Lux's Farewell

Chapter 938: Extra Chapter Chapter Day Special: The Daily Life of the Ascended One: The Second Year

Chapter 938 Extra Chapter·Holiday Special·Daily Life of the Ascended·Shurima’s Second Millennium

Between one thousand and two thousand years after the establishment of the Shurima Empire, the atmosphere of the Shurima Empire has undergone great changes.

As he became more familiar with the use of the power of ascension, the empire became more prosperous than in the previous millennium. The underground waterways connecting major cities and various regions also guided the power of ascension, providing every region and every part of the empire with Every city is full of vitality.

Abundant energy is enough to turn a desert into an oasis. For the Shuriman people, the sun disk is an inexhaustible source of energy. The only thing they need to think about is how to make better use of this energy. Energy makes the great Shurima Empire become even greater.

So, how to show the greatness of the empire?

A thousand years ago, perhaps the Shurima people would have chosen to expand their borders and explore the limits of the earth.

But as the territory of the Shurima Empire grows larger and larger, continuing to explore and expand is no longer worthwhile for the empire - especially when Shurima has included the entire continent into the empire. After controlling the scope, if you want to continue to expand, how to transport the power of ascension across the sea is the biggest trouble.

Moreover, it was at this time that the "power limit" of the Sun Disk gradually became apparent. Although the current Shurima Empire could still rely entirely on the power of the Sun Disk to maintain a large number of amazing wonders, if the empire As the territory continues to expand, as more cities require the power of ascension to maintain, and as the distance increases, the losses caused by it further intensify, perhaps one day, the sun disk will no longer be enough to maintain everything in the empire.

This is what no one wants to see.

Therefore, when the large tunnel project was abandoned halfway and only one-third of the planned plan was completed, even the wise and powerful Regent had to carefully review the empire's follow-up plan and put forward the "backup energy plan" schedule.

Everyone still listens to His Majesty the Regent's words, not to mention that he has always been the helmsman of Shurima University, but privately many people's thoughts are completely different from the past.

Shurima now...isn't it pretty good?

It's thriving and still thriving.

Although the carrying capacity of the solar disk seems to be reaching its limit, this limit is enough!

As long as you don't continue to ascend in the future, and treat the areas controlled by the empire as non-direct areas, it's completely late to take your time with alternative energy sources and so on!

Rather than knowing when the energy crisis will come, what is more important to Shuriman people now is how to occupy the headlines in the next two thousand years celebration.

The Millennium Celebration is the largest event in the Shurima Empire and is truly a once-in-a-millennium event.

Legend has it that the Pan Sheep of Nerimajie is so famous because at the last millennium celebration, several ascended people got into a fight over the meat. Although thousands of years have passed, this matter cannot be true or false. Research, but it is not difficult to see from it the status of the Millennium Ceremony in the hearts of the Shuriman people.

However, with the increase in internal exchanges and the closeness of connections, unlike the last Millennium Celebration, all parts of Shurima now know each other quite well. At this time, it is time to honestly build an exhibition hall and promote the local area. The culture and characteristics are not eye-catching at all.

For publicity departments in various places, how to attract attention and attract attention at the Millennium Celebration is probably the top priority of their work in recent times.

Fortunately, these people quickly found an idea as a news hit the headlines.

[Shurima City will soon build a Wall of Thousand Gods to record and commend the achievements of the Ascended Ones, and to inspire future generations. 】

The design plan for the Wall of Thousand Gods is still in the stage of soliciting opinions, but it can be confirmed that all the Ascended Ones for such a grand event should return to Shurima City, so take this opportunity to find local Ascended Ones to spread the word. …Maybe it’s a good choice?


Aatrox, who received the propaganda mission, looked worried.

Apart from the propaganda mission itself, Aatrox was faced with two pieces of news, one good and one bad.

The bad news is that when the governor of Zerima persuaded him to help Zerima promote it, the example he cited was the mutton he hated most.

The good news is that the governor of Zerima doesn't seem to be fully aware of the cause and effect, and Aatrox's dark history has not been exposed.

