Lux's Farewell

Chapter 955【0946】 Big Library

Chapter 955【0946】 Big Library

When Kalya arrived in New Shurima, the city was building a new library.

The books that were buried in the Great Library in the past are being guarded by Azir's newly formed guards and being transported to New Shuri City in a steady stream. They are then placed in the new library in categories and will be gradually made available to the outside world. open.

As a former Grand Maester of Shurima, Nasus is personally in charge of this work. He is familiar enough with the collection of books. With his guidance and supervision, the relocation of the Great Library seems to be in order. It seems that the new Shurima City will be built soon. It will become the cultural center of this new country.

Kalya was naturally happy to see this situation come to fruition. He even took the initiative to ask Nasus if there were any missing books in the new library. If he had any, he could help add some.

After a brief chat with Nasus, Kalya quickly left the Great Library and went to the unfinished palace to find Azir.

Compared with Nasus, who is actively responsible for the relocation of the library, Azir seems to be much more relaxed now - the construction of New Shurima is already on the right track. Before the construction of the new city is completed, he has only one thing to do. Apart from daily work, there really isn’t much else to do.

If it were Azir's own wish, he would rather go to other places in Shurima to see the current situation of this ancient land.

But Xerath stared at him and refused to allow him to do so.

This is also understandable. Shurima is currently in a state of division. Although this division has not triggered a war, local conflicts are emerging in endlessly in various places. Azir currently does not have the manpower and energy to participate. In the midst of a conflict, wandering around at this time is likely to cause unnecessary trouble.

Moreover, today's Azir is no longer the romantic emperor he once was. It is no longer possible for elemental creatures to unite Shuriman people from all over the world through the harem as before. In this case, letting Azir go out and wander around will result. It can only cause trouble.

Therefore, Xerath stared at Azir and absolutely prohibited him from leaving.

Under this situation, Azir could only stay in Shurima City a little bored. After finishing his daily work, he walked around the construction site with his hands behind his back like a retired old man, occasionally summoning one or two yellow sands. The soldier helped me a little.

After receiving the news of Kalya's arrival, Azir seemed very happy. It seemed that talking to this ancestor was a very interesting thing for him.

Moreover, unlike Renekton, who has a psychological shadow on the small world, Azir still likes it there.

He likes the sense of tranquility that can be stolen for half a day.


"What, you destroyed that world?" Azir looked at Kalya in shock, almost unable to believe his ears, and even forgot the honorific for a moment, "How is this possible?"

"Because of the monitor." In contrast, Kalya himself looked very calm. "If you want to completely eliminate the monitor, using the tearing effect of space should be the most efficient way."

While speaking, Kalya even raised the tea cup and took a sip of tea with a smile. The slightly bitter but refreshing taste made the corners of his mouth curl up slightly - he liked Shurima's wheat tea.

"You should be able to choose other ways, right?" After Azir thought for a while, he couldn't help but shook his head slightly, "Those former Ascended Ones, although they don't have a good attitude toward me, they will still be willing to accept your words. Listen to it - not to mention it’s because of the monitor, because of the void.”

"Maybe, but I don't want to disturb them." Kalya put down the tea cup and shook his head gently, "Including Aatrox, in fact, every Ascendant and every Darkin has found his or her own. On my own path, even if I am their teacher, it is no longer the time for me to guide them. Since I can solve it, why bother them? "

"It's a small world?"

"That square of heaven and earth was originally prepared for the monitors, but it was just not used in the past because of the monolithic fortress." Kalya said in a relaxed tone, "Wouldn't it be just right to use it now - and I don't need that. Fang Shijie came to escape."

"Yes, you are now completely an elemental being." Azir looked at Kalya carefully as if meeting him for the first time, "Do you have experience in this area - what is the lifespan of an elemental being?"

"Perhaps longer than mortals and extraordinary beings, but it is still limited." Kalya smiled, "Unless you can keep improving and make your own elemental composition more and more stable, even the elements will eventually be destroyed by time. Gradually dissipated through erosion.”

Hearing what Kalya said, Azir finally couldn't help but frown.

In fact, he had a vague feeling about this. In the past few years, although his own changes were not big, they were not completely consistent. Therefore, Azir was not very sure whether his life span would be extended after becoming an elemental life. As endless as the ascended ones.

Now that Kalya said that the lifespan of elemental life is limited, he couldn't help but feel a little worried.

"It's not that I'm afraid of death." Noticing Kalya's meaningful expression, Azir waved his hand quickly, "It's just that Shurima has just begun to rebuild. If time is not on my side, I'm afraid I won't be able to see it. A time for Shurima’s renaissance.”

"It's not that tight." Kalya picked up the tea cup again, "Although the situation in Shurima is still in a mess, in my opinion, it is not too difficult to reunify."

"Are you willing to come forward?" Azir's eyes clearly lit up when he heard what Kalya said. "As long as you are willing to come forward, then whether it is the Sun God Cult, the Chamber of Commerce Alliance, or the port cities in the north, there should be some success." It means——"

"No, it's not me, it's you." Kalya rejected his suggestion of taking action in person. "If I were to take action, it means that the new Shurima will still follow the path of the past, but you should know that the past You can't walk the road over again." Azir frowned, but didn't say much.

"You should know that the Shurima Empire was able to unify the continent, relying not only on force, but also on advanced civilization." Taking another sip of hot tea in the cup, Kalya said slowly, "Shurima Even if we are reduced to second-class or even third-class citizens, our lives will be better than before. This is the fundamental reason for the development and growth of the Shurima Empire."

