Chapter 233 355. Mysterious Weeping, Miss Chasing and Killing, The Third Way (7.8K words-please subscribe)
Da da da.
The pale calamity tiger stepped on the sharp claws, looked at the map of the abyss hanging on the tip of the red silk stick, and walked on the abyss path.

Both sides are dark and deep, leaving only a winding and gloomy path.

A strange muddy appearance appeared on the trail, like a country road after rain.

On the back of the tiger, Miss Meier was sitting astride the tiger generously, anyway, it was not the first time.

Senior Sister Fengxian saw her sweetheart being ridden by another wave hoof, she was so angry that she almost drew her sword and chopped off the wave hoof, but she thought that this is not a place to fight, so she also rode on Baishan.

Originally, the senior sister was supposed to sit in the front, but Miss Meier shouldered the responsibility of knowing the way, so it was more appropriate to sit on the upper body, but the senior sister had no choice but to sit on the lower body of Calamity Hu.

Xiao Zi didn't dare to ride, she just danced her purple skirt and floated aside, but she didn't dare to float away. No one dared to get lost in such an abyss. They all walked along the road, and they were not involved in those unknown areas at all.

"What's in this darkness?" The senior sister stared intently, but she couldn't see into the darkness at all, which gave the senior sister a strange feeling: the abyss world seems to be less mysterious than the path to the abyss.

Bai Shan said: "I only know that there are some ghosts hidden, and those ghosts are most likely part of a certain scene"

He thought about the scene of Muhai Yanluo before, and said slowly: "Before, I released the ashes of Muhai Yanluo and came to the fifth abyss, and as a result, many ghosts came out of the darkness, and then Wrapped next to the ashes of Muhai Yanluo, it formed the appearance of the fifth hall. Of course, there are also some memories of Muhai Yanluo.

However, those ghosts cannot attack, nor can they be attacked, as if they are observers who are completely out of the way. "

The senior sister was stunned and said, "That's it?"

Xiao Zi hurriedly said: "Master Bai, don't go in, the darkness of the abyss is a real taboo."

The title of Mr. Bai was requested by Bai Shan. After all, Xiao Zi's addressing him is a problem. It is not good to call him by his first name, and it is not appropriate to call him by other names. Then he should be called Mr. Almighty.

Mei'er looked at the ghost with bloody eyes and curled lips, and rolled her mouth: "Yan Qi, I've heard of you.

You ran out from the door at the end of the third abyss world, right?
So, those big judges and big ghosts are chasing you. In fact, they want to send you back, right? "

Xiao Zi fell silent.

As the Charm King, Meier knew a thing or two about some secrets of the abyss.

Xiao Zi said: "I have no malicious intentions. If I have any malicious intentions towards you, where else can I go in the abyss?"

Mei Er's peach blossom eyes narrowed into silk: "In the stories of the world, I have heard of the farmer and the snake.

The snake was frozen into ice cubes in the cold winter, and kept warm in the arms of the farmer.

At that time, it was not that the snake could not harm the farmer, but it could not harm the farmer.

And when the snake thawed, it directly bit the farmer, and the kind farmer died. "

Xiao Zi said, "I'm not a snake."

Meier looked at it vigilantly: "You have a big secret hidden in you, my uncle doesn't care, but I won't."

Xiao Zi said: "Young Master Bai made a deal with me. I... I want Yang energy."

Mei'er held her chin and said with a coquettish smile: "In the abyss, many ghosts want yang energy, because my uncle's yang energy is pure and strong.

But I always feel that you are not a ghost.

You need Yang Qi not to nourish, but to defrost.

You are pretending to be pitiful now, but you are just playing the role of little pitiful. "

Now that she has chosen Young Master, Mei Er is now focused on this side, so she naturally wants to help Young Master be vigilant.

Xiao Zi lowered her head silently, then looked at Bai Shan and said, "Master Bai, I really have no malicious intentions."

Bai Shan glanced at Xiao Zi, Xiao Zi's pupils were bleeding, her aggrieved mouth was bent down, and she looked like she wanted to cry.He asked: "Yan Qi, what is in the darkness of this road?"

Xiao Zi thought for a while and said: "Mr. Bai, my memory is not clear. I just vaguely know that there is only chaos in these darkness, real chaos.