Originally, Aatrox had never been interested in such local affairs. According to the rules of the empire, ascendants were rarely involved in specific general affairs - they generally used their talents in military, research and other fields, and rarely in pure Served in the political field.

According to Kalya, "This can avoid conflicts between the long-lived and the short-lived." After all, there is a big difference between the ascended and the mortals, and both sides can hardly be regarded as the same species.

Aatrox didn't quite understand the logic.

But even he had heard about the stagnation of people's livelihood projects caused by Rebesa's ascension last year.

Although the affected supply of Ascension Power was only concentrated in some entertainment fields, such as the closure of some resort oases in Uzeris, the failure of flowers in Weikaola to be released in season, etc., this also made him discover that it seemed that Ascension Power The ceremony is also a ritual that consumes the power of ascension!

Aatrox, who has never been interested in these magical theories or in mortal life, obviously did not realize the crisis behind this matter. The biggest question before him at this moment was "How to do this?" Zerima endorses”.

As the commander of the Zerima Legion, Aatrox could refuse most of the governor's requests, but for this request, after thinking about it, he decided to accept it - he had to go back to Shurima City anyway. It’s not impossible to find something to do for yourself every now and then.

The old man always says that he has nothing serious to do. Look, isn't this a very important business?

It's just that Aatrox is somewhat hesitant in terms of the form of endorsement.

Theoretically speaking, Zerima is an important mining city in the south of Shurima, and Aatrox can definitely represent the metal products here.

The civilian propagandist who contacted him also suggested the same thing.

But the question is...what good endorsements can metal products have?

Shurima's army does not need to bring its own weapons. The civilians' biggest demand for metal products is probably the kitchen knife that every household uses - how to promote this thing?

Do you want Aatrox to take a kitchen knife made in Zerima and cut three knives and six holes into the old man on the street in Shurima City?

To be honest, Aatrox has no doubt that he has this ability, but if he really does this, he will probably be hung to the sun disk by Her Majesty Empress Wu to dry, and Zerima's kitchen knife will also It will become a truly ominous thing.

The clerk in charge of the docking obviously didn't know that Aatrox, who looked quite serious, was actually thinking of some treacherous and messy thoughts. Facing the confused Ascended One, he quickly came up with a complete list of things he had gone through. Well-designed marketing plan.

The core of the plan looks quite familiar - strengthening the reputation of daily tools, opening up new product tracks, and adding cultural value to products...

These tricks obviously can't fool the Ascended, let alone Aatrox, even Renekton won't believe it.

But for ordinary people, under the premise that they need to buy kitchen knives anyway, and the kitchen knives produced wherever they are produced are very easy to use, it seems that no matter who they buy, if they want to compete at this time, isn't it important to tell a good story?

Aatrox didn't fully understand this.

But after reading the plan and confirming that there was nothing unacceptable to him, he finally nodded and agreed. Attend events, wear accessories, and smile.

If getting down to business is that simple, then it’s not a big problem to do it occasionally.

In this way, Aatrox returned to the city of Shurima with his own regiment under the wishes of Governor Zerima.


Looking at the city of Shurima in front of him, Aatrox doubted his eyes a little.

Is this the city of Shurima?

It’s only been a few years since we last met, so why is it so gaudy?

No wonder Aatrox was surprised. With the arrival of the second millennium celebration, all parties in Shurima City were going crazy trying to attract attention.

Although His Majesty the Prince Regent has requested that the Second Millennium Celebration should not use excessively extravagant and wasteful means to celebrate the second millennium, businessmen, driven by interests, have the brains to take advantage of loopholes. Very flexible.

What is extravagance?

What is waste?

That must be "unreasonable and inadequate use, resulting in the consumption of resources exceeding the amount of resources required to complete an activity itself."

What if everything made sense?

Thousands of feet of silk carpet to attract customers is an obvious waste.

But you can’t say it’s a waste when you offer a lot of free food samples when soliciting customers, right?

This way of attracting attention by offering benefits should be no problem no matter what the situation is, right?

This is only the first stage.

