Chapter 155 203. Dawusa, the Kingdom of Saints (6.3K words-please subscribe)

The demon-like man threw "Master Tao" aside casually.

Bang! !

The body of the four-meter strong man fell into the dust, and was swallowed up by a dark force from the inside out. This is a sacrifice promised to the devil. If you don’t sacrifice your soul, how can you become a blood descendant and enjoy this life? Bliss?

Chi Chi Chi! !

The steel bayonet-like sharp claws retracted into the five fingers, making those hands warm and ordinary again. No one could believe that it was such hands that killed "Master Tao" in an instant.

Who is Master Tao?

This is one of the most powerful people in the Gluttony Temple, a character who can calm down the scene as soon as he appears, and a character that believers like Ling Shili want to follow and are willing to be younger brothers and sisters.

But he was instantly killed by Bai Shan.

A cold and realistic sense of class was born in the hearts of everyone.

They were at the bottom of the stairs, and the man looked down on them from above.

Bai Shan was actually quite flustered, he didn't like "too many people" very much, the banquets and dinners in his previous life, and the poetry gatherings in this life would make him at a loss. He thought that the improvement of his strength would change, but now he understands that some things are wrong. will change.

He likes to travel with one or two friends, he likes to drive slowly, keep letters far away, love only one person in his life, and when facing an enemy, he will concentrate on performing, dedicating, confronting, and then killing.

But now.
He stood on the altar, with people behind him and people in front of him, in a vast expanse, and suddenly, he became a little dazed.

He had calculated the scene at this time many times in his mind, even the details, so he frightened everyone, but did not kill them, but when "Master Tao" appeared, he was instantly killed by him.

He had already thought about these disposal methods.

at this time
In the altar, the stone pillars stand tall and majestic, and the candles are full of candles, illuminating the mystery of the catacombs and the strangeness of the sect, as well as the blood and corpses on the ground.

The believers were wrapped in black robes, and they were silent, hiding fear, and kept silent like cicadas. His sudden birth has suppressed this place, making him appear invincible in the hearts of everyone, and making him become "one word for life, one word for people" the existence of death.

Because in the Paradise of Elysium, no one can instantly kill "Master Tao".

It can be said that Baishan has already succeeded in half.

He has changed from a person who has nothing to do with Elysium to the finale boss who appeared in the confrontation of the "two major powers".

Now who would think that he is not the terrifying existence of the Blood Fire Temple?
His goal is almost achieved.

But he
But he was in a slump.

But just want it to end as soon as possible.

He found that he was not suitable to be an organizer or a leader at all, and he was not suitable to form any forces. It seemed that there were only a few people in his world, and he only wanted to have a few people.

Even if the world changes and the sea changes, there are still only those few people.

No one would have thought that such a frightening demon-god-like fanatic would feel this way at this moment.

After he said "everyone, sit down and have a talk", he found that many people could not understand.

"Xiao Rou, you translate." Bai Shan said.

The maid in blue actually felt "flattered".

So, she stepped forward and translated Bai Shan's words in Beiman language.

Whoa whoa whoa.
Immediately, everyone sat down.

Although believers all worship the gods they believe in, the purpose of their worship is for pleasure.
If you are dead, then naturally you cannot enjoy yourself.

The maid in blue looked sideways at Bai Shan, waiting respectfully for the follow-up instructions.

Bai Shan said: "Ask them, I am a great Wusa, does anyone have any objections?"

The blue-clothed maid turned her head again and translated in a chattering voice.

There was a pause. There was a burst of noise.

Although Bai Shan couldn't understand what they said, he added another sentence: "As a great witch, I will not ask for sacrifices, but the future direction of my Paradise of Ultimate Bliss is up to me!"

Xiao Rou was stunned for a moment, then turned her head, her lips moved a few times, but she hesitated to speak, as if she wanted to say something to Bai Shan, but she didn't dare.

Bai Shan said: "You and I are both believers, so it's okay to speak out."

Only then did Xiaorou respectfully say: "My lord, you can actually ask them to hand over the sacrifices."

