Chapter 157 207. The layout of Jinzhou, close to the fairy (8.1K words - please subscribe)
In the 62nd year of Daqian, in October, the emperor in the capital contracted a cold and became seriously ill.

Baishan didn't come to Jinzhou until this time because of the establishment of the Saints Kingdom in the Elysium World, as well as the deployment of troops and generals from all parties, and the alliance's planning.

The plan can't keep up with the changes. What you think can be improved in one month is often only barely in three months.

However, no matter how much he tried, he finally stood on this land full of wars.

At this moment, the anxiety in his heart was gone, and he stood with his hands behind his back on the edge of a big gray river. Reed petals were floating in the air. He picked one and danced it casually, and the catkins fluttered even more violently.

He liked to play with it when he was a child, but it is a pity that there are only so many reeds in Taohua Town. When the golden autumn comes, the children will rush to pick, blow and dance, as if it is a festival.After blowing the reed catkins, you can use a bare reed pole to have a "knight-like" confrontation.

At that time, Sister Miaomiao was watching from the side, waving her small fists and shouting "Baishan, Baishan, Baishan", like a baby of a cheerleading team with only one person.Because they were outsiders at the beginning, they were always a bit excluded. There were many companions who cheered for other children, and there was only sister Miaomiao on Baishan.

However, Sister Miaomiao is extraordinary, two years later in the golden autumn, and on the day of the "Battle of Luxu" envoys, Sister Miaomiao has become the cheerleader for seven or eight children, just like she is doing now.

White Mountain always seems to be fighting alone.

Even if there are teammates, it is only temporary.

If there is a conflict, he will always only think about what he should do instead of asking for help.

However, soon, because of Sister Miaomiao, his teammates will be standing behind him.

Now the battlefield he enters is becoming more and more terrifying and terrifying. Sister Miaomiao can't keep up with his footsteps, but there is a powerful person who controls Wantai Mountain, controls more and more situations, silently Standing firmly behind him, mediating in all directions, so that he will never fall into a situation of ambushes from all sides and besieged from all sides.

"But if it's Sister Miao Miao, she should do better, right?" Bai Shan thought.

However, Bai Miaochan was not the reason for his recovery this time.

Princess Yuzhen is.

Men always hope that when they return from battle, they can have a gentle harbor of understanding instead of accusations and harshness.

Princess Yuzhen knows how to be the most gentle, and also knows how considerate her husband needs.

She is far less powerful than Baishan, but she has traveled thousands of miles, visited countless people, and knows thousands of people, imperial palaces, immortal monks, and the way to control her.

Even she herself has thousands of faces, but Xianggong happened to be the one who peeled off her mask layer by layer and saw her heart.

In front of her husband, she was hoarse and almost morbidly indulgent and sinking. In this indulgence and sinking, the burden of the past disappeared, and she kept reminding herself that now she was just this man's woman and his Taoist companion.

Princess Yuzhen and Baishan are like glue, like clouds and rain, and they get along day by day, enjoying each other, indulging themselves, and comforting every trace of depression in Baishan's heart.

Two months later, with the "retreat" of Baishan, she re-entered the place of practice and began the long journey of breakthrough in the middle stage of the Vientiane Realm.

And during the days with Princess Yuzhen, Baishan only felt that his body and mind had a good sleep and had a good dream. Now he is full of energy, even with a heavy burden on his back, he is full of confidence and holds his head high. step forward.

Princess Yuzhen's experience is really rich and incomparable. Although the things she has experienced are not as strange and grand as Bai Shan's experience, they are many times more than Bai Shan's experience.

She reminded Bai Shan again, and let Bai Shan understand, who is not under pressure?Who wouldn't suffer?But no matter what, you must have a firm and forward heart, don't lose yourself, no matter what is waiting for you in front of you, you must face it with sincerity and enthusiasm.

Many thoughts flashed, catkins were flying, and autumn was rustling.

Bai Shan pressed the bronze fang ghost mask on his face, and there were footsteps behind him.

The slender and exquisite woman is full of the oppression of the superior, and people can tell that she is a big shot at a glance, with golden silk and jade buttons, luxurious robes, long hair braided instead of a bun, full of exotic and wild beauty, not middle-earth quietness elegant.

"Xiao Rou, I have met the big Wusa."

The person who came was Wei Rou, the number one saint in the Saint Kingdom today.

Bai Shan looked into the distance and said, "Master Saint, now I'm just a believer you brought into battle, so you don't need to call me that."

