Lux's Farewell

Chapter 937 Extra Chapter Chapter Day Special: Daily Life of Ascended Ones: The 1rd Year of Shurima

Chapter 937 Extra Chapter·Holiday Special·Daily Life of Ascended Ones·The First Thousand Years of Shurima

For the Shurima Empire, which almost occupies the entire continent of Shurima, although the promotion of Shurima language has achieved the same text, the customs and habits of different regions will still differ due to the unique natural and cultural environment of each region. different.

Therefore, in terms of festivals, different regions often celebrate different festivals.

For example, in the area near Mount Targon in the west, although Kalya is strictly guarded against the Titans, the customs in areas such as Nerimajie are still somewhat similar to those of the Rakkor people. They pay more attention to celestial phenomena and often commemorate the intersection of constellations as a festival.

In the north, coastal areas pay more attention to tides and ocean currents. Every year when summer is approaching, the sea water gradually warms, and fish resources are abundant, various fishing festivals are held in Uzeris and Nashrame.

Along the Shurima River, this is a rare crop-producing area in Shurima. During the twice-annual harvest season, after the crops are harvested, farmers will gather together to celebrate the harvest and share the joy of harvest.

Further south, near the southern vein of Mount Targon, Zerima's festival is closely related to business.

In the vast land of Shurima, from coast to desert, from mountains to hills, different regions have their own unique customs and customs. In order to strengthen the sense of identity of the Shurima people, after the establishment of the Shurima Empire, a new The festival was officially proposed, and under the promotion of the empire, it eventually became popular all over the country.

This festival is Shurima's National Day, commemorating the birth of the Shurima Empire.

Every National Day of Shurima, the city of Shurima will hold a grand celebration, and among these celebrations, the celebration of the whole ten and a hundred is especially grand.

And even bigger than the ten-hundredth celebration is the thousand-year ceremony.

On this thousandth anniversary of the birth of the Shurima Empire, the entire city of Shurima was boiling.


Even Kalya, who had no sense of ceremony, put a lot of effort into this truly once-in-a-thousand-year event.

Although he was only the nominal general director and did not participate in the front-line preparations and was the last person responsible for the review work, Kalya still put forward many enlightening ideas about the celebration itself.

For example, the regional historical exhibition halls in various places were built under Kalya's proposal - Nerimajie, Kalamanda, Uzeris, Nasramei, Keneser, Vikaola, Zerima, etc. , many large Shurima cities have hired the most prestigious local architects to design and build local exhibition halls in Shurima City.

Along with the construction of these exhibition halls, there was also the new urban area of ​​​​Shurima City. The empire took advantage of this time to spend heavily to rebuild a large amount of Shurima City's infrastructure, and even the sewer system was completely renovated. In these Stimulated by the project, Shurima City's economy has become particularly prosperous.

Obviously, the purpose of the various buildings nominally built for the celebration is not just for the grandeur of the celebration itself, but more importantly, to strengthen exchanges between various places, increase the centripetal force of Shurima, and stimulate the economy. development, when various products from all over the world are concentrated in Shurima City and placed in front of the Shurima people, the concept of the Shurima Empire will become clearer.

Of course, none of the above has anything to do with Aatrox.

Although he is already a marshal with his own Ascended Legion, Aatrox has never been interested in anything other than military affairs and combat.

Although Shurima City is lively, the people gathered here are ordinary people. What is popular in the market are daily necessities and novelty gadgets. These things can make people with some spare money in their pockets generous, but for Aatrox, it is not Not interesting.

In comparison, he prefers the experimental products at Shurima University. Although most of the experimental products have problems of one kind or another and are difficult to install on a large scale, their unconstrained creativity can occasionally be used by Asians. Tox brings a little inspiration.

It's a pity that at this time of year, even Shurima University is focusing most of its energy on the Millennium Celebration - I heard that all the colleges are joining together to publish an encyclopedia. These guys are really boring and have to Get everything down on paper…

Extremely boring.

