into ecstasy.

"Very good, great." Mordekaiser murmured lowly in Ochen, "If this is really the case, then let's go... Together with me, and the dead who are waiting to receive the glory of death, we will pay homage to the betrayal. The Noxians bring a revenge from ancient times!"

Seeing that Mordekaiser was in good condition and full of confidence, in order not to dampen the Avenger's interest, Kalya thought for a moment and decided not to remind him that this might give Noxus a chance to get rid of the past and completely reborn. .

These things are so disappointing, let’s make Mordekaiser happy for a while!

And... the anchor Mordekaiser left in the Immortal Fortress was a pair of metal armor?

That's such a coincidence. After all, the current High Commander of Noxus, his best spell is the manipulation of metal. Kalya wants to know if Riel's ability can bring any surprises to Mordekaiser?

With Mordekaiser's cooperation, the Black Mist Legion's operations became very smooth.

The blocking seal left by the Black Rose was very professional, but due to lack of maintenance and the participation of Kalya, a master of seal magic, in breaking it, it did not last long.

As the remaining blood magic power in the seal was completely exhausted, this passage connecting the Immortal Fortress and the Land of the Undead was opened again after thousands of years.

And as the passage was opened, a misty, deathly black mist spewed out from the well of darkness, and the immortal fortress that was originally bright and sunny suddenly became overcast.

Riel, who was studying to handle official duties in the Grand Commander's Mansion, immediately felt the impact of magic that swept through the entire Immortal Fortress like a shock wave. She simply dropped her pen and slapped the table hard.

The iron box on the table instantly turned into a big flexible mouth, and in two mouthfuls he swallowed the documents she was reviewing by category.

At the same time, the entire iron table seemed to come to life. Its four legs bent straight like an experienced war horse, and Riel was carried on his back.

No need for saddles, stirrups, or bridles and whips. Riel just climbed onto the horse that belonged to her and shared her heart, just like she had faced the pursuers of the Black Rose countless times in the past.

It's just that she was resisting Noxus at that time, and now she wants to protect Noxus.


Just when Commander Riel was ready for battle, the army from the Land of the Undead finally broke out of the Well of Darkness.

The Black Mist Legion rode on the diffuse black mist and quickly defeated the magic guards guarding the place.

Most of these magical guards once had the identity of the Black Rose. They are one of the few members of the Black Rose who have not been liquidated - and in exchange, they need to protect this dangerous well of darkness for New Noxus.

Originally, most of them thought that they would stay in this boring job for the rest of their lives, but they never expected that within a few years, there would be such a big movement in the Well of Darkness.

When the black mist appeared, several magic guards who were more proficient in sealing spells thought they had waited for a chance to make a comeback. As long as this accident was handled, the commander-in-chief might be able to ignore the past grudges...

However, when the Black Mist Legion rushed out of the Well of Darkness, the magic guards who came with great expectations were all dumbfounded.

This...what is this?

Many of them have experienced LeBlanc's era. Although it is impossible for LeBlanc and Vladimir to reveal the nature of the Well of Darkness, they more or less have some speculations of their own about this strange ancient well.

But now it seems that even the boldest guess is a bit insufficient.

There is indeed something sealed inside.

But... Judging from the endless black mist, are there too many things sealed in it?

Something's wrong?

This was the first time for most people to see the undead, but anyone with a clear head would have to wait until they saw the thick black mist, felt the suffocating power of death, and saw those whose faces did not look like living people. After the immortals, there should be some guesses about their identities.

Moreover, among the undead, Swain, the former commander-in-chief of Noxus, is among them! This is really a big surprise!

Realizing that something was wrong, the magic guards no longer cared about making meritorious deeds and making a comeback. They turned around without hesitation and fled faster than when they came.

This is no longer a situation that I can handle - let the commander-in-chief do it!

Unfortunately, until these magic guards were completely swallowed by the black mist and became the walking corpses following Swain, the leader they were looking forward to still did not show up.

Riel didn't come here.

So, the question is, where did Riel go?

Reel went to intercept Mordekaiser.


Within Noxus, everything within the depths of the Well of Darkness is kept secret.

As the commander-in-chief of Noxus, Riel was obviously qualified to know these secrets - although due to frequent power changes, when the news reached Riel's generation, she was no longer clear about many details. But at least she knew one thing.

