Lux's Farewell

Chapter 952【0943】Aftermath

As the Malphite combat unit devoted itself to the work of closing the void rift, the coalition's war journey finally came to an end.

The Frostguard Fortress was almost destroyed by the Watchers. After Ashe obtained Lissandra's Ice Crown, the remaining survivors finally lost any will to resist.


Why are you resisting? The Frost Witch is really gone this time!

Moreover, Ashe now has more than just Ice Crown - she now has Avarosa's bow and arrows, as well as Serelda's armor. She is the legitimate heir to the three sisters. The Frostguard tribe no longer has one. No more reasons to resist.

Besides, with the monitors completely tearing down the walls of the Frostguard Fortress, even if the Frostguard tribe insists on resisting, what can they resist?

Although the coalition forces were exhausted from the long battle, at least their combat strength was still intact. Except for the Malphite combat unit, which had other tasks and was unable to continue fighting, the other teams could still hold on.

But on the Frost Guard Tribe's side, the organization has been completely broken up, and the top commander is still missing. If the attack continues, it can only be an egg against a stone.

Under such embarrassment, no matter how strong and unyielding the Frost Guard tribe is, they can only leave the Frost Guard Fortress voluntarily. They really have no reason to continue fighting.

As a result, the coalition forces quickly settled in the Frost Guard Fortress and began to take over everything in the Frost Guard Fortress.

Then, Lux and Ashe were surprised to find that although the monitors destroyed the main defense structure of the fortress, most of the various supplies stored in the fortress were well preserved.

Frozen food and meat, various equipment and equipment, a large number of perfect ice weapons, enchanted armor that can withstand Anivia's Breath... you can say that it has everything.

These materials and supplies hoarded by Lissandra and the Frostguard tribe have now become the spoils of war for the coalition forces, which greatly alleviates the difficulty of logistical supply after crossing the glacier fissure landscape.

Although the meat that had been frozen for who knows how long and the food that was in poor quality after thawing were not delicious, for the coalition forces, these things were at least good for filling their stomachs.

After taking over the Frostguard Fortress, the coalition forces also took over the defense task of the fortress - although the Monitor was finished and the void rift was being closed, the concentration of void energy near the Howling Abyss was still too high, and there was still A large number of void insects gathered, and the battle was not completely over yet.

Then, while the coalition forces were working hard to catch bugs every day, Anivia descended from the sky and used a wave of astonishing phoenix impact to sweep away the void energy that filled the sky above the Howling Abyss.

As a price, Anivia can almost be regarded as a box on the ground. After the impact, it crashed and turned into an egg Nivia on the spot.

This is Anivia's mission. After the monitor was dealt with, he also used his own means to dispel the dangerous void energy - it must be said that it is cool to have the means of Nirvana. Other primitive gods would not dare to use it so unscrupulously. The power of origin.

Anivia was reborn, and Ornn left the Howling Abyss quietly.

This taciturn old god once again returned to his hometown and began to forge the weapons and tools he was interested in. It seemed that for him, this time he came out of the mountain and came to the Howling Abyss. It's just a small episode in life that's not worth mentioning.

As for the last Volibear, he was somewhat embarrassed.

Although Lissandra, who had a grudge against him, is gone, the relationship between Lux, Ashe and him is not good at all - when facing the Monitor, they can still be regarded as comrades fighting side by side, but after the battle , the short-lived friendship between the two parties soon disappeared completely.

This old god who worships wildness can almost be regarded as an enemy of civilization.

At this time, if he was allowed to continue to stay in Frostguard Fortress, he would be somewhat unable to stay any longer - but letting him leave without saying a word would be a bit too cowardly.

In the end, Volibear chose to say a few harsh words in a pretentious manner, "I am waiting for your challenge on Bearman Island" and so on. After finishing speaking, he couldn't wait to leave the Howling Abyss. It seemed that he didn't wait for a second. Not going down.

With the departure of Volibear, the Howling Abyss seems to have returned to its former deserted state, and the coalition forces going about their own business have also realized that the moment of separation is coming. The Avarosan Warriors and the Demacia Northern Expedition who once fought side by side Jun was in silence, reluctantly and relaxedly waiting for the moment of departure.

It was at this time that the Notai caravan formed by Nunu finally came to the Howling Abyss again.

Different from when there was no one available when it was first formed, Nunu's caravan is now quite large - in addition to Nunu, Willump, and Gragas, who lost the bet, there are more people in the team. There are a lot of guys who look pretty hard to mess with.

Among these people are ice travelers, people with ice blood, and even a guy who looks like a yordle, but is actually very different from the current yordles. He always likes to sit in the caravan. In the lead car, he was jumping up and down and playing with his boomerang.

Nunu's caravan appeared in the Howling Abyss because he heard about the battle between the alliance and the Frostguard tribe.

As a Notai who has formed a caravan, Nunu believes that it is time for him to shoulder the mission of the Notai. He not only wants to pass on the songs of Freljord, but also composes the legend of his own era. New song and new chapter.

In his opinion, this shocking battle in the Howling Abyss is enough to serve as the prelude to the new song.

It was a pity and luck that Nunu and his convoy were not able to catch up with the battle. When he arrived at the Howling Abyss, the battle was over. Although sporadic battles to eliminate insects continued, but as The void energy near the Howling Abyss was almost swept away by Anivia. The void worms, which had lost their commander-in-chief, began to follow the instinct of creatures and chose to leave while seeking advantages and avoiding disadvantages.

The void worms Nunu met in the Howling Abyss were not even as many as he met on the way here!

In this case, Nunu, who was gearing up for a big fight, felt a little disappointed.

However, contrary to the frustrated Nunu, Willump was very excited.