"That's in front of outsiders, here Xiaorou will always be just Xiaorou." The former maid in blue looked at the back of the man in front of her, her expression was full of admiration.

Bai Shan asked: "The people of Middle Earth worship immortal gods because of deceit and suffering, but we sacrifice demon gods for selfish enjoyment. So, Xiao Rou, where is your enjoyment?"

This is indeed Bai Shan's question.

He has known Xiaorou for a long time, but he has never seen Xiaorou greedy and gluttonous, face-to-face, raising male slaves, and killing everywhere. On the contrary, he has done many "good things", such as dividing safe areas and setting up the city in Beimanli. Zhuang has helped many people settle down in this pure land.

And because this is the place established by Lord First Saint, no one dares to offend.

Over time, during these few months, many rich and powerless people were proud of owning a house in the First Saint's estate.

But Xiaorou doesn't just take care of those rich people, but also takes care of some ordinary civilians. For example, Baishan has heard that Xiaorou settled several poor but potential young couples and gave them a stable environment. When someone bullied those poor people, Xiaorou even sent followers to cut off the bully's head.

Although cruel, the starting point is kindness and protection.

This kind of "good people and good deeds" is really rare in the Paradise of Elysium.

After Bai Shan heard about it, he became very curious, and asked more questions based on the principle of understanding his subordinates.

"I, I." The face of the First Saint suddenly turned red, and his breathing became short of breath.

Bai Shan wondered, "Is there anything difficult to say?"

The First Saint said softly: "I love to peek at other people's lives, whether it's food, clothing, housing, transportation, or married life. I set up a city, and I can peek at all the people in the city without any scruples.

I watch everything about them, especially their married lives, rich, poor, sanctimonious, smart, stupid, decadent, active, different identities
I love to watch them and hear what they have to say in the night.

It’s wonderful, it’s really wonderful, ah~~~~”

Her cheeks were getting more and more flushed, her legs were tense, and she even opened her mouth a little, screaming uncontrollably, and hot pink air gushed out of her throat, as if just thinking about it had already made her excited.

Bai Shan glanced at the First Saint, a little speechless.

Sure enough, the world is big and full of wonders.
Suddenly, footsteps sounded behind the two of them.

Other believers came.

Because of the expedition to Dagan, the believers with Wei Rou can also speak Dagan language.

The blood-patterned black-robed believer worshiped among the long grass, and respectfully said: "Master First Saint, General Yelushan said that there is something abnormal in Ganxi Town, they dare not venture in, and hope we can investigate it."

Wei Rou was a cute and cute subordinate in front of Baishan, but outside she was the number one saint in charge of power. She asked in a cold and slow voice, "What's unusual?"

"Report to the First Saint, there are many headless stone statues in Ganxi Town."

"I see, you step back first."


The believers retreated, but the first saint did not dare to make a decision, but looked at Baishan.

Bai Shan asked, "Who is Ye Lu Shan?"

The first saint said: "General Ye Lushan is the younger brother of the Holy Queen, and he is one of his own people. This time the northern barbarians invaded and sent a total of 30 troops. General Ye Lushan is the president of the [-] troops on the left. Followed by the army on the right."

Bai Shan said: "Let's go and have a look together."


"After I go, I may not really make a move. In case of danger, you have to carry it yourself."

"Why do you need the big Wusa to take action?" Wei Rou's brows flashed a dangerous light, "These small things, Xiao Rou will take care of them."

"Okay, let's go."

As Bai Shan's voice fell, Wei Rou turned and left, and Bai Shan followed behind her in a black robe with blood patterns.

During this period of time, under the impetus of the Paradise of Elysium, everything went as Bai Shan wished.

The northern barbarians suspended their internal fighting, and Feng Wangnan was cultivating in the north, but under the "infection of the holy queen", the militant factions felt that "now is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to attack and make a big effort", so they turned their spearheads to the south. I am going to eat some benefits first, and then turn to the Northland.


Holding the "Jin" banner, Zhu Qinghai (Song Youning's eldest brother) called himself King Ming, and with the secret help of King Shanwang and others, he launched an increasingly intense offensive.

The emperor of the capital was seriously ill, but the situation required the royal family to go out after all, so Jin Wang (the younger brother of Princess Yuzhen) took over the banner.

Jinzhou was originally the fiefdom of the King of Jin, and the King of Jin was close to the immortals, so at this time he led an army and began to encircle and suppress.

