Lux's Farewell

Chapter 966【0957】 Repeat the same mistakes

Chapter 966【0957】 Repeat the same mistakes

The Shurima Unification War is destined to be the next headline in Runeterra.

Although the war is currently limited to the Shurima River, even in the North Shurima region that has not been affected by the war, the violent fluctuations in the commodity market are enough to show how seriously the locals take this war.

Everyone knows that once the banner of Shurima unity is raised, Nerimajie will never be the end of the war.

Although the Northern Shurima City-State Federation has yet to be established due to chaotic internal conflicts and interest disputes, everyone can see that this must be the general trend.

However, what everyone did not expect was that the unified army of New Shurima, which had been advancing with great success, quickly came to a standstill after arriving at the city of Naerimajie. When everyone thought it was a crushing At the end of the round, the battle quickly entered a stalemate stage.

The most critical factor that led to this situation was the support of the Rakkor people.

Through the small sun disk, the Rakkor people created a considerable number of extraordinary beings, and used this to form a new Rakhorak Guard. In the battle to defend the city, they severely damaged the New Shurima Unified Army.

Although these man-made beggars' versions of the Ascended Ones were very rough in their application of the power of ascension, and lacked coordination with each other, and often had conflicts with the local defenders, on the frontal battlefield, they still showed their ability to defend the city. With such impressive strength, even if Nasus and Renekton went to the battlefield in person, they could not successfully capture Nerima Jie.

The offensive from the Ascended ones was resisted head-on, even if there were no Ascended Ascended Legions, but this was still enough to make the Nerima Jieren rejoiced - considering that transcendent beings can be manufactured in batches, in Nerima Under the propaganda of Governor Jie, many Nerima Jie people have begun to believe that "a new Shurima will rise from Nerima Jie."

The Ascended One was so easy to use that the Rakkor people soon focused all their energy on the study of the Sun Disk.

Due to the long-term religious rule, the magical theory level of the Rakkor people is quite urgent. It is already very thrilling to instill a beggar's version of Ascended Ones, and the yield rate is also frighteningly low. If it were not for the support of religious fanaticism, I am afraid that a large number of Ba's who failed to ascend would have failed. Kai has already caused turmoil. At this time, if he wants to continue to increase the use of the sun disk, it may be too late to rely on them to study it step by step.

In this case, it is important to learn a little from the experience of the Shurima Empire.

Just when they were cleaning up the heresy of the Sun God Cult, the Solar Cult gained a lot of research notes and operation manuals. Although these antiques from the Shurima Empire era were old, they could be applied to the beggar's version of the Sun Disk with simple modifications. It just solves the urgent needs of the Rakkor and Nerimajie.

Compared with the ascension rituals they have mastered now, which can easily give birth to half of Bakai, these methods of applying the power of ascension in the Shurima Empire era are a little more troublesome and require a lot of initial investment, but after small-scale Experiments have proven to be effective.

For the Rakkor people, this is undoubtedly a gift from heaven.

Although the senior leaders of the Sun Sect and the Moon Sect knew that Bakai was born because the ascension ceremony was not complete enough, in order to prevent the followers from thinking wildly, they chose to brutally label those who failed to ascend as "not pious enough" and used This kind of unknown method blocks everyone's mouth.

At the same time, they had to minimize the impact of Bakai by improving the treatment of those who succeeded in ascension and setting them up as role models.

However, the demand for beggars' version of Ascended Ones during the war is endless. When the number of Bakai increases to a point that cannot be ignored, this argument becomes untenable - there are so many people who are not pious. !

At this time, there are other ways to use the sun disk, which is simply a gift from God. Therefore, without any hesitation, the Rakkor quickly reduced the infusion frequency of the beggar version of the Ascended Ones, passed a multi-sect joint resolution, and used their reserves to purchase various materials, intending to live an addiction to the Shurima Empire. , use the power of the sun disk to win this war.

Humph, the stupid Nerimaje people think we will help them rebuild Shurima?

No, that will not be the Shurima Empire, but a new, orthodox empire belonging to the Rakkor people!


Kalya has been paying attention to the development of the battle.

Not only the battle situation on the Naerima Jie front line, but more importantly, the transaction records of certain key commodities - as the regent prince of the Shurima Empire, he can be said to have a clear understanding of the many applications of the Sun Disk. As long as By keeping an eye on the gemstone trade including blood spar and tea agate, he could judge the application direction of the Rakkor people.

After stalking the black market in Uzeris for a month, Kalya, as expected, quickly determined the purpose of the Rakkor people.

Although these people were consciously hiding their traces, the transactions of uncommon gemstones were still too conspicuous. By estimating the types and quantities of gemstones traded, Kalya quickly confirmed that they planned to use the solar disk to create strong gravity. field.

This is a good choice. If a powerful gravity field is successfully deployed in Naerima Jie by relying on the power of the sun disk, then with the current combat power of the Shurima unified army, I am afraid that Azir will take Naerima. Jie is no longer possible. This kind of gravity field that increases gravity on a large scale can only be resisted by extraordinary people. What the Shurima United Army lacks most is this part of its combat power - they have a sufficient number of top powerhouses and ordinary soldiers. There is no problem with their quantity and equipment, but they lack elites, mainly extraordinary ones.

Now that the Rakkor's main target was confirmed, Kalya quickly began his next move.

Like to set up powerful gravity fields?

No problem, just arrange it.

But where does your energy channel go?

Considering that the sun disk is on Mount Targon, and Nerimajie is at the bottom of the mountain... Could it be that you plan to learn from the experience of the Shurima Empire era and empower people through water channels?

Coincidentally, there happens to be a dense water network in the west of Nerimaji City and at the east foot of Mount Targon, which seems to be suitable for carrying the task of empowering transportation.

The name of this water network is Qianhe Diversion Project.

Its chief architect is none other than Kalya himself, who is plotting against the Rakkor.

Rapid heartbeat, palpitation, hotness and easy sweating, and poor condition.

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