Lux's Farewell

Chapter 953【0944】Karya’s baby

So what did Kalya do in Shurima?

There is nothing major, the main thing is to deal with the good things that he had treasured in the small world before - with the destruction of the small world, these things were poured out from the small world together with the gravel.

It would definitely not work to pile them up in front of the Frost Guard Fortress. Not only would this be in the way, but it would also be easy to lose. Kalya had to handle them carefully.

Among these things, many should now be regarded as "cultural relics" of Shurima. For Kalya, they are just a commemoration of his past and some gadgets that he usually uses, but for Kalya, they are just rebirth. They may have been important ancient artifacts to Shurima.

Therefore, seeing that the situation at Frostguard Fortress had stabilized, Kalya simply classified and packed the objects in his little world, and simply sent those that should be sent to Shurima.

So what gadgets will Kalya be sending to Shurima?

There are not many - mainly the crown and seal of the regent, the dress, some souvenirs from Shurima University, and some badges that Kalja himself prefers.

For Kalya, these objects that represent his past no longer have much meaning. After the destruction of the small world, there is no point in keeping them anymore.

Giving them to Azir might also help him rebuild Shurima, so he simply packed up these things, took them with him, and rode the elemental dragon to Shurima.

Of course, the good things in Kalya's little world don't stop there.

In addition to these items for Azir, there are also some items that Kalya will keep that seem to be useful now.

For example, the original template of the dragon contract, some forbidden magic stone tablets, the results of previous research on the bloodline of the Lund python, new high-level pure element samples, etc., these are all left behind by Kalya after sorting them out.

In addition, a large number of books in the small world were also left behind by Kalya. Some of them were novels he used as a pastime, and some were specialized academic works - most of which Kalja had already read, and in Shurima's library also retains these books, which will become part of the Demacia library after they are sorted and sorted.

For Kalya, it was a relaxing trip.

Even though he had been mentally prepared for it, he still inevitably felt empty in his heart as the small world was destroyed.

Even though I no longer need to hide in the small world to avoid the erosion of the void, even if I have now completely become an elemental creature, after all, Kalya has been in the small world for thousands of years, and suddenly there is no more He was somewhat uncomfortable with the barren sand dunes.

In this case, riding the elemental dragon to the real sand dunes to take a look and relax would obviously make Kalya relax a lot.

Anyway, you don’t need to worry about things over there in the Howling Abyss now!

In this way, Kalya happily went on a casual trip. As a result, Nunu, who wanted to find out first-hand information, could not find the real owner, and ended up having to learn from the mouths of many interviewees. , piecing together the entire battle piecemeal.


Kalya took a joyful ride on the dragon.

Nunu reluctantly interviewed other non-direct parties.

And the three demons released by Kalya, after confirming that they were indeed safe, finally gathered together again and murmured quietly.

To be honest, these three were quite surprised when they were released by Kalya - these three were almost the first ones besides Kalya to know that he was going to destroy the small world. When the monitor appeared, , they guessed what Kalya was thinking.

Then, all three of them, without exception, thought that they were going to be buried.

However, what surprised them was that Kalya finally let them go and gave them freedom before the small world was destroyed.

Until they were completely far away from the Howling Abyss, they didn't understand why Kalya let him go - Kalya must have some ulterior secret in doing so!

But in fact, Kalya let the three demons leave simply because he wanted to pour out his gravel and the treasures in the small world. These three were just poured out.

After all, some of the garbage in the small world was also dumped out!

Moreover, no matter what, these three demons can be regarded as making an indelible contribution to the fight against the void. In addition, the demons themselves were born from the emotions of humans in Runeterra, and they can be regarded as a regular objective existence. Even if If Kalya did kill the demon, it would soon breed elsewhere, so Kalya simply threw them away.

It's like throwing away trash.

The three demons would never admit this under any circumstances.

Although they are not as good as the Ten Demons such as Fiddlesticks, these three are still famous demons. Nightmare, Pain, and Secret, which one is not a famous demon boss?

After ruling out the correct answer, the demons gathered together began to speculate on Kalya's goal.

"I dare say that he is definitely thinking about his future." Lamer said firmly, "He is no longer an immortal ascendant. Although he seems to have transformed himself into an elemental form, elements cannot stop the passage of time. erosion!"

"So, what does this have to do with us?" Evelin obviously didn't understand what Ramo meant, "Does he still want to become a demon?"

"Why not?" Lamo said in surprise, "He has learned a lot about demons from me, and the angle is very strange."

"It's weird to tell you more." Nocturne let out a low and sinister laugh, "You are a secret demon who has mastered countless secrets. What things can make you feel weird?"

"This is exactly what I want to say." Lamer ignored the teasing in Nocturne's tone and tried hard to sound serious and solemn, "He seems to be inquiring about the information from the devil's perspective, do you understand? "

Nocturne and Evelin shook their heads in unison.

"He's trying to think like a devil." Larmer said in a different way, "This is a prerequisite for becoming a devil."

"Stop joking." Evelin let out a pleasant smile, "Admit it, you are just afraid and worried. We no longer have any contact with him, but you are different - the relationship between you and him I’m afraid the contract has not been severed, right?”


The three-eyed crow didn't speak, but it was obvious from the flapping of its wings that it was a little anxious.

"You see, this is the key." Evelin was very satisfied with Larmer's reaction, "You have a contract with him, and your life and death are in his hands, but we are not, so if you want to With such a horrifying description, if you tie us to your chariot, it can only be said that you have made the wrong decision."

"No, I have never exaggerated about this." Lamer shook his head dissatisfied, "I dare say that he definitely wants to gain immortality again by transforming himself into a demon - he even established a contract with me , and there is also this reason for not having any contact with you.”

