Chapter 158 208. Gaining Trust (4.2K Words - Subscribe)
Bai Shan left the barracks for several days in a row.

Finally, on the third day, Fairy Yunrong decided to follow her to have a look.

She doesn't care about this abyss believer "what kind of fun he is looking for", what she cares about is extra problems, so everything must be under her control.

In the golden autumn of October, there are miles of deserted graves in the wild, and the sky is full of yellow leaves.

As the sun set, the man took off the bronze ghost mask to reveal his face, then leaned against a big tree, took the wine and drank heavily.

"It turned out to be a drunkard."

Fairy Yunrong watched from afar, and disgust and disgust flashed in her beautiful eyes under the hood.

Abyss believers, in the eyes of a fairy like her, are dirty and ugly words.

If, in her eyes, mortals are ants, then abyss believers are a pile of shit, smelly and dirty.

As for the threat, Fairy Yunrong would not feel that such a small person would threaten her.

The next moment.
Yoyo's man's voice came from afar.

"Come on, let's have a drink."

Fairy Yunrong frowned, but didn't even think about answering, she sneered from the bottom of her heart: What kind of thing are you, worthy of drinking with this fairy?

She didn't want to stay for a second in disgust, so she turned around and left.

But the man's voice came again.

"Make a bet?"

The man seemed to know that she would not answer, so he said directly: "Just bet on whether I can catch up with you."

Originally, no matter what the man said, Fairy Yunrong would not pay attention, but this sentence suddenly made her vigilant.

Immediately afterwards, she turned her head suddenly, only to see the yellow leaves on the ground churning, curling up into a huge dragon that flew out close to the ground, and the dragon's head was the man carrying the wine jar.

"So fast!!"

Fairy Yunrong reacted instantly, stepped on her toes, and leaped high, wanting to soar directly into the clouds.

Few of the toads in the abyss can fly.

As long as she is on the cloud, she will be the best in the world, so high above, it will be difficult to be chased.

She took a step forward with her gray boots, and when she saw that she was about to step on the floating cloud, suddenly, an unprecedented gust of wind blew in.

call! ! !
The cloud was blown away directly.

Wisps of white mist filled the surrounding area, but it could no longer be called a cloud.

But at such a moment of confrontation, the two have already settled down.

Fairy Yunrong stepped on the air and landed on the ground. The man with black hair was dancing and stood opposite her, only three feet away.

Because it was not a battle of life and death, there was not much fierce confrontation.

Fairy Yunrong had a stern look on her face, and finally said, "You know I haven't tried my best."

Bai Shan pretended to be stunned and said, "Are you a woman?"

With such a question, he can directly get rid of the suspicion of "he is fishing".

Fairy Yunrong frowned and asked, "What about women?"

Bai Shan said: "I have always been able to observe people. When I saw you for the first time, I knew that you were the strongest person in Zhu Qinghai's side, but I didn't expect you to be a woman."

He looked surprised.

This astonishment fell into the eyes of Fairy Yunrong, which made her feel a little inexplicably proud.

"It's just a frog in a well, there are many powerful women in the world."

But Bai Shan didn't get angry at all, and said: "Then it's my fault to invite the girl to drink."

He seemed to hesitate for a while, and finally said, "I want to ask you a question."

"What's the problem?" Fairy Yunrong felt a little unhappy when she was called a "girl". It had been a long time since no one dared to call her a "girl".

But this is also Bai Shan's intention. He feels that if he really wants to talk to another person on an equal footing, he needs to use the title to pull her down from the clouds first, to the point where she is equal to you.

Bai Shan asked: "Girl, do you want to kill the immortals of Qingyun Immortal Sect?"

These words were like thunder, and they exploded in Fairy Yunrong's ears, but without waiting for her to respond, Baishan continued: "I hate them, I have a sworn feud with them, I am alive, I traded with the devil, I will give all my soul Dedicated to the devil, just to be able to destroy Qingyun Xianzong."

He gritted his teeth and clenched his fists, expressing deep hatred.

Fairy Yunrong:? ? ?
Is there such a good thing?

Her purpose is to add as much chaos to Qingyun Xianzong as possible, and even kill one or two Qingyun Xianzong immortals among the followers of the abyss, the remnants of the former dynasty, and the army of northern barbarians.

Now, someone came out and confessed to her directly?
don't go.

Fairy Yunrong decided to make good use of this tool in front of her.

So, she said lightly: "I want to kill too."

Bai Shan was slightly excited: "Then let's cooperate!"

Fairy Yunrong sneered: "If you can block my three attacks, I will promise you."

Seeing the other party's silence, Fairy Yunrong said: "If you don't dare."

Before she finished speaking, Bai Shan said: "Come on."

After all, he stood a little farther away and opened the distance.

Fairy Yunrong took out three talismans, which were the third-level, fourth-level, and fifth-level flame-like talismans.

