Chapter 234 357. Mysterious Manor, Flying God's Throne (6.2K Words - Subscribe)
The lady's figure flickered continuously until it completely landed on the coordinates of entering the world of heaven and man.

At this coordinate, the speed of the road is extremely fast, but the speed of the young lady is also extremely fast. The two speeds are opposed, and the young lady is just able to stand firmly here. She seems to be stationary, but she is actually moving forward at an unimaginable speed. .

The lady drew the talisman and waited quietly.

However, the coordinates cannot be entered.

She was stunned for a moment, this kind of situation had never happened before, and there was no problem with the talisman, which meant that the talisman was not invalid, but the world of coordinates could no longer be reached through the talisman.

The young lady's silhouette made of light and shadow narrowed her eyes.

The coordinates of the abyss are a special channel, and the channel does not pass through the void. In short, if the coordinates fail, she will not be able to go to the world of heaven and man.

"Then what is the door that Baishan entered just now?"

Miss didn't think about it anymore, she groped for a while, and found that she couldn't go to the world of heaven and man, so she gave up for the time being.

Backing to the side of the fat cook, the lady looked at the weird third road on the map, and said, "Old Han, little Lingzhi went to inform the judges and ghost messengers in the third abyss world. When they arrive, you will The situation here tells them that maybe those people in the third abyss world will understand how to enter the world of celestial beings.

When the time comes, you go with them.If possible, be sure to catch Bai Shan, and kill him if he can't.

This child grows too fast, this is the way of heaven can't wait to do something to us.

Then, you ask Xiao Lingzhi to wait for me at this intersection, and don't let anyone in during the period. "

Old Han Weng responded with a voice.

The young lady looked at the map, and the extra third road was hazy, long and long, like a gloomy and ghostly path, leading to nowhere.

But this is already an abyss, isn't the ghost path in the abyss a joke?

But the young lady didn't laugh, because although she knew a lot of secrets in the abyss, but not all of them.

Those secrets that are not known to her are the real deadly ones.

For example, Shizuo.

For example, the darkness between the paths of the abyss, and the reason for the "tide" formed by these darkness.

Another example. At this moment, this weird extra third way.

The young lady stared intently at the ghostly path, and murmured: "The roads on the map are all fixed, and there won't be a sudden extra road. Old Han, I have to go and see. If I make it in time, I will meet you guys.

If I don't come back, don't worry, I'll travel far away. "

She is full of confidence, and she is not worried that she will really be in danger.

Old Han responded earnestly again.

On the other side, the young lady has already grabbed the map and flew towards the third road.

That road is winding and deep.
The lady's speed is ridiculously fast, but she is not willing to easily step into the darkness at the edge.

After walking for an unknown amount of time, the road became extremely cramped and narrow, like a cold steel wire. People walking on it would definitely fall into the surrounding darkness even if they turned sideways.

But the outline of the young lady is changeable, and she also turned into a line, walking along the "wire".

This road is extremely long, but the young lady is more and more curious in her heart.

At her level, she more or less knows a little about the secrets in the abyss, but she has never heard of or seen this path.

She decided to keep going until she saw the secret at the end.

Now, during the change of time value and calamity, all kinds of weird things are beginning to come out at this time, just like when the life calamity was just born a long, long time ago.

Although the young lady has not experienced that period, she has obtained the scales and claws related to that period from various gods and places.

It was an extremely mysterious and weird era, all kinds of things hidden in the unknown, even hidden in the past, came to the present world one after another.

Those things may not necessarily appear because I am willing to appear, but just... I can't go back.

It's like when the owner's house is cleaned, all kinds of weird things will always be found in the dark corners.

It's like when the owner lifts up the old sheets, the dust hidden in the folds of the sheets will always be lifted.

Those things may have disappeared for a long time, but at this time... they will always be exposed in sight, which will bring a series of effects.

Miss didn't see Tian's appearance, otherwise this conjecture would have been directly implemented.

