Lux's Farewell

Chapter 939 Extra Chapter Chapter Day Special: Daily Life of Ascended Ones: The 3rd Year of Shurima

Chapter 939 Extra Chapter·Holiday Special·Daily Life of Ascended Ones·The Third Thousand Years of Shurima

If the first thousand-year ceremony of the Shurima Empire was the beginning of glory, and the second thousand-year ceremony was the pinnacle of glory, then in the third millennium of the Shurima Empire, this ancient empire finally ushered in the dawn of the empire. dusk.

Shurima City is still Shurima City.

The Millennium Ceremony is still a prosperous event.

But for Nasus, who had only heard of the first Millennium Ceremony and personally experienced the second Millennium Ceremony, he clearly felt the loneliness of this ceremony.

Countless people still gathered in Shurima City to celebrate the 3000th birthday of this great empire.

The weight on Nasus' shoulders was heavy, making him breathless.

Even though the current Shurima Empire has shrunk by at least two-thirds compared to its heyday, it is still a large empire with vast territory. However, the Ascended Ones who supported this empire in the past have shrunk by more than 90%. As one of the only remaining Ascended Ones, Nasus had to step away from the noble record-keeping work and devote himself to the work of general affairs.

Fortunately, his past experience working in the Imperial Library not only allowed him to accumulate a wealth of knowledge, but also cultivated his patience. Even if the situation in Shurima is so complicated now, anyone who sees it will feel overwhelmed. Nether Sri Lanka is still working hard to handle all issues and properly safeguard the interests of all parties.

There is no doubt that Nasus is loyal to the Shurima Empire. He grew up in the most prosperous era of the empire, even though those prosperity have become irretrievable with the collapse of Icathia and the continuous division of the empire. and pondering the shadows of the past, but at this moment, the flame of hope still beats in Nasus' chest.

At least... at least this Emperor is reliable.

Many people say that His Majesty Azir is the replica of Kalya. They are just as elegant and handsome, as graceful, as wise and decisive.

But in Nasus's view, Azir and Kalya were completely different people - not only because Kalya only had a close relationship with Setaka, but Azir's number of illegitimate children was at least three digits; Our backgrounds are different, so our perspectives on issues are also completely different.

In the past, although His Majesty Kalya was the regent prince, he always stood at the bottom and observed everything in Shurima. Although this gave him the ability to see the subtle things, he often lost the direction of taking advantage of the situation and always took the wrong path. On the hardest road.

In contrast, Azir's vision of the overall situation is amazing. He can always point out the key to the problem and put forward his opinions from a high level. Although sometimes he is a little extreme, but considering Given his age and experience, he can be regarded as a genius.

It was His Majesty Azir's wisdom that made Nasus sincerely believe that Shurima would eventually be revived after experiencing many hardships.

In order to achieve revival, His Majesty Azir was prepared to participate in the ascension ceremony against all odds, and Nasus's mission was to take advantage of the millennium celebration to ease the relationship between the empire and several Darkin vassal towns.

Although these darkin vassal towns located on the borders of the empire still obey the orders of the empire in name, in fact, all matters, big or small, are decided by the local darkin.

Several emperors in the past believed that "as long as the burden is thrown off, the sun disk will make the empire great again", but the facts have proved that this is nonsense - as a large number of vassal towns are out of control, the border areas and the empire are alienated, although the empire is still He firmly grasped the sun disk, but the various techniques required to utilize this power gradually declined.

The shrinking territory has caused heavy losses to business, a significant reduction in tax revenue, and a sharp decline in basic education...

Although the Shurima Empire now has a large number of slaves, it is okay for these uneducated slaves to do some menial work. Isn't it nonsense to let them maintain the magic network?

In this situation, an emperor as enterprising as His Majesty Azir is really a blessing for the empire. Even if Nasus does not agree with his series of radical reform strategies, he has to admit that the current Shuri The Mar Empire really needs some strong medicine.

After once again confirming that there was nothing wrong with the plan in front of him, Nasus solemnly signed his name at the end and then stood up.

It was getting dark, but Nasus was usually still working at this time.

Today he planned to "get off work early". After clearing his desk, he put on a loose cloak and walked to Xicheng District.