Xuantian Myriad Beast Sect and Yunmeng Immortal Sect also sent many disciples to make trouble secretly.

Qingyun Xianzong became more and more anxious.

To make matters worse, the army of Paradise and Beiman had also crossed the Sea of ​​Eternal Sleep and reached the shore of Jinzhou.

Today, the division of labor in the kingdom of saints is clear
The mysterious ruler of the country has a high prestige. Since the founding of the country, he has never appeared in the world. Now he is almost a myth, and no one dares to offend him.

And the Holy Queen, in charge of the interior, connected with all forces, took over the work that the original ruler should have done, and the Ye family was also happy to hear about it.

Ye Nanxiang, who was not very well-known at first, is becoming one of the most powerful people in the entire northern barbarian at a frightening speed, becoming the holy queen who will descend to the world.

But at any time, the Holy Queen will always know that there will always be the mysterious and powerful king above her. As a high-ranking woman, she is looking forward to something with the king. After all, he is the king, and She is the queen, shouldn't the queen sleep with the king?
Then, the Holy Ancestor, in charge of the outside world, formulates external strategies, but needs to discuss everything with the first saint.

The Holy Ancestor has a higher status, but the number one Saint is not much worse.

However, everyone knows that the first saint is the confidant of the king, and the position of the first saint is almost equal to that of the holy sect. Therefore, both the holy sect and the first saint command the cronies. to this battlefield.

This battle is also a power struggle between the "Holy Ancestor and the First Saint".

It was an attempt by the "Temple of Gluttony" to share power.

Whoever performs better will have more say.

After the first saint crossed the sea, Bai Shan had already waited in the south of the Sea of ​​Eternal Sleep, and went to meet her as a great shaman, and then pretended to be a believer, followed her, and played by ear.

Baishan's first purpose is not to "kill", but to "provoke".

He wants to use the situation in Jinzhou to completely ignite the grievances between the five great immortal sects, and make them turn against each other.

Killing is just a means.

Means are meaningful only if they are used for the purpose.

Bai Shan didn't know this kind of method, and he didn't like it, but now... he had to do it.

Because, he has completed [Five Articles] and [Extreme Sun Demon Chapter], and he has just obtained the qualifications for planning.
Compared with the depth of water and the real strong in this world, he is still far behind.

Baishan is very clear about this.

In Ganxi Town, everything is quiet.

Dust like gray paper money is flying all over the sky, and the streets are in a mess.

The surviving people hid in the house and closed the doors and windows tightly. From time to time, a bloodshot and frightened eye appeared in the window or door gap, watching the situation outside cautiously.

Natural disasters and man-made disasters come, they are just mortals, and they can't escape even if they want to.

Is it safer in the wild than in the town?
Besides, even if you got lucky and escaped from Jinzhou by chance, where could you go?
Most people simply don't have the money to "start over".

Yes, they ran away long ago.

But compared to those who stayed behind, those who ran away were not even a drop in the bucket, very few.

da da da da
Footsteps sounded in the quiet street.

The leading woman is beautiful, cold and stern, and full of the aura of a superior, but one can tell that she is a barbaric woman from a foreign land.

Behind the woman, walked fourteen people wearing fangs ghost faces and blood-stained black robes.

"Bad guy, bad guy, big bad guy!!" The voice of crying came from the attic by the street, but there was a disheveled little boy lying in front of the railing, shouting angrily at the pedestrians.

The little boy's cry alarmed the people in the room, and soon an old woman rushed over and covered the little boy's mouth, trying to drag him away.

The first saint wanted to stop, but she didn't, because the voice of the Great Wusa came from her ears.

"do not kill."

So, Lord First Saint said in Beiman language: "Don't worry about them."

There were already many bloodthirsty people in the Blood Fire Temple, and these believers were even more so. If it weren't for Wei Rou's words, the little boy or even the old woman would have been tortured and killed long ago.

Passing through another alleyway, two black shadows suddenly rushed out from the entrance of the alleyway, and then grabbed two bags and threw them towards this side for no reason, and ran away after throwing them.

The two bags exploded in mid-air, and there were dog poop and other filthy things in it.

This time, Bai Shan didn't wait for others to make a move, he directly flew over and stopped in front of the two black shadows, but he saw a big boy and a little girl with a snot-nosed nose.

When the two children saw the man with the ghost face and fangs, they were scared out of their wits. They turned around and ran to the other side, but just after they ran to the other side, they saw a beautiful and terrifying barbarian woman standing on the other side of the alley.

