Lux's Farewell

Chapter 972【0963】Confidence

Chapter 972【0963】Confidence

Kalya knew the origin of the Sun Disk's power, and so did the Titans.

After all, the Titans were just middlemen for Aurelion's power.

Although the Titans have long been familiar with and adapted to all this, and are used to using the Crown of Stars to control Aurelion to deal with threats that are difficult to deal with, they still felt a little at a loss when Kalya pointed out this problem sharply.

After successfully tricking Aurelion Sol into wearing the crown of the stars, the Titans successfully built a perfect closed loop that was beneficial to themselves - any threat they encountered could make Aurelion Although this giant dragon is not willing to be controlled by the giant, the giant can be protected by Runeterra without worrying about attacks from Aurelion.

Runeterra rejects Aurelion, and no matter how angry the Starforge Dragon King is, there is nothing he can do against the giant.

However, the rise of Kalya - or the mortals of Rune Land - broke this perfect star map plan.

If one day, these people grow enough to threaten the Titans and force the Titans to stay away from Runeterra, then once Aurelion gets the news, I am afraid that what awaits the Titans will be a disaster.

And now, the situation seems to have gotten worse. Judging from Kalya's performance, he even made some contact with Aurelion...

Fortunately, Shurima's sun disk has long since collapsed. Even if there is some kind of connection between the two sides, Aurelion cannot provide any support to these mortals in the distant heaven. As long as the rebellion in front of them is eliminated that can shake the giant's status, that belongs to The perfect order of the Titans can still run.

So, without any warning, the body of the Twilight Star Spirit passed through the veil of twilight, came directly to Kalya's side, and launched a fatal surprise attack on Kalya.

Kalya, who was always vigilant, spread out like quicksand, and then condensed again after changing positions. He did not fight back immediately, but stared at the Twilight Star Spirit who fled away after failing to hit it, and shouted. There was a tut-tut sound.

"You're panicking." Kalya smacked his lips and shook his head and commented sharply, "You are worried. This has never been the case in the past."


Twilight did not respond - because no matter what response he made at this time, it seemed that something was not right. Compared with being quick to talk, the most important thing now was to completely destroy the resisters among these mortals.

Kalya, as well as the remnants of the Shurima Empire around him, these people who inherited the power of ascension and became what they are today, have completely become a serious problem for the giant god.

The war with the Void did not completely destroy them, nor did the internal strife after the empire's collapse.

When Kalya woke up again and made all preparations, entangled these people to climb up, the Titans on Mount Targon finally had to face the biggest crisis since they successfully controlled the Star-Forging Dragon King.

Fortunately, although Kalya has called all the old guys he can, the size of this team of climbers is still not the same as the Thousand Gods Legion of the Shurima Empire, and in the Titans This place on the peak belongs to the home ground of the giant gods, and the protoss spirits are confident to face these challengers.

This is different from Runeterra. Here, the giants can use the power of the stars to fight without restraint.

When the impatient Renekton put on his gauntlets and brandished his sharp blade and headed straight towards the Twilight Protoss, a meteor streaked across the sky. The Twilight Protoss only had to wave his hand slightly, and the meteor was dragged away. With a long tail flame, it blasted towards Renekton.

Renekton ran rampant and avoided the bombardment of meteors, but the originally solid mountain rocks under his feet could not withstand this astonishing attack. Together with the suspended stone vortex, a gap was forcibly smashed. If it weren't for Tully, Ya immediately built a stone curtain and connected the scattered and collapsed rocks to catch Renekton. I was afraid that under this blow, Renekton would fall off the cliff and start climbing again.

Following the actions of the Twilight Star Spirits, other Star Spirits also mobilized their own power of the Titans without reservation. For a moment, a colorful meteor shower seemed to fall on the Titan Peak, and on the battlefield Sometimes it's silent, sometimes it's noisy, sometimes it's full of spring, sometimes it's full of chills.

