Lux's Farewell

Chapter 956【0947】Blueprint

After Azir and Kal'ya finished talking, Kal'ya left the city of Shurima without even intending to meet Nasus and Renekton.

When Nasus got the news, he found Azir and asked him what happened, but Azir answered the question incorrectly.

"Karya can always make people believe in his ideas and plans, right?"

"He is very good at persuading others." Although Nasus didn't know what they said, he couldn't help but smile on his face. "This is indeed what he looks like - making plans and then showing you a wonderful plan." The prospect is such a grand picture that you can’t help but imagine how wonderful the future will be if everything can be realized.”

"I think few people can resist his temptation." Azir nodded, "Unless those who have a clear plan."

"Maybe this is his lobbying philosophy, right?" Nasus shrugged. "Don't convince those who already have clear ideas, and spend all your energy on those who are confused about the future."

"So, you are implying that the collapse of the empire was due to everyone having their own selfish motives?" Azir came back to his senses and raised the corners of his mouth slightly, "Is this a kind of confession?"

"No, it's just an objective summary." Nasus shook his head, "So, what exactly did he show you?"

"He sent me some old objects from the Empire era, and then told me a plan to pull both Ishtar and Icathia into Shurima's old car." Azir did not hide it, "The core is Create a consensus that only the entire Shurima can have an advantage in the competition in Runeterra."

"He is very confident?" Nasus couldn't help but raise his eyebrows when he heard this. "I mean, he is very confident in Demacia? Doesn't it mean that the unified Shurima is not the two autonomous dominions, so there is no competition? Is there any advantage?”

"To be honest, I thought so at first." Azir smiled bitterly, "But after he finished speaking, I didn't have much confidence anymore - especially after he showed me the rune stone."

"I've heard of that. It's a magical material with very good properties." Nasus was a little confused, "But what does that mean?"

"It means putting magic into production on a large scale just like the previous empire." Azir's tone was filled with emotion. "Although he didn't say many details, I can guarantee that before the Battle of Icathia, , he is already laying out the plans - many of the rune stones can even connect with the sun disk. "

"Replacing energy?" Nasus' eyes widened. "No, I heard that rune stones can store and transport energy, but it seems that their energy density is not high?"

"World Runes." Azir sighed, "Through the rune stones, the power of the World Runes can be easily used."

Nasus fell silent.

Obviously, this well-informed Grand Bachelor thought about a lot, including but not limited to the strange inventions he saw in Vazuan, many ancient underground water networks from the Empire era that are now abandoned, and so on.

He even thought about the past Rune Wars - that catastrophe made the continent of Valoran feel like it had been chewed by someone. Parts of it sank into the ground, and Kamavia's continental shelf also experienced obvious collapse. The earth's ocean currents have even changed as a result.

Compared to the Sun Disk, which has a fixed position and whose core technology is not in its own hands, if the power of the world runes can really be controlled and utilized, then based on this, an empire will be born that is more powerful and prosperous than the Shurima Empire. , and there is a lot of possibility.

"World runes are very dangerous, and power can distort the mind. He knows this better than anyone else." Nasus couldn't help but shake his head, "Does he already have a reliable way to deal with it?"

"He didn't say this clearly, but he said very firmly that he only needs to conduct some experiments to verify the dangerous problem of the world's runes." Azir was also a little confused when he said this, "Obviously When Xerath used the power of the World Rune, he was more nervous than anyone else. Why is his appearance completely different now?"

"So, he still hasn't revealed the key to the problem?"

"He said that the core of his trip was just to give a warning first." Azir's tone also sounded a bit helpless, "According to what he said, it is [I hope Shurima can be prepared and not be in the tentacles]" Panic and missed opportunities in the face of an accessible future].”

"It seems that we are being looked down upon." Nasus snorted in the end. "Now, I think the center of all work should still be on unifying Shurima. As for the future that is within reach, we have to wait until it is truly When it’s within reach, go and be ready!”

"To be honest, I think so too." Azir nodded, "These are the cultural relics and instruments he brought. I know most of them, but there are many that I have never seen. You came at the right time..."


In New Shurima, Kalya did not lie.

He was really leaving things out for Shurima and opening up a corner of the future blueprint.

As for what Azir and Nasus were wondering about, regarding the use of world runes, Kalya was indeed aware of it.

Kalya made a special trip to Vazuan before and went to the place where the world rune recovery team hid the world runes.

The rune trees there grow extremely well, even a little too well.

This is consistent with the results of Lunwall's Rune Tree Experimental Base. In addition, Vazuan has recently proven that "Hex Crystals help the growth of Rune Trees." All signs indicate that Rune Trees can indeed absorb it steadily. The power of the world's runes, and use it to accelerate its own growth.

It is true that the rune stone made by the rune tree itself does not contain much energy. It is just an ideal energy storage equipment.

But similarly, rune stones were used as forbidden magic stones by Demacians in the past, and its energy-absorbing ability is also evident!

With the unification of Demacia, the mages have almost completely accepted the ancient knowledge from the Silent people. Many of these knowledges mention the "magic-forbidden ability" of the magic stone to the world's runes. According to the Silent people, According to human records, as long as there are enough rune stones, a stable seal can be achieved against the world's runes. Even in the outermost layer, the Silent Man can extract the magic power of the world's runes to a limited extent.

Of course, this kind of extraction itself is not absolutely safe. Many years ago, Grandma Ling almost lost control due to this and became a slave to the power of the world's runes. But directly extracting power is not possible. Then pry off the outer rune stones and replace them with new ones. Is it safe to use the energy in these rune stones?

The preliminary conclusion given by the legal guardian!

