Lux's Farewell

Chapter 967【0958】Reversal

Chapter 967【0958】Reversal

As expected by Kalya, the Rakkor people did set their sights on the Thousand River Diversion Project.

After all, if you want to efficiently utilize the ascending power of the sun's disk and create a powerful gravity field to completely defend Nerimajie, transporting energy through the water channels of the Thousand Rivers Diversion Project is the best way - they have just received the order from the Sun God Cult. The heretics seized some architectural materials of the Shurima Empire, including a lot of relevant information about underground waterways.

With the help of melted water from the snowy mountains on Mount Targon, the Rakkor people have confirmed that water flow can indeed assist in energy transfer. In this case, the Thousand River Diversion Project quickly gained unanimous approval from all sects.

Moreover, considering the ages of Renekton, Nasus, Azir and Xerath, they probably don't know about this ancient Shurima project. As long as they keep it secret, the Shurima Unified Army will definitely not find it. The energy river, and the water system of the Thousand River Diversion Project is so complicated, and also involves the water source of the Shurima River, no matter how crazy Azir is, he cannot take action on the entire project.

Therefore, the Rakkor people quickly began to take action. They began to purchase various node gems used to restrict the flow of energy through the North Shurima black market (actually the black market of Uzeris) that did not deal with Azir, including blood Many of the goods at the bottom of the box, including spar and tea agate, were quickly swept away by Lakor's senior executives who were not short of money.

For the sake of safety, these gems secretly changed hands several times before being sent to Mount Targon and cut and processed uniformly.

Due to the high processing requirements, in addition to the Rakkor craftsmen, they also hired a group of professional gem craftsmen at the Marrow Seal Market and paid ten times the price to hire them to work in the mountains to ensure that no specific information would be leaked.

As long as the raw materials and processors are taken care of, even if someone notices the market fluctuations, the Rakkor will not be found!

But it's a pity that they didn't realize from the beginning that there was another guy hiding in the dark who was always paying attention to the situation of the Raqor people. There was actually another person behind the "capture" of the heresy of the Sun God Cult. Deep meaning.

The Rakkor people, who thought they had done everything perfectly, had no idea that when they started buying those gems, Kalya had already guessed most of their plans.

The only thing Kalya has to confirm next is which river these Rakoul people will choose to transform into an energy river.

Of course, Kalya is not clueless on this point - he knows all the rivers in the Thousand River Diversion Project. Considering that the energy river has tightness requirements, the surface water system cannot meet the requirements.

And this means that at least two-thirds of the options have been eliminated.

Coupled with considerations such as the depth of the waterway, the width of the culvert, and the difficulty of construction, there are only a handful of rivers that can be transformed into energy rivers by the Rakkor people.

Kalya knew the checkpoints of these ten water systems very well - he could remember them all just by walking around.

Therefore, the plan that the Rakor people thought was extremely hidden was simply one-way transparent in front of Kalya.

When the Rakor people began to build the energy river, Kalya discovered the clues immediately: the relatively cautious Rakor people chose the Jitong Canal as the main channel of the energy river, and for the sake of safety, also added the San Main canals were also maintained and repaired as backup channels.

The two underground waterways, Jitong Canal and Sanggan Canal, will merge into the moat less than one mile west of Nerimajie City, which fully meets the various needs for building a powerful gravity field. very good.


With the exception of Kalya, who was almost completely unaware of the situation, the Rakkor people completed the construction of the energy river in less than two months. The reason why the Rakkor people were able to build it so quickly was mainly because of the power of the Rakkor people. The construction team is all extraordinary.

That's right, in order to keep up with the schedule, those responsible for building the energy river were the beggars' version of the Ascended Ones.

They can ignore the complex turbulence in the underground waterways and process the semi-finished array on the river channels. Their efficiency is more than a little faster than intercepting the river channels and processing them under normal circumstances.

Back then, Lux's Archon Engineering Team, which was all composed of mages, was already crazy. Now, the Rakkor have simply made a

Considering that these people are complete novices, I am afraid that although this project may seem like that for the time being, it is probably still dregs in nature. If it is used for a long time, the maintenance cost may be quite staggering.

But the Rakkor people obviously don't care about this. For them, these two energy rivers are mainly used for fighting. As long as a strong gravity field appears around Nerimajie and the Shurima unified army cannot solve it, That war will be over soon!

While their construction was in full swing, Kalya waited leisurely, watching the Rakkor people stumble and complete the entire project, barely completing these two unreliable energy rivers.

During the project, Kalya, who was eager to help others, even helped them perform some maintenance when no one was around, and helped the Rakkor eliminate many hidden dangers without even realizing it.

As the project progressed, the siege in Nerimajie became more and more difficult - since many Ascended Beggars were transferred away, the Rakkor even sent Bakai to participate in the battle. Only by allowing these aberrations, who had not fully ascended due to flaws in the ascension ritual, to participate in the deadly battle to defend the city in the name of "atonement" could the third city wall of Nerimajie be maintained.

That's right, Nerimajie has five walls. Although only the third and fifth walls are built for defense, the other walls are closer to the "city-encircling elevated road" and are not usually closed to pedestrians, but when entering After the siege, they still stopped the Shurima unified army very well, forcing them to slowly grind away wall after wall.

After the energy river was repaired, the most critical third city wall also entered the stage of fierce competition. If it continues to be consumed like this, once this wall also falls, I am afraid that Nerimajie's morale will plummet in the future.

But now, things are different.

With the completion of the construction of the energy river, the power of ascension entered the groundwater of Nerimajie through underground channels and injected into the moat water system. As the power of the sun disk surged in, Nerimajie's third to third channels Within the area of ​​the five city walls, gravity suddenly intensified.

The Shurima unified army was caught off guard. The Rakkor and Nerimajie defenders took advantage of the situation to counterattack, recaptured the entire city wall in one fell swoop, and drove the enemy out of the moat in one fell swoop.

The situation in the war seemed to have changed dramatically overnight.

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