Chapter 156 205. Official Meeting with Daoyueke, Return (8.3K Words-Please Subscribe)
The core of Paradise City,

Xiaorou reported the matters that needed to be dealt with bit by bit.

The more Bai Shan listened, the more he got a headache, he raised his hand and rubbed his forehead, thinking to himself.

"If you are entangled in these things, you don't know that you can return to Wantai Mountain and go to the Jinzhou battlefield in the year of the monkey."

"I'm afraid that by the time we arrive, the Nine Immortals of Qingyun Immortal Sect have already finished alchemy."

"Furthermore, a giant with a strict hierarchy like Saints Kingdom, although it can make people feel powerful, it is also a huge cage, full of intrigue and tedious matters.

It will inevitably take a lot of time and energy to deal with it.

Besides, I don't like the atmosphere of this Paradise. If I were to change places, I would rather destroy it than become the leader. "

"What should I do?"

Bai Shan lowered his eyes slightly, deep in thought.

His real purpose is not to use the Paradise of Ultimate Bliss to attack the Nine Immortals of Qingyun Xianzong in Jinzhou, but to create chaos.

After all, the people in the Paradise of Ultimate Bliss are much worse than the Nine Immortals of Qingyun Immortal Sect.

And now, although he has not yet confronted the nine immortals of Qingyun Xianzong, he should be slightly better.

If you really want to kill, you can be alone.

But what's the point of killing?
A hasty death will only attract the second-generation disciples of Xianzong, and even the ancestors.

Moreover, it will make the five sects of the fairy world share the same hatred, from the original fighting openly and secretly to a temporary monolith.

Killing a few people who can't beat him, to make the situation extremely worse, Baishan will not do this.

What he had been thinking of was always the Five Sects of the Immortal World.

If you want to destroy the five sects in the immortal world, you must cause civil strife among the five sects in the immortal world.

How messed up?
Even if you exhaust your tongue and tricks, it will not be messed up.

I really want to mess it up.
Then fan the flames, pull sideways, and secretly pass the knife to slash.

Therefore, his real purpose is to let "Xuantian Wanshouzong" and "Yunmeng Xianzong" secretly help the remnants of the previous dynasty to kill a few immortals of Qingyun Xianzong, and then let "Qingyun Xianzong" kill a few A fairy from "Xuantian Myriad Beast Sect" and "Yunmeng Immortal Sect".

Among them, let the grievances between the two parties become deeper and deeper, until it turns into a whirlpool, involving more and more people.

Two identities are required.

He is already a three-generation disciple of the "Qingyun Immortal Sect", and he is a genius, a monster, and the master of the Four Elephant Sect.

Now, he needs an identity of opposites, and a platform for dancing, chaotic and turbulent.

This is the reason why he really came to the world of bliss.

Instead of the so-called, let the world of bliss help him defeat Qingyun Xianzong.

It can only be another Xianzong who kills one Xianzong.

Baishan understood this from beginning to end.

He patiently listened and thought quietly.

After Xiaorou finished talking about the big things, she has already started to talk about various trivial things in detail.

Suddenly, Bai Shan's expression froze.

And in the courtyard, Xiaorou's report still sounded:

"Sword Saint Feng Qingman is still in the underground ice prison as a trade sacrifice. Master Xingongling originally planned to sacrifice him to the 'Blood River Demon', but now that there is a great witch, Master Xinggongling dare not act rashly Acting, and decided to hand over this rare offering to you. Would you accept it?"

"Yejia knows that the Great Wusa's palace is empty. They sent a hundred beauties, 300 strong slaves, six carts of gold, silver and jewelry, and countless other household items. How do you dispose of them?"

Fengqing barbaric?
Bai Shan remembered this person.

This is Ning Ning's second uncle, which is also his second uncle.

It seems that the second uncle was not able to escape from the front line, but was caught.

Bai Shan closed his eyes slightly, pondered for a while, then accepted the sacrifice of "Feng Qingman", and then received some other gifts.

In such a mixed place, others will not know his real purpose.