Here he plans to meet an old friend.


Xu Yuyan was sitting in the corner of a tavern, pouring himself a drink.

When Xu Yuyan was still an ascended person, this tavern was a place he often visited - but times have changed, and when he came to this familiar tavern again after a hundred years, everything was different.

Although the signboard is still there, the drinks are more than a little weaker than before. I heard that it was because "a servant of a noble man with royal blood took over the store." The business method has changed from the past word-of-mouth was king to The current chain operation.

This news made Xu Yuyan couldn't help but curl his lips.

What a bunch of insects. If His Majesty Kalya was still here, I'm afraid he would not hesitate to deprive that noble master of his bloodline. Who didn't know that what His Majesty Kalya hated most was to be a slave.

Look what the Shurima Empire has become now!

As his emotions couldn't help but fluctuate, the whispers in Xu Yuyan's mind gradually grew louder. In this case, he had to drink a glass of wine to force himself not to recall the past.

Then, when he put down his glass, he saw Nasus walking into the tavern wearing a hood and a large cloak.

Xu Yuyan waved to him.

Nasus nodded slightly, and his tall figure quickly walked to the table, pulled out a chair, sat down, and poured himself a glass of wine very casually.

"Tsk." Nasus couldn't help but shook his head after drinking all the wine in the glass, "It doesn't taste that good either."

"Now it doesn't taste very good. It's as bland as camel urine." Xu Yuyan snorted, "In the past, when he told you to drink it without adding water, you refused to drink it. Now it's so bland that you are finally willing to try it. Have you tasted it?”

Hearing what Xu Yuyan said, Nasus couldn't help but smile bitterly.

He understood what his friend meant - when the empire was prosperous, he and His Majesty Kalya had different opinions and always had their own ideas, but now that the empire is declining, he has become a paper framer...

This is indeed quite ironic.

"There are always some things that you have to experience personally before you can understand them." Nasus could only shake his head helplessly in the end and poured himself another glass. "Don't say it is dull, even if it is bitter or poisonous, you should drink it. You have to drink too!”

"Why, meeting an ominous person like me is like drinking poisoned wine?"

"Of course not." Nasus waved his hand, "You should understand what I mean. Now His Majesty Azir is a truly wise and capable man. He himself has told me more than once that he hopes that in the past Ascended ones can return to Shurima..."

"Let's stop this useless cliche." Xu Yuyan interrupted Nasus, "You should know that the Sun God Cult was established because the empire was no longer the empire we expected— —This is not a personal conflict."

"But Azir is different." Nasus said seriously. "Although many people say that he resembles His Majesty Kalya, in my opinion, he is three points more decisive than His Majesty Kalja."

"Then what's missing?" Xu Yuyan grinned again, "Loyalty? Mind? Or wisdom."

"Maybe all of them." Nether said calmly, "Not everyone can compare with His Majesty Kalya. His Majesty Azir has just come of age. If you are willing to come back, the empire will truly turn around..."

"We will not come back." Xu Yuyan did not give Nasus much room for imagination. "Such a Shurima Empire where slaves are everywhere and everything is determined is not the empire we long for." Nasus did not Talking, just looking at each other quietly - Azir has already proposed the idea of ​​liberating the slaves, so this is not a problem.

"Besides, we can't come back either." Xu Yuyan continued, "The dark descendants are not ascendants. I don't know when I will lose myself in the whispers and become a monster like Icacia. Compared to Rather than walking under the sun again, I would rather stay in a dark tomb and sleep forever."

Nasus fell silent.

"When I woke up this time, I mainly came back to take a look and take a look at the current empire. Although this celebration is somewhat meaningless, just like the bland wine in the cup, at least it can decorate the little memory space I have left. ." Xu Yuyan poured himself a glass of wine again, "By the way, I have another gift for you. Please give it to His Majesty Azir."

While talking, Xu Yuyan took out a small package behind him.

"Our pendants are all given to you."

As he spoke, he placed the package on the table, as if waiting for Nasus to put it away.

"Is there really no chance?" Nasus did not reach out, but stared straight at Xu Yuyan, "These pendants were cast together with the Wall of Thousand Gods a thousand years ago. With them, you can always Find your way home."