If you can't even pick up the fifth-level talismans, then killing the immortals of Qingyun Xianzong is simply a dream.

"This seat is an overseas casual cultivator. When you practice, you should hear more about the ingenious abilities of the abyss believers. I hope you have some skills." Fairy Yunrong specially emphasized her status as an "overseas casual cultivator".

After finishing speaking, she picked up the third-level talisman with two fingers, and while the aura was burning, she waved a ball of fire.

The flames rushed out like a snake hunting, Bai Shan pushed out his right hand suddenly, but saw that hand seemed to be congested with blood, and suddenly became bigger, like a big washbasin, blowing away the flames.

Fairy Yunrong stared at the big bloodshot hand, and thought in her heart: If it is a mortal who has acquired the ability of abyssal monsters, it's just that these powers consume life energy all the time.

"How does it feel?"


Fairy Yunrong then threw out a fourth-level talisman.

The fire was like a python, lingering and churning in the void, and suddenly pressed towards Bai Shan's head.

Bai Shan's hands were bloodshot, weaving into a wall of flesh and blood in front of him.

Bang! !

The waves of fire scattered wildly, and the ground even burned.

The smoke receded, and Bai Shan's figure reappeared.

"How?" Fairy Yunrong asked.

"Continue." Came a quiet and persistent voice.

Fairy Yunrong said: "You don't have to force it, killing you won't do me any good."

Bai Shan said in a deep voice: "Continue!"

Fairy Yunrong frowned delicately, picked up the fifth-level talisman again, and said: "This blow is already a blow in the early stages of the God Realm, are you sure you can take it?"

Bai Shandao: "I came here to kill the immortals of Qingyun Xianzong. If I can't even pass your test, then I don't even have the qualifications to challenge them. What's the point of living like this?!"

His voice was growling, like a wounded angry beast.

Fairy Yunrong said: "Okay, if you take this blow, I will cooperate with you."

After all, she ignited the five-level talisman.

The flames blazed between her, spreading a power many times greater than that of the fourth-level talismans, bringing oppression and destruction.

Fairy Yunrong hesitated for a while, and said, "If you regret it, there is still time."

Bai Shan smiled and said, "Have you ever seen a man tell a girl that he is no good?"

Fairy Yunrong was stunned for a moment, a bit of shame and anger flashed on the cheeks under the hood, how old is this brat, how dare he tease her?

Since you are looking for death, then I will fulfill you!
With a flick of her hand, it was as if a raging fire exploded, and a giant flame bird flew out of the vortex of flames. The giant bird fluttered its wings and swept tens of feet, almost instantly submerging the man opposite, bathing him In the raging fire.

Fairy Yunrong watched quietly.

After a long time, there was a low growl.

After the flames dissipated, the man bowed his body slightly, his muscles all over his body protruding. Obviously, this mutation made him barely block the blow. Even so, he looked a little scorched.

Fairy Yunrong breathed a sigh of relief, she finally didn't kill this thing, so she asked: "Saint Wulie, can you still talk?
In her eyes, the man brushed off the burnt black on his body, raised his head and took a deep breath, and said, "Yes."

Fairy Yunrong said: "My surname is Zhu, and my name is Zong. You can call me by my first name."

Bai Shan glanced at her.
He's not stupid, Zhu Zong Zhu Zong, this is obviously to call him "ancestor", it seems that this fairy is very dissatisfied with his "girls".

So he replied, "Okay, Miss Zhu."

Fairy Yunrong frowned and said, "Call me by name."

"Understood, Miss Zhu."

Immediately, Fairy Yunrong knew that he had seen through, and felt that the spearhead boy was a bit smart, he was a clever person, coupled with his ability to block the fifth-level talisman with his body, he was indeed barely qualified to cooperate with her .

three days later.

Fairy Yunrong found out that the time for the Immortal God Festival at Shilu Temple is scheduled to be seven days later. After all, she has a channel with King Jin, so she will naturally know the time, and even know the other party's arrangements to a certain extent.

Zhu Qinghai contacted through Baishan Mountain and Yelu Mountain, and agreed to arrive at Shilu Temple six days ahead of schedule, and set up an ambush around the area.

six days later.

The army walked slowly through the jungle.

On this day, the autumn wind was bleak, and everything in sight was desolate.

Baishan wears a bronze ghost mask and rides with Fairy Yunrong wrapped in a gray cloak.

These days, the two have "run in" and Fairy Yunrong also mentioned to a certain extent how the two sides should cooperate during the battle. Generally speaking, they did not have good intentions, let Bai Shan rush forward, and then she attacked from the dark.

However, this kind of "uneasy kindness" is exactly what Baishan needs.

The yellow leaves drifted down leisurely, Bai Shan grasped one piece with two fingers, a little lost in thought.

Fairy Yunrong glanced at him: "You barbarian, you still put your eyes on the autumn leaves?"

Bai Shan said: "It's just a little emotional."

"What emotion?"

"I thought about life and death."

