Lux's Farewell

Chapter 95 [0092] Meeting on a narrow road

Chapter 95 [0092] Meeting on a narrow road

Lacus and Wei took turns holding Baobao, and while the law enforcement officer was still far away from several trenches, they sneaked into the mine pit.

They originally planned to go to the fake mine to hide their eyes, but after seeing some figures behind the law enforcement officer, Wei decisively dragged Lacus and turned to the real mine.

"There are traitors!" After entering the mine, Wei spat angrily, "I saw that guy following the Picheng guy, that's the bastard from the next block, I'm afraid our disguise can't fool him!"

"What's going on here?" Hearing what Wei said, Lux simply handed Bumblebee to her, and then summoned a glimmer of light in the palm of her hand, "The law enforcement officer brought the people of Zaun...they are here for you of!?"

"A lingering vicious dog." Wei snorted without denying it, "You and Ino will leave with Uncle Benso and the others in a while, Fandel said that Marcos will not make things difficult for you—remember to bring a bomb. "

"It's too late." Lux shook her head. "It's better to just block this place, and then try our best to clear the last section of the tunnel. We are not far from the end..."

"Then we'll all be stuck here!" Wei obviously disagreed with this risky plan, "Their target is me, there's no need for everyone to be stuck here!"

"Don't be nervous, the end of our excavation is not a dead end." Lux was quite relaxed, "There is a safe ruin in the innermost part, and the terrain in the mine is complicated, they can't do anything to us..."

As they spoke, they met Craig and Melo carrying buckets head on.

Lux immediately extinguished the light in her palm.

"You guys are too slow." Milo, wearing a miner's cap and a lamp on his head, shook the empty bucket in his hand, "We've finished delivering all of them..."

"Get out, Milo!" Wei put down Bumblebee, "Take Bumblebee, go around the fake mine, go back to the tavern to find Fandre! That bastard Marcos brought the traitor from Zaun to block us!"

"Marcos is bringing Zaun's traitor?" Melo simply dropped the empty bucket in his hand, and grabbed Bumblebee, "Why don't you leave now?"

"They're already eyeing this place." Wei turned and continued to go deep into the mine, "The vicious dog always needs to be fed some bones to be honest."

"Don't be a hero!" Milo instantly understood Wei's thoughts, "It's me who wants to stay, you don't know how to open the lock, and you will never be able to escape from the Jingshui Prison—"

Then, together with Wei, he was grabbed by Clegg and pushed towards the entrance of the cave.

"Let me do it."

Craig said firmly.

Then, just as the four of them were talking, a voice interrupted them in the darkness towards the entrance of the cave.

"You don't have to argue about who will come, children." The owner of the voice seemed to sigh, "Don't worry, I'm not a bad person, I just hope that with your help, I can have a good talk with Van der."

"Who's there?" Milo twisted the lamp above his head, "Come out, hide-and-seek bastard!"

"The little gophers still have the heart to say that others hide their heads and show their tails." In the dim light of the miner's lamp, a thin figure appeared in front of them, "Do you still remember me, Wei, I hugged you when I was young Woolen cloth……"

"Shirko?" Vi's eyes widened in disbelief, "You brought the police from Piltover here?!"

"They just happened to be at the right time." Silko also lit up the flashlight in his hand. As he swung his arm, the shadow under him was sometimes very long and sometimes very short, like a bird that wanted to devour someone. "This lady... should be Lux, right? You have nothing to do here, can you please leave for a while, so that I can have a good talk with these children?"

Wei shook her head at Lux without a trace.

But after thinking for a moment, Lacus chose to raise her hands, and slowly passed by Shirko, heading towards the outside of the cave.

"A wise choice, as expected of the eldest lady of Kalamanda." When passing by, Silko even showed a smile to Lacus, "If there is a chance in the future, we can work together..."


Lux didn't say a word, just walked quickly with her head down, and her figure quickly disappeared around the corner.

Seeing Lacus leave here, Wei suddenly felt a little relaxed, but at the same time she was also a little bit disappointed—she gritted her teeth, and her eyes locked on Shirko again.

"What on earth are you going to do?" Wei's voice was full of uncontrollable anger, "Are you going to be the dog of the Piltover?"

While speaking, Wei stepped on two tin buckets neatly, removed the bottom of the buckets, and put them directly on her arms.

"Vander can teach you a lesson, and so can I."

"Oh, I'm so scared." Silko grinned indifferently, "Sevica, Vi said she was going to teach me a lesson!"

"Be quiet, Vi." Behind Silko, Sevica's tall figure quietly appeared, "This is about Silko and Vandel—it has nothing to do with your four children, Piltover You're going to have bad luck here, we're here for Zaun."

"You traitor!" Seeing Sevica, Vi became even angrier, "Fandre used to trust you so much—"

"But he is no longer the Vander before." Speaking of Vander, Sevica shook her head helplessly, "He is too weak, weak people cannot take care of Zaun."

"So you just followed this bastard?" Wei gritted her teeth, "You listened to his smooth talk and thought he could give Zaun a bright future? Hell, he's a bastard, a soft bone..."

"Okay, Wei, be quiet." Sevica frowned, hesitated for a moment, and finally did not pull out the dagger at her waist, "If you can't learn to shut up and wait, I will teach you—as Vander It's like teaching you how to punch."

"You don't deserve to mention his name!" Wei violently raised her fist, and strode towards Sevica, "You shameful traitor!"

Wei's attack was full of momentum. Although the two buckets that were trampled flat could not be regarded as qualified gloves, they were at least quite useful weapons—especially when Wei shot with all his strength, the two buckets sent out palm nuts. The sound of the hammer, at least in terms of momentum, was very bluffing.

Unfortunately, in Sevica's eyes, this kind of attack is full of loopholes and is not worth mentioning.

"If you want to beat me, it's ten years too early." She easily avoided Wei's attack, grabbed Wei's arm, and let this fist hit the wall of the mine with all her strength, "Vandel is right, you need to learn how to defend..."

"I don't need you to teach me!" Vi growled, twisted her body, raised her fist again and went straight to Sevica's face, "You... bastard!"

 Carya's Little Classroom Merrow:

  This stinky, but average-smelling brat is very good at picking doors and locks.

(End of this chapter)

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