That is incomprehensible, a chaos that cannot be measured by realm. "

"Can't it be measured by realm?" Bai Shan asked, "I heard that in the innate world, there were six realms in the world, and those like us can only be counted as one or two realms. Then, those who enter the sixth realm can also enter here. Can't you?"

The sixth realm, according to Bai Shan's understanding, is probably already infinitely close to the level of the Dao of Heaven.

Xiao Zi shook her head: "I don't know. My memory tells me that any existence, any realm, will be affected."

Meier said: "You'd better be obedient and tell me everything you know, as well as the door to the third abyss world, and your real purpose!

You are not one of those chaotic monsters of the deep, I can tell.

I don't worry about you being with my uncle with an unknown purpose! "

Xiao Zi showed a pitiful look.

Bai Shan had heard the conversation between Xiao Zi and Toad before, and suddenly said: "Do you want to reappear the underworld?"

Xiao Zi was silent and did not speak.

Bai Shan said: "If you don't say anything, I won't let you follow me all the time."

Xiao Zi hung her head for a long time, then said silently: "I'm sorry, Mr. Bai. Everyone has their own secrets.

But I mean no harm, thank you for your help.

I will leave immediately after I have gained enough yang energy to complete the deal between you and me. "

Bai Shan responded softly.

Miss Mei'er said: "I will keep an eye on you. If you do something wrong, I will not hold back. You have a deal with my uncle, but not me!"

Xiao Zi said softly: "I understand."

At this time, the ghost tree was poking its head out of Baishan's hair, looking around, as if it was always looking for an opportunity to become stronger.This kind of thing that has lived for countless years has a strong attachment and premonition to becoming stronger.In the previous battle, to some extent, it still kept its hand.

Because it felt "the opportunity it has been waiting for" from Bai Shan, but it instinctively wanted to try.

If this person is "dead" by its "try", then it must have had a wrong premonition.

But after all, it was just "trying" instead of using all its strength.

Otherwise, Ying Fengxian couldn't resist the shadows of branches in the sky when he dealt with Toad earlier.

Although Ying Fengxian can be invincible during the slashing, there is a "non-invincible" state between the slashing intervals.

Although the duration of this state may be extremely short, for a monster like the ghost tree that can attack anywhere in the void, it can nail Yingfengxian even if it only takes one thought.

at this time
The ghost tree shook its head, looked out of Baishan's hair, sat for a while, hung for a while, and hid for a while
Baishan is also looking at the ghost tree.

The ghost tree is very good now.

He can make the ghost tree do anything with one thought.

As for the opportunity that Ghost Tree was looking for, he probably thought of at least one point.

This opportunity is in vain.

Although the white flower itself is not strong in battle, its terrifying pollution ability can make every plant evolve, and the ghost tree is no exception.

Feeling the ghost tree scurrying back and forth among his white hair, Bai Shan silently conveyed the message: "Don't worry. We'll be there soon."

at this time
The second abyss world, in the darkness.

Toad reported the information.

Of course, the toad's soul has long been completely suppressed, and the little Ganoderma lucidum is inside.

Xiao Lingzhi, Xiao Mei, and another Xiao Lan are the three maids of Miss.

In Daguangming Temple, Miss lives on the fourth floor, Xiao Lingzhi lives on the third floor, Xiaolan lives on the second floor, and Xiaomei lives on the first floor. Baishan has even been to these places.

With her hands behind her back and her long sleeves hanging down, the young lady listened to Xiao Lingzhi's report.

"Controlling the Ghost Sea Ding Xingmu does not mean controlling it, it may just be a transaction.

However, in this way, it is even more certain that he is the real Wood Master, without any seeds, otherwise Guihai Ding Xingmu would not be so close to him.

There is Gui Hai who will be sentenced to death, and it is extremely difficult to catch him.

However, since his purpose is to return to the original world, we can sit on the sidelines and wait for him at the coordinate point of the abyss. "

Little Lingzhi let out a "cuckoo" and said, "Yan Qi is also following him."

"Yan Qi?"

Hearing this name, the young lady was taken aback, and she murmured several times, "Yan Qi. Yan Qi
How did all these dangerous things come together?

In this case, you go to inform the third abyss. "

"Miss, what exactly is Yan Qi?" Little Lingzhi became curious. She had heard of this name before, but it was obvious that it had just emerged from the abyss recently, and had never appeared before.