Azir, who is familiar with history, certainly knows this.

"But the current Shurima does not actually have such conditions." Kalya picked up the kettle next to him and filled his teacup with tea. "So, if you want to unify Shurima, you cannot rely on the past. If we follow the old path in the new situation, it is doomed to fail.”

"If we have to think about it from this perspective, besides glory, what can the unity of Shurima bring to all Shurima people?" At this point, Azir couldn't help but sigh, "Maybe someone is willing to do it for Although the glory of Shurima has faded for thousands of years, how many people are still willing to stand up for it? "

"Glory and spirit can be used as a guide to guide the way forward, but they cannot be the only driving force. That is unrealistic." Kalya's tone was calm, as if he had seen through the prosperity and vicissitudes of the world, "The collapse of the empire has proved this. When When everyone has their own selfish intentions, the so-called glory is simply not worth mentioning. "

Azir wanted to say, "That's not the case. The collapse of the empire was largely due to the lack of a correct direction." However, he thought that even if the Ascension Order made many small moves that he didn't know the consequences of, he still had to prevent himself from ascending. In the end, he could only shake his head helplessly.

"So, take a longer view." Seeing that Azir's mood seemed to be visibly depressed, Kalya finally came to the point, "Maybe you can think from another angle - the current Shurima city-state needs a A group, a collection, to cope with the increasingly extensive international trade exchanges in Rune Land. In this big market, one or two city-states are not qualified to make any noise even if they control the upstream commodities. "

"The ports of Northern Shurima have formed an alliance." Azir is obviously aware of the increasingly prosperous international trade in recent years, "But to be honest, for the vast Shurima, the importance of international trade I am afraid that only the cities in northern Shurima can enjoy the benefits. Even now, this city on the bank of the river can hardly become a part of Shurima's international trade. "

"Why?" Kalya asked with a smile, "What prevents Shurima City from becoming a link in international trade?"

"Of course it's the Great Sai Desert and the southern foot of Mount Targon." Azir replied almost without thinking, "Whether it's going to the Valoran Strait in the north or Antasil in the south, it's not something ordinary caravans can do. If you want to send any product produced in Shurima City to an ocean-going cargo ship, you must first pass through the vast yellow sand. Even if the first-hand price is rotten wood, the second-hand price is gold. "

"Since north and south don't work, what about east and west?" Kalya continued, "Wouldn't east and west also work?"

"To the west is Mount Targon, so naturally it won't work." Azir continued to answer, "And to the east along the river is the Miasma Jungle... Wait, you mean Kumangu and Ixtal?"

"That's right." Kalya finally smiled, "Since it is difficult to become a part of international trade with today's Shurima alone, why not bring Ixtal together?"

"It can be said that the Xuthar people were the first to abandon the empire." Speaking of the Ixtal, Azir's tone was not friendly. "When the empire declined, they were the first to draw a clear line and separate the empire." He hid in the jungle, and the cunning Nezuk even took away the monolith!"

"That's all in the past." Kalya waved his hand, "The lower reaches of the Shurima River, together with the Python River, flow into the Sea of ​​Watch in the Python River Delta, and less than 200 nautical miles east of the estuary. The place is Bilgewater, so in theory, any goods produced along the Shurima River can be transported by water at extremely low prices and enter the Sea of ​​Watch unimpeded.”

"This is easy to say, but in fact it's probably not that simple, right?"

Azir knew quite a bit about the topography described by Kalya, and he was indeed a little moved when he heard what Kalya said - but soon, he couldn't help but shake his head.

This is easy to say, and it seems feasible at first glance. After all, the Shurima River and the Serpent River are indeed connected, and they do merge into the Sea of ​​Watch in the Serpent River Delta. The river surface is wide and deep enough throughout the process. It is also large enough to carry large ships.

But the question is, what about the Miasma Jungle?

The place is filled with dangerous poisonous fog all year round, and both sides of the river are densely covered with dangerous plants and animals.

Moreover, further political considerations are required. After all, Ixtar was once part of the Shurima Empire. After becoming independent, how could Ixtar be willing to give up her independence and become a part of Shurima again?

In the absence of mature geographical issues and political conditions, the situation described by Karya is destined to be a castle in the air.

"How can this kind of thing come to fruition if we don't talk about it?" Kalya obviously understood Azir's doubts. "The communication between Shurima and Ixtal has been broken for thousands of years. It's time to restart it. ——Have you ever wondered why the Ixtar people are almost completely absent now that international trade is obviously becoming more and more developed?

"Of course it's because they are conservative." Azir said without hesitation, "If possible, those guys would like to hide themselves in egg shells. Although I have not been to Ixtal in person, their performance over the years has been very good. It’s hard to see that these guys have made up their minds to hide themselves in the rainforest.”

"Yes, they made up their mind to hide." Kalya nodded first, then shook his head, "But now is the time, and it is not the time to hide if you want to - use development Look at the problem from a different perspective!”

"Ah?" Azir obviously couldn't keep up with Kalya's thoughts, "I've heard of the elemental barrier of Ixtar. As long as the group of rainforest gophers are willing to hide, it won't be easy to find them. ”

"It's not easy, but it's not impossible." Kalya finally realized, "Actually, I had some exchanges with them not long ago - although I tend to be conservative, Ixtar's The basic direction, but the current Queen Ixtar is not a conservative girl. "

"The one related to the void?"

"That's right, a joint operation related to the void, Ixtar and Icathia." Kalya nodded again, "Two autonomous territories that were once the Shurima Empire."

Hearing what Kalya said, Azir finally narrowed his eyes slightly.

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