Lux's Farewell

Chapter 94[0091]

Chapter 94[0091]
Van der put on his gloves, went out and called some of the most reliable brothers.

And when these people heard that the law enforcement officers in Piltover were looking for Vi and the others, they took the guy without hesitation, and followed Vander.

"You should have done this a long time ago, Van der." A bearded man quickly wrapped a long chain around his wrist, then hung a lock on it, and shook it with satisfaction, "The Picheng guy originally It’s nothing special, if they come to Zaun, they are doomed... how do you say that?”

"Death." A gentle-looking guy next to him stretched out his hand to adjust his glasses, "Their muskets can be used on the Sun Gate Dam, but in Zaan, those things are not much better than fire sticks."

"It's not that simple." Fandre, wearing a hard hat, said in a low voice, "There must be an insider here. I didn't tell anyone about Wei's traces."

"Speaking of which, where did they go?"

"Follow that Lux and go down to dig the ruins."

"It was the mage who brought the news to Piltover's note?"

"No, it's not her. She also encountered trouble. The explorers in Piltover have the same goal as her." Fandre shook his head, "I suspect it's the shadow."

"Shadow?" Hearing what Vander said, the people behind him were finally dumbfounded, "You mean, Shirko?"

Van der didn't speak, but not speaking is the best answer.

"No way, Sirko won't collude with the Piltovers, right?" The bearded man with chains said in disbelief, "Although he's a bastard, he never peed in the same pot as those Piltovers... "

"I feel like he's coming for me." Vander twisted his neck, "A few days ago, Sevica left the tavern."

"You mean, Sevica went to find Shirko?" The bearded man grinned and his eyes widened. "Isn't she the most despised bean sprouts?"

"Could it be possible to go to Finn?" Vander sighed, "I dare say, if it's really Silko, I'm afraid he's waiting for me."

"Then he is really stupid." The little glasses who followed Vander tucked the wrench into the grid of his belt, "Even with Sevica's help, he can't replace you-we all believe in you .”

"I always feel that he has other plans." Van der shook his head, "To be honest, I wanted to go alone and teach Shirko a lesson to wake him up, but in the end I called you guys... ...In addition to helping the scene, I also hope that we can get together again and discuss it."

"What are you discussing?" The bearded man didn't understand, "What do you say, let's do whatever we want together!"

"Discuss Zaun's...future." Vander whispered, "However, we have to wait until after this matter."


Van der's group of dozens of people quickly assembled and rushed all the way to the mine to be dug.

Almost at the same time, in Upper Zaun, the elevator brought a large number of well-armed explorers.

After these Picheng people came to Zaun, they naturally greeted the hostile eyes of the Zaun people, but unfortunately, this kind of gaze may make the law enforcement officers uncomfortable and at a loss, but it will not make these explorers have any feelings. do not adapt.

Being able to become a registered member of the Explorers' Association in Piltover at least represents a tomb robbery experience-in addition, this title often represents half-black identities such as liars, brokers, scalpers, etc., and some people even Simply play a sand robber in the desert of Shurima.

Therefore, they can face the hostility of the Zaun people very calmly, and even feel complacent about it.

And the little yellow hair mixed among these explorers felt a genuine discomfort.

Although he also wandered around a ruin in Kumanggra not long ago and brought back a necklace, it was in a forest after all, and the ruin itself was almost completely covered by plants—more importantly, He "bought" all the clues for Ezreal to explore the ruins from the locals. He paid for the legends he heard!
Among such a group of thugs, Ezreal, who could talk and laugh happily before, felt more like a husky mixed with wolves the closer he got to the destination.

Is this... a professional explorer?

Seeing them one by one start to sort out all kinds of expedition equipment that can be used to kill people, Ezreal couldn't sit still—and many people, including the previous clerk, were also quite uncomfortable. , so that the explorers who originally got together and had a lively atmosphere, the closer they got to Lower Zaun, the more scattered the team was, and finally turned into a long snake.

Even many experienced guys, even when facing their peers, their eyes are full of vigilance.

This is not an ordinary expedition. If the ruins can be unearthed, it may represent the guest of Miss Opeia—although the identity of the little rich woman is not clear, what is certain is that she is A real upper class.

After all, even Senator Mel must remain humble when facing her!
Ike and Victor, who had left Fulgan's Tavern, happened to pass by this group of explorers, and Victor was still trying to persuade Ike in a low voice to stop Van der.

"Son, believe me, I'm also from Zaun. Just yesterday, Jess and I made a big breakthrough in our research. The councilors are already supporting us. Don't intensify the conflict at this time..."

"The dawn of Hex technology has appeared in front of us. I guarantee that it will be used to improve people's livelihood. Now using violence will make the situation that has a chance to ease become uncontrollable..."

"I know Mr. Van der's energy and status very well, as well as what he represents. He must not do anything—"

"Shut up!" Ike, who was already extremely irritable, finally couldn't help interrupting Victor's rambling, "This is a matter for us Zaun people, and has nothing to do with the Picheng people!"

"I'm also from Zaun." Victor's eyes widened, and the veins on his forehead burst out, "I can't just sit back and watch Zaun fall into the abyss, believe me, kid--as long as this thing subsides, Hextech will For production, Jess already has the idea of ​​making mining tools, and the design of my cutting machine has officially started..."

"Fandre said, this has nothing to do with you." Ike simply pushed Victor into the elevator, and closed the door, "And, you are already from Piltover!"

The next moment, the elevator rumbled, and Victor's words were finally completely buried in the astonishing noise.

As for Ike, he let out a long breath, then turned and left without hesitation - counting the time, he should still be able to catch up with Van der.

 Karya's small classroom about technology:
  In Piltover, technology—or smart brains—is a shortcut to the top, perhaps because Heimerdinger is in charge of the academy, at least when it comes to protecting the rights of inventors, Piltover does Not bad.

(End of this chapter)

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