Bai Shan shook his head and said: "The great abyss disaster tiger doesn't care about these meager sacrifices, it only wants the best sacrifices!"

Xiaorou said softly: "My lord, I suggest we talk about the sacrifice later.

Rewards can't buy people's hearts, they will only think you are afraid, so they give them rewards.
In front of you are a group of greedy, bullying and fearful beings who are good at making trouble. "

As a traitor, Xiaorou has a delicate mind, seeing that such a big figure has emerged from the sect she believes in at this time, she will do her best with all her heart.

After finishing speaking, she hurriedly said: "Sorry, my lord, I am talking too much."

at this time
The audience is noisy again, you talk to me.

Bai Shan vaguely understood a little bit, probably whoever is stronger is the great shaman, and he still needs to defeat at least someone else to become a great shaman.

Xiaorou turned around and started translating again.

"My lord, they have seen your great faith and the power you have obtained from the demon god.

However, there are still three people in this land who have such strong beliefs.

You need to conquer them in order to become the Grand Usa. "

Baishan quietly feels
After so long, his first attack has recovered.

"Tell them they can go now."

"Now?!" Xiao Rou was shocked.

Bai Shan said: "Let them follow together."

Perhaps because he thought it was too plain, he tried his best to make a smile appear on the corners of his lips, then stood up frantically, raised his hands and said, "Let's come to the new era of Paradise together!! Hahahaha!"

After laughing, he felt quite embarrassed himself.

But the atmosphere at the scene was very warm.

If he was just an ordinary person, he would only be considered stupid if he did so, but now he is an existence standing on top of the pyramid, and everyone will only feel the true madness from his emotions and be greatly touched.

That night
Bai Shan's impression is that he led a group of people to a place to suppress a powerful believer. This believer is called "Ghost Bear King".

Then there were more people following behind him, even the "Ghost Bear King" got up and followed behind him.

Then came to the second place and suppressed the second powerful believer, this believer was called he remembered before, but he had forgotten.
In short, there are more people behind him.

Then they came to the third place and suppressed the third and fourth people. They were a pair of twin beauties, one was actually good at mental attacks, the other was good at physical attacks, and I forgot their names.

After defeating the four of them, it was dawn.

It snowed all night and stopped at dawn.

At this time, many believers in the Paradise of Elysium still have not believed that the city of Elysium, which was originally a mess, was unified overnight.

Pairs of eyes looked at the invincible figure with awe.

There was shock, envy, doubt.

"How much is he favored by the Demon God?"

"What kind of sacrifice did he give?"

Some people began to look forward to the future of Paradise.

"This is our new Dawusa, a powerful Dawusa like never before!"

"Daqian's colorful world, here we come!"

Some people admired it, and began to think about how to take a step closer to Dawusa.

But these believers are still some distance away from Baishan.

Because there are still six people between them and Baishan.

Those are the six believers following behind Baishan
"Blue Maid" Xiao Rou, "Ghost Bear King" Wu Fuxiang, "Blood River Demon" Xing Gongling, Nightingale, Night Fairy, King Du Tu.
"The Maid in Blue Clothes" Xiao Rou is a husky who mixes with the wolves. She is very cowardly. But because Bai Shan is "familiar" with her, and she needs to translate every time, she reluctantly shows her face and walks away tremblingly. Among the strong ones.

Wu Fuxiang belongs to the "Temple of Gluttony". He is the first strongman defeated by Baishan. His strength is stronger than Lord Tao. His style is similar to Baishan. A ruthless character who defeated Fairy Yunluo or Daoist Huanglong within two hits.

After being suppressed by Baishan casually, Wu Puxiang wanted to see the appearance of other strong men being suppressed by Baishan in order to restore his confidence, so he followed all the way, and then he got his wish, watching the latecomers one by one miserable, and he The reverence for Baishan is also getting deeper and deeper, and he immediately decided to support him as the Great Wusa.

Xinggongling is the second strongman suppressed by Baishan.

He belongs to the "Blood Fire Temple" and is regarded as the candidate to become the Great Wusa in the "Blood Fire Temple".

Before Baishan appeared, he had never been defeated.