With two personal soldiers, Aatrox wandered aimlessly on the streets of Shurima City. As an ascended person, he had to come back to participate in the celebration, but he himself was not interested in the celebration, and he had no interest in the relationship between his colleagues. Too lazy to maintain it, in this case, he simply turned into a street kid and wandered around the streets of Shurima City all day long.

Just treat it as a boring vacation.

As Aatrox's cronies, the soldiers who followed him around all day obviously knew the character of their commander very well, so they would find interesting things to share with Aatrox from time to time. Today they found out about the new city of Shurima City. There is a very good mutton restaurant in the district.

With nothing to do, Aatrox simply followed his soldiers to the new city to try the mutton restaurant.

Then, the moment he saw the sign, Aatrox regretted it.

[Authentic Pan mutton, and Hui Yang is on sale for a limited time! 】

What the hell!

To others, Pan mutton is a delicacy, and Hui mutton is a rare delicacy, but for Aatrox...

For Aatrox, the thing he hates most is mutton—or, in other words, he hates rams and rays the most.

The experience of being nudged by a sheep can be called the most embarrassing thing in Aatrox's life, and it is an out-and-out black history.

But in this case, he couldn't say anything, and turning around and leaving seemed guilty, so he simply went into the mutton restaurant and started to eat with revenge.

The soldiers didn't know about this at all. Seeing Aatrox eating "enjoyed", they began to urge the store to continue serving food. The limited supply of Hui mutton for three people all fell into Aatrox's belly. .

Then, just as Aatrox was about to reconcile with Black History, another Ascended One entered the Mutton Pavilion.

Tayalina, one of the Ascended ones that Aatrox is least likely to deal with.

(Considering Aatrox's poor popularity and the Ascended Ones he has the least dealing with, there are probably three digits of candidates.)

Like other Ascendants who have trouble dealing with Aatrox, Tayalina's conflict with him also stems from Aatrox's arrogance - the proud Aatrox has always been a loner, and he has no respect for his seniors and juniors. Most people look down upon him, but considering that all those who can become Ascended are geniuses, Aatrox's arrogance is very offending. And Tayalina is a very pretentious guy. He has a natural sense of responsibility for his identity as an Ascendant, so he also dislikes Aatrox. Every time the two meet, they inevitably Make fun of each other.

Considering that Aatrox has been following Kalja for a long time, has good poisonous tongue skills, and his own extraordinary strength, Aatrox usually has the advantage in verbal exchanges between the two sides.

However, considering that they are now in the mutton restaurant, Aatrox has no geographical advantage, and it would be quite disadvantageous for him to take the initiative to start a fight here, so he plans to pay directly and leave quickly.

It's a pity that Tayalina's eyesight is very good, and Aatrox is tall, even if he doesn't show the body of an ascendant, he still stands out among the crowd, so he saw Aatrox almost at a glance, and then reluctantly He kept stroking his hands and laughing.

"Isn't this our chief student?" Tayalina said with a smile, "Long time no see. Are you here specifically to see your practical results?"

As a student of Aatrox's class, Tayalina knew all about the dark history of someone being gored by a sheep. Seeing that Aatrox was about to pay the bill and run away, Tayalina immediately raised the alarm when they met.

Aatrox was completely at a disadvantage.

He really wanted to say something to retort, but the situation was not right now and the power of words was really weak, so he could only speak vaguely, say hello briefly, and then planned to leave.

How could Tayalina, who had finally gained the upper hand, let him go so easily?

Aatrox hurriedly took out the money and handed it to the boss. Tayalina immediately joined in and enthusiastically introduced Aatrox's "glorious experience" to the boss: "You may I don’t know, but Aatrox was the chief student who followed His Majesty the Regent when the Pan Sheep was being bred, and he was injured in order for the Hui Sheep to be successfully bred!"

