Lux's Farewell

Chapter 965【0956】Conspiracy

Chapter 965【0956】Conspiracy

Soraka was not involved in Kal'ya's plans, although she did provide considerable assistance to Kal'ya.

And Kalya didn't bother him too much. After drinking a cup of tea, he said goodbye to Soraka and went down the mountain to Narimajer with Zoe.

Then, when Kalja asked about Zoe's preparations, he predictably got the answer, "Not at all."

Zoe, who has been in the Star Boundary for too long, has contracted the common problem of immortality species. Her judgment of time is a little unclear, so it is difficult to seize opportunities. For example, now, even though Zoe has returned to Runeterra for three years, It has been half a year, but she still feels as if she has just returned to Runeterra. She is full of curiosity about everything here. Whether it is revisiting her old place or having a new experience, she will be very interested.

Even the giant god had already made some moves, but she still didn't realize it.

From this perspective, it is a bit unreliable for Thor to choose her as his revenge ally.

Of course, this kind of unreliability is very normal. If it weren't for Zoe herself being outspoken, Twilight wouldn't have chosen her as her star spirit.

Having said that, it was precisely because of her "unreliability" that the giant god did not regard her as a threat.

From the perspective of the Titan, Zoe is a guy who "causes a lot of trouble, but doesn't cause any trouble." Although there are some hidden dangers, they are not big, so she simply lets it go.

Unfortunately, they obviously don’t know that Zoe has been in contact with Kalya for a long time. If they knew, I’m afraid they would have taken action already. Without sending the protoss to take action themselves, they may not be able to do anything to Zoe. It's not like that, but at least it keeps her from being on vacation all the time.

"So, since you have no preparations or plans, just follow my plan." Kalya was not polite and directly took on the posture of a leader, "Now the giant gods are focusing on the sun circle. Bring on Pan and Shurima, just in time for us to cause some trouble for them.”

"Surprise Mount Targon and catch them by surprise!" Zoe nodded and continued, "When they didn't expect it, they raided their lair in one fell swoop!"

"Well, it's not yet this step." Kalya was choked and waved his hand helplessly, "Although those giant gods may not have found suitable star spirits now, on Mount Targon, Rakoul is willing to sacrifice his life for the giant gods. There are not a lot of people at all. If we attack now, unless the giant dragon from the heaven can directly enter the Rune Land, we may not be our opponent."

"Ah, what should we do?" Hearing what Kalya said, Zoe was a little disappointed, "Are we going to destroy their sun disk? I quite like it."

"Destruction? No, of course not." Kalya smiled and shook his head, "What a waste of destruction. Since the power of the sun disk ultimately comes from Thor, the more the Rakkor people use this power, the more they will leave. Don’t open it.”

Zoe blinked, obviously not very able to follow Kalya's thoughts.

"Habits are terrible things, especially after something has been proven to work." Kalya continued. "If the Sun Disk proves to be useful, I don't think the Rakkor will say no." Use this God-given power.”

"Ah, that's it!" Although she didn't understand what Kalya was talking about at all, Zoe still nodded, pretending to be a hero, "I think so too!"

"So, as long as Shurima puts enough pressure on the Rakkor people, the sun disk will become their lifeblood." Kalya sighed softly, obviously seeing Zoe's harsh words, "In short, we Next, we need to keep an eye on the situation of the Shurima Unification War. Once the Rakkor begin to use the power of the sun disk, whether it is to create extraordinary beings or directly use it, it will be our time to take action. "

"Then what?" Zoe finally understood. "When those Rakkor people think they have a chance to win and attack in full force, we will return to the Sun Disc and let them lose completely?"

Kalya nodded.

"Ah, what a sinister—I mean, clever plan." "..."



Kalya ultimately had reservations about Zoe.

It's not because he doesn't believe in Zoe's position, but because he doesn't believe in her reliability - who knows if this careless guy will accidentally leak the news.

Next, both Kalya and Zoe have their own work to do. If there is no way to keep an eye on her all the time, the best way is to let her only know her part.

For example, the most critical thing is how to quickly destroy the sun disk after the Rakkor people became dependent on the sun disk. Kalya just asked Zoe some questions, and did not explain in detail how to do it.

That is to say, Zoe is full of trust in her idol, so she is willing to implement such a plan that can be said to be nothing.

Oh, it’s not the Three-Nothing Plan, it should be called the [Evisceration Plan]. The name given by Kalya means the plan to remove the giant’s minions.

In this way, after a short period of conspiracy, Kalya and Zoe finally took action - to deal with their minions before completely dealing with the giants!

And as the flames of the Shurima Unification War reached Naerimaji at the foot of Mount Targon, when Azir and the governor of Narimajie failed to negotiate and had to fight each other, the Rakkor people were not surprised. The land sent its Lahorak warriors down the mountain to assist Nerimaje's defense.

With the help of the Rakkor people, and the fact that Nerimajie himself had an astonishing escort army, the new Shurima army, which had been advancing so triumphantly before, was finally under the fortified city and could not advance even an inch.

Although Azir made a lot of preparations for the siege, when faced with extraordinary beings participating in the battle to defend the city, the naturally disadvantaged siege party could only make difficult progress.

In this case, Rek'Sai and Nasus teamed up to attack, relying on their ascension form to lead elite night attacks, and finally managed to break the outermost wall of Nerima Jedong City.

The battle entered a stalemate stage.

The offensive and defensive sides come and go, each showing his own special abilities.

Between offense and defense, the Ascended Ones made by the Rakkor through mini versions of the Sun Disc played a great role. As the backbone of the team, although they could not compete with the real Ascending Ones, they could temporarily hold on to the Ascended Ones. The impact of Seth and Renekton created space for one's own defense and counterattack, so the beggar's version of the Ascended One and the Mini Sun Disc naturally received attention.

At the same time, the Sun Sect, which had entered a state of war, also carried out internal purges, and "heresies" including the Sun God Sect were attacked to varying degrees.

It was also when fighting against the heretics that the Solar Sect discovered a lot of surprises - in addition to the small treasury of the heretics, there were also many application manuals about the sun disk from the Shurima Empire era.

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