The star spirits on Mount Targon mobilized the mighty power belonging to the giant gods extremely smoothly. Countless spells that could cause changes in the world were in their hands, as if they were just the most common apprentice tricks; in contrast, whether it was for Az For ascendants like Er and Xerath, and dark descendants like Varus and Xu Yuyan, the environment on Mount Targon makes them extremely uncomfortable.

Under the ebb and flow of the situation, the climbers and their party were quickly suppressed. Even though they had more combat experience and could cooperate with each other very well, they had to retreat again and again in the face of the heavenly spells of many stars. Retreat, forced to stay away from those beggar's version of the sun disk.

On this chaotic battlefield, the elemental Kalya kept dodging left and right, never really taking action, as if he had been waiting for something.

The twilight protoss kept their eyes on Kalya.

Although they don't know what Kalya is planning, the Twilight Stars can be sure that Kalya is the core of this operation. As long as Kalya is caught, the other Ascended Ones and Darkspawn will be nothing more than a mob. Even if they had resentment towards the protoss, they would never be able to fight as one as they are now.

If we kill Kalya, we can defeat the others one by one!

But Kalya is a very slippery guy. Not only does he frequently avoid damage through elemental transformation, but sometimes he even spreads his wings and flies up, temporarily leaving the battlefield. Twilight Star Spirits have passed through the curtain of twilight several times to initiate They made surprise attacks, but Kalya dodged them all and never made any achievements.

Fortunately, at least he had an eye on Kalya. Judging from the overall situation of the battle, the protoss side had an obvious advantage. As long as Twilight nailed Kalya to ensure that he would return without success this time, then Kalya, who gave up eternity, should It is no longer possible to gather enough people to shake the order of the Titans.

Time is on the Titan's side!

Kalya has no talent for time magic, so he doesn't know whose side time is on.

But what he can confirm is that Zoe is on his side and Aurelion Sol is on his side.

Although the situation in the frontal battle looks unfavorable, Kalya is not anxious at all, because the most critical person he is waiting for has not yet arrived.

The Ascended Ones and Darkspawn who were resentful of the Titans were ruthless, but they were never the key to Kalya's plan - the Titans knew the Shurima Empire very well, and also knew every Ascended One and Darkin, and wanted to rely on them. It was impossible from the beginning for this team that had been reluctantly combined in this way to defeat the Titan and dismantle the order established by the Titan in Runeterra.

Only those powers that the giants didn't understand and ignored out of arrogance could give them a fatal blow.

Zoe, Zoe, are you ready?


Even for Zoe, time travel is still magical and wonderful.

She never thought that one day she would be able to travel up the long river of time, let alone that what she saw and heard during the journey through time would be so colorful.

The only thing that makes Zoe feel a little pity is that the travel companion and tour guide on this time journey, this old man named Kieran is really too boring - it would be better if he had been replaced by Kalya, he only knows to remind himself that this is not possible, That won't work, for fear of causing any disturbance to time. What a weirdo. While saying that the past cannot be changed, he is also worried about changing the past. He is simply weirder than himself.

When the journey of time came to an end and Zoe arrived at the foot of the familiar Mount Targon, the little girl was still a little unfinished. Only at Kieran's urging did she realize that as she had agreed with Kalya before, Try your best to open a door in front of you.

Even for Zoe, it was quite difficult to open the door, and when the door just opened a crack, the Twilight Stars on Mount Targon felt something was wrong.

"War!" he shouted, "Pantheon! How is the Star Crown?"

"The Crown of the Stars is complete." He raised his shield and withstood a heavy blow from Nasus' scepter. The War Protoss responded impatiently, "It is complete. I guarantee it in the name of Pantheon - No!"

The next moment, when Nasus raised his scepter high again, intending to attack the war protoss again, another meteor shower fell from the sky.

However, unlike the previous meteors, this meteor shower seemed to be natural. When Nasus dodged backwards and found that the meteors turned into meteorites and whizzed towards the ground, he couldn't help but raise his head.

Then, he saw a scene he would never forget.