Half a day later, the trivial matters were hastily dealt with.

Bai Shan asked: "Xiaorou, are the formation of the Saints Kingdom and the positions in it determined by the Dawusa?"

Little Judo: "Yes, Da Wusa, that's the usual practice, but you need to weigh the forces of all parties."

Bai Shan understood.

This is a team formed by him, but he can't appoint a cat or a dog to take office. The most basic requirement is that the person he appoints must be convinced by others and be able to comprehensively coordinate the relationship between all parties.

And, to make matters worse, all believers must believe in their own demon god, because all their power comes from that demon god, so it is impossible to be loyal to him.

In other words, even if he appointed someone to be the Holy Queen, Holy Pope, Saint, and Evangelist, those people may not be loyal to him in their hearts.

very headache.
Quite a headache.
Although Bai Shan still has some "secret medicine" given by the powerful Bai Miaochan, this "secret medicine" can transform enemies into teammates, but it only targets those whose physical condition is within the limit of ordinary people, and who are in the late Vientiane Realm The presence.

Da Neng once said that if the physical fitness exceeds the limit of ordinary people, then the medicine will lose its effect.

But believers in this blissful world are stronger than body mutations, so these medicines are useless.

Seeing that Xiao Rou was still waiting, Bai Shan said lightly: "Go down first."

"Yes, Da Wusa." Xiaorou said goodbye respectfully. At this time, she had completely adjusted her mentality, and she no longer regarded the man in front of her as an ordinary person in Lingshili Manor.

Bai Shan sat in the courtyard in distress.

He found with regret that even if he became the Great Wusa of the Ultimate Bliss World, he couldn't mobilize the Ultimate Bliss World immediately.

In addition, he cannot control the world of bliss.

"Or, forcibly push forward, so that many believers in the Paradise of Paradise can directly set foot on the land of Jinzhou."

"No, it definitely won't work."

The feeling of being alone with one hand rose in Bai Shan's heart.

He suddenly realized that along the way, many things have already been done for him by others, so he only needs to overcome obstacles, keep practicing, and keep moving forward.

At first, it was Miss Xiaomei.

Later, it was Princess Yuzhen.

Now, he is relying on Da Neng, who manages everything in an orderly manner, so that he doesn't need to spend any energy on trivial matters.

It is with the help of these people that he can move forward smoothly and safely.

Suddenly, a gust of cold wind blows.

This abnormal coldness is still piercing, like ice needles piercing the skin of a person, causing a dull pain.

When I looked up again, I saw that the clear sky turned dark for a moment.

The sun is gone, replaced by iron-gray clouds, oppressing the empty palace.

A little crystal and pale snowflakes fell from it, followed by sudden heavy snow.

Bai Shanruo raised his head with emotion, and a snowflake flew down from his eyes, covering the ground.

He lowered his head again, only to see that the ground was soon covered with white.

The sky is vast, and the wind and snow are getting crazy.

The snow is getting thicker and thicker, burying the heels and calves.

It is clearly the weather in May and June, but for this northern land, it is like winter.

Bai Shan felt something in his heart, and when he looked down, he saw a bit of deep, lightless darkness mixed in the snow under his feet.

This darkness seems to have created a crack, slowly opening a narrow and terrifying "wound".



"Meet you."

A hoarse voice sounded.

The wind and snow were getting mad, and a terrifying but not huge figure appeared here.

Bai Shan followed the sound, but saw a horrified figure standing on the ground in the wind and snow, coming slowly.

The snow-white and holy fur exudes cold and scorching gossamer, and the strong oppressive force carries the breath from the abyss, covering the whole field.

Obviously, the appearance of such a terrifying existence will only make people feel fear, surprise, and awe.

However, no matter who it is, it will never be like Baishan at that time.
He actually felt that the white tiger was very sassy.

Because, when he looked at the white tiger, it was as if he saw himself, and he was inexplicably close to him.

The holy white tiger stepped out of the wind and snow and stopped in front of Baishan. The smooth white hair undulated in the wind and snow like the waves of a calm sea. A pair of tiger claws were pressed on the ground, showing a kind of cleanliness and holiness.

