Accidentally became the ancestor of the imperial beast

Chapter 27 Analyzing the Magic Pattern

Chapter 27 Analyzing the Magic Pattern
"Moonlight grass, is there anything special about this kind of light-type plant monster?"

The scholars in the field were also discussing at this time, guessing what the possible topics would be.

"Should be related to plant runes"

"You still remember the plant rune at the beginning of the exchange meeting, maybe there is some relationship between the two."

Listening to the discussion in his ears, Su Wen's face showed a strange color. According to these scholars, Moonlight Grass seems to be a kind of plant-based monster.

At this moment, the person in charge on the stage suddenly coughed lightly, making the venue quickly quiet, "Now, I'm going to announce the topic of the last stage."

"As you guessed, this time the topic is still related to the runes of the plant monsters. Later we will activate the magic patterns in Moonlight Grass, and all you have to do is try to analyze the magic patterns."

While speaking, the person in charge had already come to the iron cage, took out a dead branch and placed it in front of Moonlight Grass.

Looking at the dead branches in front of her, Moonlight Grass trembled all over, with fear in her eyes.

Without any hesitation, light green energy fluctuations quickly radiated from its body, quickly covering the dead branches.

The green light continuously merged into the dead branches, and in a blink of an eye, I saw the green light flowing on the dead leaves, and the greenness was slowly restored!
This is not over yet, the branches that were already withered and could no longer wither, now under the wrap of this green light, tender skins appeared on the surface, and new buds sprouted out instead!
"The dry leaves come back to life."

Looking at the continuous changes on the dead branches, the scholars all showed strange colors in their eyes.

It can revitalize the dead branches, and the moonlight grass has such a magical power.

"Recovery moves." Su Wen recognized the moves Moonlight Grass used at a glance.

He frowned, and his eyes fell on the trembling Moonlight Grass. Anyone with a discerning eye could easily see the panic and fear in Moonlight Grass' eyes.

Obviously, the methods used by mages to tame monsters are completely different from those of beast masters. Their main method is to use powerful power to make monsters fear and submit. This is the most brutal way of taming.

Thinking of this, he shook his head slightly, with pity on his face, Moonlight Grass is a very potential and rare pet beast, these mages are really reckless in their actions.

If he can be allowed to cultivate Moonlight Grass, Moonlight Grass will soon be able to have good combat power. Only the Beast Master can fully stimulate the potential of this little guy.
"Everyone has seen the power of Moonlight Grass."

"And the subject of our discussion this time is the magical power of Moonlight Grass."

"Later, we will activate the magic pattern in Moonlight Grass. All you have to do is analyze the magic pattern through your own experience and convert it into a spell rune."

After listening to the words of the person in charge, many scholars in the field frowned. This kind of power in the field is obviously a special spell possessed by plant monsters. Many of them have never been in contact with the plant department, let alone researched it.

Of course, there are also many scholars with very calm faces, including Vito and Clyde, two fifth-level mages. They already knew the subject matter before they came, and the plant monsters were the scope of their research.

"Analyzing runes?" Su Wen frowned, stepped back a few steps to give way.

He just heard that if he can make a breakthrough contribution to the experiment, he can become a researcher of this subject-he is still a little moved.

After all, after becoming a subject researcher, he can inherit the current research results of this subject-doesn't this mean that he can bring Moonshine Grass back to the laboratory?
But now that he knew it was analyzing the runes, he could only shake his head helplessly—he had only a half-knowledge about magic power circuits and spell runes, so how could he possibly be able to analyze the runes?

On the research platform, a mage has already arranged a magic circle.

As the research assistant placed the iron cage containing the moonlight grass on the magic circle, and the mage input the magic power into the magic circle, he saw that the magic power circuit in the magic circle was quickly connected, and the spell runes kept shining light!

After the magic circle was activated, strands of magic power quickly poured into Moonlight Grass, making its figure tremble continuously, and the energy on its body gushed out uncontrollably, gradually turning into wonderful magic patterns in midair!
The magic pattern, under the power of the magic circle, the magic pattern in the monster's body is manifested!
Su Wen looked intently, and found that the magic pattern was very abstract, like a topographic map, with various lines outlined and superimposed together, which made him feel dazzled at a glance.

What the mage has to do is to turn this topographic map into a flat map. Those magic circuits are like national railway maps superimposed on each other, and the spell runes are like mountains, rivers, deep valleys, etc.!

"Too complicated."

"How can these scholars analyze the magic circuit and spell runes?"

Su Wen sighed sincerely in his heart. He suddenly had a feeling that maybe it was because it was too complicated that the mage inheritance was cut off in the long river of history. Compared with the beast master system, it is much simpler.

However, the scholars in the field seem to have some formula. Many spell runes may have corresponding symbols to replace them. If this is the case, the deduction may be much easier - just like complex high-level deduction.

When Su Wen was sighing, there were sighs from beside him from time to time. These people were obviously like him, unable to analyze the magic pattern at all.

"It's a pity that it's not the magic pattern of the light system, otherwise I can deduce it." A scholar from the Guangming District sighed.

Seeing this, other scholars also nodded, "There are very few people who study plant monsters, and with such complicated magic patterns, it's no wonder that the shadow zone guild can't research them."

Listening to these words, Su Wen confirmed the guess in his heart again. It seems that different attributes have different formulas, runes and problem-solving ideas, and it is basically impossible for scholars of other attributes to research them.

"Tell me, who will analyze it first, Master Vito or Master Clyde?"

Anyway, it was useless to analyze the magic pattern, and these scholars couldn't help gossiping, guessing the possible winners in the field.

They heard that the shadow zone guild has analyzed some spell runes, and whoever has analyzed more spell runes between the two will eventually hand over this subject to whoever studies it!

"That goes without saying, it must be Master Wei Tuo!"

"You should all know the relationship between the light system and the plant monsters. The light area has a natural advantage!"

Hearing this topic, a mage from the Guangming District immediately jumped out, with a look of victory on his face!
"Hmph, it's still uncertain if the results don't come out! Even if your light area has a closer relationship with plant monsters, Master Clyde has published many research papers on plant monsters!" The mages in the shadow area immediately retorted. .

(End of this chapter)

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