Lux's Farewell

Chapter 961 [0952] Imitation and Transcendence

Chapter 961 [0952] Imitation and Transcendence

With the return of the Northern Expeditionary Army, Xiongdu held a grand welcome ceremony and celebration.

Countless Demacians took to the streets to celebrate victory and prosperity in their own way.

Although they could not see the crisis in the Howling Abyss, and they did not know what the elimination of the Monitor meant, this did not prevent them from being proud of the victory in the Black Forest Battle, and more importantly.

With the army's successive victories on the battlefield, Demacia's goods were sold further afield, and they began to conquer cities in a wider market.

And this celebration also means that Demacia has embarked on a new model that is different from the past empire-after becoming the most powerful country in Valoran, and one that can even be said to have no frontal enemies, Demacia has not It has shown no desire for expansion, choosing instead to pursue Demacia's political and business standards.

For the principality and city-states of Valoran, and even the new commander of Noxus, this is enough to make them breathe a sigh of relief.

Even if it is not difficult for knowledgeable people to realize that Demacia's doing this means that it can continuously gain profits through trade without paying the cost of governance, but so what?

For the many principalities and city-states in Valoran, they are not afraid that Demacians will make money from them, nor are they afraid that they will become a member of Demacian standards and a part of Demacian economy and politics. They are even more afraid of Demacians. Marcia directly interferes in its own internal affairs, and is even more afraid that Demacia will send an army to directly conquer it.

Noxus has left a deep impression on people at this point before. Anyone who knows something about the history of Valoran after the Rune Wars knows that the history of this period is simply "Noxus" History of Conquest”.

And not only Noxus is like this, but the ancient history of the neighboring Shurima continent can also be regarded as a "history of the conquest of the Shurima Empire". The past empires were all ambitious people, and without exception they were obsessed with the land and the land. The population is very possessive.

In comparison, Demacia is quite gentle.

Doing business!

What's so scary about this?


What's so scary about doing business? I'm afraid we won't be able to see it until later.

At least for now, it seems that the continent of Valoran has temporarily ushered in a rare peace - Noxus does not stir up trouble, and Demacia's energy has once again shifted to internal reform and rune stone research. It seems that peace has become a rare main theme.

And just when Kalya entered the research state again and began to try to develop a reliable charging method for rune stones based on world runes, a storm began to brew in Shurima.

Originally, Kalya thought that the turmoil in Shurima would come from Azir's unification war, but what he never expected was that the Rakkor were the first to attack.

In other words...the Titan.

When the news that "the sun disk rose from Mount Targon" reached Demacia, Kalya was completely stunned.

This news is so shocking.

Although theoretically, Targon was indeed the "technical support" for the sun disk and could even be considered the "patent owner", Karya really couldn't imagine how a sun disk was raised on the Targon Peak and what its use would be.

In addition to its "wonder" attribute, the most important functions of the solar disk are "energy receiver" and "ascension rectifier", which is a real functional building.

Its specific function was continuously discovered as the level of magic in the Shurima Empire developed. At the beginning, the only function of the sun disk was to "help those who ascended to ascend", and later it became an oasis. , establishing a waterway magic network, etc. are all to be developed later.

If such a building were built on Mount Targon...

What could the Rakkhor do with it?

Although the magic level of the Rakkor people is actually quite good, and these giant god worshipers have passed down a lot of magic knowledge in the form of beliefs and scriptures, the scope of application of this knowledge is quite limited due to the Rakkor people's system where religion is more important than politics.

In order to control believers and gather faith, magical knowledge will not be used as a means for the Rakkor people to improve their own environment.

Even if they own a sun disk... I am afraid that the only function that can be unlocked is "making an ascendant".

However, climbing Mount Targon and bathing in the radiance of heaven is a way to enhance the power of extraordinary beings, and the cost of ascending through the sun disk is not small at all. Taking all things into consideration, I am afraid it is still unnecessary!

After thinking about it, Kalya still doesn't quite understand the considerations of the Titans, and is not optimistic about the sun disk placed on the Titan Peak. The sun disk is very useful.

But not for the Rakkor, and certainly not for Targon.


Some of Kalya's judgments were correct.

But the reason for building the solar disk was not thought deeply enough.

In fact, for the Titans, raising a sun disk on Mount Targon is actually a very "shameful" thing - which means that in a sense, they are learning from the former Shurima Empire.

How could a proud giant learn from a mortal?

But what overwhelms the pride in their hearts?

The answer is... fear.

To be specific, it was the fear of the Star-Forging Dragon King Aurelion.

The giant god once thought that his restraint on Aurelion was foolproof. Unless the Star-casting Dragon King did not care about his own works, unless he planned to wander aimlessly in the infinite star realm forever, even if the Star-casting Dragon King No matter how powerful he is, after wearing the crown of the Titan, he can only be controlled by the Titan.

However, as the war protoss responsible for issuing orders for several generations collapsed, half of the Pantheon constellation was swallowed up by the backlash, and this restraint seemed to be becoming "less reliable."

What's even worse is that because the Twilight Titans temporarily replaced the protoss, Zoe was able to roam freely in the star realm and formed an alliance with Aurelion. When the titans realized this, they Suddenly there was a sense of crisis.

Under this circumstance, strengthening the restraint on Aurelion became the top priority of the giant god.

But the question to strengthen the restraints?

It is unrealistic to expect to use sweet words to coax Aurelion to wear another crown. After thinking about it, the method the giants came up with was to "extract Aurelion's remaining strength."

Since the restraint is not strong enough, let the restrained person become weak and have no energy left to break free!

So, how can we extract Aurelion's remaining power?

After thinking about it, the Titan came up with the idea of ​​using the sun disk - to use the sun disk to extract Aurelion's remaining power and create Rakkor Ascendants who are loyal to the Titan. This is a good idea that kills two birds with one stone!

So, while Azir was preparing for the unification war and Demacia was sending troops to the Northern Expedition, the Titan supported the Rakkor people in raising a small, experimental sun disk.

The experiment was successful.

Although this sun disk is not enough to make people ascend directly, it is enough to make an ordinary person reborn and become an extraordinary person.

At this point, the Rakkor people proudly announced the news that "we have raised the sun disk again."

As the news spread, Kalya concluded that the Rakkor's sun disk was of little use.

Unlike Kalya, in New Shurima City, Azir, who had received the news, was somewhat unprepared - although the Rakkor people would not try to gain Shurima's orthodox status because of this, others had the sun. The Yuanpan incident had an impact on the unification war he planned next.

The originally irrefutable legal principles are now suddenly discounted!

Azir can already imagine that those city-states that resist Shurima's unification may frequently use this sun disk as a gun, causing trouble for themselves...

What the hell!

I feel like I'm getting bored and thinking about new books all day long...

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