Lux's Farewell

Chapter 954【0945】Shurima New City

Chapter 954【0945】Shurima New City

Compared with a few years ago, ancient Shurima did not seem to have changed much, but it seemed to have changed a lot.

In Northern Shurima, the power of the Noxians has completely faded. The port cities that once flew the Noxian flag in order to reduce friction in trade have now returned to the Shurima flag.

What's interesting is that at the beginning, everyone just jumped around and changed the wards. But as the Noxus Empire turned into the Kingdom of Noxus, and then was beaten by the Demacia Northern Expedition in the Black Forest, The harbor governors who had made peace with Noxus also stepped down.

Although many of these operations are purely left-handed and right-handed. After the former port governor stepped down, the former brother-in-law or brother was appointed as the new one, but this can already explain the change in the atmosphere of Shurima.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, the former Nashrame Port Governor, who had been forced to take refuge in Kalduja, jumped out and began to loudly call for his Great Shurima strategy.

But the strange thing is that although the atmosphere in Northern Shurima is visibly turning towards conservatism and tradition, there are very few responders to his loud calls - everyone seems to think that it is okay to recall the glory of the Shurima Empire. , but there is no need to engage in Shurima circular trade.

In recent years, the maritime trade in Runeterra has been booming. In North Shurima, which has a strong business atmosphere, everyone is well aware of this. If you engage in Shurima circular trade at this time, you will only miss out on Runeterra. The biggest piece of cake in maritime trade.

Although in terms of productivity level, North Shurima's independent port cities cannot compare with Demacia, which controls the upper reaches of trade. But similarly, as Demacia gradually opens its borders, the specialty products of North Shurima's port cities There are also brand new buyers.

If any product could enter Demacia and become popular, it would be enough to support the prosperity and glory of a city.

Many merchants from Northern Shurima have chosen to bring various local specialties to Demacia, and go deep into this newly opened country to investigate the market and study what has the potential to sell well here.

Due to different customs and habits, almost all the first batch of Shurima merchants failed in Demacia. Except for a few Shurima spices, most Demacians were not very familiar with the goods they brought. interested.

However, just last year, a Kalamanda businessman successfully found a way to make a fortune in Demacia.

What he sold to Demacia was not too precious, but it definitely hit the Demacia people's strike zone - concentrated honeydew.

That’s right, sweet treats.

It's interesting to say that due to humans' natural love for sweets, the first batch of Shurima merchants who entered Demacia had already thought of sweets, so when they conducted market research, they brought most of Shurima's high-end products with them. Sweets, as well as raw materials for sugar and honey.

Whether it is high-purity frosting sugar or oasis honey, which is regarded as a treasure in Shurima, these sweets are not very popular in Demacia.

On the one hand, the price is too expensive, and on the other hand, it is also because these products, in addition to being sweet, also have their own unique flavors, and Demacians do not like these flavors very much...

From the Shurima people's perspective, if even their best sweets are not accepted, it only means that Demacians don't like sweets - plus Demacia itself is not a big sugar-producing country. Not only do they not have the habit of planting sugar-producing crops, but the main sweetness they eat comes from fermented grains and natural honey. This makes the misinformation that "Demacians don't like sweets" become a common problem for Shurima merchants. consensus.

Until accidentally, when a Kalamanda merchant went to Shurima to buy food, he thought that Demacia's sweet ale was not sweet enough, so he threw the honeydew hard candy he carried into it. As a result, he accidentally created He made a drink that won praises from the locals, and then he figured out what was going on.

It turns out that in Demacia, Demacians prefer pure sweetness without too many "miscellaneous flavors", but this kind of sweetness is regarded as inferior in Shurima.

In Shurima, it is a very simple thing for people to obtain sweetness, because even in dry oases, date palms often grow - it tastes very sweet, extremely sweet, and has high energy. It is Shurima One of the oldest foods in Malta.

For Shuriman people, sweetness is a very, very cheap taste, so Shuriman people do not pursue pure sweetness. There must be some other flavors to arouse Shuriman people's interest.

But in contrast, what Demacians lack is this pure sweetness!

Therefore, the concentrated honeydew obtained from pressing dates, which was not valuable in Shurima, became an extremely satisfying source of sweetness for the Demacians. After realizing this, this previously unknown The Kalamanda small businessman quickly returned to his hometown, mortgaged all his property, filled a three-masted sailboat with concentrated honeydew, and rode the wind and waves all the way to Xiongdu Bay.

These "sweetness from the desert" were sold out in the capital of Demacia in just seven days. Even if the businessman boldly increased the price ten times, it could not stop the Demacian people's love for sweetness at all. Pursuit and desire.

So sweet!

So pure sweetness!

That's what we want!

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Kalamanda merchants struck while the iron was hot and launched many honeydew products - in addition to concentrated honeydew, there are also honeydew hard candies that are easier to carry and store, and cheaper honeydew loose candies. .

Moreover, this businessman also grasped his first-mover advantage and did not rush to make money immediately. Instead, he cooperated with local businessmen in Xiongdu and launched honeydew liqueur. By sharing interests, he formed a good relationship with the locals in Xiongdu. Business Alliance.

The increase in the price of honeydew and its popularity in Demacia cannot be concealed.

Soon more Shurima merchants chose to follow, but when they finally mobilized manpower and resources to load their merchant ships with honeydew and headed for Demacia, the Kalamanda people had the first-mover advantage. A stable localized sales network has been established in Xiongdu.

Fortunately, Demacia's market is large enough.

Now that the best part of Xiongdu's market has been taken away, other merchants quickly turned their attention to the north and to Fosbairo.

The people of Fosbairo are also very rich!

