Chapter 28 Su Wen's Filter

In the field, scholars continued to analyze the magic pattern.

Su Wen set his sights on the Moonlight Grass - although he couldn't analyze the magic pattern, it didn't prevent him from observing the Moonlight Grass.

【Name】: Moonlight Grass

[attribute]: light, nature

[Race Level]: Elementary
[Racial Talent]: Photochemical
[Introduction]: The vegetation elf transformed from moonlight can grow rapidly by absorbing moonlight.

Moonlight Grass is the rarest natural beast, even Su Wen had only read about it in books in his previous life.

Therefore, Moonlight Grass is indeed a pet beast with dual attributes of light and nature, but these scholars in the field seem to treat it as a monster of light and grass.

In addition, the recovery move is also a natural move, although it does contain the power of plants - but these scholars in the field regard it as a plant attribute magic pattern to analyze
"They probably can't analyze anything." Su Wen shook his head, looked away from the magic pattern, and checked the situation of the Moonlight Grass.

Judging from the intensity of the moonlight radiating from its body, the current development of this moonshine grass is not good, and the individual is also a circle smaller than that recorded in the illustrated book. It should be used as an experimental product for a long time and consume a lot of potential.

It's a pity - he sighed again, Moonlight Grass is a special beast that can evolve into an elf after being cultivated, and now it can only exist as an experimental product.

Keeping thinking in his mind, he activated the beast-controlling energy, wanting to further check the situation of the Moonlight Grass - this is a kind of application of the beast-controlling energy, which can sense the current physical and mental strength of the pet beast.

But I don't know if Moonlight Grass is urging the recovery move now, or maybe because of the influence of the magic circle, the sensor of the beast's energy is directly separated, and Moonlight Grass's physical condition cannot be checked.

Frowning, he looked away, and subconsciously glanced at the inspired magic pattern.

And at this moment, he was suddenly in a trance, and when he regained consciousness again, the magic lines in his eyes changed quietly!
Originally, the inspired magic pattern was like a complex satellite topographic map.

But his eyes seemed to be equipped with a filter, and the energy fluctuations around the magic pattern suddenly became dim, and a complex but very clear circuit diagram appeared immediately!

And in the clear route map, distorted snake-like runes suddenly appeared one after another, continuously connected by lines, just like stations on a railway map!
"What's going on here?" Su Wen was startled by the sudden change.

He quickly put away the energy of the beast, shook his head and looked at the inspired magic pattern again, and found that it was still a satellite topographic map that he could not understand.

Could it be a hallucination - he calmed down a little, and after hesitating for a while, he used the beast-sensing ability again.

In an instant, the filter was brought on again, and the satellite topographic map that he could not understand suddenly turned into a standard map, with "roads" and "sites" clearly visible! ! !

"It appeared again."

"But why. Could it be that my beast-familiar energy can really react to the magic pattern?"

Su Wen opened his eyes and lowered his head deeply, fearing that others would notice his strangeness - at this time, a huge wave had already set off in his heart.

After reacting, he suddenly came to a conclusion that he couldn't believe. Could it be that those "roads" are magic circuits, and those "sites" are spell runes?
However, hasn't the magic pattern always existed in the body of Warcraft?Why didn't he respond to the magic pattern in the white-tailed fox's body, but reacted to the magic pattern of the moonlight grass
"Wait, the moonlight grass's magic pattern has been activated by the magic circle at this time. Could this be the reason why the beast master's energy will react?"

After careful analysis, he got some possibilities. In addition, he also thought of the ability to strengthen the moves in the moves of the beast master. Since the energy of the beast master can strengthen the moves, why can't it respond to the magic patterns that carry the moves?

According to these mages, the ability to strengthen the moves of the beast-familiar energy acts on the magic pattern, or in other words, it acts on the magic circuit and mana runes in the magic pattern.

After such an analysis, Su Wen was more sure of his guess, and quietly continued to use the energy of the beast to start sensing, and the filtered "standard map" appeared in his mind.

Time flies so fast.

Although two hours have passed, the scholars are still analyzing the magic pattern.

Especially the two fifth-level scholars, Wei Tuo and Clyde, the paper in front of them was already densely packed with formulas and symbols.

Gradually, other scholars who really couldn't count stopped their pens, but the two fifth-level scholars were still analyzing.

It's just that as time passed, the movements of their hands became slower and slower, and in the end they stopped directly, frowning and looking at the inspired magic lines.

Putting down the pens in their hands almost at the same time, Vito and Clyde both breathed out, looked at each other and folded the white paper in their hands—obviously it contained the analysis results of the two of them.

After seeing this scene, the person in charge nodded slightly, signaling to the mage next to him who had taken turns to infuse magic power several times to stop.

As the light of the magic circle disappeared, the activated magic patterns dissipated in the air at the same time, and the moonlight grass, which was freed from the shackles of the magic circle, fell to the ground softly, and fell into a coma at some point.

Apparently, this kind of magic array that forcibly activates the magic pattern is also a very heavy burden for the monster. If the energy in the body is excessively consumed, there is even the danger of immediate death - this scene is also very worrying for Su Wen.

"Okay, now the magic pattern analysis is over."

"Then everyone will publish their analysis results."

"Whoever analyzes the mana runes that can meet the standards of the Scholars Association can become a researcher on this topic."

After hearing the words of the head of the Scholars Guild, the scholars all held their breaths. They had no hope for the researcher who became the subject. They only hoped that their analysis results would be recognized by the Scholars Guild and some research funding would be obtained.

Soon, some research assistants collected the analysis results obtained by the scholars in the field, and all of them were hit on the table of the experimental table. Next, it was time to announce these analysis results.

This is also the most nervous time for everyone. The result has not been announced yet, and it will immediately arouse discussions among scholars in the field.

In particular, scholars from the opposing camps of the light zone and the shadow zone all hope that their camp will win. At that time, they may still have the opportunity to become research assistants to participate in the experiment
(End of this chapter)

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