Lux's Farewell

Chapter 960【0951】Reasons for Welcome

Chapter 960【0951】Reasons for Welcome

When the troops at the forefront of the Northern Expedition took boats westward along the Yiming River and arrived at Green Teeth Peak, there were already many people waiting eagerly on the border of Demacia.

Those waiting here are not the greeters from the official organization, but the businessmen who invested in the construction of Yiming City - these people showed amazing enthusiasm for the returning Northern Expeditionary Army. Although they were not allowed to board the ship, they still Holding various banners, they cheered loudly and waved flags by the river.

The officers and soldiers of the Northern Expeditionary Army were somewhat confused after seeing this scene. Before they set off, the construction of Yiming City had just begun, so they had no idea why so many people came to greet them at Green Teeth Peak. It doesn't look like it's officially organized yet.

But Lux, who was also on the ship, read a lot of interesting information from it.

"It seems that the construction of Yiming City is going well." She said to Kalya with a smile, "otherwise there wouldn't be so many businessmen gathered here, and there are many brands I have never heard of before."

"Their sense of smell is very keen." Kalya nodded, "Whether it is the sensation of the Northern Expedition's return or the Northern Expedition itself, it will definitely affect the market trend of Demacia for a long time in the future. Be the first to stay. Make a good impression, this is indeed a good choice. ”

"Their information is quite well-informed." Speaking of this, Lux also pondered a little, "I hope it was not leaked, but they got it from the old guard."

Kalya nodded upon hearing this.

Lux responded quickly, and this was indeed a more important thing at the moment.

If the news from the merchants comes from the old gate, from Nokmoch, that is a good thing, because it means that the Demacia merchants in Yiming City have successfully extended their tentacles beyond the gates of Demacia.

And if the businessmen's news comes from the clerks of Yiming City or even the army of Green Teeth Peak, then I am afraid that the Internal Affairs Supervision Department will be busy in the next period of time, and the subsequent construction of Yiming City may also be hindered.

To prevent the slightest change is to contain the problem when it is just a sign. Although it is already the time for the Northern Expedition to win the battle, it does not mean that the route and itinerary can be disclosed to the merchants. This is a matter of principle.


INS moved quickly.

It only took them less than half a day to figure out where the businessmen who went to Green Teeth Peak to meet the Northern Expeditionary Army got the news - this news had already spread in Yiming City long before the Northern Expeditionary Army arrived in Knock. When Mo Qi arrived, some businessmen who had discovered the whereabouts of the Northern Expeditionary Army rushed back directly, intending to sell the news at a good price.

As a result, there were too many down-and-out nobles trying to make friends with the Northern Expeditionary Army soldiers in Nocmooch, and there were also too many Demacian businessmen planning to sell this piece of information. It didn’t take long for a piece of “precious information” to become a piece of bad news. When the Northern Expeditionary Army returned from victory, more than one-third of the investors and merchants in Yiming City either went out in person or sent people to go to the border to greet them. This resulted in a roar of gongs and drums and the sound of firecrackers. , red flags waving, and huge crowds of people.

After receiving this news, Lux finally felt relieved - it seemed that during her absence, although Demacia's business developed rapidly, it did not lead to the expansion of merchant power and thus affect the clerks.


Just as the Northern Expeditionary Army returns, many retired Northern Expeditionary soldiers will become civilians, and it is time for some fresh blood to be injected into the clerk's team.


In Yiming City, which has not yet been fully completed, the Northern Expeditionary Army was officially welcomed by the people of Demacia for the first time.

When the army entered the city, merchants and employees gathered on both sides of the street, stretching their necks to look carefully at these heroes who had been praised in the newspapers for defending Runeterra.

On this day, the flowers in Yiming City were sold out.

Then, before the investors and businessmen in Yiming City could find an angle to take advantage of this wave of enthusiasm, the Banshi army continued westward along the Yiming River, passed through the water network in the north, and headed south to Xiongdu.

The return journey was smooth sailing. Everywhere the Northern Expeditionary Army went, they would be warmly welcomed by the local people. The level of enthusiasm even made Lux a little confused. It is true that the Northern Expeditionary Army is truly fighting for Runeterra and is a real savior of the world.

However, since the issue of the void is really hard to talk about openly, the newspaper cannot clearly state what enemy the Northern Expedition defeated - at most, it can be indirectly explained through the suffering suffered by the Freljord. Descriptions, such as Anivia constantly going to Nirvana, Freljord's civilization unable to rise because of this, and so on.

Under such circumstances, the people maintained their welcome to the Northern Expeditionary Army, which was somewhat beyond Lux's expectations.

As for why this happened, Lux suddenly realized it when she saw Ino and got a lot of information that had just been sorted out.

Lux's judgment was correct. Demacians did not fully understand the significance of the Battle of the Howling Abyss.

But they fully understood the significance of the Battle of the Black Forest.

In fact, long before the Northern Expedition officially entered the Freljord, Demacia's eastern trade had been a lot more active. After the Battle of the Black Forest, the principalities and city-states that had been neutral in the past all turned to Demacia. , and because Demacia's political spokesmen were leading their troops to go on an expedition at this time, the principalities and city-states that had changed their affiliations all adopted an economic-first strategy to close relations with Demacia first.

In the past, the relationship between Demacia and its eastern neighbor has always been "allies against Noxus." Although Demacia is the leader of this alliance, due to the equal strength of Demacia and Noxus, it is difficult for Demacia to fight against Noxus. These allies, while ensuring Demacia's stance against Noxus, also provide some help.

Such as affordable agricultural products.

Such as military security services.

Such as internal dispute arbitration.

Demacia is the boss in the alliance. The younger brothers have to listen to the boss, but the boss also has to provide tangible benefits. Although the two sides are unequal, they each get what they need.

Even after the defeat of Tobitsia, Noxus fell into division and its power shrank. In the eyes of many Valoran principalities and city-states, the balance between the two sides was not completely overturned. In the past, the king of Demacia even died on the battlefield. Now that Noxus has just lost its commander, is it a big deal?

However, when the Battle of the Black Forest ended with Demacia's complete victory, and when the Noxians completely gave up their attitude of striving for hegemony, the principalities and city-states that had been just helpless before suddenly became embarrassed.

If it were two strong powers competing for hegemony, then I would still be eligible for benefits.

But now that one family is the only one, if Demacia dares to give it, do they dare to reach out and take it?

Under this situation, if everyone doesn't hurry up and get closer to Demacia, will they continue to wait for the price?

Therefore, in an aspect that Lux did not spend much energy on, as the Northern Expedition moved north, the scale of Demacia's eastern trade began to grow rapidly at an alarming rate.

Therefore, the people of Demacia who came to welcome them were not welcoming "the hero of Runeterra who saved the world."

Rather, he was "the hero of Demacia who brought prosperity to the Eastern trade."

After figuring out the whole story, Lux had to shake her head helplessly.

"Sure enough, it has to be the most vital interests!"

Why was there no update yesterday?

It's because I took a nap for twelve hours - yes, I took a nap in the afternoon. When I woke up, it was already late at night. When I got up, I was completely confused. I truly felt what it meant to feel like I was in another world.

Facts have proved that sleeping too much is not necessarily a good thing. People are not very energetic today...

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