The two children looked at the front and back, hugged each other in fright, trembling.

The first saint followed Bai Shan's order, looked at Bai Shan, and ordered: "Ask why you hate us so much, and then come and tell me."

When he said this, the First Saint panicked.

Bai Shan saluted respectfully: "Yes, Lord Saint."

Wei Rou left in a hurry, then quickly calmed down, she suddenly recalled the Da Wusa when she was in Lingshili Manor. Obviously, Da Wusa was proficient in acting.

Baishan came forward, carrying two children
The two children were paralyzed with fright.

Not long after, Bai Shan came out and said respectfully: "Master Saint, a few days ago, many townspeople in Ganxi Town had their bodies petrified on the road, and then their heads were chopped off. The townspeople thought it was us who did it." of."

A believer said: "Nonsense, we only came here, how could we do it?"

Another believer said: "Could it be the work of scattered barbarians? If this is the case, then the investigation of the headless stone statue will also reveal the truth."

The first saint "groaned" slightly, and after hearing the sound transmission from Baishan, he said, "Keep going, be careful."

A group of people walked away, and in the alley, the big boy and little girl were still in a state of shock.
They hated these intruders very much, because of these intruders, the two became orphans.

But just now, they knew the fear in the face of death, and all the courage at the beginning was gone.

"It's not dead. We're not dead. That bad guy. He didn't kill us." The big boy gasped, then hurriedly got up and said, "Niuniu, let's run away, in case the bad guy remembers and comes back again, we It's dead."

As if awakened from a nightmare, the little girl hurriedly got up, sucked the half-hanging snot, suddenly her eyes lit up, ran not far away, picked up a cloth bag, and shouted: "Brother, brother, that person, that person is lost!" bag!"

"What?! Be careful, I'm coming!" The big boy ran forward and opened the bag carefully, but saw that there was a lot of dried meat in the bag, which was enough for two children to eat for three or four days, so he swallowed immediately Drooling, but he just put away the jerky first, then dragged the little girl and ran away.

When no one was there, the two shared the jerky.

"That idiot must have accidentally dropped the bag, hey."

"My eyes are fine!"

The voices of the two children faded away.

Bai Shan listened back and continued to follow the First Saint.

When everyone rushed to the street where the "headless stone statue" was located, they saw an army of more than [-] people standing there.

The leading man was tall, with a calm demeanor, his brows were like swords, but his pupils were bloodshot.

Behind the man stood an old man with a sword and a mysterious man covered in a gray cloak.

When the man saw the person coming, he turned his head and saw that the army behind him immediately raised their spears high, their morale gathered, sharp aura spread out, and a depressive atmosphere of tense swords was created.

"Who is here?" The leading man asked in a deep voice.

After a while.
The two sides exchanged identities, the hostility was lifted, and the situation became clear.

The leading man was actually Zhu Qinghai, who was now carrying the banner of the "former dynasty", and the hundreds of people were his personal guards - the head army.

As for the old man with the sword in his hand, it was Cao Chunfeng, the former imperial master.

But the mysterious man in the black cloak was just silent, and Zhu Qinghai introduced him on his behalf, saying that he was his confidant.

It is not surprising that Zhu Qinghai appeared on the front line and brought such a small number of people with him.

Outsiders, or maybe Baishan doesn't know the situation yet, but many people in the former court have a vague feeling that Zhu Qinghai is just a "leader in name", and the real leader is actually the backer king, and the future The leader is Zhu Miao, the child brought by the King of the Mountain.

In order to form an alliance with the northern barbarians, the backer king came out of the darkness a long time ago.

Zhu Qinghai was naturally excluded.

But Zhu Qinghai didn't take it seriously, because he felt that the overall situation was uncertain, and it was not a time of civil strife, and at the same time, he hated immortals and gods deeply.

And after inheriting the power of the Buddha's empowerment, holding the front-facing Buddha spear in his hand, and after more than three years of baptism in war, he has long become a real strong man, a strong man who is compassionate, compassionate, and jealous.

I don't know if it's due to luck or other reasons, although Zhu Qinghai has been fighting all the time, but because of digesting the Buddha's empowerment, he has only reached the late stage of the Spiritual Infant Realm, and because of the Buddha's Su Hui, he has controlled many wonderful spells, as well as the secrets of Buddhism. The mysterious character in the middle: "卍".

After the first saint knew the identities of Zhu Qinghai and others, Zhu Qinghai also knew who these ten people were.