The tiger is Daoyueke!
The only abyss disaster tiger in the world!
A terrifying existence that can trigger an eruption of earth fire and bring about a volcanic eruption on any land, a moving natural disaster, a fallen immortal, an avenger who has died but is alive with a new identity, behind the scenes who secretly resisted the fairy world, and the hero of the Elysium. Demon God, the robbing master of 【Opening the Heaven Demon Sutra】
Such an existence, not to mention facing it squarely, even standing in front of it would make one tremble.

However, Baishan is not only looking at it, but also looking at its two ears.

Those are two fluffy ears, they look really cute
"What are you looking at?" A cold voice sounded.

Bai Shan said: "The heart is close, that's all."

He thought Dao Yueke already knew about him
But Dao Yueke's next sentence made him stunned.

Daoyue Kehu raised his eyebrows, and said coldly: "Of course you feel close. On the day you became a great witch, you once exuded a strong aura of disaster, but that aura was not me."

It took a step forward and asked aggressively, "Tell me, who is it?"

In its view, only those who have cultivated the [Fire Demon Chapter] to the ninth level in the world will have such a mutation, but...except for it, there is no one in the world who has cultivated the [Fire Demon Chapter] to the ninth level .

Originally it was suspicious of Baishan, but in her opinion, if it turned into a calamity tiger, it would be impossible to change back into a human form.

As for how it found out, that's because it has been relatively active, paying attention to the situation of rebellion against the fairy world in various places.

Naturally, it would not ignore such an important event as the Great Wusa in the Ultimate Bliss World.

On the other side, Bai Shan's pupils moved slightly, and he suddenly realized that "Miss" and "Miss Xiaomei" had kept it a secret for him!This is too reliable, right?
In this case, he got up and said, "Let's go outside the city."

Dao Yueke raised his paw, pressed a "Plum Blossom Seal" on the snow in front of him, and said: "Just a few words, no need to waste time, just here.

It's not time for you and me to officially meet.

The reason, you should understand. "

Bai Shan knew that what he was talking about was the "Lord of Robbers".

Before the opportunity came, Dao Yueke just wanted to stay behind the scenes and hand out knives to those who resisted the fairy world. Before that, Lin Chi, Tu Yue and many other beings that Bai Shan didn't know were all secretly helped by Dao Yueke.

Bai Shan asked strangely: "It's really here?"

Daoyue Ke said: "My speech is never a joke."

Bai Shan lay on the ground, his figure began to change, and snow-white hair began to grow.

Daoyue Ke's tiger eyes widened, showing shock, suddenly, it understood something, slapped Baishan down, and said: "Wait a minute, let's go outside the city."

Bai Shan withdrew his changes and returned to his human form. He nodded and said, "There is a mountain in the west of the city, so go to the mountain."

After a while.

On the snow-covered mountains.

Two holy white tigers are lying quietly on the edge of the cliff.

One of the white tigers raised its paw and pressed on the other white tiger. If someone didn't know it, they would think that the pair of white tigers were playing.

But it wasn't actually, Dao Yueke just couldn't believe it.

It has already touched the meat, smelled the smell, and even licked the opponent's fur. This is indeed the catastrophe of the abyss.

"It seems that today is the time for us to meet officially.

The reason, you should understand. "Dao Yueke made a judgment with a cold voice.

It was originally wondering where the catastrophic tiger aura of Baishan came from, but all this has been thoroughly understood.

Bai Shan held his tiger paws and looked at the snow tide and clouds in the distance. Although this was the first time he met Dao Yueke, he had known him for 13 years, so he was very familiar with him.

Now, we have become the only two catastrophe tigers in this world, so naturally we also have a natural sense of racial closeness.

Dao Yueke asked: "Why can you still change back to human form?"

Bai Shan lowered his paws, trying to get up.

Dao Yueke raised his paws and pressed against his head.

Dao Yueke's paws pressed on Bai Shan's head, and pushed him down again.