After a long time,
The path is getting narrower and narrower, so narrow that it doesn't even count as a steel wire, at most it barely counts as a hair.

The lady is still on the move.

The end point finally appeared in front of my eyes.

She saw the end of the road.

It was an extremely ancient and weird villa.

A manor that shouldn't have appeared in the abyss at all, and appeared in the abyss for some reason.

The old door of the manor has thick rust spots, and it is opened a little at this time.
There was a dim light shining from within.

The light flickered like a candle.

But the door of the manor should be a corridor, not a room, so why are there candles?
The lady didn't care about this for the time being, because she found that the light
It is likely to be the third road that suddenly appeared on the map of the abyss! !
The door opened, revealing the light, and the light fell far outside the door, forming a far-reaching road, a third road suddenly appeared, the road when she came.

This is simply incredible.

"Can light alone carve a way through the darkness of the abyss?"

The young lady pondered for a moment, stood in front of the door, and then reached out to push the door.

The door gap is wide.

The light coming through has grown thicker.

And the path to the abyss, which was already extremely weak, suddenly appeared again.

Her thoughts were confirmed.

However, she wasn't afraid.

She continued to push the door open.

But the light is getting brighter and the road is getting wider.

Just after the door was completely opened, all the light disappeared, and the manor was completely dark.

The abyss road has also completely disappeared.

As soon as the road disappeared, those unknown monsters in the darkness began to move around.

The lady hastily closed the door again, but this time, the road never appeared again.

The young lady's expression changed, and she stepped into the gate.

Just as she entered, the gate slammed shut, and the entire manor slowly disappeared into the darkness of the abyss, as if waiting for prey, without a trace.

On the main road of the abyss.

Xiao Lingzhi looked at the map instead of Lao Han.

Xiao Lingzhi is still here, not because of the short time.

Instead, more than a month has passed.

More than a month ago, Xiao Lingzhi brought the judges and ghost messengers over, but found that the world of heaven and man was blocked, and no matter what method they could not enter.

After that, Lao Han went back with the judges and ghost messengers, and tried to enter the world of heaven and man through other coordinates.

And Xiao Lingzhi stood guard at the intersection.

At this moment, it suddenly sat up in shock, clutching the map and staring at it.

"how come?"

"The third way, disappeared."

The world of heaven and man, the Northland.

It has been more than a year since Baishan left.

In the past year or so, the Tianren Academy has grown stronger and stronger, and this new force is multiplying at a terrifying speed. It seems that luck has completely descended here.

Although there is no strong man who has reached the real state of fusion, but no immortal force dares to invade here.

The half-step fusion gods and true gods of the immortals are all produced through a lot of time, a lot of resources, and a lot of experience. It can be said that there is a radish and a pit.

But for celestial beings, this is completely "production" in batches, and all that is needed is aura.

Where did that aura come from?

This is even more unbelievable.

White Flower's Black Jade Pagoda has absorbed some characteristics and evolved again.

Its shape has changed from the original black plant "with many large chimney-like mouthparts" to an extremely beautiful jade-colored ancient tree.

Many winged elves were born from the old tree.
These elves even have wisdom and racial characteristics unbelievably. They are not good at fighting and love peace, but they can hide their breath, become invisible, ride clouds and fog, and be extremely fast. More importantly, these elves can "collect aura".

In other words, these elves can independently go to the place where the aura is rich, and return by themselves after absorbing enough aura, just like bees collecting honey for the hive.

The withered black jade pagoda turned into an inexhaustible white jade tree.

The elves of the Baiyu clan were born in the Baiyu tree.

Of course, the white jade tree and the white jade spirit are still the tip of the mutated iceberg.

The line of "grabbing life and enshrining white flowers" has also undergone changes
I don't know if it's a coincidence, but this change made the original claw plants have a body similar to white jade elves, but these elves have blood-red eyes, are extremely bloodthirsty, and are good at various killing techniques. Desperadoes are terrified.