A large number of Shurima merchants took their honey dew and headed north. The sweetness from the desert soon entered the market of Forsbarrow, and together with the south road of Xiongdu, extended towards the interior of Demacia.

Compared with the stable sales network in the south, the fighting between honeydew merchants in Fosbarrow is undoubtedly more intense. After the people of Fosbarrow discovered the benefits of honeydew, they even tried to ask the Dharma Master to help with it. Engage in local cultivation - Unfortunately, the honeydew-pressing date palm prefers hot, dry sandy soil. None of these conditions exist in the north. If you insist on local cultivation, the price may skyrocket. In addition, the Shurima people do have sufficient supply and low prices, and can further suppress prices through competition. In the end, the Forsbarrow people are happy to be pure consumers.

When Kalya rode the elemental dragon and arrived at Telishni Port, he was surprised to find that many shops for Demacians had appeared here.

Although the shopkeeper's Demacian language is half-baked and he needs to add gesture assistance when communicating with Demacians, it is enough to be surprising.

As a promoter of maritime trade, Kalya, who formulated the Ionia trade plan and the northern trade plan, has high expectations for international trade in Runeland.

However, the speed of trade development still exceeded his expectations. You must know that Tellishni is already a city far away from Demacia. Compared with other northern Shurima port cities, the specialties here are not considered Rich, the most famous amber is not well-known in Demacia. It is hard to imagine that there would be a Demacia-oriented store in such a place.

Curious, Kalya simply chatted with the shopkeeper for a while, and then he learned that during this period, the trade exchanges between Demacia and Northern Shurima were advancing by leaps and bounds faster than expected, starting with honeydew, including Many cheap Shurima products, including salt algae, have also begun to enter the Demacia market.

For this situation, Kalya was naturally happy to see the outcome, and when he left Talishni, he was in a very good mood.


From Talishni to the south, running through the undulating sand dunes of the Dashai Desert, amidst the whispers of the elemental dragons, the winding majesty of the Shurima River finally appeared in Kalya's sight.

Seen from a high altitude, the Shurima River and the windless plains along its banks look like a giant dragon lying in the yellow sand of Shurima. The roaring eastward water nourishes tens of millions of acres of land in the windless plains. Middle Shurima became a kingdom of abundance between deserts and mountains.

In the middle of the Shurima River, a brand new city is rising above the ruins.

The foundations of the new Shurima city have been completed.

It is interesting to say that there are currently three Shurima cities in Shurima.

The first Shurima City was the capital of the Shurima Empire. It fell into ruins after Azir's ascension failed and is now known as the Ancient City of Shurima.

The second Shurima city was an antique city built by the elders near the ruins of the ancient city after the complete collapse of the Shurima empire. It was also known as New Shurima and now Old Shurima.

The third one is the new city of Shurima that is currently under construction and designed by Nasus himself.

This new city of Shurima is located between the old city and the ancient city of Shurima. It does not completely imitate the style of the Shurima Empire.

Nasus designed this way because, on the one hand, the ancient city of Shurima was too large, and there were also a series of buildings that relied on the power of ascension, such as the Sun Disk, the Underground Waterway, and the Dawn Oasis. The current Shurima does not have that There is no ability to build such a city - even if there is, many functions are just pure imitations of appearance and flashy.

The new Shurima city will not be an antique building like the old Shurima, but a new city that marks the revival of Shurima, so he chose the location of the city in the former Shurima city. Next to the library, and based on my own experience traveling in Shurima, I built it from the most practical perspective.

Considering the siphon effect of the city on the population, the elders of the old Shurima City were obviously not willing to see the rise of a new city. When the new city just broke ground, they immediately combined all the forces they could use to come. put one's oar in.

Or... this can be regarded as a demonstration, used to promote peace. After all, it seems that these "persists" are not given their due place in Azir's new Shurima.

To be honest, although these guys are outdated, they are still quite capable - they occupied the most important cities along the Shurima River, and with full mobilization, they easily raised a large army. Moreover, there are also extraordinary beings accompanying the army. Coupled with the carefully preserved ancient relics of Shurima, they are confident that they can fight even if they face the Ascended Ones!

Good idea.

But the problem was that they underestimated the number of Ascendants.

It is true that Nasus is not an Ascendant who is very good at fighting. When facing an army of staggering size, he does not have the ability to quickly break the formation.

However, in addition to Nasus, New Shurima also has Renekton and Xerath!

When Renekton arrived on the battlefield in elemental form and disrupted the coalition's formation, Xerath directly set off a terrible arcane storm.

In the storm, arcane arrows fell like meteors to the coalition positions, causing serious panic. In the absence of preparation, the coalition forces, which had their own thoughts, were not prepared to face three Ascended Ones at the same time. Chaos soon followed.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Azir personally led the soldiers and Yellow Sand soldiers to raid, rushed all the way to the old Shurima city, and stormed in directly.

In a hurry, the elders of the old Shurima city could only flee from the other side, completely giving up this antique city.

After taking the old Shurima city, Azir did not give up the plan for the new city. He believed that Shurima needed a brand new capital - the old city would not be abandoned, but it would no longer serve as a political center. This is A statement and a decision.

Today's Shurima will take a completely different path from the past Shurima Empire.

After all... even the former Prince Regent no longer thinks about rebuilding Shurima. Why should the reborn Shurima hold on to everything in the past and refuse to let go?

As the "regent prince who no longer thinks about rebuilding Shurima", Kalya agrees with Azir's idea.

Perhaps in the eyes of many people, he should be the one with the deepest relationship with Shurima.

But Kalya himself knew that the new Shurima, why should it be the Shurima Empire?

(End of this chapter)

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