Suddenly, a soldier behind Zhu Qinghai looked at these ten people with cold eyes, full of hatred.

In their eyes, the Northern Man's Paradise is not much better than a fairy.

"I'm afraid you guys did this petrified beheading magic!" A lieutenant said with hatred.

The expression of the first saint suddenly turned cold, but before he could speak, Zhu Qinghai stepped forward, and sternly reprimanded the lieutenant general: "Don't talk nonsense!!"

The deputy general was stunned, bowed his head and cupped his fists, but didn't say much, he was quite convinced of Zhu Qinghai.

Zhu Qinghai took two steps forward, and said apologetically, "Master First Saint, I know that the stone statue with the severed head here was not done by you."

"Then what else do you know?" Wei Rou asked lightly.

Zhu Qinghai's eyes flashed with anger, and he clenched his fists tightly, followed by the sound of bones cracking.

"This is the handwriting of Master Chifeng from Qingyun Immortal Sect
Daoist Chifeng is ranked ninth among the Twelve Immortals of Qingyun. He studied under Bi Xiao Xuannv.

These ordinary people stepped into the trap of petrification, so they were petrified immediately, and this was just a trick of the array.

Master Chifeng has no enmity with these ordinary people. He did this to allow Qingyun Xianzong to better control Jinzhou! "

Wei Rou was stunned, wondering: "Why?"

Zhu Qinghai said: "Petrification, beheading, these all seem to be the means of the devil, but in the perception of ordinary people, the devil came with the barbarians!!

Therefore, Master Chifeng used this method to make the people fear and hate you even more.

Then, they will use their means to defeat you, hang your heads high, and then make the faith in this place reach fanaticism again.

The common people didn't know anything, at that time, they would only trust the gods.

Then, at the mercy of the gods! "

Wei Judao: "Hanging our heads high, I'm afraid it may not be so easy."

Zhu Qinghai said: "But they can pretend that someone else's head looks like a devil, saying that it is a devil."

Crisis soft:.
She has always heard that the gods are hypocritical and treacherous, and she thought it was just a curse from opposing camps, but she didn't expect it to be true.

"Then what are you going to do?"

Zhu Qinghai said: "My people have already found out that in Changyunling, sixty miles away from here, there is Shilu Temple, the largest shrine in Jinzhou. The King of Jin will arrange an unprecedented worship ceremony in the near future to pray for The gods helped him drive away the demons and restore the peace of Jinzhou.

Shilu Temple was originally an important place for Buddhism in the previous dynasty, but it is a pity that there is no Buddha in the Buddhist temple.

The demons named Xianshen pretended to be gods and Buddhas, occupied the shrines, occupied the holy places, bathed in incense, bluffed and deceived, and did all kinds of evil!

The common people are ignorant. There are countless people who will go.

I want to lead the army, lie in ambush, and expose the true colors of the gods!

I heard that General Ye is also near this town, and I asked the First Saint to tell him, hoping that he can join hands, and at Shilu Temple in Changyunling, you and I will cooperate sincerely to kill the gods who participated in the ceremony . "

The first saint was silent, she was waiting for the instructions from the big Wusa behind her.

Bai Shan knew the virtues of immortal gods earlier, so he was not surprised. At this time, he keenly grasped some subtle words from the mouth of his brother-in-law in front of him.

For example, his understanding of Chifeng Daoist.

Although the brother-in-law is powerful, if he really meets any one of Qingyun Twelve Immortals head-on, Bai Shan thinks that the brother-in-law will die. As for the real Yinglong, Lei Shanxiang, or senior sister Fengxian, the brother-in-law will probably be killed instantly.

Therefore, his information is likely to be delivered by others.

Since it was already known that "Xuantian Wanshouzong" and "Yunmeng Xianzong" were secretly helping the former court, then there is no reason why there is no such person around Zhu Qinghai.

Bai Shan glanced at the mysterious person behind Zhu Qinghai. Although he was covered by a cloak, he couldn't see his face, and it was even difficult to distinguish between male and female.

Bai Shan's perception ability is so strong at this time, just by scanning it, he thinks that this may be a woman, and she is also a woman who has no heart with Zhu Qinghai at all.

Because, when mentioning how hateful the gods are, the woman sneered softly, as if laughing at how narrow-sighted and ignorant this mortal mud monkey is.

The fairy of Yunmeng Immortal Sect, and most likely a stronger person than Fairy Yunluo, at least three generations of disciples.