It was inexplicable that Baishan was "suddenly attacked". Suddenly, he realized that this might be the instinctive action of cats, and he was suddenly surprised. He didn't expect to have such an experience in his lifetime?

Dao Yueke raised his paws and patted him lightly, as if he was very curious about the body of this kind. After all, there was only one Abyss Calamity Tiger in the world for many, many years, and suddenly another one appeared. curious.

The relationship between the two tigers has also been greatly improved in this process.

In Daoyueke's eyes, Baishan has changed from a "trading partner" to "the only one of the same family" and "the only one who knows how to change back into a human form".

Bai Shan didn't answer her question, but said, "Let's make a deal."

"What deal?"

"You and I will destroy the five sects of the fairy world, and I will teach you how to turn back into a human."

"You should know that I won't do stupid things with you before the time comes."

"Then you don't want to turn back into a human?"

"Change the conditions." Dao Yueke's tone was very cold.

Bai Shanhu narrowed his eyes slightly, and at the next moment, he decided to be shameless.

So, he suddenly rolled over, exposing his belly, twisted his back, and rubbed against the snowy cliff.

Dao Yueke was startled and asked, "What are you doing?"

Bai Shan continued to twist, his four paws swayed back and forth in the air, and even touched Dao Yueke next to him after a while.

But Dao Yueke didn't feel any disgust when he was rubbed against by his family like this, but a sense of intimacy deep in his blood.

Daoyueke stretched out his paw like a big cat and scratched Baishan, pushing him straight.

However, its expression has softened a lot.

The way felines express trust is to show their bellies in front of others.

Bai Shan showed his belly, and Dao Yueke felt his closeness.

Bai Shan strikes the iron while it's hot: "The great catastrophe tiger clan only has you and me, if you don't help me, who will you help?

In this world, I am the only one like you. If I challenge the five sects of the Immortal World, but unfortunately die in battle, will you still meet the second Abyss Calamity Tiger? "

Dao Yueke's paw rested on Bai Shan's body, and when she pressed it, she felt that it felt good. She flicked her tail lightly, but she really hesitated in her heart. Just as Bai Shan said, if Bai Shan died in battle, it would be very painful. It may be the only abyss disaster tiger.

Because this [Extreme Sun Demon Chapter] can't practice to the ninth floor at all.
Over the years, it has secretly tested it, but after all the geniuses it likes reach the sixth floor, it is difficult to advance half a step. Even if it consumes a lot of resources, it is useless.

And these geniuses have become distorted and violent due to the practice of [Extreme Sun Demon Chapter], the vitality in their bodies has been severely injured, and the demons in their hearts have frequently occurred, and the time of practice has been delayed. It would be a good end to die of old age at the age of six or seventy. .

Because of this, Daoyueke was willing to lend the "Tiger Roaring at Night Chapter" and "Extreme Sun Demon Chapter" to Miss Xiaomei, and later gave the resources of Yantuo Secret Realm to Baishan.

It didn't expect Baishan to be able to cultivate to the ninth floor.

Not only that, but Bai Shan can actually transform back into a human form.

Dao Yueke pondered for a while, then said softly: "As you said, if you die in battle, I will become the only disaster tiger in the world. Then for my own sake, I really need to help you.

Now, state your plans. "

Dao Yueke propped up her body, her snow-white hair rustled in the wind, Bai Shan lay quietly on the rock, glanced at it from the corner of her eye, and suddenly found that it was actually a tigress, and she hadn't breastfed yet.

half a month later.

Xiaorou, a woman, and two men stood in the courtyard of Dawusa, looking at Baishan respectfully and enthusiastically.

Of course, now Xiaorou is no longer the former "maid in blue" Xiaorou.

The expression in her eyes has also changed from the vigilance at the beginning to domineering, her skin is firm, her lines are soft but full of explosiveness, even in the cold wind, she still wears only a few clothes, her exposed skin is visibly energetic, and her whole body is fuller. It is full of a kind of oppression from the superior. If someone stands in front of her, they will even be horrified to think that standing in front of them is a monster that chooses and devours.

Besides her, the other woman and the two men are also extremely extraordinary.