Fairy Yunrong became curious. Immortals have always been not against poetry, and even have a high regard for talented poets. This is why Yingfengxian took a fancy to Baishan before.

Because the mystery of perception is hidden in poetry, it has a miraculous effect on breaking through bottlenecks at many critical moments.

She listened intently, wanting to see what "good opinion" this vulgar barbarian had.

However, she didn't report any expectations.

Bai Shan didn't hide it, but said softly in a vicissitudes of life: "Life is as gorgeous as summer flowers, never withering and undefeated, demons rule like fire; death is as quiet and beautiful as autumn leaves, neither blooming nor chaotic, and posture is like cigarette."

Fairy Yunrong was stunned, and then her beautiful eyes widened suddenly, with a strong expression of disbelief flickering in them.

How can this be?

What did the barbarian go through before he uttered such a sentence?
Blooming like summer flowers.
Death is as quiet and beautiful as autumn leaves.
With just these two sentences, she felt an unprecedented feeling in her heart, and the feeling was the precursor to enlightenment.

Fairy Yunrong suddenly remembered the day when the barbarian was holding the wine jar under the withered old tree and drinking strong wine, and also remembered the indomitable gesture that the barbarian showed in the flames of the fifth-level talisman.

She asked softly: "Ta Wulie, how have you been hurt by Qingyun Xianzong?"

Bai Shan said: "They ruined everything about me."

With just one sentence, Fairy Yunrong understood a little bit. She has also ruined everything for others, but she doesn't care about the feelings of ants.

However, now that the person next to her is no longer an ant, she began to feel differently.

But after much deliberation, Fairy Yunrong felt regretful.

If the man in front of her is not a disciple of the abyss, she might write a letter to lead him into the fairy gate, because although this man is a savage, he doesn't seem to be vulgar.

Unknowingly, Fairy Yunrong's attitude towards Baishan has changed.

while walking
There was a voice ahead.


Zhu Qinghai raised his hand, tentatively, and stopped at an intersection.

After waiting for about half an hour, the scouts returned and started on the road again.

At night, Zhu Qinghai let the soldiers camp in an open space by the river, but did not make a stove, so as not to be too conspicuous by the high cooking smoke.

Everyone took out the dried meat that had been prepared long ago, and filled their stomachs with the stream water.

Bai Shan helped Fairy Yunrong fill a bowl of water, and then naturally sat next to her, eating dried meat and looking at the night sky.

Fairy Yunrong also subconsciously looked up at the sky with him.

Bai Shan said: "I don't know if I can sit with Miss Zhu and watch the stars at this time tomorrow night."

Fairy Yunrong felt it was funny in her heart, she couldn't remember how many years no man had said such "children's playful talk" to her.

That's right, the brat next to him has only lived to be 30 or [-] years old at most, so naturally he can't see through these paper romances.

However, although she thought it was funny, it wasn't ridicule. On the contrary, she also had a good feeling in her heart.

Therefore, Fairy Yunrong said: "When we fight tomorrow, I will help you with magic tools. You...don't rush too hard, be careful."

After finishing speaking, she hesitated for a while, and said softly: "King Ming and I have whispered that the immortals who came to Shilu Temple this time should be the ninth-ranked Chifeng Daoist of Qingyun Immortal Sect, and the tenth-ranked Kong Mingzi.

Both of these two were disciples of Bixiao Xuannv.

Chifeng Daoist's realm is not high, only the strength of the early stage of the divine realm, but he is very good at formations, especially good at using mountains and rivers to enter the formation, trapping people and killing people invisibly, tomorrow. You can't enter the forest, if you go around Don't chase after where the terrain is complicated.

Kong Mingzi's strength is extraordinary, he has entered the mid-to-late stage of the God Realm, if you meet him, defend with all your strength, and help me contain his attack, I can assassinate him from the side. "

When Fairy Yunrong said this, she obviously didn't want the man in front of her to die.

Of course, Zhu Qinghai never told her this information, but she told Zhu Qinghai.

Bai Shan nodded, and said in a slightly magnetic voice: "Thank you. Tomorrow, I will stand in front of you."

Fairy Yunrong couldn't help laughing.

She is also in the mid-to-late stage of the God Realm, and is about the same strength as Kong Mingzi.

The brat in front of him obviously didn't know how powerful she was.

However, inexplicably, she no longer felt disgusted, but asked: "Do you talk to every woman like this?"

Bai Shan smiled wryly and said: "I know my own. In this level of fighting, I can't kill those immortals. But you should be able to. So I will help you block the attack, so that you can shoot with as much peace of mind as possible."

Fairy Yunrong glanced at him, fell silent for a moment, and said softly: "At this time tomorrow night, let's watch the stars together again."

Bai Shan smiled and said, "It's a deal."
PS: I actually wrote more than 8000 words today, but deleted 4000 words. I am a little satisfied with this, and feel that it is not crooked at all.

(End of this chapter)

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