These elves are called "blood elves".

In addition to the white jade elves and blood elves, the plants that have seized the characteristics of the distorted blazing sun are also undergoing changes, and the original "Chaos Tree Wall" and "Flower Fairy" have also begun to breed new species.

However, this gestation time is very long and has not yet been completed.

Daxing Ancient City
It has become a world of celestial beings and elves, and mortals regard this place as the land of gods.

And at the core of this world is the Martial God Garden, and there are white flowers.

More than a month after Baishan came back, Guihai Dingxingmu was extremely happy. It found that its choice was right, and this was one of the opportunities for it to become stronger.

And its arrival has also added further opportunities to Valkyrie Garden.

White Flower has mastered many "characteristics".

It can extract the characteristics of all plants, and then perform "chaotic creation".

The Ghost Sea Ding Xingmu stands in the center of the garden, accepting the transformation of Baihua, and enduring the infinite superposition of characteristics. Every time Baishan looks at it, he feels "+1+1+1" floating in the void, "Strengthening success, strengthening great success " and other invisible words.

Similarly, the white flower also extracts the characteristics of the Ghost Sea Ding Xingmu and spreads it to other plants.

And when other plants become stronger, they will also bless the spirits.

This change is terrifying.

It's like a little spark fell into the forest. At first there was only a little bit, but as the scope expanded, it turned into a terrifying prairie fire, which was unstoppable and unstoppable.

Baishan spent the initial development period with white flowers tremblingly.

But now, Bai Hua's arrogance and domineering, terrifying posture appeared.

It can be said that if there are no accidents, the first task of Baishan [Wood Magic Sutra] has been completed with certainty.

at this time
Baishan sits in the small central pavilion of the Valkyrie Garden.

It was originally an ordinary cabin, but it was turned into a beautiful forest manor by the plant elves.

The out-of-season landscape decoration, pavilions, pavilions, pavilions and waterside pavilions have created miraculous buildings.

Baishan looked at the flying elves in the distance, the patrolling elves, and the heavenly beings who were practicing under the white jade tree, and the sound of teaching from the heavenly school came from a distance. It was still unbelievable.

He finally made sure of one thing: the sky and the earth are helping him, the great luck is falling on him, and the heaven is using him as his hand to do something.

Otherwise, how could it be so easy to create an unprecedented new civilization?
And it's been more than a month, and the young lady who should have chased him has not come after her. Xiaomei also tried it, saying that the abyss can't go back for the time being.

The pavilion is a lotus pavilion on all sides.

The surroundings of the pavilion are all clear water, the lotus in the lake stands gracefully, and the willow branches dance on the lake bank.

The pavilion is hexagonal, transparent on all sides, and there are couplets inscribed by Danqing on the curtain of pillars: lotus flowers on four sides and willows on three sides, half pool of autumn water and one house mountain.

Baishan sits in the pavilion.

But the thoughts flew away slightly.

Miss's words always appeared in his mind.

——— "Baishan, be careful of the power that heaven gives you!"———

"Measuring the calamity is the calamity when the Dao of Heaven cleans up the world.

Because the old power has made the development of all things in the universe unhealthy, it needs to be cleaned up.

And the abyss is undoubtedly the old power.

The lady realized that she might not be able to kill me, so she wanted to plant a nail in my heart, making me suspicious and afraid of heaven. "

"It can be compared to the emperor with the way of heaven.

As far as the emperor is concerned, the birds are the best bows.

As far as the way of heaven is concerned, it may not be the case
Therefore, Miss's words can be regarded as a conspiracy. "

"But it doesn't really matter. Even if there is a day when Asuka is perfect, it will take a long, long, long time. Humans only live for a hundred years. I can live such a long and wonderful life, and I am actually quite satisfied.

When the calamity is over, there is no need for heaven to do anything, I just disarm and return to the field, why is it so troublesome? "

Baishan has a very good mentality, and he is quite satisfied to be able to get to where he is today.