In the past half month, these four people have undergone earth-shaking changes.

The reason for everything is in Baishan
When Bai Shan was performing spiritual sacrifices, he brought these four people with him.

Then, the four of them actually received a profound gift from the demon god, not only became blood descendants, but were also endowed with powerful power.

The abyss priests pay attention to equal exchange, and the power of the believers comes from the abyss demon god.

The way of transformation is the mysterious abyss "equivalent exchange" law.

It seems that there is a kind of power in the dark implementing such laws.

As long as the "transaction" is completed, both parties must obtain the content of the transaction.

And how to proceed, even the abyss life itself may not know.

After the four of them received the gift of the Abyss Calamity Tiger, they became "Ghost Bear King", "Blood River Demon", Du Tu King, and sisters of the Ye family.

But the price paid by the four of them was only to sacrifice the soul after death.

But in fact, if there are many believers who are willing to sacrifice the soul of the dead, they may not be able to become blood descendants, and even if they become blood descendants, they may not be given powerful power far beyond others.

All four of them understood that the reason why they were rewarded so much should be thanks to the Great Wusa.

Therefore, the four became more and more loyal to Dawusa.

In fact, this is exactly what Dao Yueke did to help Bai Shan control the Paradise of Paradise.

These four people will always be loyal to Dao Yueke, because all the power of the four people is bestowed by Dao Yueke, if there is any violation, the power will be taken back.

As for Bai Shan, as long as he maintains a good relationship with Dao Yueke, then the four of them, Bai Shan, can direct as they want, and they can even "remote control".

Many thoughts flashed, Bai Shan looked at the four of them quietly, and said in a deep voice: "In order to pay homage to the great abyss disaster tiger, I will travel alone. Before I travel, I want to hear about your control over all parties.

I don't want followers of the great Abyssal Scourge to be driven from the altar after I leave! "

Xiao Rou, or Wei Rou, said: "According to your proposal, we have identified the upper-level personnel of the Saint Kingdom.

The king is you.

The Holy Queen is Ye Nanxiang. "

After finishing speaking, she paused for a while, and the beautiful woman on the side bowed slightly to Bai Shan, and said respectfully: "Although Nan Xiang is an inconspicuous member of the Ye family, she is also a Ye family.

As the Holy Queen, I can also represent the interests of the Ye family, and the Ye family is very satisfied.

In the future, I will also carry out the docking work with Ye Mu, the head of the Ye family.

But I can have what I have today thanks to the great abyss disaster tiger demon god and the great shaman, Nanxiang dare not forget my roots. "

After all, she looked softly at Baishan with a pair of charming and exotic eyes, as if expecting the king to do something to her queen.

Wei Rou continued: "The Holy Queen and the Ye family sisters of the Mysterious Temple live in the same clan, and both sides can live in harmony. The Holy Emperor's position was given to the Ghost Bear King out of appeasement considerations, and the Ghost Bear King represents the Gluttony Temple. .

Afterwards, I will be the first of the ten saints.

The second saint is the Night Immortal of the Temple of Mysteries.

The third saint is Xingong Ridge, who is also the 'Blood Fire Temple' with us.

The fourth saint is Du Tu Da Wang, who represents all kinds of scattered demon beliefs.

The Fifth Saint is the Nightingale of the Temple of Mysteries.

The sixth saint, the seventh saint is Chigoley, fighting Beebu.

As for your aunt Ling Shili, because of her strength, she will be arranged as an evangelist. "

Speaking of this, she paused for a while, and another burly man and a thin man saluted respectively, saying: "Don't worry, Dawusa, we will protect the city of Paradise and wait for your return!"

Wei Rou continued to report the follow-up arrangements one by one.
Bai Shan didn't have any objections. He intended to be a hands-off shopkeeper. Now that everything has been shared, it's good.

The four people on my side have become the holy queen, the first, sixth and seventh saints, and together with the suppression of my own reputation, it is enough to control the world of bliss.

After a while, Chi Gelei and Zhan Biebu left first, and Ye Nanxiang reluctantly glanced at the "Lord" before turning and leaving.