"The way home has never been here." Xu Yuyan waved his hand, "We have found a brand new road. The end of this road is not Shurima City, but Shurima."

With that said, Xu Yuyan simply picked up the wine bottle, opened the lid, drank the remaining wine in one gulp, then stood up suddenly and left the tavern without looking back.

Nasus was left alone, staring blankly at the package on the table.

After a long time, he picked up his wine glass and took a sip of the remaining wine in the glass.

It's dull, cold, and slightly bitter.

Bitter wine enters throat.


In this thousand-year ceremony, Xuyuyan was not the only one who returned to Shurima City.

On another street in the West Market, Calican was weaving in and out of the crowd.

His status as a purely civilian employee allowed him to survive the Battle of Icathia, but as one of the few Ascended Ones left in the Shurima Empire, he did not return to the Empire after the war, but returned to his own home in Vazuan. In the underground laboratory.

Although Kalikan is a guy who doesn't like to talk much, he has always had his own ideas. In his opinion, what he should do is to inherit His Majesty Kalya's last wish and continue the cultivation and research of rune trees, instead of In a country that cannot be regarded as the Shurima Empire, lives are wasted in boring intrigues.

Even when he came to Shurima City this time, he never thought about meeting his former colleagues - he just wanted to quietly participate in this thousand-year ceremony, bid farewell to his motherland for the last time, and by the way, contribute to his laboratory. Purchase some necessary items.

In those rune trees, Calican saw the future.

Unfortunately, with the split of the empire, the manufacturing industry of magic items that was developed in the past has now completely declined. Many of the artifacts Calikan lacked in the laboratory have not been able to find replacements or replacements.

To make matters worse, the waterway between Vazuan and Shurima City was cut off some time ago, and the laboratory also lost key energy supplies. This time when he came to Shurima City, he just wanted to think of something. Method, continue to maintain your own experiments.

To this end, he tried to bribe the manager of the underground waterway to rebuild the waterway.

With money opening the way, Calican did successfully clear the relationship, but what he didn't expect was that although the relationship was clear, no one was clearing the water channel.

Azhi and many engineering mages left the empire. The current Shurima Empire has long lost the ability to maintain the infrastructure of the past. Even if Kalikan can come up with enough funds, there is no manpower or technology to rebuild this connection. The waterway between Shurima City and Varzuan.

And without the supply of water channels and the power of ascension, Kalikan's soon-to-be successful experiment may also end in vain.

Calican was unwilling to accept this in any case.

He wanted to find an alternative power, but unfortunately, the entire laboratory relied on the power of ascension as a supply. What other alternative energy sources could compare with the surging power of ascension?

The disappointed Kalikan wandered aimlessly in the Western Market of Shurima City, but his thoughts were far away.

In a daze, he walked into the market. When he came to his senses, there was a strong man in front of him who was working hard to promote himself.

"I'm very good at work and can make iron!"

"Not only can I blacksmith, I can also make gold. I can sign a slave contract for only three hundred golden eagles!"

Sell ​​yourself into slavery?

Kalikan was stunned in place. Just when the man thought he would buy him, Kalikan took out a bag of money.

"Take it." He nodded, turned around and left, "The contract is waived."

Regardless of the guy's yelling, Kalikan walked out of the city quickly.

At this moment, he had a firm idea in his mind.

"If there is no waterway to transport the power of ascension, then why not provide the energy yourself?"

"Just extract a little of your ascension power to supply the rune tree, and then make it up in Shurima City!"

"When you are weak, return to Shurima City to absorb the power of the sun disk. Anyway, the empire can't use so much ascension power now!"

 Postscript to the extra chapter·Collapse:

  In the 3005th year of the Shuri Empire, Azir's ascension failed, the sun disk was destroyed, and the city of Shurima was submerged under the wind and sand.

  When Calican, who had extracted most of his ascension power to cultivate the rune tree, received the news, he smiled bitterly and chose to dismiss all the experimental assistants, closed the door of the laboratory, and devoted the last part of his life to the During the final breeding work of rune trees.

  The great Shuriman Empire failed to celebrate its fourth millennium after all.



(End of this chapter)

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