"However, what interests me is what exactly is the Dao of Heaven?"

Bai Shan was silent for a while.

In fact, he has thought about this question for a long time.

This time he went to the abyss, experienced all kinds of things, and coupled with the young lady's words, he gained a new understanding.

"Is it an existence?"

"Or, it's just a law of operation? It's like...the high-end version of artificial intelligence follows a certain predetermined program, and this the rule."

"When the world is corrupted, it seems to Heaven that viruses have appeared, so He wants to create anti-virus software to kill these viruses.

But the operation of the world is not pure intelligence after all, so while killing viruses, it will also produce many side effects.

These anti-virus software and their side effects will slowly ferment and become new viruses.

Then Tiandao started to make new antivirus software. "

"If it's the former one, then just let it go, anyway, no matter how you change it, it won't change.

There is individual consciousness in the Dao of Heaven, and the entire universe is the back garden of his home.

He is omniscient and omnipotent, completely invincible, we are all like ants, if He moves his fingers, who can't do it if he wants to crush him to death?

But God didn't do that.

I don't believe that the way of heaven is limited.

What limits can be imposed in the back garden?
That said, the latter possibility should be favored.

In other words, Tiandao is an unimaginable high-end artificial intelligence. "

"And Tiandao's method of creating anti-virus software is to select the robber."

"Opening the Heavenly Demon Sutra is his method of selecting the robber."

"I am now, as far as Tiandao is concerned, I am just a promising robber, but I am not the ultimate robber."

"Then, since this is the case, there will always be a point in time when I will be selected as the robber.

Until that point in time, I am still me.

After that point in time, I became a ready robber. "

Bai Shan thought for a while, then murmured: "This point of time should be the time when I have successfully cultivated all five chapters of [Kaitian Jing].

I am the only person in the world who has cultivated the wooden seal and comprehended the wooden magic seal
From that moment on, I was selected as the preparation for the robber.

Later, when I cultivated white flowers, the Heavenly Dao gave me more and more resources.

My luck is also getting better and better. Even if I go out once, I can harvest all kinds of treasures.

And these are the things God gave me. "

"Then, my original talent of equivalent exchange has nothing to do with the way of heaven."

"The principle of equivalent exchange, if I want to directly obtain the power of a practice, I need to provide certain conditions, which is like buying something."

"However, since it is a purchase, there must be a seller.

Who sold me the power of these exercises? "

Bai Shan naturally thought of the way of heaven.

Because the power he obtained is all available in the rules of heaven.

But when it comes to those that are unknown, or that have not yet appeared, it is impossible to carry out ready-made transactions.

"No, it's not the way of heaven."

"Tiandao doesn't need these things I provide."

Bai Shan thought about it.

"If you compare the universe to a huge and unimaginable artificial system.

Then, Tiandao is like the artificial intelligence in this system, he is responsible for running the rules and implementing the rules.

But in addition to this artificial intelligence, there are various information stored in the universe, that is, the memory bank, and the memory bank is the universe itself.

It is the memory bank, not the execution rules, and the universe itself, not the way of heaven, that makes deals with me.

Do not.
It's not really a transaction.

but an exchange.

I give certain things and I get certain things from the universe.

These directly obtained objects truly belong to me, but in the later process, because of the robber, they began to be affected by the way of heaven.

But Tiandao can't give me those things directly, unless I happen to be nearby and meet certain opportunities.

For example, the ghost tree, this is because I am the tree owner, and because of the way of heaven, the ghost tree recognizes me as the owner.

For example, Twisted Lieyang, this kind of bug-like power, is because I just stole a little power with the fruit of the gods and demons, and then encountered the abyss black lake, so the way of heaven has fulfilled me.

The blood marrow of the previous world was directly donated by a part of the will of heaven.

These are all given to me by the Dao of Heaven, and they are not equivalent.