"Do you have the means to make people become demons?" Nocturne seemed a little curious. "It's really interesting. You know so much. Unfortunately, this knowledge seems to be a drag on you. Unlike me, who is empty-headed and only wants to Find a village or something and relax in people's dreams." Nocturne's unabashed aura made the Three-Eyed Crow flap its wings again.

"Do you think you can sit back and relax!" Ramo raised his tone, "As long as he becomes a demon, then I'm afraid there will be no difference in our fate, and we will not be able to escape the fate of being devoured by him!"

"Come on." Nocturne waved his shadow claws disdainfully, "I haven't seen that guy sleeping in such a long time, let alone dreaming - even if he becomes a demon, a big demon, I want to If he wants to challenge the position of fear, he will never try to devour me. At most, he will let me fight for him.”

As he spoke, Nocturne also assumed a quite comfortable posture.

"If it really comes to that point, what reason do I have to refuse?"

The Three-Eyed Crow looked quite unhappy.

What made him even more unhappy was Evelin.

"Yeah, that's a person who is committed to promoting happiness. He doesn't understand the beauty of pain at all. He didn't do anything to me in that situation just now. It won't make any difference if he becomes a devil in the future." Eve Lin raised her arms, and the two barbs behind her were flashing with dangerous light, "On the contrary, you know so many secrets, and you still maintain a contract with him. Isn't it safe that you are his prey? Don't think about dragging it out like this. Let’s get into the water.”

"Karya may not be interested in you, but I guarantee that there are definitely demons, even big demons, who are interested in you." Seeing that the simple bewitchment failed to take effect, Lamer simply got angry, "He specifically mentioned Huan. The devil of pleasure!”

Evelin became obviously nervous after hearing the name of the Demon of Pleasure.

Due to the different emotions they control, there has always been competition and opposition between demons.

Demons whose emotions are similar will be more eager to devour each other.

The demons who control opposing emotions will treat each other like natural enemies and want to completely eliminate each other.

For example, Nocturne is fine. Although the Nightmare Realm has some interactions with Fear and Shadow, Fear is the first of the Ten Demons, and Shadow does not yet have a unified big demon. As long as it does not seek death to provoke Fiddlesticks, it is at most a tower. A devil with a good appetite like Mu would be interested in him.

But Evelin is different. As a pain demon, it has an opponent.

It’s not scary to have a right family.

The scary thing is that this opponent is much stronger than himself - the demon of joy, which is the opposite of pain. Oshilish, known as the Lord of Joy, is a very powerful demon.

How powerful is it?

It is so powerful that it is one of the ten demons, and is on the same level as Fiddlesticks.

Therefore, Evelin could be fearless, but she inevitably felt quite uncomfortable when it came to Oshilish.

As a descendant of demons, Evelin, who was born in the Rune War, has amazing potential, but her own strength can only be said to have a promising future. It needs a larger-scale war or disaster to be able to conquer the world. Only when it grows stronger will it have the capital to confront Oshilish.

Now Evelin, as long as she sees Oshilish, she will be completely eliminated.

Even if it had left demon seeds long ago, this kind of reincarnation would be ineffective in the battle of demons. For Evelin, if she meets Oshilish now, the outcome can only be complete annihilation.

Therefore, Evelin's demonic form is better at sneaking, and when it devours pain, it will also carefully avoid exposing its traces - even if it first induces bliss, then kills the target at the peak of bliss and absorbs the pain from it His behavior is also to carefully hide his traces, not to avoid being discovered by mortals, but to avoid being discovered by Oshilish.

Even though Oshilish had not appeared in front of others for a long time, Evelin still did not dare to take it lightly.

Now suddenly hearing Ramo mention Oshilish, Evelin looked quite unnatural.

"Karya asked me about the information about Oshilish. I concealed it intentionally, but as you know, there is a contract, so I can't hide it." The three-eyed crow saw Evelin's bad expression and spoke. The voice also became louder, "Evelin, you don't want Kalya to become the new Demon of Joy, right?"

Evelin wanted to refute Ramo's nonsense. After all, it was impossible for a mortal to usurp the authority of such a great demon at the level of the Ten Demons - but considering that this mortal was Kalya, it didn't have much confidence in its heart.

"And you, Nocturne, are such a useful tool demon, I think Kalya will never give up no matter what, right?"

"So what are you going to do?" Nocturne was a little irritated by the words, "You are bound by the contract, have you found a way to bypass the contract and backfire on Kalya?"

"Why bypass the contract?" Lamo laughed loudly, "The ten demons always have their own demon pedigree, and Kalya knows many secrets that even I don't know - so why don't you join me in helping him become the ten demons? , or even challenge that scarecrow’s status?”

The Three-Eyed Crow's words left Evelin and Nocturne stunned.

They never expected that Lamer would actually give Carl Adam a dog!

Damn it, do you still have the dignity of a devil?

"Not everyone is curious enough." Lamer looked very open-minded. "For me, it is too difficult to become a being like the Ten Demons, even by devouring other demons. It’s difficult to do, so why not find a more reliable leader of the demon lineage?”

As it spoke, its three eyes were fixed on Evelin and Nocturne, who were stunned in front of them.

"I think Kalya is very suitable."

Kalya’s Small World·Big Devil:

Demons that evolved from Azakana and represent certain emotions are archevils.

And since there are high and low levels of emotion, there are also obvious levels among the great demons.

Among them, the most advanced and direct emotions are [joy, anger, sorrow, joy, fear, fear, hatred, and disgust], and their demons are called the Ten Demons.

The strongest among them is Fiddlesticks, the Demon of Fear.

And Oshilish, the demon of joy, is also among them.

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