Lux's Farewell

Chapter 93 [0090] The curtain opened

Chapter 93 [0090] The curtain opened
Wei stretched out her fist and touched Lux ​​- she didn't say much, but it could be seen that she accepted Lux.

This kind of acceptance made Baobao, who was listening to the story in a daze, a little dissatisfied. She looked at Lux angrily, and then made a grimace angrily.

Facing the appearance of "you stole my sister", Lux couldn't help showing a bright smile. She took off her headband, adjusted it a little, and put it on It exploded on the head.

"You should also change your look." After taking off those incongruous hairpins, Lacus nodded in satisfaction, "It looks much better this way, blue hair with blue headband, it's great !"

The headband made Baobao somewhat uncomfortable, she instinctively wanted to take it off, and when she realized this, Lux turned to Wei decisively: "You say, right?"

"That's right." Wei froze for a moment, then laughed loudly, "It really suits you."

"Really?" Baobo's eyes widened in surprise, "I mean, can I really wear her?"

"Of course." Wei glanced at Lux who was blinking at her, and finally nodded, "It is indeed more suitable than those hairpins..."

The elder sister's approval made Baobao feel a lot better. She seemed to have a lot of strength, and took the initiative to pick up her small bucket and walked towards the mine pit.

And Lux ​​and Wei also looked at each other, and each picked up their own buckets—then, just as they were taking steps, a clear and sharp bird song suddenly sounded in the midair.

"Wei, Bobo, I don't want this bucket of water!" Lux yelled loudly immediately, "Go to the mine, the people from Piltover are here!"

For the possible explorers, Lux has already made preparations - there are many mines around, she made a little camouflage in advance in an abandoned mine not so long ago, those from Piltover Tomb robbers will be led into this mine.

It was the mine that Janna had hoped for in advance. The passages inside were complicated and the top and bottom were chaotic. It was enough for those Picheng guys to hang around in it for a while. Bian had dug into the real laboratory a long time ago.

However, what she didn't expect was that the people from Piltover who came this time were not those grave robbers, but a large group led by locals... Piltover law enforcement officers!

The leader of the team is none other than Marcos, who has dealt with Lacus many times and had a good relationship with him!

This situation undoubtedly greatly exceeded Lacus' expectations. When she received Janna's warning, she immediately realized that the target of these people might not be herself, but the four of Wei and the others!
Therefore, she immediately reminded Wei to pay attention, dropped the bucket and turned around and ran away—the situation had changed, and Karya needed to be notified first.


Lux received an early warning from Janna, and at Fulgan's Tavern, Van Der also received an early warning from Victor.

"Mr. Vander." Victor, who hurried to the tavern, didn't even change his overalls, "Is Miss Lacus still there?"

"Are you finally done with the things in Piltover?" Fandre seemed to be in a good mood, "She has some things to go out... Hey, why didn't you see that guy named Jess?"

"Something happened!" Victor said with a serious expression, "Mr. Vander, please inform Miss Lacus immediately, Piltover's Explorers' Association is eyeing her—"

"The Explorers Association? Those grave robbers?" Victor's words stunned Fandre for a moment, "They're after Lux? What's going on?"

"I can't tell you the specifics. In short, I heard the wind in Piltover. Those explorers seem to believe that Lux has something in her hand... They are not easy to talk to, and they are often more difficult to deal with than law enforcement officers—"

Thinking of Lux's understatement that he wanted to "digg something", Fandre finally widened his eyes—he rarely dealt with those explorers, but it didn't mean he didn't know what kind of people those people were. .

Things seem to be getting worse.

Just when Van der was astonished, another person hastily pushed open the door of Fulgan's Tavern—it was Ike.

"Fandre!" Ike panted heavily, "Someone saw Marcos, and there were many law enforcement officers, and they rushed down to the city!"

The law enforcement officer is here too? !
If it is said that the explorers can't get ahead without profit, and Van der can still rely on local contacts to deal with one or two, then I'm afraid these law enforcement officers must be rushing to the children!
And, judging by the way they headed straight to Lower Zaun, I'm afraid these cops have discovered something...

Hell, how could Marcos find them even though he completely blocked the news?
Fandre was very sure that Benso and the others would not leak the news—and it was impossible for Lux to talk nonsense.

Under such circumstances, who else could find Lacus and the others quietly?

At this moment, Vander finally widened his eyes.

"Mr. Van der is going to find Miss Lacus?" Seeing that Van der stood up, Victor hurriedly said, "If so, I hope you can help inform Miss Lacus that our experiment has a new sponsor. It’s hard to continue working with her, but I guarantee that our results will—”

"Get out of the way!" Van der took Victor to the other side with a somewhat rough hand, "I don't have time to listen to your nonsense, for the sake of the news you brought, I will tell her that you let her dove." Now, go back to Piltover!"

As he said that, with agility that didn't fit his figure at all, Van der jumped onto the bar lightly and deftly, and ripped off the glove he used to dig mines and beat people from the ceiling.

"Mr. Van der!" Victor widened his eyes, "I'm just here to remind you that in fact you don't have to take such drastic measures at all. Jess and I have achieved certain results in our research. Believe me, as long as you let They're staying out of the limelight for a while, and we'll soon be able to persuade Parliament to end this pointless confrontation—"

"Ike, close the shop door, and send this Mr. Victor back to Piltover!" Vander ignored Victor's words, but quickly put the pair of cast iron gloves on his thick arms, then bowed his head He found an oversized hard hat from under the table and put it on his head directly, "Now, immediately!"

"I'm not lying!" Victor couldn't help raising his voice, "I'm sorry we failed Miss Lux's kindness, but Jess and I are willing to contribute in this way—"

"Shut up, Victor." Fandre, who armed himself, pushed open the door of the tavern, "This is Zaun's family business, and has nothing to do with you or Piltover!"

 Carya's Little Classroom, Janna's Warning:
  Although it is a bit of a loss for a god to do the job of stalking, unexpectedly, Janna herself likes this kind of task-flying freely in the streets of Zaun, bringing back useful news, Perhaps this is her most primal joy as a wind elf.

(End of this chapter)

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