After Baishan appeared, he was directly suppressed. After learning that the "Ghost Bear King" was also suppressed with one blow, Xingongling was not so sad at last. In addition, the demon god worshiped by Baishan was "Abyss Disaster Tiger" ", this is an important god of worship in the "Blood Fire Temple", and he also gave birth to the heart to support Baishan as a great witch.

This is a strong man belonging to the "Blood Fire Temple",
Nightingale and Yexian are the twin sisters of the Northern Man.

This is the top fanatic who belongs to the "Mysterious Temple", and is also the Ye family who is the core of the northern militant faction today, and has an extraordinary status in the Ye family.

Dutu King, this is a master of poison, not belonging to each of the three temples, but his toxin is superb. Ever since Baishan entered the city of bliss, Dutu King has been using poison on Baishan.

After the "Ghost Bear King" was defeated, Du Tu Da Wang used the poison a second time.

After that, King Dutu used poison on Baishan more than 20 times.

Then, as a fanatic who specialized in toxins and worshiped poisonous abyssal creatures, the Du Tu King shook his faith for the first time.

After Baishan snatched his small bottle in front of him, and then drank the toxin in the bottle, Dutu King Natoubai thought that if anyone did not approve of Baishan as a great witch, he would poison him to death .

this night.
For everyone, it is like a dream.

What is a legend?

What is "destruction and destruction"?

What is invincible.

All these words turned into flashes and brilliance, and were printed on the man who walked in the front.

This fanatic who is like a demon god has already conquered the world of bliss.

"Huh, it's finally coming to an end."

Bai Shan relaxed slightly.

"I want to go back to Wantai Mountain."

"It's been so long, finally we can see Sister Miaomiao again, right?"

He wanted to stretch, but noticed that all the believers were looking at him enthusiastically at this moment.

He is already an uncrowned king, and it is only a ceremony to become a great Wusa.

Now, he is going to complete the ceremony.

In the tall palace, an old man in a black robe with flame patterns stood quietly.

According to the current classification method, he actually belongs to the "Temple of Mysteries".

But he felt that he did not belong to this era.

He is the former great Wusa——A Sha Yin.

A Shayin was also the tall old man who helped Ye Huaiyin capture Feng Qingman.

Originally, Ashayin wanted to try to compete for the position of the new great shaman, but after seeing such terrifying existences as Wupuxiang and Xinggongling, he immediately lost confidence.

And at this moment. It's not that he doesn't have confidence, but that he can't imagine it.

Wu Fuxiang, someone like Xing Gongling was suppressed in an instant?

This person is unknown, called Lu Yan.

It seems to be an existence that believes in the "tiger of the abyss".

This is impossible!

Ah Shayin still couldn't believe it.

While thinking about it.
The former Great Wusa suddenly felt a deterrent oppression coming from afar.

He saw the leading black-haired man at a glance.

There are also the strong men of Paradise City following behind the man.

A'Shayin grabbed a skeleton stick from his arms with some reluctance.

This skeleton staff is the token of the great Wusa in the Elysium, and it is called the key to the abyss.

This is a treasure with many magical functions, it will not be destroyed, it can be transformed at will, it can communicate with certain existences in the abyss, and it is a small mobile altar.
Bai Shan stepped forward.

A Shayin was about to meet him.

Suddenly, several waves of coercion emanated from Wupuxiang, Xinggongling, and Ye's sisters behind Baishan, accompanied by the sinister gaze of King Dutu.

Asha understood.
He half kneeled on the ground, holding up the abyss key with both hands.

He wants to use his humility to make this new great shaman, and make the new great shaman's prestige reach the top.

Bai Shan grabbed it, gave up a drop of blood, and became the new owner of this weapon. Then, with a wave of his hand, the skeleton staff suddenly became a skeleton knife. With another thought, the skull knife was more than ten meters long, piercing through the air, making a trembling and ear-piercing sound voice.

Immediately afterwards, the blade was like flowing water, flashing and twisting in mid-air, like a steel structure at will, but this is also difficult to describe in terms of structure, because it is full of chaos and randomness, this is a twisted and difficult to be understood An item called anything, or a weapon.