As the last guardian of the snowman, when he came to the Howling Abyss again after many years, he was pleasantly surprised to find that the snowman's lost dream power was being returned little by little.

Even when Nunu boldly entered the Howling Abyss to find some materials and was caught by the Malphite combat unit, Willump also received many dreams from his old friends.

In the last battle of the Howling Abyss, the snowmen also fought side by side with two of the three sisters. They contributed their dreams and wisdom, turning it into a dream cage that imprisoned the monitor's will, and cooperated with the nine seals to seal it. The body ensures that the monitor has been frozen in the ice for thousands of years and cannot be released. But now, with the complete demise of the monitor, the seal has no meaning of existence, and the extracted dream power has also been returned to the snowman's hands.

Thousands of years have passed, and the noble Yeti clan in the past have now turned into snow monsters that only follow instinct. Although they still maintain their tall stature, they have long lost the wisdom to match it, and now with the With the return of the power of dreams, perhaps the snow monsters will become snowmen again, and the number of intelligent creatures in Freljord will soon increase by one.

Of course, this recovery will be an extremely slow process. The process may be that the next generation of snow monsters is much smarter, and then the next generation is smarter, until they regain their own civilization.

As the last guardian of the snowmen, Willump will use his own methods to accelerate this revival - on the one hand, he will teach those snowmen who have regained their wisdom, and on the other hand, he will serve as a record and witness of history. He also told the Shangge he heard from Nunu to his people who were being revived.

He hasn't told Nunu about this yet,

But as Willump's best friend, Nunu was keenly aware of it - and then, before he could ask what was going on, the little guy received a big job issued by Ashe.

"The story of the three sisters and the Howling Abyss should come to an end now." When she saw Nunu again, Ashe's demeanor was completely different from before. "Whether it was the fall of the three sisters or the fall of Freldra For the revival of virtue, these should be left in Shangge and sung to future generations.”

"So?" Nunu's breathing became rapid when she heard Ashe say this, "Me?"

"Yes, you are the only Nuotai I can confirm." Ai Xi nodded, "Who else could it be if it wasn't you?"

"This... this is so exciting!" Nunu jumped three feet high, "The ancient story has a new ending - wait, I have also heard about the story of this battle before, but they Don’t even tell me!”

"Now they won't keep it secret anymore." Ash said with a smile, "Of course, just to you."

"You didn't lie to me, did you?" Although he had always had a good impression of Ai Xi, as a Nuotai, Nunu still cautiously confirmed, "Shang Ge cannot record lies."

"Of course not." The smile on Ai Xi's face grew wider, "Besides, if you don't believe those drunkards, you can ask Egg Nevia about it. He is now alone under the Howling Abyss. It’s very lonely every day!”



With the special pass signed by Ashe and Lux, Nunu finally began to collect the materials for the new Shangge.

However, despite the "freedom of interviews", although the task of bridging the void rift on the Malphite combat unit is not too arduous, it is also very energy-consuming. Few people have the time to accept Nunu's questions. In the end He could only find Dan Nevia and ask the other party about the whole battle.

Danivia, who was bored, answered all questions and had a great time chatting with Nunu.

But while chatting, Nunu, who was collecting materials, discovered something wrong.

From Dannevia's perspective, this story... it's not complete at all!

You know, the coalition forces have officially started war with the Frostguard tribe since Fukarodna, but it was not until the Northern Expedition set off from Fort Diver in the spring of this year that Kalya contacted Anivia and made an appointment to meet together. To the watcher.

Therefore, although Egg Nevia can talk about the Battle of the Monitor in great detail and does not shy away from his brother's embarrassment in that battle, he also does not know much about the previous battle between the coalition forces and the Frostguard tribe. It's just two swords.

Danevia heard that the coalition forces had won two major battles in Forcalodna and Fort Diver, but he only knew bits and pieces about the specific process of victory.

Facing Nunu's inquiry, Danivia's serious answer also included a lot of news he had heard.

At first, Nunu didn't realize this. It wasn't until he carefully discovered some inconsistencies in Dannivia that he realized that what the other party said was not entirely accurate.

Then, facing Nunu's questioning, Dannevia, who had no choice but to escape, could only say that he knew what happened in the Howling Abyss, but as for what happened before this battle, it could only be Heard it all.

Nunu, who realized this, expressed his understanding very cunningly, and then turned to ask about the part that Anivia could confirm.

After gathering enough information about the Battle of the Howling Abyss and mastering the dark history of Ornn and Volibear, he decisively fled and began to look for people who knew about the first half of the war.

Egg Nevia tried to persuade him to stay, but Nunu, who shouldered the mission of the Notai tribe, still ran decisively, leaving only an empty-nest old egg in the cold wind of the Howling Abyss, lamenting "that cute little boy" Where have you gone?"

As for Nunu, after bidding farewell to Egg Nevia, he quickly began to look for new "interview subjects" in order to understand the entire process of this war.

In the process of collecting information, Nunu found that the name Kalya seemed to be an unavoidable object. He was the commander of the commando team of Fort Diver, and he was also the person who really eliminated that terrible big guy. There are many things that only Kalya alone knows.

Therefore, if Nunu wants to get enough detailed information and compile an epic song that is not inferior to the song of the three sisters, Nunu must meet and talk to Kalya in person!

However, Nunu, who held a special pass, searched for several days in the Frostguard Fortress, but could not find Kalya - whether he asked people to inquire or searched for him personally, he found no trace of Kalya. It seemed that this master The great hero who created the brilliant victory of the coalition forces just disappeared from the world.

How strange, where did Kalya go?

Nunu obviously didn't know that after Lissandra chose to kill herself and the outcome of the Battle of the Howling Abyss was determined, Kalya took a step ahead of the three Freljord gods and left on the elemental dragon. Howling Abyss.

He went to Shurima.

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