The young lady was silent for a while, and said: "It's not that I didn't tell you, but"

Little Ganoderma lucidum said: "The subordinates know, the subordinates are not curious, it is good that the young lady knows."

The young lady smiled lightly, and said, "Go quickly. When the time comes, I will tell you this."

"En." Xiao Lingzhi responded, and then hesitantly said, "I'll go to the third abyss first, and then intercept it, will it be too late?"

The young lady shook her head, and then said, "I will do it myself.

The world often says soldiers against soldiers, generals against generals, and kings against kings.

But when a small soldier crosses the river, he can be a general, and if he reaches the end, he will become a king.

Why is this?

Because this little soldier has good luck and has time to grow up.

But the little soldiers can grow up, it is entirely the negligence of the opposite king.

I will not make a mistake, since the matter has reached this point, I will personally take action before he has really grown up, and eliminate this catastrophe. At least, trap him again.

I've heard that he has many scary things, such as the Twisting Lieyang, the Ghost Sea Judgment Tree, and the Peach Blossom Spring.
From this point of view, the reason why the lunar candlelight in my body was obtained by him may not be due to God.

But these terrifying things, he has not been able to truly exert their power.

Now is the best time. "

Little Lingzhi said again: "Should I tell Emperor Fengyue?"

The young lady said: "No need, he is busy dealing with the water master and this is the critical moment."

As the voice fell, the body of light and shadow around the young lady suddenly darkened, and the ground was filled with mysterious black soil. With a whole world.

The soil is like a Huntian silk wrapping around the whole body, protecting the young lady.

As soon as the lady took a step, two big moon discs suddenly appeared behind her.

This moon wheel is actually somewhat similar to Ying Fengxian's moon wheel, but the color is completely different, one is pure white and the other is pure black.

The black and white moon disc whirred and danced behind him like a Tai Chi, and there was a kind of undetectable terrifying power in the gap between the black and white light.

It is this horror that makes the black and white moon discs sharper, rather than the harmony of Tai Chi.

Immediately, the young lady turned into a black waterfall of light, shooting away into the distance.

She and Bai Shan did have a honeymoon period, even Bai Shan's coming to this world was inextricably related to her.

But now. For more important matters, Baishan can only be trapped. If he can't be trapped, he will be killed directly.

Little Ganoderma lucidum looked at the young lady in the distance, and the toad turned its head. For some reason, the young lady was so strong, but the young lady always felt a little worried when she went to it alone.

So, it ran away again, and came to a dilapidated palace full of blood and corrosion, and shouted: "Old Han, Old Han, Miss is going on an expedition, do you want to go and meet her?"

Not long after, there was the sound of "clackling" dragging a knife in the dilapidated hall.

The sound of dragging the knife approached from far away. A fat man full of pressure, his eyes narrowed slightly, like a mountain of meat, hooked his head, walked out step by step, and then said in a low voice, "Who are you hitting?"

Little Lingzhi said: "Baishan, hit Baishan."

Lao Han froze for a moment, then confirmed: "Really?"

Little Ganoderma lucidum said: "Enemies and friends keep changing, isn't this normal? We were friends in the past, but not now."

Old Han paused silently, nodded his head, and the urn answered, "Okay."

Then, he stuck the huge bone-chopping knife in his waist, took a step forward, and disappeared in place.

Naturally, Bai Shan didn't know that he was being targeted.

He has been following the map.

But the more I walked, the more strange I felt.

Although he didn't need to eat and drink, the walking time this time was a bit ridiculous.

He paused and looked at the map quietly.

Under the surge of the Kuroshio, the map changed subtly, but he was indeed very close to the coordinate point.

However, he has circled many circles around this coordinate, but he can't reach the coordinate where he really enters the world.

"What's going on here?" Bai Shan asked sideways.

Xiaomei also frowned, "I've never encountered such a situation before."

The senior sister suddenly said: "Before in Wangxiang Mountain, the toad seemed to have said that there was a certain existence that obliterated this coordinate and made it impossible for everyone to enter."

Having said that, Bai Shan remembered.

But Xiaomei Nuonuo said: "Impossible, uncle, if this coordinate is really obliterated, wouldn't my map be useless? However, the map still points to the destination, so there is no problem."