And the power that I directly exchanged, even the power in [Open Heaven Scripture] and [Open Heaven Demon Scripture], is my own. "

"Well, if this is the case, what if I don't set what I want to get, but directly provide something? Then, will the universe provide me with something?"

"Just... how to do it?"

Bai Shan tried to take out a magic weapon and focused his attention on it, but there was nothing for a long time.

He took out another exercise book, and the conditions of the exercise were presented one by one, which was still the same as before. As long as he fulfilled these conditions, he could directly obtain the Great Consummation of the exercise.

Bai Shan was silent for a long time, "Maybe. I'm thinking too much. However, maybe I need more information."

He put the matter aside for the time being.

a few days later.

The world of heaven and man.

In the world, in the west, in the wild and deep mountains.

There was a burst of wild laughter.

"Old Xuanyuan, it really is you. I said why I felt that someone behind the scenes was secretly instigating a war. It turned out that my hunch was right. Why did you do this?" The man in Xuanjia was looking coldly at the Xuanyuan sage standing in the center.

This man is the suzerain of the Necronomicon Sect - Li Jian, and the only Fusion God of the Necronomicon Sect.

Li remonstrated: "I thought our Demon Sect was ruthless enough, but I didn't expect you to be more ruthless than us. But what I don't understand is, why do you consume us even though the catastrophe is coming?"

Saint Xuanyuan is the one who signed the contract with the World Snake, but the changes in the world made their actions very difficult, and just over a month ago, the gate of the abyss was completely closed, and the World Snake could not come. , This directly moved the Xuanyuan sage, so he was discovered when he went out to act.

But even if it is discovered, that's nothing.

Now the ones in the lower realms are at most half-step Fushenshen, and he, the number one in the fairy world, can walk sideways.

However, the Necromancer eventually discovered something was wrong, so Li Jian appeared here.

It's just that Li Jian never expected that the person behind the scenes doing this despicable and shameless deed was actually the sage of Xuanyuanzong.

at this time
Saint Xuanyuan's expression was still calm, and he said lightly: "Since you have discovered it, I will give you a ride, saving you from going out to tell tales. The Demon Sect should have been extinct long ago."

"Talk the truth?" Li Jian sneered, "Let's fight if we want."

The two energies collide with each other.

After a long time.
Although the victory or defeat has not been completely decided, Li Jian is already dead.

However, the head of the Necromancer sect was still holding onto the bait thrown by the snake, with a ferocious smile on his face, "Old Xuanyuan, this god is real."

Saint Xuanyuan naturally knew it was true, he said coldly: "So what?"

Li remonstrated: "Since it is true, then if this kind of treasure is really obtained by someone, you will definitely feel distressed?"

Saint Xuanyuan smiled: "If you are dead, I will release this god. And no matter who gets it, the only thing waiting for him is death."

He's full of confidence, as he always has been.

Li Jian laughed wildly, "You won't have this chance."

After all, he didn't know what kind of magical power he used, and the god from the ancient times suddenly turned into a ray of light and shot towards the north.

That direction is the ancient city of Daxing.

Saint Xuanyuan was stunned for a moment, and he immediately understood the intention of this remonstrance, "You want to send to Daxing Ancient City? You want to die!"

After all, Saint Xuanyuan stood up, trying to stop the light.

But although Li Jian is not his opponent, he can still hold him for a while.

Seeing the berserk energy chasing him from behind, the Xuanyuan sage stopped his movements helplessly and went back to meet him.

The god position has disappeared without a trace.

far away.

The senior sister was sitting on a covered bridge, comprehending new powers, when she suddenly saw a light flying over and landed at her feet with a "snap".

The senior sister was taken aback, looked down at what was coming, frowned and said, "Why is there a statue? Who threw this around?"

The senior sister grabbed the statue, walked to the lotus pavilion not far away, threw the statue over, and said coldly: "Baishan, look at what this is?"

PS: Ask for a monthly pass~
(End of this chapter)

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