Lux's Farewell

Chapter 973 [Final Chapter] Morning Star

The fear of death gave the giants some courage to fight.

They timidly mobilized the power of the stars again, but what was different from before was that they were unwilling to get close to the climbers, but insisted that they must be in a safe place before they dared to fight back. They were horribly cowardly.

The more they cowered, the more unfavorable the battle situation became. Not only did the climbers gain a firm foothold near the Beggar’s Sun Disk, but their cooperation became more and more skillful, and they even began to have the energy to continue climbing.

Although the protoss spirits are still resisting, it seems that this is just a pretense of resistance. Once things are not harmonious, they will definitely abandon the bodies of the protoss without hesitation, return to the heaven, and then search for Before your eyes are fixed on yourself, you become a wandering mind...

Twilight was anxious and angry.

Although he is as afraid of death as other giants, he is obviously more rational than his own kind. More importantly, whether it is against Aurelion's plan or against the dark descendants, he is uncompromising. The mastermind, if other giants abandon their constellations and become wandering gods, they might be able to survive, but Twilight will definitely be traced to the end.

Anyone can run away, but Twilight can't.

In this case, Twilight must do her best to find the only chance of survival for herself.

The order of Runeterra cannot be lost, and the restraint of Aurelion Sol must not be lifted!

Seeing that the Titans were unreliable, Twilight finally set her sights on Zoe, her former protoss and current member of the Twilight Avengers, who was clapping her hands and watching the Titans' jokes.

As long as the connection between Aurelion and these mortals is cut off, there will still be a chance for everything!

So, he passed through the veil of twilight without hesitation, appeared next to Zoe, and launched a fatal blow to her.

Zoe, who was once a Twilight Star, was very familiar with all this, so she easily and skillfully avoided the attacks from the Twilight Stars. She even had time to look back and make a face when she opened the portal and left. .

However, Zoe is quite familiar with the Twilight Titan, so wouldn't the Twilight Titan be familiar with Zoe in turn?

It seemed that this fatal raid failed completely, but after the raid was ineffective, the twilight star spirit escaped into the curtain of twilight, as if to turn around and counterattack Kalya, and when Zoe returned to the original place along the portal and planned to taunt one or two, The twilight protoss pretended to leave, but they shot back.

Zoe was caught off guard and was frightened. Although she barely avoided fatal damage, she no longer had the ability to maintain the portal.

The originally brilliant sun disk has now dimmed visibly to the naked eye, and the morale of many star spirits who saw this has been greatly boosted, and the situation on the battlefield seems to be changing again.

It was at this time that an unexpected figure appeared on Mount Targon. here.


Lux was never on Kalya's list for this operation.

For Kalya, Lux represents the future of Runeterra. Runeterra needs a reliable helmsman. He believes that Lux, who has been trained by himself, can shoulder this heavy responsibility, even if Demacia is now far away from Shuri. The Mar Empire was still far from its most prosperous, but Kalya still believed that Lux would be the one to lead Runeterra to the heavens.

But now, Lux appears on Mount Targon unexpectedly!

Where did she get the news?

The next moment, as Kyle and Morgana also appeared, Kalya finally smiled bitterly.

He convinced Soraka, and Lux ​​finally convinced the Winged Sisters.

Seeing that Zoe could no longer support the portal, Lux pulled out the broken blade from her waist without hesitation and pointed it directly at the sky. As she moved, a bright light that seemed to penetrate the universe shot straight into the sky. When this When the light came on, the clouds surrounding the Titan Mountain seemed to be lit up.

Night turned into day, but this time it wasn't the blazing sun that lit up the sky.

And as this light lit up, Aurelion, who was about to gradually "break the link" with Runeterra, soon had a new goal. A comet with a long tail flame crossed the sky and merged with this light. As one body, the power of ascension from Thor poured into Lux's body.

In the almost dull gazes of all the Ascended Ones and Darklings, the ascension light seemed to be a layer of armor, covering Lux's body.

The sword grid of the broken blade increased, and the sword body was recast in the power of ascension.

The light-forged wings turned into real golden wings, and the rune steel armor turned into a pure golden armor after being perfectly charged.

Under the halo of light, Lux's slightly childish face became blurred and full of majesty, and was eventually obscured by the visor, which continued to protrude forward, eventually forming a beak-like protrusion.