Bai Shan looked at the map.

It is true that the bloody imprint is ahead, as if the navigation in the previous life showed "500 meters to the destination", but after walking for an hour, the destination could not be reached.

Bai Shan asked: "Will someone use illusion? For example, high-end ghosts hitting the wall?"

Xiaomei gave him an angry look, with a look of "my mother is a master of illusion, if someone really uses illusion, my mother will not know".

Bai Shan said: "If it's not an illusion, then the road is always changing. Therefore, we are on the right road, but... this road is getting longer and longer. Then I will speed up and you sit down."

Accelerating in the abyss is risky, but it has to be the case now.

Xiaomei and her senior sister hurriedly tightened their legs and tightened their grip on Baishan's waist.

Xiao Zi also quietly grabbed the tiger's fur to avoid being pulled down, but there was some kind of hidden strange color flashing in its bleeding pupils, it seemed that this situation was not too unexpected for it.

Bai Shan paused for a moment, and immediately shot out like a beam of light.

He looked at the map as he raced down the narrow road to keep himself from being dragged into the darkness.

As he accelerated, on the map, the change of the path became clearer.

The Baishan tiger's eyes tightened, staring at the map.
But there was cold sweat oozing from his back.

On the map, the destination as the goal has not changed, but the destination is like a spider spinning silk, constantly spinning
He was running along the thread, and the faster he ran, the faster the "spider" spun silk.

He burst out with strength and moved a little closer, but the speed at which the "spider" spun silk unexpectedly accelerated a lot in an instant.

It is conceivable that as he approaches, the speed will increase even more.

This is not an illusion, but a real change in the way.

It seemed that the entire abyss was preventing him from returning, so he kept wriggling his body, making the path longer and longer.

Bai Shan tried a few times, broke out a few times, stopped and said: "It's not right."

In fact, it doesn't need to be said by him, Xiaomei and senior sister also feel the same way.

Xiaomei murmured: "No, this kind of situation has never happened. Even Miss, she doesn't have such supernatural powers. Because no one can control the abyss. Unless..."

She hesitated, "Unless... the abyss itself is resisting our departure."

Baishan looked at the coordinates, clearly in front of his eyes, but he couldn't reach them no matter what.

He thought for a while, and returned to the Peach Blossom Spring, and then told the ghost tree: "Take us to the coordinates."

The ghost tree immediately stretched out its claws, pierced the void, and started to move forward.

Not long after, the ghost tree stopped moving.

Baishan and it are connected with each other, knowing that as long as they go out, they can directly reach the coordinates.

He breathed a sigh of relief, looked at Xiaomei and said, "After going out, it's up to you."

Xiaomei nodded, "But... I need a little time before I can enter the coordinates."

Bai Shan asked: "Is there no way to reduce it?"

Xiaomei bit her lip, but she couldn't help it.

Bai Shan said: "Then hurry up. Senior sister, Xiao Zi, and Yu Zhen. You are here."

He looked at everyone, then pulled Xiaomei, disappeared in place in an instant, and entered the coordinates.

As soon as she entered the coordinates, Meier directly drew the leaving character.

But the two of them seemed to be sitting on an elevator reversing at the speed of light, and they had just appeared, and they had already been teleported to an extremely far place with a "swish".

Bai Shan held onto Xiaomei tightly, and when he settled down, he glanced at the map.

On the map, they are back to where they were.

"What's going on here? I can't get close to the end point. Even if I walk through the void to reach the end point, I can't open the door to enter the coordinate world. Then what should I do?" Xiaomei said angrily.

At this moment, a cold wind suddenly blew from the dark winding path in the distance.
In the cold wind, the Kuroshio seemed to be forced to disperse by some powerful force, and it boiled restlessly and turbulently.

Xiaomei's delicate body, which was trying to find a way, suddenly tensed up, as if she had fallen into a cold ice cave, and she hurriedly turned her head to look behind her.
There, it's windy.

The turmoil caused by the deep sea destructive tsunami rolled the dark shadows on both sides of the abyss path, tumbling and tumbling, and the overwhelming cold air rushed from afar, making people's blood freeze and their hearts unable to beat in fear.