The Pantheon constellation, which was originally damaged at one corner, was completely broken into two, four, and eight pieces, and finally turned into a scattered and shapeless cluster of stars. The meteor shower just now was when the Pantheon star spirit was broken. Scattered meteors.

This...what's going on?

In everyone's surprise, a bright light rose from the foot of the Titan Peak and headed straight towards Yunhan. A moment later, "another war star spirit" came to the center of the battlefield.

"Very good, Atreus." After seeing this man, Kalya finally showed a smile on his face, "It turns out that you are more suitable for this power than the despicable Titan."

"If it were not for this battle, I would rather not have this power." Atreus responded coldly, "That is not my power."

"Very good, very good." Kalya smiled and clapped, "I promise, this is the last time you need to do this."

Contrary to Atreus, with the collapse of Pantheon's constellation, the spears and shields shining with starlight in the hands of the War Stars turned into dots of brilliance and completely dissipated; his body fell to his knees and fell to the ground after a moment. His orifices were bleeding and he fell down.

This scene caused all the protoss to stop what they were doing, because they clearly sensed that it seemed that the one who had just died was not the war protoss, but... the war giant.

Immortal giants fear death far more than mortals.

To them, the death of the protoss is just a change of account and vest. They have never cared about it, but just now, the Pantheon constellation collapsed without warning, and the war giant seemed to be completely annihilated. All the giant gods were shocked.

Could it be that the giant god will also die?

And this kind of death that I don’t know how to die...death?

Panic began to spread, and many protoss had the intention of retreating.

"Pan Sen has been planted with the seeds of death by Kalya a long time ago. This is a trick he used to scare us at the cost of his own immortality!" Twilight Star Spirit said immediately, "Don't be fooled by this cunning guy. It was deceived!”

"Well said!" Kalya applauded with a smile, "I exchanged immortality for one, so everyone present will not begrudge losing this fallen immortality, right?"

The expressions of the dark descendants quickly changed.

For Darkin, death means relief, but living is torture.

If you could exchange immortality with a giant for one...that would be great!

As Kalya said these words, the expressions of the protoss worsened. Even though the Twilight protoss tried to boost their morale, they all had the intention of retreating and seemed unwilling to continue fighting.

The giants are happy to accept a battle that does not lead to death; but none of them can take it lightly in a war that actually involves death.

In this case, they prefer to talk to mortals and come up with a plan that everyone can accept.

However, Kalya did not intend to give them a chance to talk from the beginning.

Just when the protoss retreated and gave way to the position of the sun disk, a portal appeared without warning. Zoe got out of it, then shouted "Come on, big dragon dragon" and opened it with her backhand. A very small portal opened.

The Twilight Stars immediately tried to stop it, but were blocked by the wind and sand stirred up by Kalya, who had been prepared for it. They could only watch Zoe open the portal that traveled through endless space.

As the portal was opened, a bright light shone out from it and was projected onto the sun disk.

The beggar's version of the sun disk made a "zheng" sound and then blazed brightly.

On the altar of the sun disk, a light that is very familiar to most climbers shines - the light of ascension!

Renekton, who was under this light, shouted loudly, and his already tall body suddenly expanded several feet. His eyes were red, and his body twisted into a killing whirlwind, and he rushed towards Zoe, seemingly planning to stop him. The twilight protoss.

Kalya controlled the beggar's version of the sun disk, letting the ascending light sweep across the battlefield. Under the light, the ascended ones were strengthened, while the dark descendants felt pain and happiness, and then it was as if they had been added to a BUFF. Roaring, he ran towards the already frightened Star Spirit.

Under this posture, many giant gods no longer have the determination to resist, and it seems that they will abandon their star spirits and return to the heavens at the next moment.

"Can't retreat!" Twilight Star Spirit roared, "These mortals have contacted Aurelion, and the Crown of Stars is on the verge of being broken. If we don't completely eliminate them and occupy Runeterra, then we will be in the heavens. Facing Thor’s endless pursuit!”

The finale is coming.

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