Finally, when the scattered light of ascension turned into the shape of a flying feather, a quicksand-like light curtain spread over Lux's shoulders. In a trance, they seemed to have once again seen the Empress who was loved and respected by all the ascendants. .

And it was still the peak of Empress Wu when she was cut off from Icacia—no, it was the overloaded state!

Even Lux cannot directly withstand the power from Aurelion. Although she is working hard to channel the power transmitted through light into the sun disk, if she continues, she may not be able to support it first. !

All the people on the summit can do is take advantage of this opportunity to attack with all their strength, and as long as Lux can hold on, they can completely defeat the protoss' front; and the protoss also realize that this is the most critical moment, So I reluctantly mustered up the courage to fight until the Lax lamp runs out of oil!

The battle became extremely fierce. But Kalya, who was originally at the center of the battle, suddenly became a little distracted.

Did things... really come to this point?

Although I had made all the preparations long ago, when the time came, I still felt a little bit reluctant to let go.

The dream of reaching the stars and becoming a god, which he has always avoided, will eventually become a reality - time is always seizing the day!

So, he looked at Lux with a smile, who straightened his shoulders, as if he was going to bear everything; his eyes glanced at Azir, who clearly wanted to revive Shurima but had left his post without permission; and he glanced at the man who had experienced countless years. Varus was tortured by the Dark One but still willing to believe in him.

That's pretty good too.

Finally, Kalya took a deep breath, and then walked slowly into the bright starlight.

Following the method taught by Soraka, he held the fragments of Pantheon's constellation, focused all his attention on the starry sky that had not completely collapsed, let go of all guard, and embraced the endless The radiance of heaven.

With Kalya's movements, his elemental body underwent a qualitative change. After the power of heaven completely broke the balance, he seemed to be rejected by Runeterra, and his whole person became lighter.

Kalya's body began to rise.

When Lux realized this, he had already rushed towards the heaven like a meteor in the opposite direction and became one of the stars in the sky.

The broken Pantheon constellation was integrated by him, and finally hung high in the sky in the far east. Thor, who was in the heaven, seemed to have heard the call and changed his direction, no longer relying on Lux but This twinkling star reflects its power onto Mount Targon.

The sun's disk shines brightly again.

While the other protoss were still reluctantly resisting, the twilight protoss who saw the situation was not going well was the first to flee. With its departure, the old order of Runeterra, which was deeply influenced by the Titan, finally collapsed, and the vast sky , everything seems to have changed.


When Lux came back to her senses, there was silence on the top of Titan Peak.

Everyone raised their heads and looked at the star that was still shining in the east. Just when Lux wanted to ask where Kalya had gone, Thalia handed her a letter.


When you read this letter, I should have become what I hate most, and become one of the giants, just like you who hated politics the most when you were a child, but now you have become a politician.

Now you only need to raise your head and look east, and you should be able to see me - no matter it is night or day, the brightest star is me, Morning Star, how about this name?

I have lived too long. For me, my long life is a wonderful but unfinished journey, but the wonderfulness comes from the finite. The cowardice and despicability of the giants have always reminded me that true infinity can only It brought about unbridled squandering, so while I could still make up my mind, I decided to give myself a more brilliant ending.

How about it, is it bright enough?

To be honest, when I first met you, I never thought there would be such an ending. Although you were still young at that time, your kindness and innocence seemed to overflow with tears. My first One thought was even "I hope she can become a qualified rune stone".

But later on, you impressed me again and again, until you climbed Mount Targon, I finally decided that you would be the one who truly inherited my will, and judging from the results, you did a great job.

Now that the blockade from the giant gods has been cut off, the power of runes has its direction. With the supply of these two energy sources, I believe that Rune Land will move towards the era of heaven. As the leader of this era, you have the responsibility on your shoulders. The burden is not light at all.

I hope you can always maintain the kindness in your heart, but never shake your reason because of this. Although I should have no chance to remind you again, but believe me, I will always watch Runeterra in the east sky, waiting for you, waiting for Runeterra. More people come here and maybe you will see me again.

Okay, wipe away your tears, it’s time to celebrate your victory!

Love you·Karya】

After reading the last line slowly, Lux finally put down the letter.

She raised her head and looked at the morning star in the east. The stars were twinkling, as if some old guy was blinking at her.

"You guessed wrong, Teacher Kalya." Lux murmured, "I didn't cry." (End of Chapter)

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