"Eep~~~Eep~~" Guihai Dingxingmu made a sharp and threatening sound. It was originally in Baishan's arms, but at this moment it suddenly jumped out and stopped in front of Baishan. The tree began to sprout at a speed visible to the naked eye. Branches, leaves, flowers.
But the tree is only on the path, and does not spread into the shadow on the sides.

Not long after, the entire trail became a jungle hell constructed of dense branches like swords.
Any existence that enters here will be stabbed to death by the branches of the ghost tree.

Branches stretch hundreds of meters, thousands of meters, and still
At this time, there was a "click" sound in the distance.

The branches were broken like glazed coral, making a continuous and crisp sound of breaking.

And in the gaps between the branches, the weird black soil turned into a pitch-black dragon, which penetrated every hole and slammed into it fiercely.

"Yes Miss"

"Miss did it herself."

Miss Meier's complexion was pale.

Seeing that the sound was getting closer, she hesitated a little, took a step forward, and flicked her fingers in the void, drawing an extremely complex and resentful character.

As soon as this talisman appeared, Miss Mei'er let out a sigh of relief and walked towards the opposite side.

In the distance, there was a cold sound like an ice abyss.

"You actually shot at me?"

Xiaomei cried out: "Miss, Meier, please let us go, my uncle didn't want to harm you."

Bai Shan's hair spread out like water plants, and the twisted Lieyang was hidden in it, and he watched the movement in the distance.
The ghost tree can't stop her?

Seeing that it was getting closer, he suddenly pulled Xiaomei and directly entered the Taohuayuan.

Then the ghost tree stretched out its claws and swept into the void.

Anyway, let's go into the void first.

The void is the gap between the world and the world, as long as you escape into it, you will be much safer
Bai Shan doesn't want to face Miss now.

Yingfengxian, Xiaozi, and Yuzhen approached.

The senior sister asked, "What happened outside?"

Bai Shan said: "A terrifying monster is chasing you."

He looked at Xiaomei.

Xiaomei said: "If you enter the void, as long as you run far away, the young lady probably won't be able to catch up for a while."

But suddenly, she thought of something again, "Unless...Unless Old Han"

"However, Miss should not call Lao Han."

As I was talking here, the young lady stopped on the path of the abyss outside. She stepped on the black soil, and the black and white moon wheel behind her was spinning endlessly. indifferent.

At this time, the sound of "dongdong" footsteps came from behind her.

A huge shadow hooked its head, approaching from a distance, and arrived in an instant.

The lady said coldly: "Old Han, they left not long ago, pull them back."

The fat man like a mountain of meat didn't talk nonsense, and the urn answered, he cut open his stomach with a knife, and grabbed a rope hook from it.

He raised his hand and shook the rope hook, looking at the blankness in front of him, but there were many reflections in his eyes
There seemed to be a time pointer in his pupils that was "tick-tock-tick" spinning rapidly.

With the rotation, those reflections quickly disappeared, and soon there was only one left.

Lao Han "swiped" and threw out the hook.

Immediately, the sky of the Taohuayuan world was torn apart, and a hook appeared in this space.

Immediately afterwards, the entire space vibrated.

Taohuayuan became a colored ball in the middle of a tug-of-war.

The ghost tree was dragging to one side, but Lao Han was on the other side.

Ying Fengxian had quick hands and sharp eyes, and she held the golden moon wheel and slashed at the hook.

brush! !

The senior sister's figure flew by, and the hook was cut in half.

But a strange scene appeared, the hook was cut open, but there was still a hook in the sky.

Xiaomei said: "The useless old Han's hook has an extremely rare power of time rules. You cut off his current hook, but his future hook has arrived again. No matter how many times you cut, he will only cut off His current hook."

On the other side, however, the ghost tree is tug-of-war with all its might.

Its many branches all stretched into the void.

The small world is still far away, obviously the ghost tree is stronger.

Just when everyone breathed a sigh of relief, Xiaomei became even more terrified, and she hurriedly said: "It's over, it's over, if Lao Han is here, miss can follow his rope hook and enter our small world directly.

I know Miss best. She didn't enter now, but she just felt confident and felt that Lao Han could pull us back, so she set up a kill trap outside.

When she finds out that Lao Han can't bring us back, she will come in without hesitation. "

Bai Shan asked: "If she comes in, what chance do we have of winning?"

Xiaomei cried: "There is no chance of winning.