Wei Rou is still standing in the courtyard. She deeply understands that the man in front of her is the gift of her today. Although she has dedicated her soul to the great abyss disaster tiger demon god, in fact, the demon god may not be able to devour it. dead souls.

Faintly, Wei Rou feels that the core of all this is the mysterious big shaman in front of her.

Bai Shan said directly: "Saint Wei Rou."

"Great Wusa, please order, no matter what order Wei Rou will carry out unconditionally." The first saint understood Bai Shan's intention to leave her alone.

Bai Shan said: "Find an opportunity to let Feng Qingman go quietly."


"The demon god doesn't want to see infighting, but hates the fairy god, and plans to attack south as soon as possible. I want to hunt the fairy god as a sacrifice to sacrifice to the demon god."

"Yes." Wei Rou didn't ask anything, Da Wusa's thoughts were her thoughts.

Bai Shan thought for a while, and said again: "After you go out, let the Holy King come here."

He decided to talk to the Holy Queen, who was closely connected with the Ye family of the main battle faction, to make up for some gaps.

In mid-June, Baishan departed and returned to Wantaishan.

At the beginning of July, Baishan arrived at Wantai Mountain.

The Four Elephant Sect is fine.

His Yu Nie Bai Yemu never grew up.

The Yunluo fairy he killed a few months ago triggered the investigation of Xianzong. In the end, Xianzong locked the target on some talisman paper figures and secretly sent his disciples to search in the lower realm.

However, all the information fell into the hands of the mighty Bai Miaochan in great detail.

And the powerful Bai Miaochan is like "a highly contagious virus", which is rapidly "infecting" the surroundings, making more and more existences completely obeying her orders.

If the "infected person" is represented as red, then you can see that there is blood red on Wantai Mountain, and the surrounding area of ​​Wantai Mountain is also light red, and red spots have begun to appear everywhere in the world.

Bai Shan doesn't know how the power is limited, but he knows that the powerful Bai Miaochan is becoming... the underground queen of this world, and has completely become the ultimate enhanced version of Princess Yuzhen.

"I want to see her." Bai Shan sat on the stone steps, drank wine recklessly, completed five chapters, and got rid of many troubles in the kingdom of saints, but he was able to control the world of bliss to a certain extent so as to affect the northern barbarians At this time, he felt a little relaxed.

The next step is for him to go to Jinzhou and start getting involved in the chaos in Jinzhou.

Before that, he wanted to meet Sister Miaomiao.

This is also one of the purposes of his return.

Under the moonlight, Daneng was wearing a snow-white skirt, holding mung bean soup, and was lazily leaning on the wicker chair woven with branches and leaves "naturally", thinking about something while sipping mung bean soup.

Hearing Bai Shan's request, she came back to her senses and said, "It can't be done now."

"Why?" Bai Shan asked, "the last time I saw her was a year and a half ago. These days, I am fighting in the east and west, and next, I will continue to go out to face more fierce wars, so I saw her Can't you?"

A smile flashed in Daneng Qiushui's eyes: "You misunderstood me."

Immediately, she beckoned: "You come."

Bai Shan continued to drink.

Daneng put down the mung bean soup, got up and ran to his side.

Bai Shan moved aside, he didn't want to get close to Da Neng.

For some reason, after coming back this time, he felt that Da Neng seemed to be imitating Sister Miao Miao, from the initial aloofness to life breath, especially the appearance of "holding something, lazily stretching long legs", already A bit of the charm of Sister Miaomiao.

It frightened him.

He couldn't help feeling good about such power.

But every ounce of goodwill he felt would turn into the most painful guilt.

Da Neng saw him moving away, but he didn't chase after him. He just brushed off his skirt, sat on the stone steps, and looked up at the starry sky.

The starry sky in Wantai Mountain is vast, and even colorful colors can be seen, which makes people feel more deeply the mystery of the starry sky and its own insignificance.

Two insignificant people who are under this vastness are far apart.

Da Neng shouted: "I want you to check the condition of this body yourself."