In the center of the Well of Darkness, there is an ancient armor. It is a body prepared by a vengeful ghost. Although she is not very clear about that history, according to what Darius told her, it is immortal. The most dangerous thing in the fortress.

Therefore, after noticing the changes in the Well of Darkness, Riel did not go directly to the deepest part of the black mist, but went to find the most dangerous thing that Darius told her.

Here, she meets Mordekaiser.

Originally, Mordekaiser wanted to take advantage of the Black Mist Legion's action and the black mist to get back his iron armor first - this armor that had followed him in the north and south had a large number of spells attached to it. Not only is it powerful, but it can also stabilize his soul and allow him to better control the undead.

As long as he gets his armor back, Mordekaiser is confident that he will fully control the subsequent development direction of this operation.

Even... poaching from the Black Mist Legion in turn may not be impossible!

With this thought in mind, Mordekaiser happily went straight to his iron armor.

However, before he could get the iron armor back, Ruier appeared first and stopped him firmly.

Reel doesn't know Mordekaiser's identity.

But when the Black Mist Legion was quickly devouring the guards of the Well of Darkness, a strange-looking guy came towards the iron armor. This was something wrong.

Not to mention, Mordekaiser seems to be wearing an "iron armor" made purely of energy. Its style is almost exactly the same as that dangerous iron armor.

Therefore, after a meeting, Reildang identified Mordekaiser as "the culprit of this Black Mist turmoil."

Capture the thief first and capture the king!

Even though Riel was still worried about the black mist raging in the Immortal Fortress, she still decisively focused all her attention on the guy in front of her.

I saw the steel horse under her crotch suddenly raised its front hooves, and the iron piece on the "chest" quickly peeled off, like a flying knife, attacking Mordekaiser who was running towards her iron armor.

Even though Mordekaiser is undead, that doesn't mean he can ignore all attacks.

Even Mordekaiser couldn't take it lightly, so he simply swung his warhammer.


With a low trembling sound, all the iron pieces attacking Mordekaiser were bounced away.

But not long after flying backwards, as Riel thought, they turned around and flew back in the direction of Mordekaiser again.

At the same time, in Rui Er's hand, a lance with a length of at least fifteen feet was also shaped by the hot metal. Rui Er opened her right hand, and a thin layer of gold adhered to her palm. .

Jin Cancan's right hand stretched forward, and the metal war horse under Riel's crotch suddenly jumped out, carrying her, she grabbed the end of the lance, and stabbed Mordekaiser!

The coordination between the lance and the throwing knife is very exquisite, and Mordekaiser, wielding the warhammer, cannot think about the future or the future!

In this case, Mordekaiser simply ignored the flying knife behind him and strode forward directly. The hammer Nightfall in his hand hit the lance in Riel's hand.

As the war hammer and lance collided, an astonishing force exploded. Riel, who was riding the metal war horse, suddenly tilted his body and was almost swept off the horse.

However, before her body lost balance, she controlled the flying iron pieces and plunged them into Mordekaiser's back.

However, what Ruier never expected was that when they hit the target, they made an extremely clear "ding-ding-ding" sound.


What's happening here?

"A long, long time ago, I experienced a shameful betrayal."

Mordekaiser was very satisfied with the surprised expression on Reel's face at this time. He put his warhammer on his shoulder with one hand, and with the other hand he lightly pulled out all the iron pieces inserted into his back.

"After that, I swore that I would never allow myself to be attacked from behind again!"

Riel narrowed her eyes.

"Now, get out of the way." Mordekaiser raised his head, "For the sake of my good mood, I will give you a pleasure, so that you can meet the great immortal soul, Netherworld, in his complete form. monarch!"

On Mordekaiser's head, a crown loomed, and Riel was sure that she had seen a similar style in the museum.

No, it should be said that the one on the other person's head is probably the real thing.

As Mordekaiser issued the ultimatum, an indescribable coldness and exhaustion spread throughout Riel's body. Her power seemed to be drained away. When she looked into Mordekaiser's eyes, the soul burning there was The fire almost made her unable to look straight.

However, Riel would not give in.

She sat up straight on the horse again, and with a flick of her left hand, a small round shield was hung on her left arm.

Then, after a silent neigh, the metal war horse under her crotch suddenly rushed forward again - she gave the answer with her own actions. (End of chapter)

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