Bai Shan Yi Nian put away the key to the abyss.

The palace was full of cheers.

The first step is over.

The second ritual is the sacrifice.

In short, it is to take a precious item and sacrifice it in front of the statue of the demon god that you reverence.

One is to prove that you are indeed a fanatic; the other is to let other believers see the greatness of the demon god you believe in; the third is the tradition of the Paradise of Elysium.

However, for Baishan, the difficulty of sacrifice lies in the need for public sacrifice.

Bai Shan only knew about the sacrificial process.

Place the offering in the center of the altar and pray silently aside.

His plan is very simple. During the sacrifice process, it is enough for him to reveal a little aura of the abyss disaster tiger to deceive people. As for other people's procedures, he is not going to follow them.

For one thing, he doesn't have any suitable sacrifices, poor ones will lower his status, and good ones will make people associate with his status.

Secondly, he didn't have any idols for sacrifices at all. Those idols were obtained by the believers from the Northland, and it was precisely because of the idols that believers could become believers.

However, he didn't care.

Anyway, he doesn't intend to be such a big witch for a long time.

He is going to turn the Paradise of Ultimate Bliss into a sharp blade, to stab Qingyun Xianzong fiercely.

It's enough to bluff for a while.

So, he fell to his knees frantically, chanting words.

Many believers watched silently from behind.

They were curious why the new great Wusa did not put any offerings, but soon they all understood.

This great shaman is offering a more precious spiritual sacrifice.

Then, they were extremely curious as to why the new great shaman didn't confess the statue of the "Abyss Calamity Tiger" Demon God.

Even Xiaorou was puzzled.

For formal sacrifices, it is necessary to sacrifice the idol first.

Otherwise, even if you sacrifice all kinds of beautiful things, the demon god will not feel your existence, let alone find you.

at first
There was silence off the field.

then continue
The believers are somewhat strange and inconsistent.

Over time.
Some even started to have doubts.

Nightingale, Sister Yexian stared curiously at the figure kneeling and offering sacrifices to the air with beautiful eyes.

"Ghost Bear King" Wu Puxiang turned his head, unable to understand at all.

"Blood River Demon" Xing Gongling narrowed his eyes slightly
Isn't this big Wusa not an abyss believer at all?
If you are not a believer in the abyss, you will have great abilities and will not be recognized by the world of bliss.

Bai Shan put his palms together all the time, as if silently praying.

The next moment, he suddenly opened his eyes, raised his hands suddenly, raised his arms, and said to the sky: "The great abyss disaster tiger, please accept the sacrifice of your most loyal believer!!"

After the words fell, Bai Shan no longer restrained the breath in his body
Fiery white threads drilled out from every inch of his pores, and each thread was filled with white flames. In an instant, the temperature of the altar began to rise, and the air became distorted as a result. The terrifying and violent air interweaved with the scorching fire, engulfing the cage. The tide pushes in all directions.

Demon god breath, born from it!

The power of brilliance and terror cannot be possessed by ordinary people!
Xiao Rou was dumbfounded, feeling the great aura so close, the source of this aura was on Da Wusa.

As soon as her knees gave way, she knelt down towards Da Wusa.

All the believers in the "Blood Fire Temple" who worshiped the "Tiger of the Abyss" also knelt down and recited their reverence devoutly.

Those who were still skeptical looked at the distorted air behind the Great Wusa and the rising white flames, and felt the power
They all knelt down one after another.

All doubts were shattered in an instant, and there was nothing left!

this level
The demon god has already descended into the world.

How much this new great shaman has been favored by the demon god!

What kind of spiritual sacrifice did he sacrifice in exchange for the temporary arrival of the demon god!

Could it be that he is the only son of the Demon God? !

No wonder he didn't need to follow the rules of taking out the idol, because the eyes of the demon god were watching him all the time!
People are different!
Dawusa is different from them.

They need to sacrifice with idols, but Dawusha doesn't!

After Baishan completed the sacrifice.

The ritual of the Great Wusa is over.

From then on, he became the king of the Paradise.

This seems simple, but it is just a manifestation of "a high degree of match between ability and goal".