"The martial arteries of this body have almost been repaired, and they are almost ready! At this time, they are in a critical recovery period."

"But the change of mind and soul will lead to physical weakness, and may bring about the waste of previous efforts."

"That's why I rejected you."

"Didn't you say that once the golden wind and the jade dew meet, they will win but there are countless people in the world?"

"When you return from Jinzhou with victory, I might have already started to practice!"

"At that time, her lifespan will also increase, and you will be together forever! Why care about this moment!"

Bai Shan bowed his head and was speechless.

Inadvertently, Da Neng said the meaning of the poem he owed Sister Miao Miao.

———If the two feelings last for a long time, how can they be in the morning and evening———

However, the mood in my heart is hard to calm down, and a feeling of depression arises spontaneously.

Da Neng suddenly smiled and said: "Go and find Yuzhen, she broke through the Vientiane Realm at the beginning of the year, and she misses you very much. She asked me several times, and I always said that you are in retreat."

Since Princess Yuzhen came to Wantai Mountain, she has been practicing in the land of spiritual energy with peace of mind.

Although her talent is not strong, she is not bad either. She broke through the early stage of the Vientiane Realm earlier in the year, and her lifespan increased by three years. In addition, her lifespan increased by washing the marrow, and her lifespan is already 240 years longer than ordinary people. .

After asking Baishan several times and being "closed door", Princess Yuzhen continued to practice hard.

And her state is actually the daily life of a normal monk.

This is also the reason why others really believe that Baishan is retreating.

When Baishan knocked on the attic in the land of aura, there was a cold voice from inside the door.

"Yuzhen is practicing, please forgive me for not opening the door."

Hearing this familiar voice, Bai Shan felt an inexplicable sense of peace in his heart.

Song Youning and Bai Miaochan, they are actually similar, the incidents involved are all mysterious and have huge implications, Baishan is like a small boat in the wind and waves, every time you need to do your best to stabilize the steering wheel, and face the growing storm OK.

But here, he felt inexplicably returning to a peaceful harbor.

Although Princess Yuzhen used to be the owner of the mysterious Xinghua Lane in Jianghu, but she has removed her "position" and is now just an ordinary monk. If he only had such a Taoist companion, he would also live an ordinary life of practice.Husband and wife practice quietly in the land of spiritual energy, and maybe only open their eyes once every three or two months, and when they see each other by their side, they will continue to practice again.

Many thoughts flashed, Bai Shan said softly: "Yuzhen, it's me."

The pavilion was quiet for a while, and then there was the sound of running and stepping.

The door opened, only to see a beautiful woman with a crescent face and apricot brows, with snowy muscles and red lips standing in the moonlight and spiritual mist, looking at him with joy and light in her eyes.

"Yuzhen, I'm out of customs."

"Master, I'm not dreaming." Princess Yuzhen's eyes were beautiful, the water was slightly rippling, her long legs were taut, her little feet stood on tiptoe, she hugged Baishan like a bird, her cheek was pressed against the man's chest.

"I dreamed of you coming many times, but when I opened the door, I found it was empty."

Bai Shan gently stroked her long hair, and the fragrance of his wife's hair calmed him down.

Suddenly, Princess Yuzhen backed away, pulled him into the cabinet again, and said, "Sister, do you want to retreat in the future?"

Bai Shan nodded. A few days later, he still had to go to Jinzhou for a bloody battle, and the intensity of this bloody battle was unprecedented.

Princess Yuzhen didn't know this, and said that Xianggong really wanted to retreat, her face was slightly dizzy, and she said coquettishly: "Then Yuzhen doesn't care, Yuzhen wants Xianggong to beat me fiercely today, so fierce that I will always remember it in the days to come." These few days."

After all, she burrowed into Bai Shan's arms like a ball of flame.

Bai Shan embraced this attractive and clingy cat-like wife, strode to the side of the bed, blew out all the candles in the house in one breath, and then exchanged heartfelt love and joy.



PS: The author tried to reset the daily update time around 5 pm.

(End of this chapter)

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