Lux's Farewell

Chapter 957【0948】Changes in the Situation

Chapter 957【0948】Changes in the Situation

Time will not stand still for anyone. Even Kieran, who controls time, can only speed up himself and stop others most of the time.

In Vazuan, Kalya could clearly feel that the influence from Lux was being diluted.

Although the unity and prosperity of Vazuan are inseparable from "Miss Lux" in memorial halls and museums, her detailed identity is blurred in all information facing the public.

Interestingly, in the History Museum, Vazuan used the divisions in the past to divide his history into two parts - as part of the Shurima Empire, and the other part after his rebirth.

Those old things belonging to the Shurima Empire were put into museums and became cultural relics.

As for the parts that belong to today's Vazuan, even if they are inseparable from Shurima like the rune tree, it is necessary to emphasize the important development role of Vazuan today - as if Vazuan is a member of the Shurima family. It’s like the members of the younger generation have now grown up and established their own branch.

In other words, Vazuan is no longer part of the Shurima Empire. Vazuan was born from that ancient and glorious empire, but after the destruction of the empire, he stood up on his own amidst the ruins.

To be honest, there is nothing wrong with this statement.

After all, the Vazuan of the Shurima Empire era and the Vazuan of today are completely different.

But after looking around, Kalya still couldn't help but want to laugh.

Cutting so fast!

And not just Vazuan.

Almost all northern Shurima city-states with relatively good economies will have similar actions, and what these actions reveal is their deep fear of the Shurima Empire.

It is precisely because they know what the Shurima Empire means that they will do their best to separate it.

They were willing to praise that empire because it was the source of civilization.

They hastened to carve up that empire, not wanting to be part of the new Shurima Empire.

Kalya saw this very clearly.

Azir may have seen it clearly, but he may not have fully accepted it yet.

In a sense, this is one of the reasons why Kalya did not want to recreate Shurima.

The Shurima Empire was born from conquest, but in addition to conquest, the empire also brought civilization.

Now, each region of Shurima has its own civilization. Although these civilizations still retain the imprint of the empire, they have long had nothing to do with the Shurima Empire.

No one wants to have a father above their head.

And he’s a dad without a sun disk.

Therefore, in Kalya's future blueprint, Shurima should be a loose alliance different from Demacia for a long time in the future - first through harmless means, strengthening its ties with the northern city-states and the two former autonomous dominions. Close relationships and establish cooperation.

Then whether the empire can be fully unified again depends on the level of Azir. If Shurima can rise again, the historical foundation will become an irresistible centripetal gravity; otherwise, the Shurima Empire will probably only It can be maintained in bulk for a long time.

He hinted this to Azir, but whether Azir can realize it depends on his personal level. ……………………

After wandering around for a few days, Kalya left Vazuan by dragon and headed north back to the Freljord.

The relaxation time is over and it's time to get down to business.

When Kalya returned to the Frostguard Fortress, it was completely under the control of the coalition forces.

Under the Howling Abyss, the Malphite combat unit is making good progress, and it won't take long for this void rift, which is not too big to begin with, to be repaired.

Under this circumstance, the coalition's journey to Freljord has also reached its final stage - as an ally, participating in the largest alliance event after the three sisters.

Ashe, who has collected the relics of the three sisters, is now the theoretical co-owner of Freljord and the war mother of all war mothers.

The reason why it is said to be "theoretical" is because under the tribal system, the relationship between the War Mother and the tribe is close enough, but Ai Xi has only theoretical contact with most of the tribes, so her "War Mother" It's hard to say how much influence "War Mother" will have on other tribes.

This is also the main reason why Ashe urgently needs to hold an unprecedented large-scale alliance. She needs to establish her authority and show all the Freljord tribes that she is the heir of the three sisters.

Even in a place like the Freljord, where fists are used to reason, the names of the three sisters' heirs carry enough weight - especially if the heir's fists are big enough, Ashe can use them as an excuse. foundation, and strive for the true unification of Freljord.

As for why the Northern Expeditionary Army was also invited to participate in the alliance...

Mainly because previous experience told Ashe that if you want to declare power and establish authority, it is important to provide actual benefits.

As for the current Avarosa tribe, the most practical benefits it can provide largely depend on Demacia.

As the coalition forces moved north, she was deeply impressed by the amazing logistical supply capabilities of the Demacia Northern Expedition. Since Ashe could not see the game between Demacia and Noxus from her perspective, what she could What I saw was that "Demacians can transport supplies to Freljord from anywhere except the snowfields."

This makes Ashe have great expectations for future Freljord trade. In her opinion, future Freljord trade can proceed in three directions:

The Nyuskara Pass in the west, the Türkgül Pass in the middle, and the Diver Fort in the east.

Stop the war, develop trade, and use commodity exchange to fill the stomachs of the Freljord people. Before, she was worried that the long transshipment would make the cost of transportation unbearable, but looking at it now, maybe part of it can be transferred Leave the shipping costs to Demacia!

Of course, she has not formally negotiated with Ashe about this part. After all, the finishing work of Frostguard Fortress has not been completely completed until Kalya returns.

Although Kalya was not very worried about the void worms, due to the Battle of the Howling Abyss, the number of void worms in Freljord was really too much, and they were gathered too densely. The coalition forces briefly After resting, some insecticide tasks need to be performed to reduce the density of the insect swarm.

Of course, these have nothing to do with Kalya.

Because not long after he came back, Nunu came to him with a full set of musical instruments.

"Mr. Kalya, tell me about your experience in the battle at Dredge Fort!" Nunu tried very hard to act like an adult. "Your heroic appearance will forever be sung in the Freljord songs. !”

(End of this chapter)

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