First of all, it is the power of Baishan.

He is the only person in the whole world who has completed the [Five Chapters] from ancient times to the present, and his physical strength is extremely powerful.

Secondly, it is Baishan's identity.

He is the "Abyss Calamity Tiger". Although he is not the Abyss Calamity Tiger enshrined in the "Blood Fire Temple", he is also of the same kind.

It's as if the demon god of the abyss is running for the leader of the believer organization himself.

Again, it was the right identity provided by Miss Xiaomei.

Finally, it was time for Baishan to cut in.

Many factors overlap together, which shows a feeling of "very simple and natural".

But what is nature?

The sun comes out and the night goes away, that's nature.

Naturally, it is not simple, because of the many great powers and mysteries contained in it, this scene has been achieved.

After becoming a Dawusa, Baishan's "schedule" was full at once, and there were too many things to do.

He originally wanted to rush back to Wantai Mountain, but he couldn't do it after a while.

In the courtyard, the cold wind blows the breath of the snow-capped mountains, and the sun slantly falls on the stone table in the style of the foreign temple, shaking slightly with the shaking of the ancient wood, and some evil figures of the abyss fall from the mythical windows in the distance, flooding the world. It is solemn, peaceful and evil.

This is where Dawusa rests, works and has fun.

However, everything needs to be rebuilt, so it still looks empty.

Xiao Rou came here with a pile of letters and books, and respectfully placed them on the stone table.

Because he was familiar with Xiao Rou, Bai Shan asked her to do some chores for him.

On the other side, Ling Shili has also risen, her status is prominent, but she no longer dares to call herself "mother". From Ling Shili's point of view, this son of an old friend must have followed his father's will and crossed over Versailles Miramu to find To the deep belief in gods.

Now, since the son of an old friend has become a great shaman, Ling Shili has naturally become a loyal supporter.

"Lord Wusa, there are many things that need to be dealt with by you."

"Tell me."

"First of all, the Ye family. The Ye family has always been closely connected with our Paradise of Bliss. More than 60 years ago, when the Ye family was still the ruler of the northern barbarian golden tent royal family, our Paradise of Paradise was the state religion.

And now, after more than 60 years of cultivation and rest, the Ye family has successfully seized power, and now the head of the Ye family, Ye Mu, wants to meet you.

Ye Mu has been dormant for many years. During the change of the royal family in the Golden Tent, Ye Mu didn't even show up. He didn't come out from behind the scenes until you became a great shaman. "


"The second is the establishment of the kingdom of saints.

There are only two thousand believers in the Paradise of Paradise now, but as we step onto the world stage, these two thousand people will become elders of the Paradise of Paradise, and more and more believers from the periphery will join us.

In order to establish a strict class system, there must be a state-like law in the world of bliss, and it is a consistent tradition to establish a kingdom of saints.

In the Kingdom of Saints, Dawusa is also known as the Holy King, or the Lord of the Kingdom of Saints.

Secondly, it is necessary to establish a holy queen, the holy emperor.

After that, there are ten saints.

Then, a hundred evangelists need to be appointed. "

Bai Shan rubbed his forehead, he admitted that he underestimated the trouble of taking over a power.

Although he had the experience of "becoming the suzerain of the Four Elephant Sect", the Four Elephant Sect is a force with a fixed operating system, and it is supported by the powerful Bai Miaochan, so he doesn't have to do anything, so this experience is equivalent to zero.

But Paradise is different.

Paradise, this is a faction that has just completed its reorganization.

However, he didn't want to take care of this force at all, especially since he didn't know the Beiman language yet.

If this is a computer strategy game, what he wants to do is to use the mouse to frame all the believers in the world of bliss, and then go to the nine immortals A of Qingyun Xianzong in Jinzhou, and let them play by themselves in the subsequent battles.

But this doesn't work in reality.

Bai Shan glanced at Xiaorou.

Xiaorou obviously still has a lot to report.

He said, "Continue."



PS: The author slows down the rhythm a little bit, and when the rhythm picks up, he will work hard to update more words, and also reset the daily update time!

(End of this chapter)

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