To this end, they carefully conducted a series of experiments. The results of the experiments showed that these rune stones charged with world runes were no different from rune stones charged by injecting magic power. In more than forty fields that participated in the experiments, , did not become interference items.

Not only were these specially charged rune stones from the Renwall Rune Tree Planting Base outside the sealing area where Ryze sealed the world runes, there was no problem in using them. Even Ryze did not find any special energy fluctuations belonging to the world runes. ——The experiment has been going on for three years, and he hasn’t come to the door yet!

If it weren't for Lux's expedition to the Freljord, I'm afraid Demacia would have begun trying to recruit secret volunteers and test the use of these specially charged rune stones by non-spellcasters.

Although he had already had a premonition in his heart, Kalya was still quite excited when he received the news.

If using world runes to charge rune stones proves to be safe and reliable, and if the standard teaching of magic circuits is fully promoted, then it won’t be long before everyone in Demacia can be considered a wizard in a broad sense— —Use rune stones and magic circuits to achieve magical effects, why not be a magician?

This will be a further promotion of magic than the Sun Disk of the Shurima Empire and the elemental gradient enchantment of Ixtal. Once realized, in Runeterra, magic will change from being a patent of a few people to everyone. Benefits that can be enjoyed by everyone.

That’s the future that Kalya was talking about!

This is also the future that Kalya has been looking forward to!

Kalya, who did not have any magical talent and could not even sense magic power, wanted to become a spell caster. The only way was to be taken by Setaka to climb Mount Targon, bathe in the glory of heaven, and then strengthen himself through the ascension ceremony. His talent is what makes Kalya what he is today.

Although this does allow great power to be attributed to oneself, looking at the entire Rune Land, how many people can have the opportunities and opportunities of Kalya?

It is precisely because of the rarity of spellcasting talent that in the long history of Runeterra, most of the time, spellcasters were noble rulers - instead of using magical magic for production and construction, they used it instead. More cost-effective for governance.

The only exceptions are the Shurima Empire, the Kingdom of Ixtar, and Demacia.

The Shurima Empire is because the sun disk exists, so magic is worthless; Ixtal has an elemental gradient barrier, so elemental magic is easier to achieve; Demacia is because mages were discriminated against in the past, and the newly born mages You can keep your posture very low.

Apart from these short-lived brilliance, most of the time, magic exists as a tool for internal fighting between people - using it to produce and build, how can it be used to threaten people who will not Is it easier for magic people to produce and construct?

The best way to strip away the identity of magic as a ruling tool is to make it truly universal and make magic a tool that everyone can use. Although that does not mean that magic is no longer exploitative and oppressive. tool, but at least it allows everyone to enjoy the benefits of magic, and that's enough.


After leaving Shurima City, Kalya did not return directly, but went to Ixtar for another round.

The main reason is that I want to continue to study the original axioms that work with the elemental gradient enchantment. Nezuk's method of using the original axioms to promote elemental magic still has a lot to learn from.

However, what surprised Kalya was that the new Queen of Ixtal, Miss Qiyana, seemed to be more restless than she thought.

Originally, Kalya thought that after she became the queen, she would at least ensure absolute internal stability before starting reforms and trying to shift the kingdom's center of gravity outwards.

But what he never expected was that she had already contacted Wazuan less than five years after she came to power.

Although Vazuan was once part of the Shurima Empire, and could theoretically have some connection with Ixtal, as an extremely conservative country, Qiyana could not even establish simple diplomacy with Vazuan. The pressure she would endure would be quite astonishing - even if she had many cutting-edge forces supporting her, this step would be extremely difficult.

When Kalya arrived in Isuoken, a Hextech delegation from Vazuan came to visit. The leader of the team was Jace, Kalya's old acquaintance.

Kalya, who was quite curious about this, mingled in the crowd and saw the exchange of gifts between representatives of both parties. Jess gave Elder Yuntal a special conversion valve, which can realize the transformation of elements; and Elder Yuntal The return gift is a sparkling elemental core.

The former is one of the original axioms, while the latter's shape and specifications are exactly the same as the Hex Crystal, and the competitive meaning is quite obvious.

This made Kalya couldn't help but become a little interested in the subsequent exchanges between the two parties, but he did not try to sneak into the dinner to inquire. Instead, he suppressed his curiosity and devoted all his energy to studying Ixta. I followed my original method of promoting axioms, and after more than half a month, I returned home with great satisfaction.

Then, when Kalya stopped in Vazuan and took a look at the growth of the rune trees that sealed the world's rune land, the headlines of almost all newspapers in Vazuan published "The delegation returned successfully, the rainforest is no longer mysterious" Articles like this, it seems that they attach great importance to their relationship with the Ixtar people.

Kalya read a lot of newspapers, and then keenly discovered that a very important factor that seemed to promote this connection was the construction of the new Shurima city and the rise of Azir.

As an undisputed part of the former Shurima Empire, Varzuan is unabashedly wary of the new Shurima. Although they are happy to use Shurima's name, they do not hope that Shurima will really be revived— —Unless the Shurima Empire is revived with Vazuan at its core.

In the past, many people in Vazuan still had this expectation. After all, other city-states were in ruins, and they still had Prince Feather. Once Hex technology was widely used and formed a standard, there might be a brand new Shurima. It will be born with Vazuan as the core.

But after the rise of Azir, the Vazuan people soon discovered that they seemed to be unable to compete with Azir or the new Shurima in terms of Shurima's reputation.

In this case, Vazuan would give up Shurima's name and draw a clear line with Shurima.

Maintaining diplomatic contact with Ixtar is a precautionary measure based on this idea. (End of chapter)

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