Besides him, the strongest person here is this mysterious man.

And this mysterious person belongs to his real target.

Zhu Qinghai wants to kill the immortal of Shilu Temple.

And he wants to kill the immortals of the five sects.

Many thoughts flashed through, and Baishan said via voice transmission: "You go and ask General Yelushan to transfer people to cooperate, and then send me to be placed among them, and then contact them with the art of prayer."

The First Saint was really taken aback.

However, if they believe in the same demon god, they can indeed use the "skill of prayer" to transmit sound for thousands of miles or even thousands of miles.

The principle is that what you say is transmitted to the area where the demon god is, and then turned to another person through the area where the demon god is.

It's just that this kind of whispering is actually forbidden, because the "devil god" will also hear your boring rumors, and the "devil god" will find it annoying.

Seeing her slowing down, Bai Shan said again via voice transmission: "Number one saint, I am the most devout believer in the great abyssal disaster tiger demon god, the demon god will not be angry."

The first saint was terrified in his heart, and his awe of the Great Wusa deepened.

What kind of relationship is this that makes the Demon God love Da Wusa so much?
Wouldn't Da Wusa waste the Demon God's favor by doing so?

what should I do?
Do you want to remind Da Wusa?

Many thoughts crossed my mind, and the First Saints decided to follow suit.

Zhu Qinghai was still waiting quietly.

The first saint closed her eyes as if she was thinking, and suddenly, she opened her eyes and said, "As you wish, young king, I will let General Ye mobilize troops to cooperate and encircle Shilu Temple together.

But, young king, have you ever wondered how we can keep in touch? "

Zhu Qinghai said: "On the battlefield, things are changing rapidly. We can only fight on our own. The signal fireworks shall prevail."

The first saint said in a holy tone: "The great demon god gave us great power.

Believers of Ta Wulie, in the name of the great demon god, you go to the side of the king, so that we can know where each other is at any time, so that we can gain victory under the guidance of the demon god. "

After all, she looked at Baishan behind her.

Bai Shan came out and said respectfully, "Yes, Mr. First Saint."

"Ta Wulie" is the name of a "empty pay" when the "Saints Kingdom" was founded, a "seat" with only a name but no one, so that the Dawusa can take the identity of other people at any time Advent.

Zhu Qinghai was stunned for a moment, and asked, "Master First Saint, what does it mean to know where the other party is at any time?"

Wei Judao: "Even if you are thousands of miles away, Tawulie believers can hear what I say. Similarly, Tawulie believers can communicate with me in the same way."

Zhu Qinghai was startled.

The Fairy Yunmeng Xianzong who was caged in the black robe was also shocked.

This method is really mysterious and unpredictable.

Zhu Qinghai couldn't help asking: "Really?"

Wei Rou didn't answer, her expression turned cold, and she asked sharply, "Young king, are you questioning the great demon god?"

Zhu Qinghai knew that he was taking the liberty, so he cupped his hands and said, "This method is really too mysterious and unheard of, please forgive me for being impolite. Now is the time for you and my two countries to work together to eradicate immortals and gods. Let's turn evil over small things."

Wei Rou hummed, turned and left.

Bai Shan walked towards Zhu Qinghai, and said in a buzzing voice: "Your Majesty Ming, please give me your advice from now on."

As he got closer, he could smell the fragrance shrouded in the gray cloak more and more. Fairies also like to apply fragrances. He had already seen this from Fairy Yunluo before. At this time, he was more and more sure of his own Guessed.

Zhu Qinghai returned the salute and said, "Welcome to Ta Wulie believers."

into the night.


Zhu Qinghai led the troops back to the camp.

Bai Shan stayed in the tent, took off the copper mask, and revealed a fake face wearing a human skin mask, drinking rice porridge.

Jinju has long been a purgatory on earth, and it is not easy to be able to drink rice porridge.

He frowned halfway through the rice porridge, smashed the rice porridge on the table, and said angrily, "Thin and tasteless!"

After that, he walked out, deliberately passing by the mysterious man in the gray cloak, muttering, "It's really hard to treat such a despicable and dirty place, hum, let me have fun alone."

The mysterious man hiding in the gray clothes didn't speak, but this fairy from Yunmeng Xianzong felt that what the disciple of the abyss said was right.

It's really hard here.

If it wasn't for suppressing Qingyun Xianzong, how could she stop in such a rough and dirty place?

(End of this chapter)

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