Miss holds two kinds of power, one is the power of birth and death, and the other is the power of many worlds.

Not to mention the former one, but the latter one alone, none of us can bear it. When she hits you, you feel like you have been hit hard by many worlds. You will be blown away immediately. "

"Why didn't I see that you were so fierce before?"

Xiaomei said: "Isn't that recovering? What should I do?"

Suddenly, a voice came from afar, "Master Bai, go to the coordinate direction, the sooner the better. I, I have a way to get in."

Bai Shan followed the sound and saw that it was Xiao Zi.

He immediately told Ghost Tree: "Go to the direction of the coordinates as quickly as possible."

The ghost tree immediately turned around and swept across the void.

Only then did Bai Shan ask: "What can you do? Why didn't you say it just now?"

Xiao Zi was a little silent, and faltered: "There is a price."

In the abyss.

The lady waited quietly.

Old Han was tugging at the rope.

The lady asked: "Why haven't you pulled it back?"

Old Han Weng said: "There is a force blocking it, hehe, it's quite strong."

After that, he rolled up his old sleeve and continued to pull.

The lady said: "It's the Ghost Sea Sentence Tree, you can't drag it. Then you grab the rope, and I'll go directly to find them."

Old Han Weng said: "Okay."

With her hands behind her back, the young lady stepped on the rope suddenly and went straight into the void.

In the void, there is nothing in the vast expanse, and nothing can stay here except the world.

As soon as the lady entered it, the world quietly covered her body, and the original outline of light and shadow suddenly became the outline of the world.

She followed the rope and quickly chased after him. Today, Baishan and the traitor must be left behind!

"Hurry up!" Xiaomei screamed, "I feel that Miss is coming soon. She won't hold back this time!"

White Mountain stands silently on the ruins of Peach Blossom Spring.

Ying Fengxian grabbed the moon wheel and stood beside him quietly.

day by day
Like sitting on pins and needles.

No one knows what will happen next.

Not long after, Baishan felt the message from the ghost tree, and suddenly his mind moved, and he said to Xiaozi: "The coordinates are outside, what should we do now?"

Xiao Zi hurriedly said: "Master Bai, take me out."

Bai Shan didn't talk nonsense, he just grabbed it and left the peach blossom garden.

But if he can't succeed, he will be sent directly to where Lao Han is, and then face Lao Han and the young lady who came after him.

At the moment of separation, a ball of black brilliance exploded from the hook in the sky, and ripples floated out, as if many small worlds were invading.

The lady has arrived.

However, she was late.

However, Bai Shan quickly entered the coordinates, and the young lady followed closely.

Time is so frozen.

Bai Shan and Xiao Zi first appeared at the coordinates. Xiao Zi didn't draw any symbols, but just screamed and spit out a mouthful of blood. As soon as her blood appeared, the surroundings instantly lit up.

No, it wasn't that the surroundings were brightened, but that her blood was so black that the surrounding darkness turned white.

In the next moment, a strange door opened directly.

Xiao Zi opened the door and dragged Bai Shan into it.

The young lady had just appeared at this time, she was standing in front of the door, wanting to move forward, but an indescribable force was dragging her back crazily, and would also send her back to the place she had been to before Baishan.

The young lady was stunned, and suddenly thought of something. Before being sent back to the original place, she said loudly to the door: "Baishan, be careful of the power that heaven gives you!"

As soon as the last word fell, the young lady was sent back by this force, and retreated to Lao Han's side.

Lao Han glanced at the young lady who suddenly appeared, and asked in a low voice, "Has my uncle been slaughtered?"

The young lady was speechless: "Why are you shouting after that traitor?"

Old Han stopped talking, he was not good at words.

But at this moment, the young lady's expression suddenly changed, and she glanced at the map of the abyss in her hand from the corner of her eye.

On the map, beside the road that originally extended spirally towards the coordinates, a third road suddenly diverged.

That road seems to be very long, I don't know where it leads to, and I don't know why it suddenly came into being.

Ms. has never encountered such a situation.

Lao Han also squinted at the map.

The lady said: "It seems that something changed in the abyss that we can't understand. I will try to enter the world of heaven and man first, and hunt down Baishan. If we can't get in, we will try this way."

Old Han Weng replied, "Yes."

PS: ask for a monthly pass~~
(End of this chapter)

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