Between words, Tayalina seemed to be praising Aatrox's past achievements, and the owner of the mutton restaurant was stunned for a while, saying that he was unwilling to accept Aatrox's money.

As for Aatrox, he only felt that the money in his hands was very hot. He couldn't leave or stay for a while, and he was at a loss.

What an unlucky thing, I met no one but Tayalina!

However, just when Tayalina began to exaggerate Aatrox's "great achievements" and the story of being gored by a sheep was about to spread, Aatrox glimpsed a savior from the crowd, and he suddenly raised his eyebrows. He changed his tone and greeted the crowd loudly.

"Naganeka! You are here too!"

Tayalina subconsciously turned his head and met a pair of snake eyes. The moment he saw these eyes, he suddenly swallowed his words teasing Aatrox.

If Aatrox's dark history is about being gored by a sheep, then Tayalina's dark history is about his bad love history - objectively speaking, he is not a scumbag, but he has the habit of eating grass from the side of his nest. This gave him a bad reputation among Ascended Ones.

As for Naganeka, although she was not on the list of those who were abandoned by the chaos, she was closely related to many ascendants on the list. Seeing Naganeka appear, Tayalina, who was originally full of momentum, suddenly became short. Three points.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Aatrox ran away decisively. When he left the mutton restaurant with his soldiers, he was even thinking about adding fuel to the fire.

At the Millennium Ceremony, the ascended ones are back. If Varieva and Varus can be called here, Varieva may not say anything, but Varus will definitely deal with Tayali severely. Have a meal!

It's just that Aatrox, who has never been sociable, didn't know where the siblings were. In the end, he could only glance at the crowds on the street and left this "place of right and wrong."


While Aatrox was wandering around with his own soldiers to eat, Ascended One after another arrived in the city.

They traveled thousands of miles, across mountains and seas, to celebrate the Shurima Empire's thousandth anniversary.

With the arrival of these Ascended Ones and their guards, the bustling city of Shurima has even reached a new level of excitement - the merchants can at most bring back some rare goods, but those who have traveled as far as the borders of the empire , and even the ascended ones who traveled across the ocean to explore brought back rare treasures that have not even been included in the encyclopedia.

Amidst this bustling scene, a child from the countryside of Ixtar, following his teachers and classmates, came to Shurima City for the first time.

Just seven days ago, when this man named Nezuk arrived in Vicoula, he thought it was the largest and most populous city in the world.

But after entering Shurima City, he found that compared to Shurima City, Vikoula was as ridiculous as a rural town.

As for Ixtal...

It wasn't that Nezuk looked down on his hometown, but compared to Shurima, Ixtar could only be regarded as a remote place.

In the market here, he could find everything about Ixtal, but what he saw in the market in Ixtal was not as good as one ten thousandth of what he saw here.

"It's very beautiful, isn't it?" When Nezuk raised his head and looked at the towering sun disk, his first teacher reached out to support his little head, "Work hard to learn elemental magic. One day, you You can also study and work here.”

"Really?" Nezuk's eyes lit up, "As long as you learn elemental magic well?"

"That's right, as long as you learn elemental magic well." The enlightenment teacher nodded, "Starting from next year, elemental magic will have its own special subsidies. The learning subsidies are regardless of country. As long as you can compare with the children here, , then you can come to Shurima City to study, and even enter Shurima University."

"I will definitely do it!" Nezuk said firmly, "The power of the elements will always be with me, and no one understands them better than me!"

Like Nezuk, there are still many people who have expectations for the future.

When night falls, colorful fireworks light up in the sky over Shurima City. I don’t know how many people have made up their minds to live in this prosperous city one day.

It was also amid the prayers and expectations of countless people that Shurima City ushered in its first thousand years.

At this time, the city of Shurima, like the Shurima Empire, was vibrant and prosperous, full of desire for external exploration and discovery, and everything looked promising in the future.

 happy New Year! ! !



(End of this chapter)

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