As food tasting, discounts, and performances are increasingly difficult to attract attention, many businesses with more flexible minds have focused on other aspects - setting off fireworks during the day is a waste, but if it is hired to cast spells How about setting off a magic firework from time to time?

When Aatrox returned to Shurima City, the competition here had already entered the third stage.

Magic fireworks are not enough, the magic projection is even cooler!

As the date of the celebration approaches, Shurima City has completely transformed into a city that never sleeps. Various magic projections bloom here, showing everyone interesting products from all over the world. As long as they attract people to stop for a moment or two, victory.

Under this situation, Aatrox had already vaguely felt that the plan designed before in Zerima would not have any good results.

Compared to the merchants in Shurima City, His Excellency the Governor of Shurima is a bit too conservative.

It turns out that Aatrox was right, and like Governor Zerima, he was a little too conservative.

Although it was an event attended by the Ascended Ones, except for the invited guests, there were almost no people at the event. Now the residents and tourists of Shurima City have been completely raised by all kinds of fancy activities to raise their excitement threshold. It's just an ordinary event attended by ascended people, what's so interesting about it?

Not only that, but what was more embarrassing than no one coming was that many colleagues also held similar activities, and they were all equally empty.

Not to mention Aatrox's Zerima Metal Exhibit Convention.

Even if Nasus and Renekton brothers attended and even participated in the stone carving art competition in Kenese, few people paid attention!

Among the many activities that ascended people participated in and stood on, only the "Uzeris New Potion Competition" personally hosted by Shabeka and Shabek caused a wave of craze - and it was not because of this competition that caused this wave of craze. How professional it is, but because of the venomous and spicy comments of the two living treasures Shabeka and Shabek.

Uzeris spent a large amount of money to sponsor this potion competition. He originally hoped to promote Uzeris' potion culture and let more people use Uzeris' potion as their first choice. However, what really attracted people's attention was that It was Shabeka and Shabek’s crazy critical comments on the contestants.

These two crazy guys were not polite at all when they made critical comments, which made many contestants unable to get off the stage, but the onlookers just liked watching this scene.

After realizing this, Zerima's clerk approached Aatrox again, hoping to "change the format a little bit" and add Rui Ping to his own links.

Although Aatrox himself didn't realize it, everyone knew that this Ascendant was also an expert in the world of sharp criticism. Shabeka and Shabek were a little tired of stupidity at best, but Aatrox was really looked down upon by no one. .

Aatrox didn't want to agree.

But considering that the activities he participated in were really a bit embarrassing, even compared to the two crows Shabeka and Shabek, he decided to save some face.

However, while Aatrox's critical review event was still being prepared, the Zuritas had already taken the lead in playing a copy - Uzeris had Shabeka and Shabek, and we also had Varieva and Velu. Si!

And unlike Shabeka and Shabek who are noisy, the siblings Valieva and Verus can highlight a "smiling, overt and covert praise and cold, to the point", which has a greater sense of contrast.

Contrast is strength!

So Aatrox fell one step behind, Zurita became a success, and the local tapestry took off.


The city of Shurima is bustling.

But behind this bustling scene, Kalya was keenly aware of some subtleties.

At this moment when the Ascended Ones were about to gather together, His Majesty the Prince Regent of the Shurima Empire did not stay in Shurima City. Instead, he quietly left the center of the empire and headed south along Mount Targon, then turned east. , re-examine this vast empire.

When Kalya returned, it seemed that all Shuriman people were focusing on the upcoming construction of the Wall of the Thousand Gods.

They marveled at the magnificence and magnificence of the manuscripts that were publicly solicited for comments, but very few people noticed that at this busy time, the only thing His Majesty the Prince Regent did to come forward was to launch a [Special Field Research Allowance] 】.

Unpopular fields such as magic ore smelting, metal alloy research, plant and animal genetics, and energy theoretical foundations have been included in the scope of special allowances.

In the second millennium of the Shurima Empire, amid flowers and fire, crisis was quietly brewing.

 Happy New Year!



(End of this chapter)

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